Chapter 103 Don’t dream, hundreds of people are waiting, and you can’t get your turn in line

Touched the wound, Jasmine looked dazed, what is the situation, this is good? What about the recovery period? I accepted you with a bullet empty-handed, but what about the recovery period? Skipped it directly? Can the powers do whatever they want?

Feeling that the big hoof was no different from usual, Jasmine glanced at Zhao Yanyan and was silent in her heart.

Sorry, but you can really do whatever you want!


“Do you still need to go back and get something?” Lin Youyou had not yet reached the point of being unkind, looked at Zhou Xiuyan and the others, and asked.

Zhou Xiuyan was still a little in a trance, what she saw in just ten minutes shocked her three views, she saw the other side of the world!

Hearing Lin Youyou’s question, Zhou Xiuyan subconsciously said in awe: “There are some clothes and the like, can we go and get them?” ”

Unconsciously, Zhou Xiuyan put away her arrogance, she had already confessed her fate, Lin Youyou’s strength and the inhuman horror of the women in front of her polished her edges, and she subconsciously lowered her position.

This is the awe that comes with great strength!


Lin Youyou nodded, the team opened, more than a hundred female warriors in front, the Tang knife in the hand waved, there was no fancy, the knife was straight to the neck, if you want to become stronger faster, if you want to stand out, you have to kill faster than others!

The result of fancy is that you kill one, others have already killed two, and even a third zombie!

This time, Li Fengjiao and the others did not make a move, but guarded Zhou Xiuyan and the others to prevent a zombie from suddenly popping out of nowhere, disturbing Lin Youyou, or hurting these women.

Jasmine was the closest to Li Fengjiao, looking at these cold-looking women, she was very curious in her heart, why can the other party be so powerful?

Looking at Xu Yan and Zhu Fangfang next to her, Jasmine still felt that Li Fengjiao was better to speak.

“Hello, my name is Jasmine.”

Li Fengjiao frowned and nodded, “Li Fengjiao.” ”

Li Fengjiao recognized Jasmine, a woman who can be treated by Lin Youyou, so far there are only two, one Prince Wen, the other is Jasmine next to her, if nothing else, these two women will be focused on cultivation, and even have a high chance of entering the core layer.

Li Fengjiao is from here, she can see that Jasmine is not broken, beautiful, handsome, the key is that the figure is also explosive, especially a leather coat, it is even more eye-catching, she can’t help but look at a woman twice, let alone a man.

For this kind of potential stock, Li Fengjiao does not want to offend, in case one day people climb the branch to become a phoenix, give her small shoes to wear, she has no place to cry.

Seeing that Li Fengjiao was not difficult to speak, and even reluctantly gave her a smile, Jasmine relaxed a lot in her heart, and said sideways: “Sister, why are you so powerful?” I mean ‘heh’, and I swung out the knife qi, which is simply too handsome. ”

Li Fengjiao now understood that this girl wanted to know how to become stronger! She’s doing this! Brainwashing she is the best at it!

Thinking of Lin Fan, Li Fengjiao’s face showed a look of fanatical worship and adoration, although she knew that she was definitely hopeless, but this did not prevent her from worshiping fantasy!

“I was actually the same as you before, except that I was a little worse, bullied by men, and then the Lord saved us all, and also gave us the ability to become stronger, and everything that can have now is given to us by the Lord, including the divine power of the Lord and Mother, and it is also given by the Lord!”

Listening to Li Fengjiao’s story, Jasmine became even more curious, and Zhou Xiuyan, who was listening with her ears next to her, couldn’t help but come over, Li Fengjiao glanced at her and didn’t care.

“Is your Lord male or female? Are you all maids? Are you willing to be someone else’s maid? Especially with such great power. ”

Li Fengjiao chuckled and shook her head when she heard this, “We are not maids, we are warriors born for the Lord, sweeping all obstacles for the Lord, everything we have is given by the Lord, including strength, what is there to be unwilling?” As for the Lord, he is the greatest man in the world! No! It’s God! You know! It’s God! ”

Looking at the fanaticism and seriousness on Li Fengjiao’s face, Jasmine and Zhou Xiuyan looked at each other, both a little confused, just now your Leng Yanfan? How do you mention that the Lord became a fanatical female licking dog in seconds?

But they still knew the message of the Lord, the man, the man who gave everyone the strength to become stronger, they didn’t dare to imagine that Lin Youyou’s powerful ability was actually given by the Lord, how terrifying was the so-called Lord?

Zhou Xiuyan shook her head, shook off the messy thoughts in her head, and asked, “What is his personality in that lord of yours?” Will they do the same things to women as those men online? Will he force you? ”

When Li Fengjiao heard this, she glared at Zhou Xiuyan fiercely, and said in a very dissatisfied tone: “How could the Lord do such a thing?” If the Lord wants to and does not dislike me, I will definitely be the first to pounce on the pillow table, will the Lord lack women? ”

“I’m second.” Zhu Fangfang next to him couldn’t help it and whispered.

Xu Yan couldn’t stabilize his cold expression, and said intentionally: “Then I’ll be the third.” ”

“I’m the fourth.”

“And me.”

The few female warriors who were close couldn’t help but raise their eyebrows, whispering, although they all knew that this kind of thing was dreaming, but there were no dreams, it was better than salted fish!

Seeing these cold female warriors like this, Zhou Xiuyan and Jasmine were stupid on the spot, what was the situation? Didn’t they open it the right way?

Li Fengjiao sighed at this time, looked at the incredible expressions on Jasmine’s faces, raised her finger and pointed to the female warriors who were fighting hard in front of her, and said, “See that?” Looks pretty, right? Kill zombies, right? Her name is Wang Ziwen, she is a potential stock that was appreciated by the main mother before you, and she was also healed by the main mother of Yanyan with divine power. ”

“That’s no worse than you, is it? That one is called Liu Yuer, that one is called Qin Shiyue, and that one is called Han Jingyi, see it? These people I follow my fingers, no matter their appearance or temperament, are no worse than you, right? ”

Jasmine and Zhou Xiuyan looked at each other and nodded one after another, indeed, in their opinion, the women pointed out by Li Fengjiao, whether in figure or appearance, were no worse than them, and they had their own characteristics.

“What’s wrong with them?”

Li Fengjiao glanced at the two women and shook her head: “They are all working hard to behave now, hoping to get the Lord’s attention, and then they can serve the Lord, what kind of service you should understand, each of them is a yellow flower girl, so hard so far has not been ranked, where did you have the courage to think that the Lord will force us?” ”

Xu Yan laughed at this time, his gaze swept over the two women, and mocked: “Don’t think too high of yourself, it’s much better than your body than you, you can’t get your turn in line, hundreds of people think, you better honestly line up in the back.” ”

“I don’t know where you guys got your murderous paranoia, wake up, there is only one Lord, but there are hundreds of people who want to crawl over, when do you say it’s your turn?”

Being sneered, Zhou Xiuyan and Jasmine were embarrassed in their hearts, especially Zhou Xiuyan, who couldn’t wait to find a crack to drill in, which was simply a shame!

To be honest, she didn’t expect that the original competitiveness was so great? Before she was still thinking, whether she would be forced, who knows…..

So many high-quality resources are waiting, her worry is really unnecessary!

After being sneered, Zhou Xiuyan calmed down a lot, and no longer wanted to be forced, and instead focused her attention elsewhere.

“Why do you say that everything you have now has been given by the Lord?”

Li Fengjiao lit up the Tang knife in her hand, “See?” This is the weapon given to me by the Lord, which contains one billionth of the Lord’s power, as long as I use this knife to kill zombies, I can activate the power that the Lord has lodged in the knife, and then feed back to myself, and then I can become stronger! ”

“See them? They work so hard to kill zombies, partly because they want to climb up and be noticed by the Lord’s gaze, and on the other hand, they can become stronger. ”

Zhou Xiuyan’s face was shocked, and Jasmine was no better, her eyes stared closely at the Tang knife in Li Fengjiao’s hand, and her heart set off a wave of shock!

This knife turned out to have such a powerful ability! Killing zombies activates the power stored inside, and then feeds itself to become stronger, which is really shocking! That Lord can give such a powerful weapon, how powerful is it in itself?

What I have seen and heard, everything so far, has added an unknown amount of mystery to the Lord who has never met, and the two of them are still a little unable to return to their senses, it turns out that the reason why these women are so strong is because of this knife!

Putting away the shock on her face, Jasmine looked at Li Fengjiao with fire in her eyes and asked, “Sister, how long have you been getting this knife?” How many zombies did you kill to become so strong? ”

Li Fengjiao thought for a while, and said unsurely: “Three days or four days?” I don’t remember exactly, as for the zombies, I killed five or six hundred, maybe more, I didn’t calculate carefully. ”


Li Fengjiao said it was simple, but listening to Jasmine and Zhou Xiuyan’s ears, it was like a thunderbolt, and it was Jiao Liyan who blew up the two women!

Three or four days? Killed five or six hundred zombies? Are you the devil?

At the same time as the shock in their hearts, the two women also had an irrepressible desire in their hearts, if they were also given weapons, would it not take them a few days to become so strong?

What zombies will be then? What is that? Isn’t it just a random target? Just look at those female warriors in front of you, the zombie is weak like a piece of paper!

In the past, they were not afraid to face zombies, and if they had this weapon, then they would ????

Thinking of this, the gazes in the eyes of Zhou Xiuyan and Jasmine became more and more fiery, and now Zhou Xiuyan is a little regretful, what do you say to go back and get clothes? Do clothes have a fart use? It’s better to go back early, maybe you can get weapons earlier!

Regret! Repentance is not the beginning!

Li Fengjiao’s voice was not small, not only Jasmine and the two heard it, but the women nearby also heard it clearly, knowing the fundamental reason for the strong strength of the female warriors, and these women flashed with fiery light in their eyes.

Don’t worry about the queue, this weapon! They are determined to win! Especially those women brought out of Zhou Xiuyan’s dark incense bar, they dare to cut zombies with kitchen knives, it will be just a simple cleanup, and now there is hope of becoming stronger, they are now a little impatient to follow Lin Youyou back!

If you can become strong, who wants to be weak? The horizontal knife immediately, killing zombies like cutting vegetables, this doomsday, where can they not go? And what’s so scary?

PS: Brothers, it’s not that I’m squeezing toothpaste here, first of all, codewords take time, chapters of more than 3,000 words are written smoothly in an hour and a half, and chapters for a day are sent at once, isn’t it difficult for strongmen, and I save a day to send it out, and someone should say that I am not a eunuch, how come I don’t see updates for a day, I’m too difficult!

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