Doomsday Hunter

Chapter 71: : sea island

The scouring of the water flow makes people feel at a loss. But everyone is a spiritual person, and they will not be shot to death directly, but at most drowned.

Li Le hugged Lin Yin, put the air squeezed out of his lungs into her body mouth to mouth, then held her with one hand, and grabbed Sun Ling who happened to be floating beside him. Struggling to go upstream.

After reaching out of the water, Lin Yin grabbed Li Le and took a deep breath, and spit out the salty water that entered his mouth in a panic: "Ha, ha—"

Sun Ling was much calmer than her, and after taking two breaths, she floated on the water by herself.

"Damn." Li Le looked around: "Where the **** is this?"

The lollipop he hadn't finished drifting away. In order to blow Lin Yin's breath, she must spit out the sugar. Luckily, it's almost eaten.

Lin Yin continued to hold Li Le's arm and refused to let go.

"Can you hold it somewhere else?" Li Le wrapped her hand around her back: "Grab the torso, didn't the elementary school teacher teach you what to do when you are drowning?"

"Look at the direction of the sun, the ground is over there." In contrast, Sun Ling was much more reliable than Lin Yin. Not only can you swim by yourself, but you can also tell the direction in this situation. It's not like this **** egg, I don't dare to speak now.

Indeed, Li Le did not expect that Lin Yin, who grew up by the sea, was actually a landslide. Let her learn to swim when she has time. This skill is very important in the end times.

I haven't seen anyone else for a while, most of them were washed away by the water. Lin Yin and Sun Ling were closest to him at the time, and they were rescued easily.

"!" Lin Yin suddenly pointed to the front and shouted, "Whirlpool!"

"Fuck." Li Le looked at Lin Yin: "What the **** is your luck used for? Hurry up to me!"

Although Boss Li's swimming speed cannot reach the escape speed of the whirlpool. But he could barely protect the two girls beside him from letting them drift away.

The waves are rolling, and they can only go with the flow.

I don't know how long it took, Li Le brought Sun Ling and Lin Yin, who were soaked and drowning in a coma, ashore.

According to the first aid procedure, buckle the throat, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and give artificial respiration. Lin Yin's lips were very salty, but Li Le, whose mouth was full of sea water, couldn't taste it. So is Sun Ling.

The vitality of the spiritual people is still tenacious, and they all survived successfully.

Sun Ling came up when Li Le gave her artificial respiration, the two looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while. She didn't misunderstand, but calmly spit out the sea water: "cough, cough, it's alright, I'm awake."

As for Lin Yin, although her breathing and heartbeat were normal, she didn't wake up until Li Le raised the fire.

"Where's my clothes!" Lin Yin was startled, and then found that three summer tops were spread out on the stones by the fire, and she only had underwear and golden armor that made people feel like she was wearing nothing.

The island should have been a mountain before. You can see the inscription of Jieshi Mountain standing next to the pavilion not far away. Li Le used the beauty knife to cut some branches as firewood.

Should this be fined before the end of the world?

In fact, there was a translucent lost person over the pavilion who had been pointing at Li Le. Looking at the red armband on her shoulder, it should be the original scenic spot administrator.

Lin Yin leaned on Li Le weakly, looking very weak: "What should we do now?"

"Two ways." Li Le said: "1. Let's wait together. Miss Sun will soon send someone to look for us at the base. I just need to keep broadcasting with my mental power. There is a convenience store on the mountain. There is enough food for us to survive for a month or two."

"2, I swam back to find rescuers."

Sun Ling shook his head: "The second method is too risky. And no matter how much you can swim, the danger level of this journey is too high."

As the sea was dried by the bonfire, Li Le swept away the salt stains on the surface of the skin. "This is indeed a challenge. If possible, I recommend finding a place to rest on the mountain, and then build a raft with wood and rope."

This is the third way, Li Le just thought of it. Although this might eventually turn into a wave, he took the two girls to find a place where they could barely stay to squat again, or they both drowned, and Li Le escaped with a beauty knife.

Jieshi Mountain is still high, and there is no danger of being submerged in a short time.

"There was a problem with the whirlpool before. All three methods are very risky until we figure it out." Li Le got up, picked up the clothes dried by the campfire, and put them on his body: "It's getting dark, we have to find someone who can Rest in a sheltered place."

None of the three of them lost their bags, and the food and drinking water inside were all complete. There are even temporary tents and compressed sleeping bags in Sun Ling's bag, but at least half of the things can't be used after being soaked in blisters.

Li Le is very familiar with the matter of survival.

The pavilion next to it is occupied by the lost who will be resurrected indefinitely, but there are many other buildings on the mountain. The natural lake on the top of the mountain is even more stagnant after a month of heavy rain. There is no need to worry about drinking water. You can even take a bath or something.

"The water after it rains is turbid, so it is more reliable to boil it after filtering. It is not recommended to take a bath, just rinse it." Li Le shrugged: "We can process the pavilion by the lake and make do with it tonight. pass."

There are many mosquitoes on the mountain, but the smoke and mental power of the bonfire can only hum in the distance of the blood.

Li Le fished two fish from the lake, and put an aluminum pot on the bonfire, intending to finish the dinner with the compressed biscuits that had not soaked through his body.

He even picked up two cans of Coke at the convenience store in the scenic spot.

Lin Yin sneezed and grabbed her short sleeves: "It's still a little cold when the wind blows. Speaking of Li Le, I feel like it's going to rain."

"At least there will be clouds." Li Le added a small bag of individually packaged salt to the pot: "Tomorrow will definitely be cloudy."

In the lake, a whirlpool slowly appeared without Li Le and others' mental powers being detected. Like a white hole spewing all matter, it sprayed a large amount of sewage into the lake.

Then came dozens of bronze cancer crabs. And a "mermaid" sitting on the back of an oversized hermit crab.

Songs that cannot be described in words fluctuate on the surface of the lake and spread far into the distance.

A shot rang out at the gazebo.

Li Le attacked first, the **** bullet pierced the night sky under the rain cloud, but was torn apart by the vibrating air in front of the mermaid.

If one shot fails, one more shot.

The mermaid holds a bone-framed harp in her hand, and she sings and accompanies herself. Li Le's bullets could only stay a few meters outside the hermit crab, and couldn't go any further.

Lin Yin's mental power began to knock on the singing barrier. Sun Ling drew his gun and shot next to Li Le.

The guns of the two are soul weapons, so they can continue to shoot after being immersed in water for a long time, and they don't need to worry about bullets.

"Fuck, this sound really gives me a headache." Li Le covered his head, he felt very uncomfortable, and Sun Ling and Lin Yin next to him even threw up the dinner they had just eaten.

The mermaid was very satisfied with this, and when the playing hand was raised, the bronze cancer crabs came forward neatly.

PS third more for collection

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