Doomsday Bosses Win the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 1098: "Rain in the Day: A Tragic Revenge" (Part 2)

Written at the beginning: This chapter is dangerous, take a quick look.


Before I officially enter the topic, I have a personal experience that I want to share.

Unfortunately, Fang Muquan himself has also encountered school bullying.

When my grandfather was still alive, he had his own "land boundary" in the compound in the countryside, which was both a flower garden and a vegetable garden. I like that small world, so I go back to my hometown to learn watering, fertilizing, and eliminating pests and diseases with my grandfather every year and festival.

Unfortunately, my skin is not fair and I am not exposed to the sun, so every time I come back from my grandparents' house, I look like a black mud monkey, and I have been laughed and scolded by my parents many times. At that time, I was still young, and I only cared about having fun, and never took it to my heart.

Until I went to junior high school.

I clearly remember that a boy in the class took the lead in pushing me out for no reason. When I spoke, he would yell and retell the words in his crappy local accent; where I walked and touched, he immediately wiped them with a mop and paper towels, or put his hands in front of his nose and slapped them vigorously, with a disgusted expression on his face. .

So within two weeks of the start of school, I was forced to become a "dirty bumpkin" in the eyes of my classmates. Everyone avoided me if they could, as if getting too close to me would cause them to be smelly and rustic. I also gradually became very afraid of approaching others, afraid to meet anyone's eyes, for fear of seeing dodge and disgust in their eyes.

It’s funny to say, I really thought that I was too dark and dirty, so I would be hated by everyone, so I never dared to take off my school uniform jacket at school, even in summer I wore long sleeves, and I didn’t dare to show my arms, worrying about getting dirty their eyes. At the same time, I also developed a habit of cleaning the day after tomorrow, brushing my teeth frequently until bleeding, and taking a bath frantically until my mother scolded me for wasting water.

Later, I didn't even want to go back to my hometown to visit my grandparents. When I went back and was taken to the yard with a smile by my grandfather occasionally, I would find excuses not to bask in the sun, and would rather stay in the room and do the questions.

My grandfather didn't know anything about my concern and awkwardness. He only thought that his grandson changed his **** after going to school, loved learning more, and lost interest in these things. He regretted and was pleased about it. I am very guilty, I really like to take care of his flowers and plants with my grandfather, and tinker with those vegetables and potatoes, but out of self-esteem and various reasons, I still feel guilty and sad, while turning a blind eye to my grandfather's lonely expression after his invitation was rejected.

I ostracized going out, ostracized my grandfather, just to prevent that boy and other classmates from excluding me in school.

In this way, I bored myself at home for a summer vacation, looked at the skin, smelled the smell, and felt less "dirty" than before, and it was much harder to gain the confidence to integrate into the group. But soon I found that whether I was dirty or not had nothing to do with that boy bullying me. No matter what I was, he was still keen to make trouble for me.

Papers were graffitied, textbooks and homework books were inexplicably lost, and they were "owed" for some reason, and so on. It's all trivial, and if you tell the teacher, you won't be taken care of. If you mention it to the parents, the parents don't think there is any need to care about it.

In the end, I lived every day in fear. To what extent did I dare to leave my seat, because once I left, the pencil case might be gone, including after school. In the chest of the desk, even if the fortress of the schoolbag burst, I insisted on carrying it all away, and then I was scolded by my parents when I went home, "Why is this kid so solid-minded, so stupid" (laughs).

It’s not that I have resisted before, but it is useless. I will be blocked in the corner of the class or in the toilet, surrounded by a group of people and kicked. I can only see many feet and legs in my field of vision, and all I feel is pain.

I also tried to ask my parents if I could transfer to another school, but there was only one key junior high school in the small county. My parents felt that it was not beneficial to transfer, and they didn't understand why they had to transfer. Even though I mentioned that I was bullied in the class, the parents still thought it was just a joke among the children, and it was fine anyway. The situation remains unchanged.

So slowly, I got used to it. Later, when I found out that the homework was gone, my first reaction was that I found it quite early, and there was still time to make it up.

What impressed me deeply was that in the second half of the second semester of junior high school, the teacher of another class was transferred. The class she was in charge of was split into two halves, one half was merged with the next class, and the other half was merged with our class into one. A lot of new students came to the class, two of them, I talked to them, and had a good time in the first few days.

The good times didn’t last long, and it didn’t take long for them to realize that the general direction of the class was to bully me, so A among them also bullied me with that boy, B didn’t do that, but he didn’t stand by me either, he just stayed away silently Forget me, as if you don't know me at all, every time you pretend you haven't seen me.

In retrospect, my mental state was very poor during those three years in junior high school. I don't want to go to school, I feel anxious when school starts, I can't sleep well, I dare not raise my head when I walk, and I often think that I will jump off the building, and I will be relieved if I jump off the building, or I plan to take the kitchen knife at home to school, in front of me. In front of the whole class, hack the boy and his followers to death one by one, to see who else dares to bully me.

But every time I want to put it into practice, I can't help thinking that if I really do this, my parents will be in such trouble, so I shrink back from the idea that just came up, and continue to go to school with fear.

It wasn't until I survived these three years, graduated from junior high school, and passed the high school entrance examination with passable grades, that I finally got rid of those people who bullied me.

However, my mental state has not improved. Looking back now, I had an extraordinary possessive desire for my own possessions at that time, and my mood swings were also very large, even if it was just a little thing, I would be extremely stressed.

I remember that during a class break in the first year of high school, the front seat was anxious to fill out a form, so I said hello and took my pen to use it temporarily. As a result, my reaction was very violent. Not only did I start to shiver, but I also yelled at her. According to her, my eyes were about to pop out, and they were bloodshot, as if I wanted to eat people.

I know I'm not normal, but I really can't control it. At that time, I would feel that if you moved my things casually, you didn't take me seriously, you just looked down on me and treated me like a mud dog, the kind that could kick anyone who walked by.

Including at home, when my mother changed my notebook, pencil case, etc., I would feel that my own things had been violated, and my heart was blocked and I couldn't breathe.

Even a few years later, when I was admitted to university, I thought I was pretty much better, but when I joined the Go club and played chess with my classmates, I was white and he was black. The moment he took the eaten white chess off the board, I Immediately, my heart beat wildly, my stomach twitched, and I felt a sense of fear from the bottom of my heart, and I felt that my internal organs were tightening.

I can't remember how long it took me to finally come out of those three years of psychological shadow and become an emotionally normal adult, and I can't remember how many methods I tried in the process, meditation, covering Therapy, Counseling...

Even so, when I see related entries and news about school violence, I still recall the past, and inevitably think about that boy, whether he will realize his mistake, whether he will I feel guilty, I'm sorry, and I won't do it again with a longer memory.

Although, it's a little funny that after I graduated from college, I went back to my original junior high school to give a lecture, and at that time I actually met the boy who took the lead in bullying me in school. At that time, we were separated by seven or eight meters, and we were not face to face. I recognized him immediately, and then, like an animal that had been shot, I began to tremble reflexively, and my heart beat every now and then, almost immediately. He froze in place and did not dare to move.

In the end, he acted as if nothing had happened. When he saw me, he came over to greet me with a smile. He looked like a good brother, as if those days that were worse than death only existed in my memory and were imagined by me. .

I found it ridiculous at first, and then it was funny. Later, I participated in several junior high school reunions, without exception, whether it was the boy or the people who bullied me with him, they didn't remember what they did to me back then.

I am the only one who keeps everything in mind, and only I have been affected by psychological trauma for so long.

I'm sorry, everyone came here to read the film reviews, but you listened to me forcefully finish such a personal experience.

Before writing this article, I seriously considered whether to "make use of the topic" and call on everyone to pay attention to school violence and resist school violence. But as I write, I feel that these extra divergent and dry slogans may not be as real as me personally dictating a memory.

The above are real events that happened to me, and they are trivial examples of countless school bullying incidents.

From the perspective of the victim/bullied, I will share with you the hurt and feelings I have suffered. I will not stamp the conclusion here on right or wrong, and leave it to everyone to think for themselves.

I want to say that this is school violence.

Those fists that did not fall to the "real point" and did not hit the flesh are also school violence.

The occurrence of campus bullying cannot be attributed to a single person. In fact, apart from the bullies, the absence and indifference of the parents and the school, the conformity, onlookers, and silent majority among the students are the result of the confluence and mixing of many small malices.

I don't know how many people like me have suffered school violence, UU Reading have suffered or are suffering unimaginable mental trauma. I can only say that school violence and domestic violence have a long-lasting and far-reaching impact on young people who are still immature and growing up, and can even affect their entire lives.

— So, back to Rain in the Day.

The "protagonist" in this film is also the "villain" Mo Sen. He embarked on a life similar to mine in the first half and completely different from me in the second half.

When I looked at him, I seemed to be able to see myself in a teenager whose mental state was in jeopardy due to school violence, on the verge of collapse, and finally gave up forbearance completely and picked up a kitchen knife instead.

To describe it in a fashionable word, it is the if line.

Mawson is like me, like the if line for other students who have suffered from school bullying.

We either suffer cowardly and live out this life in a great shadow, or we live through it and spend the rest of our lives healing ourselves.

And Mawson, he is different from us.

He stood at a fork in the road of fate and chose revenge.

"Day Rain" is a tragic revenge of a teenager against campus bullying, adolescent growth, and the entire society.

3200+, I feel like this chapter is gone, not sure, look again.

(end of this chapter)

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