Chapter 123 Your research results are used on you

Yang Yiping in front of him reminded Lin Fan of a person, that person’s concept is also to sacrifice a small number of people to save the majority, nominally saving the world, but in fact doing the business of rushing people’s lives, but also flaunting his so-called justice.

Can you save your life by putting yourself in the name of saving the world? This statement is simply disgusting, who are you? What represents the world? On what basis does it represent all of humanity?

And this person is Kiriji Emiya, not a real character, from the anime Holy Grail War, how similar is Kiriji Emiya’s concept to the man in front of him?

In order to save the vast majority of people, and give up a small number of people, but Emiya Kiriji’s practice is that in order to save the majority of people, he will actively choose to kill those few people, which is the justice in Emiya Kiriji’s heart, in the name of justice, do evil things.

What is the difference between Yang Yiping and Weigong Cheji in front of him? They are all executioners, hypocrites who do evil in the name of righteousness, disgusting justice, it is impossible to vomit!

Say what for all mankind? Is it really for all of humanity? Maybe it’s just an incidental? Even if you really crack the zombie virus, you have really completed an unprecedented evolutionary leap!

At that time, all mankind will be grateful to Yang Yiping for erasing his sins, and who remembers those who were forced to die in the process? This is countless times crueler than a thousand bones!

At least those soldiers will be remembered as glorious martyrs, but those who died at the hands of Yang Yiping don’t even deserve names!

How can a person who has destroyed his humanity deserve to live in this world? .

“What’s that?”

Pointing to the test tube next to him, Lin Fan suddenly asked.

Although Yang Yiping did not understand what Lin Fan meant, for his masterpiece, any scientist was willing to explain its role in every detail.

“That is a zombie virus that has been diluted 20 times, after my research, supplemented by antibodies composed of a variety of drugs, although it can not dissolve the zombie virus, but it can to a large extent, strangle the zombie virus, and this test tube is the fusion inhibitor I carefully prepared!”

“According to my conjecture, the 20-fold diluted zombie virus supplemented by antibodies, coupled with the human immune system, to a large extent, can suppress the full outbreak of the zombie virus, in theory, antibodies can ensure that humans have clear consciousness, and then the body and zombies are no different, with cells that can carry out photosynthesis!”

“If this experiment is successful, it will be a big leap in history, see the woman next to you? She is a successful work, although it is not perfect, but it is only a 15x inhibitor, and this 20x inhibitor can definitely complete my vision! ”

Looking at the excited man in front of him, Lin Fan looked at the restraint side, no wonder he felt that the woman was not normal, obviously the zombie turned into a zombie, but it had not become a zombie for a long time.

“I think you’re right! I also agree, you are such a great scientist! ”

Lin Fan’s approval and recognition made Yang Yiping’s eyes flash with excitement, as a scientific researcher, what he likes to hear the most is the recognition of others for them, Lin Fan’s words are the biggest praise for his research!

It’s just that he didn’t see the mockery in Lin Fan’s eyes and the gaze at the dead.

It is true that Yang Yiping’s research seems to have made great progress and achieved remarkable results, but so what? This cannot hide the heinous crimes he committed.

Raising his hand to shoot falsely, the syringe flew into his hand, and Lin Fan walked to Yang Yiping’s side step by step, with a dangerous light in his eyes.

Finding that something was wrong, Yang Yi’s flat color changed, and he just wanted to retreat, but found that his feet seemed to have taken root, and he couldn’t move a step at all!

“What do you want to do?”

With the needle in his hand, Lin Fan looked at Yang Yiping, hooked his horn, and said sarcastically: “I thought you wouldn’t be afraid, it turns out that you also know what it means to be afraid, what I want to do is very simple, isn’t this your proud work?” I want to try it on you, will this so-called inhibitor make you a zombie in the end! ”

Yang Yiping’s eyes were terrified, and he looked at the syringe close to Lin Fan’s hand and roared, “No! You can’t do this! If you do this, the Liu family, the warlord of the Magic Capital, will not let you go!” ”

“The Liu family, the warlord of the Magic Capital?” Lin Fan sneered and said with disdain: “Take the Warlord Liu Family of the Demon Capital to press me?” Have you ever thought that those who you used for human experiments were once so afraid? But did you spare them? They can be used for experiments, can’t you? Your life is nobler than theirs? ”

“How can that be the same! I’m a Ph.D. in virology, can ordinary people compare with me? Shouldn’t it be an honor for me to be able to be a test specimen for the benefit of all mankind alive? Yang Yiping’s eyes were bloodshot, and his face was indescribably angry.

“Interesting, your life is noble, and the life of others is low.” Lin Fan smiled, looked down at the pale green syringe in his hand, and asked: “Since you think this is your proud work, I swear that the inhibitor of 20 quilts can theoretically suppress the zombie virus, so that human beings can achieve an evolutionary leap, why don’t you dare to try it?” ”

“Dedicating yourself to science, this should be the dream of you researchers, right? Don’t you have confidence in your research? Come, for the great progress of mankind, for the salvation of the whole world! For all mankind! The time has come for you to sacrifice. ”

Speaking righteously, he buttoned up one big hat after another, and looked at Yang Yiping, who couldn’t say anything with dull eyes, Lin Fan found that the horse’s was really cool! No wonder those people always like to button big hats.

Whether you are right or not, the hat is buttoned over, first stand on the position of justice, if you dare to resist, you are evil, I will sanction you!

Grabbing Yang Yiping’s arm, Lin Fan gestured, to be honest, the technical work of injection, he really doesn’t know how to do it, he will only give Lin Youyou injections, but the kind he holds in his hand, he really scratches his head a little.

But after two glances, Lin Fan felt that as long as he couldn’t kill people, it wouldn’t be a big problem!

As soon as you press the backhand, the needle is pierced into the blood vessels, I don’t understand anything else, but at least you still know about pricking the blood vessels!

“You…. What are you doing? Hurry up and let me go! Damn it! The Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, will not let you go! You sinner, you have put an end to the hope of the evolution of all mankind! You are a sinner of all mankind! ”

After being pricked by the needle, Yang Yiping finally came back to his senses, looking at the liquid disappearing in the syringe, Yang Yiping was crazy! He kept cursing Lin Fan.

After injecting the inhibitor in the syringe, Lin Fan casually threw the syringe into the trash, looked at Yang Yiping, who was bloody with angry eyes, and said sarcastically: “I don’t know if I am a human sinner, but I know that if those killed by your experiment have spirits in the sky, they will definitely clap their hands and be grateful to me!” ”

“Pray, pray that your inhibitors have an effect, or you’ll be the same as that man over there!”

There are two people on the restraint instrument, a man and a woman, the man has been completely zombified, only the woman still maintains her sanity, but the infection process of the zombie virus is irreversible after all! It was only a matter of time before this woman turned into a zombie.

Zhao Wanqing walked up at this time, her icy gaze swept over Yang Yiping, and soon shifted to Lin Fan.

“Lord, what about that woman? Are you going to kill? ”

The women had already dispersed, and came to the side of the cultivation tank with agile movements, killing the zombies inside, even the men who had completely turned into zombies on the restraint did not let go.

But the other woman, Zhao Wanqing, did not make a decision.

Even if zombification is irreversible, now he is a poor person after all.

Hearing Zhao Wanqing’s inquiry, Lin Fan glanced at the woman lying on the restraint, and he also had a little headache.

Walked to the restrainer and looked down at the woman lying flat, the woman’s face at this time was abnormally pale, and there were zombified tendons in the corners of her eyes that spread to the back of her head, which is a sign before the corpse, or one of the signs of a zombie.

The woman’s eyes still had a human luster, and they did not turn into the complete dead gray of zombies, from this, Lin Fan could see the gratitude in the woman’s heart.

Taking away the towel that the woman had stuffed in the house, Lin Fan said silently, “Do you have anything to say?” Or do you want to do it? ”

The woman first looked at the dead man next to her, and said sadly: “He is my husband.” ”

Zhao Wanqing was a little embarrassed, and killed the man in front of his wife, which is really too ….


The woman shook her head, a poignant happy smile flowed from her pale face, I have to say that this woman is still very beautiful, if it were not for the end of the day, she should be very happy.

“It’s okay, I don’t blame you, even thank you for ending his pain, I can feel that my time is running out, can you let me go? I want to take Him, who is not yet born, to see the world again. ”

Lin Fan’s heart moved, and his eyes looked at the woman’s lower abdomen, where there was indeed a bulge that was not very obvious.

Silently nodded, Lin Fan untied the restraint on the woman, this requirement he can do, he is not afraid that the woman will suddenly become a zombie, even if it is sudden, he can guarantee that no one will be injured.

“Thank you, you are a good person.” The woman sat up and spoke softly.

Lin Fan shook his head, is he a good person? No, he is more like a bad person, there are not many people who died in his hands, there are many people or zombies, he just did what he felt was right and wanted to do.

The woman was a little weak, and hobbled towards the door of the research institute, and Lin Fan followed step by step until he walked out of the research institute and returned to the ground.

Under the sun, the woman didn’t seem so weak, and looking at the way the woman enjoyed the sun, Lin Fan suddenly remembered what Yang Yiping said.

Preserving human sanity and having zombie corpses, in fact, to some extent, may have succeeded, but at that time, were people still people? Is this really an evolution, not some kind of aberration?

“Sunshine…. It has never felt so wonderful. ”

The woman touched her lower abdomen and walked step by step to the barbed wire fence not far ahead.

During the whole process, Lin Fan and Zhao Wanqing beside him did not speak, the sunlight gave the woman vitality, but the zombie virus seemed to spread faster, and Lin Fan could feel that the breath of the living person on the woman was becoming less and less.

Next to the barbed wire, the woman stood quietly, and suddenly turned around, and Lin Fan found that the woman’s eyes had turned completely dead gray at this time.

“Sorry, saved me, before I could ask your name, can you please leave me outside?” This side is too quiet, I shouldn’t be one more to destroy this pure land. ”

“My name is Lin Fan.”

Lin Fan didn’t know what to say at this time, his arm was raised, and the woman slowly flew up, crossed the steel wire fence, and then flew to the opposite side full of zombies.

Watching the woman disappear into the group of corpses and become one of them, Lin Fan took a deep breath and his eyes turned cold.

“Let’s go, go back and see our big doctor!”

PS: Five more offerings, more than 18,000 words today, my liver is going to split.

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