Chapter 132 is crooked, the daughter of the Yueyi people

Since Yueyi people were brought back, they have performed very well in terms of housework and serving, and today’s situation of unstable holding of the water cup is the first time it has happened, especially the uneasy appearance of his pale face, which makes Lin Fan feel a little abnormal.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Not only Lin Fan was looking at the Yueyi people, but Mu Yueqing and Su Xiaoluo also looked at the Yueyi people suspiciously.

Since Yueyi came to the second floor, it can be said that everyone present has a good sense of this gentle and moving, easy-going and dignified woman, now what’s wrong?

Yueyi people came back to their senses, quickly knelt on the ground, and said in a panic: “I’m sorry Lord, just a little distracted, I will clean the ground immediately.” ”

“Are you really all right?”

“Lord, it’s really okay.”

Yueyi quickly shook his head and lowered his head to sweep the smudges on the ground.

“Be careful next time.”

Lin Fan didn’t care much, and said casually, just as Li Yun and Zhang Qiuyue brought the hot meal, Lin Fan urged Mu Yueqing to go over to eat.

At the dinner table, Mu Yueqing was talking about what happened in the Jiangyuan villa area while eating, and Lin Fan was surprised in his heart when he heard it.

Someone actually hit the idea to his side, and even got what wingsuit flight, hot air balloon? Lin Fan only felt that this group of rich second-generation really could play.

As for the Jiangyuan villa area, this Lin Fan also knew that the high-end villa area of the magic city, the super high house price of hundreds of thousands of square meters, tens of millions of dollars, or even higher, was not at all what he could imagine before the end of the day.

Mu Yueqing’s words made Lin Fan react to one thing, the 15-meter-high city wall is too conspicuous, it may not only be the rich second generation in the Jiangyuan villa area who noticed, it is likely that more people will notice.

Looking at Lin Fan in a daze, Mu Yueqing swallowed the food in the dwelling, and said with a smile: “Lord, I took a look, those white rich and beautiful thieves in the Jiangyuan villa area are beautiful, do you want to go and see it?” I remember I asked them to go to the fields to see the orchards, wouldn’t it be nice for a group of Bai Fumei to do this kind of thing? In case of a tan, will it be a loss? ”

Speaking of this, Mu Yueqing felt that the previous arrangement was not quite right.

Stroking the cute legal loli in his arms, Lin Fan shook his head, “Don’t go, there are more beautiful women, do I still want to see them one by one?” Might as well collapse on the couch, Lolodo looks good, right? ”

Coincidentally, Su Xiaoluo raised his little head, Lin Fan found the opportunity, and it was two mouthfuls of it, and the little loli who was originally praised lowered her head again, and she couldn’t even speak.

Looking at Lin Fan and Su Xiaoluo’s slimy appearance, Mu Yueqing rolled her eyes and suddenly felt a little full.

In fact, as Lin Fan thought, the 15-meter-high city wall is twenty kilometers long, this goal is too big, Wang Xiaoming they found that it is not the first case, nor the last case, the southeast two directions, I don’t know how many forces have found this high city wall, there are many posts on the Internet, all talking about the city wall.

It’s just that these Lin Fan basically don’t pay attention, the old man prefers to hold the girl to play games, pesticide abuse of vegetables is not fragrant?

Don’t tell me what the glory king can call a dish? Sorry, in front of up to two hundred points of agility and intelligence, no matter how fast you are, it seems like slow motion.

This gap is not a dimension, can it not be a dish?

In the afternoon, Lin Fan paralyzed until two o’clock before holding Su Xiaoluo and going out to build the city wall, and after Lin Fan left, only Li Yun, Yueyi and Zhang Qiuyue were left in the living room.

“Yiren, what’s going on with you? How was it so careless? ”

Li Yun stared at the Yueyi people who were still a little pale, with concern in her tone, the three of them are now a whole, hugging to keep warm, she doesn’t want anything wrong on the Yueyi people’s side.

“Yes, it scared me just now, but fortunately the Lord was not angry.” Zhang Qiuyue also had palpitations, and the plump and white palm kept patting on the mouth of her heart, making waves of waves.

Yueyi bit his lip and shook his head slightly.

Li Yun saw that something was wrong, took Yueyi people’s hand, and said with concern: “What is there to say to us?” The three of us are now grasshoppers on a rope, you have to tell us something, otherwise we don’t know how we died if something happened, and you don’t have anything to hide from us. ”

Looking at Li Yun and Zhang Qiuyue’s nervous gazes, Yueyi lowered her head in disgrace and said softly, “You should have heard what the main mother said, right?” My family has a property in the Jiangyuan villa area, and the zombie outbreak will be at home at the moon, and I think the main mother is likely to bring the moon and moon back! ”

Li Yun and the two were stunned after listening to it, at this time, they had time to think about the child’s problem, the end broke out until now, they were first arrested, under various crises, where is there still time to think about whether the child is safe, now Yueyi people suddenly mentioned the child, their hearts also sank.

“What should I do?” Yueyi people were a little anxious, wanted to go over and take a look, and were a little scared.

Li Yun returned to his senses, looked at the gentle and weak noble lady in front of him, and cheered up and soothed: “Since you want to go, go and see, it just so happens that our daily tasks now have the responsibility of supervision, just in time to go over and see, whether there is or not, you have to face it.” ”

Zhang Qiuyue also helped next to him: “Go and see, at least there is a matter of heart.” ”

Yueyi shook his head with a scared look on his face.

“I wouldn’t dare.”

“Don’t dare?”

Yueyi pulled up the silver chain around his neck, as well as the collar, and said in a somewhat excited tone: “I am like this…. How to meet her? Tell her the truth? Her mother is now a lady dog? ”

Li Yun and Zhang Qiuyue were a little stunned, if Yueyi didn’t say it, they would have forgotten this matter, they couldn’t say forget, but let themselves get used to it, after all, they wanted to use this identity to please Lin Fan.

Li Yun could feel that in the morning, Lin Fan was holding the chain in her hand, and her spirit was more concentrated and excited, otherwise, with her ability, she might not be able to put her clothes on in an hour.

The finger touched on the collar, Li Yun quickly wanted to open, want to live a little better in the last day, what can’t be let go, at least in terms of quality of life, she is higher than the woman over there in the dormitory I don’t know how many grades.

Lin Fan was not a lord who made her hate and unacceptable, and even Li Yun was proud of it now, even if it was her daughter who saved her this time, she would not think about whether the collar around her neck would make her unable to see people.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t have such worries, I have a high sense of identity for my current identity, if it’s my daughter, I’ll consider whether to also put a collar on her, or let her take another path of promotion, as for you, you think slowly.”

Li Yun sighed, gave up persuasion, walked to the door of the second floor step by step, changed his shoes and prepared to go out.

The second floor is the person who will definitely leave someone to serve Lin Fan who will come back at any time, Li Yun went out, Zhang Qiuyue also planned to go out, Yueyi people were flustered in their hearts, seeing that the two good sisters were leaving, she could feel that there was a rift between the three of them.

And this rift, most likely because of what she just said, everyone is in the same trench, but you dislike this trench, can there be no crack?

Yueyi was uneasy in his heart, and quickly grabbed Zhang Qiuyue’s arm, looking at Li Yun, who had opened the door at the door on the second floor, and said anxiously: “Wait.” ”

Li Yun turned his head to look at Yueyiren on this side of the sofa, his eyes calm.

“Wait for me, I’ll go too.” Speaking of this, Yueyi glanced at Zhang Qiuyue apologetically and said, “Just let me go out with Sister Yun.” ”

Zhang Qiuyue has nothing to fight, whoever goes out is the same, she can still rest on the second floor.

In the courtyard, Li Yun stopped a maid, turned her head to look at Yueyiren who was dodging with a mask, and felt a little helpless.

“Do you know where the maids who will be brought back by the Master Mother are?”

Suddenly stopped by Li Yun, the maid glanced at Li Yun in fear, then pointed to the parking lot not far away, and said: “If you go back to your lord, those women have been arranged to wash the car over there.” ”

Li Yun nodded, pulled the Yueyi people over, more than ten meters apart, Yueyi people hid behind a tree, their eyes carefully searched in a group of maids, and soon their eyes were paused, and then quickly withdrew their gaze.

Following the gaze of the Yueyi people, Li Yun quickly found the target, after all, Liu Mingyue, these white rich beauty are too conspicuous.

“Would you like to come over and take a look?”

Faced with Li Yun’s inquiry, Yueyiren quickly shook his head and waved his hand: “Let me slow down, I’m not mentally prepared yet.” ”

“Okay, you stay here, I’ll go over and take a look.”

Li Yun did not force her, and turned her head to a group of maids who were washing cars.

Wiping the sweat on her forehead, Liu Mingyue held a water gun in her hand, her arm was sore, she grew so big, where had she done this kind of work? Really tired, he squatted directly on the ground, panting heavily.

“Sister Feifei, I’m tired to death, and if it goes on like this, I’m not tired to death, I’m going to be killed by heat!”

Wu Mengfei, who was wiping the car with a rag, turned her head and looked at Liu Mingyue, who was covered in sweat, and the movement of her hand was paused.

Wiped the sweat, Wu Mengfei was also hot, she had never done this kind of tiring work when she was so big, and it was the first time.

Looking at the women around who are dressed lightly, almost even a piece of tulle can see bra, even hot can’t do, simply spill water on the body, this is better, no difference from not wearing, she is strange, these women are not afraid of being seen by men?

It’s strange to say, it’s been almost two hours, and she hasn’t found the shadow of a man, could it be that it’s all women here?

“Hey, don’t be lazy, hurry up, otherwise you will be discovered by adults, everyone will not be able to eat and go, and if it is serious, you may be fed zombies.”

A maid found the lazy Liu Mingyue and others, and quickly reminded her, and in an instant, a group of maids looked over, and then a maid found Li Yun who came over, and her face suddenly changed.

“Hey, that newcomer, you hurry up, the adults above are coming, don’t want to die and hurry up and work!”

Several maids next to her were anxious, hurriedly urged, Liu Mingyue was startled, quickly stood up, the maids said too scary, she didn’t want to be fed to zombies.

Wu Mengfei glanced at Li Yun, who was obviously dressed and in a state that was very different from the maids, and quickly moved her hands and continued to wipe the car.

In the nervous mood of the maids, Li Yun walked to Liu Mingyue’s side and stood still, and in an instant, all the women, including Liu Mingyue, raised their hearts to their throats.

“You are the maids who have just been brought back? What is your name? ”


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