Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 536: artificial intelligence

Such things as robots are really not a new thing, even a long time ago, quite complete settings and ideas have been formed.

Using a machine to create an individual similar to a human being used to replace human work and labor, thereby liberating humans from work, this should be regarded as the earliest idea of ​​robots.

However, it is easy to use machines to create an individual similar to humans, even in the era of the first industrial revolution, humans have such capabilities.

It is something that mankind has not been able to handle from the first industrial revolution until now to make this created thing move, and have intelligence to replace human work.

Although modern technology has allowed large robots to gradually replace humans, the humanoid high-intelligence robots originally envisioned by humans have never been born.

Even human scripts and robot logic guidelines on robot rebellion have been written, and true artificial intelligence is still a shadowless thing.

There is still a big difference between artificial intelligence and smart programs. Smart programs only look smart. The program itself is still written by the programmer with enough judgment conditions, so that the program can give pre-written results based on the conditions.

To give a simple example, write "1" in the program, and the output result is "Hello"; input "2" and the output result is "I am very happy to serve you". This is a fairly basic program.

On this basis, as long as you continue to improve, and constantly fill in the input conditions and output results, you can finally get an intelligent program that looks no different from a real person.

But the program itself is still just a program, it can't think, and it doesn't have the ability to learn independently. Everything is a pre-written program.

But artificial intelligence is different. It can learn, think, and even improve itself.

The most important of these is learning and thinking. After all, the essence of the program is passive response, while artificial intelligence needs to be active.

A true artificial intelligence can learn and imitate, collect information and continuously improve itself. Even if there are no pre-written input conditions and output results in the program, it can also complete the input and output program construction by itself based on the information obtained. "The results are given based on conditions.

But now, these researchers have an artificial intelligence that can learn independently, and install it on a robot, so that it learns to sweep the floor.

This is undoubtedly a huge breakthrough, and it also makes these researchers want to go further and develop a truly intelligent robot, not just a machine that runs according to a set program.

Chen Xin naturally supported the ideas of these researchers, but at the same time he also warned these researchers not to overplay and break through the lowest-level restrictions.

After all, artificial intelligence is indeed dangerous in terms of danger.

When Chen Xin made the mechanical hound, he only installed a weak artificial intelligence on it, not a strong artificial intelligence, just for safety.

The so-called weak artificial intelligence is just as intelligent as a human, that is, its essence is still just a program. All the behavioral processes of learning and imitating are still just the process set by the program. It can think, but it is only the logical judgment of the program. There is no self-awareness, no thought.

But strong artificial intelligence is different. It has self, perception and consciousness, can clearly recognize itself, and think about the meaning of its own existence. It is essentially closer to humans, or simply another life with a soul.

Weak artificial intelligence does not matter, as long as the underlying logic is still there and has not been bypassed, the logic of the program can be locked.

For example, it cannot harm humans. As long as the underlying logic is written, the program cannot cause harm to humans.

Of course, to achieve this, more detailed and flawless logic settings are needed, but as long as the settings are sufficiently complete, the program cannot break through and bypass, and can only be executed obediently in accordance with this program.

But strong artificial intelligence is different, it can bypass these things.

To cite the simplest example, a person, even if you tell him not to harm humans, he can break through this cognition.

This is the difference between humans and machines, and strong artificial intelligence, you can think of it as a person.

Researchers naturally understand this. Their goal is to create robots that can replace humans, not to create a new silicon-based race, so after Chen Xin reminded them with a warning, these researchers also patted their chests. Assure him that there will be no chaos.

Chen Xin still believes in this, and he is also very supportive of the fact that researchers want to create robots to replace humans.

At least, with intelligent robots replacing humans, the country’s current construction progress will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

After all, everyone knows that the most critical thing for development and construction is resources and labor, and resources can be obtained through labor.

As long as they have the technology to make robots, they can mine resources, and then make more robots, so back and forth, creating more robots to replace humans.

Robots don't need rest like humans. All they need is simple maintenance to allow them to work uninterrupted. This is undoubtedly much better than humans in terms of efficiency.

In the current cold environment, robots can replace humans to work, and they can also liberate humans from the dangerous working environment.

After all, even if you have protective clothing that can withstand the cold, working in an outdoor environment of tens of degrees below zero is still a very dangerous thing. Let the robot to work even if it encounters danger, the loss is also It's just a machine, and in the case of humans, the risk of a dangerous loss may be a human life.

So of course, Chen Xin must strongly support this idea of ​​the researchers.

And he himself had a new idea because the researchers had such an idea.

Since it is possible to install artificial intelligence on the robot and let the robot do the work, can artificial intelligence be installed on the Titan and let the Titan do the work?

In essence, there is no difference between the two. The Titans are also a robot, but the robot is bigger and can do more work.

And to achieve this is not difficult, even simpler than letting robots have intelligence.

Because the Titan itself is equipped with a computer and has strong computing capabilities, in essence, you only need to replace the operating system originally designed for the driver with artificial intelligence to make the Titan move on its own.

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