Unlimited builds!

Consume all resources!

All built into new units – riflemen!

The system prompts appear continuously.

“Start building riflemen*1, consume resources: food *40, iron *40, wood *20.”


【Ding-dong! F4 modifier starts! Number of riflemen built *2! 】


【Ding-dong! F2 Modifier Launch! Instant construction rifleman complete! 】


【Ding-dong! F3 modifier starts! Return resources food *20, iron *20, wood *10! 】


The barracks stand at the forefront, like a fortress! It has two layers and is made of hard stone rock, pig iron, etc.

In the second floor, iron wraps the mahogany gate, and inside is the inside of the barracks.


With a bang!

The mahogany gate on the second floor of the barracks gradually opened, and the sunlight pierced into the shadows.

Shine on the riflemen!

They were resolute and uniformly tall, strong, armed with semi-automatic rifles, and had bayonets, daggers and other weapons tied to their waist.

‘Step! ’

‘Step! ’

Two riflemen walked out side by side! The posture is standard, you can know at a glance, it is definitely an elite soldier!

As a lord.

Su Wu was able to observe his territory from different angles.

At this moment, he is observing the two riflemen, and at the same time, the perspective of the live broadcast room has also changed with his vision!

“I’m Cao! The anchor sent troops! What kind of class is this? How come I haven’t seen it? Wearing leather armor, how handsome. ”

“It’s a bit like a rifleman, but the weapons, the equipment is significantly better.”

“It’s just that there are fewer of them… Vozh! It’s out again! ”

Inside the barracks, there was a sound of neat footsteps again. The sound of the riflemen wearing leather boots and stepping on the ground was indeed crisp.

Two more riflemen walked out!

After .


‘Step! ’

‘Step! ’

The number of riflemen is still climbing!






Fourteen riflemen, lined up in a neat line, they guarded the walls of the barracks! Sen Han muzzled, aiming at the zombie group in front of him.

The first two riflemen, loaded with bullets, have already shot!

‘Snap! ’

Sen Han’s muzzle spewed red flames, white smoke, bullets spinning, galloping, burrowing into the brain of a zombie, rancid brain pulp, like a bursting watermelon, exploded everywhere.

The whole body became a headless corpse, planted on the ground.

It can be seen that the power of the rifle is above the crossbow tower.

Game tips

“Rifleman (Leeson) kills walker*1! Leeson Experience +2, Lord Experience +1, Iron *3. ”


‘Boom! ’

On the barracks fortress, a large cloud of white smoke once again spewed out, and bullets burst the heads of the zombies.

Game prompts, crazy appearance.

“Riflemen (Special Tigers) kill walkers*1! Special Tiger Experience +2, Lord Experience +1, Food *3. ”


“Riflemen (Zhao Lin) kill walkers*1! Zhao Lin experience +2, lord experience +1, stone *3. ”


“Rifleman (Zhang Ping) kills walker*1! Zhang Ping experience +2, Lord experience +1, iron *3. ”


Su Wu’s lord page, four resource data, soared at a terrifying speed.

The group offensive of the zombie horde has been contained! The zombies at the forefront were hit and shot by crossbow arrows and projectiles.

There was a boil in the live broadcast room!

The number of people online is also rising!

In the barrage

“It’s just brutal, on behalf of the zombies, I issue a strong accusation to the anchor! Open the abuse of cute little zombies! ”

“Who the hell is the villain… The anchor is also 6 no! A level 1 village is actually so hanging!! ”

“I bet five cents! This wave of zombie swarms will definitely be annihilated in the end! ”

“Wumao? I’ll add another pack of spicy strips, and the anchor will definitely not dare to hit the haunted house in front. ”


The more shocked the audience in the live broadcast room was shocked by Su Wu’s modifier, the number of reputation points generated would also increase.

System prompt

“Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host, gain reputation +0.4! ”

“Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host, gain reputation +1.2! ”


“Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host, gain reputation +0.84! ”

“Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host, gain reputation +0.65! ”


【Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host! Gain 30 reputation points and open the defensive building “Fortress”! 】


The prompt of the three thousand modifier system was too sudden, Su Wu was stunned, this is also too fast, right?

The battery belongs to the more advanced units.

Only when it belongs to the peak of the village level can it have technology, and even a powerful unit that can only be owned at the town level.

Su Wu’s current village is level 1! But it already has such a sky-defying unit!

The most perverted point!

The products in the system, any unit, do not need to worry about replenishment.

Shells, barrel consumption, maintenance, etc., are not needed at all, just fire the gun with all your might.

This surprise came too suddenly, and Su Wu immediately opened the building page and selected the defense unit.


In addition to the two units of “Wall” and “Crossbow Tower”, there is an additional battery icon unit, a dark barrel, very thick, Su Wu visually inspected, the caliber should be 30-50 mm.

“Sure enough!”

Su Wu didn’t realize that the audience in the live broadcast room had been stunned by him!

“This one is… Fort! I’ll go for it! The old wall-hanging anchor is open again!! ”

“Anchor! Quick, two shots!! ”

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