“Fire the cannon!”

Boom! Boom!

On this day, an area of Unkai City was bombarded by tanks.

After nearly ten minutes of bombing, the area near the supermarket chain was in ruins.

“I don’t know if I’m dead.”

The Scarface woman jumped off the tank.

A pair of sharp eyes stared at the ruins in front of him.

Under the intensive bombardment of tanks, it is impossible for any creatures inside to survive.

However, the sound of the bombardment also caused zombies from other regions to rush to this place.

“Little ones! Give me a good look in the ruins! Look at the bastard who killed Captain Liu Ke, not under this ruin! ”


Under the command of the Scar Woman, dozens of people began to search under the rubble.

Soon, a group of men dragged out a dozen bodies from the rubble.

They are all members of Liu Ke’s team.

Two hours later, the results of the search were clear.

In total, they removed fourteen corpses and a white bone, and also found the remains of six zombies, one of which had been cut into pieces of flesh.

When they were moving, they also spit out lunch directly because of this.


Xia Li’s eyes scanned a circle of corpses on the ground and continued, “Burn their corpses to the ground, and then send someone to Yunhai City to find the whereabouts of those two people!” I went to see Wang Zhengsheng’s goods. ”


A group of people began to act in an organized manner, and Xia Li rushed to the building where Wang Zhengsheng was located with a few people.

Entering the building where Wang Zhengsheng was located, Xia Li sank her face.

As the base of the organizers of Yunhai City, this place is completely unrecognizable.

Like hell on earth, corpses are piled up everywhere.

Moreover, the iron fences used to ward off zombies are now full of zombies.

It was hard for her to imagine what was happening here and why this number of zombies was attacking Wang Zhengsheng’s base.

“Captain Xia Li, we have found Wang Zhengsheng’s body!”

Hearing the call of her own men, Xia Li immediately rushed over.

When she felt the scene, Wang Zhengsheng, who saw a huge wound torn from his neck, couldn’t help but frown.

Zheng Sheng, the evil king, was the boss of the Yunhai City Organization, and as a result, he died at the hands of the zombies, which made her a little unhappy.

“Even Wang Zhengsheng is dead, I’m afraid there are few living people in this Yunhai City.”

Xia Li looked down from the tall building, and it was difficult to find any trace of the living in Yunhai City, which had become a ruin.

“Captain Charlie, I suggest another trip to the Yunhai Building, and you can hear from the wiretaps that when Liu Ke rushed to the building, the crusade above the red was over.”

One suggested it to Charlie.

Xia Li nodded and said to the two people next to her, “You two follow me, and the others take defensive measures and wait for us to return!” ”


Xia Li took the two of them and rushed to the Yunhai Building.

By the time they arrived at the Cloud Sea Building, it was already dark.

In the absence of light, they could only feel the darkness and continue to advance towards the upper floor of the Cloud Sea Building.

Their only lighting tools were two flashlights, which were crucial in a dark mansion.

“The corpse here….”

They came to the twenty floors or so, but found several bodies that had been killed by a deadly body.

“Didn’t they die at the hands of zombies, but humans?”

Xia Li frowned and continued, “Going up, I want to see what really happens in this Yunhai City!” ”

Several people continued to grope upwards, occasionally throwing out a few zombies, but in an instant, they were solved by this scarred woman.

Her strength is definitely not under Chen Qing!

At about twelve o’clock in the middle of the night, they finally arrived at the seventy-second floor!

And when they saw the tragic situation on the seventy-second floor, a touch of fear suddenly appeared in their hearts.

What the hell is going on here?

There are corpses everywhere!

Whether it was zombies or humans, they all fell to the ground.

The blood stained the yellowed floor red, and the corpse of a few days ago had already appeared to be decaying and smelling foul.

“Is this all done on top of red?” One asked, his tone full of fear.

“How do I know? However, it is most likely that it is human beings. ”

Xia Li saw Chen Qing’s body.

The fracture in his neck was so smooth that he had apparently been slashed in the head with a knife.

But Xia Li didn’t understand that a character as powerful as Chen Qing would be hacked to death by whom?

“What the hell was going on at that time? This crusade above the red, I felt something was wrong. Xia Li said with a calm face.

Just then, the radio around her waist heard the voice of her men.

“Captain Charlie! We found traces of the living in the villa area! Most likely, it was the group that killed Liu Ke! ”


Xia Li was overjoyed and quickly replied, “You hurry back, I will send ….”


“Help! Help me! ”


Suddenly, there were screams from the other end of the radio and a deafening explosion.

Xia Li was shocked, could it be that the other party also had large-scale thermal weapons?

“Captain Charlie, what should we do?”

“Tomorrow! Tomorrow we will drive the tanks over and blow each other to pieces! ”


Just after dawn, Lin Yun heard the rumbling sound of tanks and cars coming into his ears.

He walked to the balcony.

Only to see that Charlie’s tank car had been parked a kilometer in front of his villa.

Seeing a man walk out of the villa, the corners of Charlie’s mouth cocked slightly.

Loudly asked, “You were the one who killed me yesterday?” ”

Lin Yun touched his nose and responded, “You are talking about those little mice that broke in?” That’s what I killed. ”

“Good boy! Even my people dare to kill! Do you believe that I blew up your house to heaven? ”

Charlie said, kicking the barrel of the tank next to her.

Lin Yun sneered, “Can you do it?” ”

“stinky boy! Look down on us! ”

“We still have thirty shells!” Lao Tzu blew you up. ”

“Captain Charlie hurry up and give orders!” Let’s blow this stinky boy to death! ”

Xia Li’s men were already eager to blow up Lin Yun’s villa.

As the commander, Xia Li couldn’t bear it anymore and shouted at the people around her: “Little ones! Flat me here! ”


They excitedly aimed the barrels of the four tanks at Lin Yun’s villa.

Just listen to one sound!

“Fire the cannon!”

Bang Bang Bang!

Several shells flew towards Lin Yun’s villa.

It’s about to be leveled off!

However, just when everyone on Charlie’s side thought that the villa would be destroyed, a white barrier appeared in an instant, blocking all the shells outside the wall!

The bomb that was fired finally blossomed in mid-air!

This scene immediately made the people present show a touch of surprise.

Looking at his companions, he looked at each other and asked, “That white light just now… What the hell??! ”

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