Don't confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 656 Sigrid’s Letter

A few days later.

It has been rainy and rainy recently in Ikerite, and there is often thunder.

Along with a cold wave, the hottest days of summer pass every year, followed by stable temperatures until autumn.

And today is the day when Lan Qi is about to leave for the Posen Kingdom.

Since it is an evening ticket, there are no classes or any extra work during the day. I just need to check my luggage.

It feels like I just went on a long trip not long ago, and now I'm going to go again.

Lan Qi stood in front of the closet in his room, frowning and muttering to himself.

Thinking about it carefully, the last time he was on a business trip was as a diplomat of the Bolante Empire in the Shadow World, so no wonder he had this feeling of being on the road all the time.

Lan Qi soon felt relieved.

After this trip to Posen Kingdom, he was one step closer to retirement.

If I were to write a memoir about my struggle, this would be the penultimate volume.

Just as he was packing his suitcase, suddenly there was a clear patting sound on the window glass in addition to the sound of rain.

Meow, Lan Qi, there is your letter.

The little black cat in a raincoat opened the window of Lan Qi's bedroom and used telekinesis magic to float a letter to Lan Qi's desk.

Thank you, Boss Cat.

Lan Qi put down the clothes in his hands and walked to the window to take the little black cat.

It seemed to wrap the envelope with magic, keeping it from getting wet at all.

Little things, meow.

The cat boss took off his cat-shaped raincoat, folded it, and placed it on the ground.

A letter was sent to Boss Cat's restaurant and kept at Pranay's counter. Boss Cat went back to his restaurant to read it before leaving today, so he sent it to Lan Qi by the way.

It's just right.

Lan Qi looked out the window at the dim sky and counted the days. If the sea messenger went smoothly, he would probably receive a reply in these days.

Fortunately, the letter arrived before departure.

He walked to the side of the room, turned on the floor lamp, and slowly sat in front of the desk.

On this rainy summer day when it’s hard to tell whether it’s morning or afternoon, the lights make the room brighter.

Lan Qi touched the sealed letter lightly with his fingertips. The surface of the envelope was slightly rough, and its texture seemed to have been baptized by the sea breeze.

He took out a small envelope knife from the desk drawer, inserted the tip of the knife into the seal of the envelope, and gently scratched along the edge like a painter drawing an outline on a canvas, and the envelope was carefully opened.

The letter paper inside was like a precious treasure, waiting to be discovered by him.

Lan Qi smoothly pulled out the letter paper. The paper was thin and slightly fragile. It was an antique letter paper that had been fumigated with incense and had magic that would not be easily destroyed.

He smiled slightly and started browsing.

——Yours sincerely, Mr. Wilford

First of all, it makes me happy to receive your letter.

The talents you recruited for me are quite good. Now when the Tyrant branch in the Protos Empire is worried about hiring people, you sent me a group of well-trained elite high priests. I can only say that the two of us There is indeed a connection.

I'm actually dreaming about you during this period.

Thinking of you every day and night may be a stupid insistence.

But I want to say that it's nice to be able to meet the real me.

I wonder if you will always think back to the dozens of days we spent together in that stretch of Protos Snow Mountain?

No matter how cold it was, I never felt scared.

Even in a dream.

As long as I give you a little time, you will turn winter into a colorful spring, and let the warm and warm sunshine shine on me.

Meow meow, it's a letter from Sid.

Boss Cat was nestled aside, lying on the table and looking at the letter in Lan Qi's hand. Even though he didn't see the signature, he knew who wrote the letter.

It was originally curious about who would send a letter to Lan Qi.

But now that I think about it, Lan Qi did intercept a group of high priests who destroyed the branch in Nanwantina.

At that time, Lan Qi actually treated them as free couriers and asked them to bring a message to Sigrid.

What a luxury.

The handwriting is clearly hers.

Lan Qi rubbed Boss Cat's head without looking away from the letter.

And some more serious business.

Our partner, the leader of the Berenhard family, Duchess Cloris, investigated Duke Morodian's relics and the northern border. As a result, it was found that there were indeed signs of demons appearing, and this group The demons seem to be completely different from Pranay and the others, and now they have withdrawn from the Protos Empire.


Boss Cat looked up at Lan Qi.

At that time...Princess Chloris entrusted me, as the principal of Protos Royal Academy of Magic, to go to the north to investigate. The cause was the panic caused by the influx of mysterious demons in the northern countries. As a result, Morrow was finally found. On top of Duke Tian and Bishop Asksan of Annihilation.”

Lan Qi hesitated and thought about it.

Unexpectedly, after some investigation after settling down in the northern part of the Protos Empire, there were actually signs of demons appearing.

Even Ice Witch Artis is convinced that she had never heard of such a demon clan a hundred years ago, and it is completely different from the demon clan culture she knows.

What makes the Great Sage Isis uneasy is that among these unknown demons, there may be someone more powerful than Duke Morodian. Even I may not be able to win for sure.

There are still no clues as to where they came from and what their purpose was.

But one thing is certain. The more places where demons remain today, the easier it is for them to hide their traces. The Protos Empire and the Kingdom of Estherland are natural penetration places.

Lanci turned over a page.

By the time you receive this letter, I may have almost finished handling the affairs of the Protos Empire.

Probably? I'll be in the Hutton Kingdom in two or three months?

After all, the sea route between the northern and southern continents is so long, and it is still a long journey from the northern coast of the southern continent to the eastern region through the countries to find the Kingdom of Hutton.

If you have finished your work and still have some energy left, could you please, Holy Son, take me to visit the royal capital of Icerita?

No matter what happens, this bishop sincerely wishes you all the best.

Ode to Shi Qi.

Meow, this seems to be an order.

Boss Cat said to Lan Qi.

Although Sigrid's words were very tactful, she obviously did not allow Lanci to refuse.

Indeed, the Bishop doesn't like others to disobey her.

Lan Qi nodded.


As if he felt that there was still content behind the folded pages of the letter, he turned back again.

miss you.

Remember to practice hard and reach the sixth level quickly!

Finally, I drew a cute expression of little West Germany.

Really, this is the ease with which an old actor can express himself.

Lan Qi shook his head and smiled to himself.

I'm an old drama star, right? Be careful about your favorability points, meow.

The little black cat reminded him imitating West Germany's tone.

I really want to end all work as soon as possible and start a leisurely daily life.

Lan Qi carefully folded the letter paper until it was smooth, put it back into the envelope intact, and then opened the first cabinet and put it away.

Meow meow meow, please retire quickly!

shouted the cat boss.

Don't worry, it'll be over soon. Most of the second half of my memoirs will be ordinary everyday stories. There won't be any empty thread in the collection of daily stories.

Lan Qi touched the cat, stood up and went to the closet to pack his luggage again with a smile.

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