Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 283: How to get to the city

While Ding Ning was worried about Chen Xin and them, Chen Xin, Qin Lan and Mo Qingyan were also worried about Ding Ning who was in the city.

The blizzard that has been going on for several days shows no sign that it is about to subside. The door of the refuge is about to be buried by snow. In this case, even if the snow stops and Chen Xin is going to go out, I am afraid they will have to dig a big pit at the door. Just work.

In fact, not only the gate, but even the observation port of the observation room was mostly covered with snow, and it was covered with frost.

In this situation, even if Han Ping suggested several times to let him go out in protective clothing to at least clean the snow outside the observation port, Chen Xin did not agree.

After all, with such deep snow and such cold weather, even if Han Ping has protective clothing, going out is very dangerous.

It's just that the more so, the more worried Chen Xin and others about the urban situation.

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This is even the case here. Are all the refuges in the city buried in snow?

However, thinking of the underground roads connecting the various shelters that I have seen before, Chen Xin is not worried that those shelters will be completely buried by snow and cut off inside and outside and trapped all the people inside. After all, after the underground transportation network is opened up, the supply of materials and combustion There is still no problem with coal transportation.

What really worries Chen Xin is whether the refuge in the urban area can cope with this kind of extreme weather, which was rare in the Arctic and Arctic even before the disaster.

Chen Xin doesn't think people can withstand this kind of weather where water can drip into ice indoors without enough heating.

"Axin, do you think there is any danger in Aning? She lives with Qing Yan alone, I am worried that she will not be able to hold it." Qin Lan watched Chen Xin busy in front of the workbench, although she couldn't bear to disturb Chen Xin Work, but still expressed his concerns to him.

Hearing Qin Lan’s words, Chen Xin raised his head to look at her, put down his work, and nodded: "Xiao Ding is indeed a bit dangerous. Although Long Niang has installed a ground source heat pump for her, she should not worry about heating, but The heat efficiency of a ground-source heat pump is limited. In this kind of weather, I am afraid that her indoor temperature can reach minus 20 degrees, which is already a good measure to keep warm."

Chen Xin's words are not exaggerated. The outdoor temperature is more than minus 70 degrees, the indoor temperature is more than minus 20 degrees, and the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures of more than 50 degrees is sufficient to prove the heating effect of the ground source heat pump.

After all, before the disaster, under normal circumstances, the outdoor temperature could reach minus 20 or 30 degrees. It was already very cold. Even in the northeast of Yan Country with heating, the difference between indoor and outdoor temperature was only 40 to 50 degrees.

But now the outdoor temperature is more than 70 degrees below zero, and a temperature rise of 50 degrees can't bring the indoor temperature back to zero. It must have a temperature rise of at least 70 or 80 degrees to achieve it.

But for general heating equipment, they are not designed for heating in such extreme environments, and to achieve such an effect, there are requirements for the cold-proof and warm-keeping effect of the building itself.

"Then what can we do to help her? And the situation in the urban area may not be optimistic. I think we should do something." Qin Lan knows that what she said is a bit too much. Under this situation, Chen Xin can take care of herself. Fortunately, it is a very rare thing, how can he have the energy to take care of others?

Thinking of this, Qin Lan hurriedly added: "I'm just saying that, Axin, don't force it."

After speaking, Qin Lan felt that she was a little hypocritical again, and she didn't know how to explain it, and she froze.

Chen Xin didn't think there was anything wrong with Qin Lan's words. Helping others when he was able, or doing something that would make more people live better, was actually a kind of self-improvement.

Qin Lan said that she felt that she should do something. This was determined by her own profession. As a policeman, it would be strange if she didn't want to do anything she could do in this situation.

Even if she is no longer an active police officer, this will still not change.

So Chen Xin just smiled at her and explained to her: "I also want to do something, but the problem is that under the current situation, unless I can build a "ice age" that can heat the entire city. Giant energy tower, otherwise it would be difficult to change the situation."

"..." Qin Lan lowered her head in a sense of loss, knowing that this kind of thing was impossible even if she thought about it.

But Chen Xin is obviously not a joke about this kind of thing. After all, he has a system. Even if he really wants to build an energy tower, it doesn't mean that he can't build it. It's just that there are too many things to do that can't be done in a short time. .

Chen Xin actually has another plan.

"So I plan to go to the city to see if there is anything I can help." Chen Xin told Qin Lan his thoughts.

"Go downtown? But with such a big snowstorm outside, how do you get to the downtown area? Even if your car can drive to the downtown area, you can't get out now!" Of course Qin Lan knew that the door of the refuge had been buried by the snowstorm. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for her to imagine how Chen Xin would go to the city.

"Before the snow stopped, the car would definitely not be able to drive out, but I didn't say that people couldn't get out." Of course, Chen Xin knew that his car would not be able to drive out in this kind of weather. After all, the snowstorm outside was so severe, his car Although the car is heavy enough not to be blown, it is also very difficult to drive to the city.

Qin Lan had some thoughts when she heard what Chen Xin said, so she asked Chen Xin tentatively: "You mean the exoskeleton protective suit you made? If you wear that, you can really try to go to the city, but this is also Is it still too dangerous?"

"The protective ability of exoskeleton protective clothing is limited, and it is too reluctant to resist this blizzard. Although low temperature is no problem, the strong wind of level 12 cannot be resisted by a set of cloth protective clothing." Chen Xin shook his head and took it. On the table, what I was working on just passed to Qin Lan's hand: "Remember the power armor I told you about?"

Qin Lan took what Chen Xin handed over. It was a metal glove similar to her red power glove.

Looking at this metal glove, Qin Lan immediately understood and asked Chen Xin in surprise: "Are you planning to make power armor, and then go to the city in power armor?"

"Well, I have solved the energy problem. The small isotope thermoelectric battery is enough to support the energy consumption of a set of power armor. The sturdy metal shell can also withstand the wind. The heavy enough weight can completely ensure that I will not be blown away. With such a set of equipment, I am sure to go to the city," Chen Xin said confidently.

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