Chapter 145 Spore parasitism, the birth of new life

Spores are such a thing, Lin Fan has understood it before, quite an interesting thing, no, it should be said that it is a very terrifying thing!

The explanation for spores in the encyclopedia is that germ cells that can directly or indirectly develop into new individuals after leaving the parents, which are the product of mitosis or meiosis, and the subsequent content does not need to be said, mainly looking at the first half.

After leaving the body, the cells that can develop into new individuals, of course, this is talking about plants, in Lin Fan, it is not only a simple new individual, the spores have plant energy, and there is also a little bit of Lin Fan’s spiritual power.

In other words, this spore Lin Fan can be controlled, and the spores with Lin Fan’s spiritual power invaded the minds of these drivers like a virus, and from the moment the spores parasitized into their bodies, they were no longer themselves!

And the spores are like a remote surveillance camera and remote control, Lin Fan can control these drivers through this spore cell, and can also see everything these people see through their eyes!

And what these drivers see can only be what Lin Fan wants them to see, the simplest reason is that even if there is a woman dancing striptease in front of them now, Lin Fan does not want them to see, the spores will block the neural perception of their eyes, and they will not see anything.

After doing this, looking at the two Wu Zhili’s distracted drivers, Lin Fan shook his head and turned around and walked into the underground research institute.

There is nothing right or wrong in this world, the difference is only in how to take sides, the history books are always written by the victors, the victors are righteous, and the losers are evil, if you want to live and live better, the only way is to kill the enemy who is against you, otherwise it will be you who dies.

This is true before the end of the world, and it is also true after the end of the world.

Underground research institute, Lin Fan all the way, the door leading to the research room was all opened, walked to the innermost laboratory without hurry, standing at the door, Lin Fan saw more than ten soldiers with their backs to him, but these soldiers didn’t know anything about Lin Fan’s arrival.

In front of the cultivation tank, looking at Yang Yiping, who was almost not human-shaped in the cultivation tank through the glass door, Liu Yang’s face was very ugly, although he didn’t like this madman very much, but he had to admit that the other party had real materials, otherwise he would not be valued so much by Liu Jingyu.

But now? This madman played himself to death, what should he do? Yang Yiping, this is obviously a zombie, how to explain it when he goes back?

Tell the commander-in-chief that Yang Yiping played himself to death by doing human experiments on himself? Or bring back this corpse?

Gan! Isn’t that hard for him?

No need for Liu Yang’s headache, Lin Fan had already thought of what to do for him.

With a wave of his hand, the pale green light submerged into the bodies of more than a dozen soldiers, and the dozen soldiers standing in front of the cultivation tank, including Liu Yang, had dilated pupils and stood in front of the cultivation tank like puppets.

Bypassing these soldiers, Lin Fan walked to the glass door, looked at Yang Yiping, who had almost no normal human appearance, and hooked his corner, “Your master has sent someone to find you, in that case, give your master a good look at your research results.” ”

The electric light flashed, the electronic lock of the glass door was broken, and Yang Yiping, who was locked inside, smelled the smell of a living person, and was about to rush out at the first time, but was firmly trapped in place by vines that broke through the soil.

The vine was like a needle extracting the virus in Yang Yiping’s body, and then pierced into Liu Yang’s soldiers, and after doing all this, Lin Fan snapped his fingers, and Liu Yang and the others like puppets came to their senses.

Visual perception was affected, Liu Yang and others could not see anything wrong with Yang Yiping at this time, under the influence of Lin Fan, these people saw the normal picture of Yang Yiping that Lin Fan virtualized.

In fact, standing in front of them was Yang Yiping, who had stopped roaring, but was still hideous and terrifying.

Frowning and looking at Yang Yiping’s current appearance, Lin Fan spent a little point to exchange for a cloak, so that from the outside, it was strange to wear a cloak at most, but he couldn’t see Yang Yiping’s terrifying appearance.

Returning to the ground, Rufa concocted the four pilots, Lin Fan watched the helicopter take off until it disappeared into the sky.

“Hopefully, it doesn’t live up to my expectations.”

After stopping for a moment, Lin Fan glanced at the underground research institute, raised his foot and stomped on the ground twice, the ground seemed to be shaking, and it didn’t take long to completely subside.

In the face of the power of the earth, even if the underground research institute has been specially built, it cannot withstand the terrifying oppressive force and has been completely filled, and from today onwards, there will be no such underground research institute.

After doing all this, Lin Fan looked up at the direction where the helicopter disappeared, and his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

High in the sky, two Wuzhi flew through the sky, the booming sound attracted the unknown number of zombies chasing on the ground, inside the helicopter, Liu Yang and others looked as usual, and did not care at all about Yang Yiping, who was wrapped in a black cloak next to him, looking very strange.

With the suppression of Lin Fan’s plant power, the zombified Yang Yiping looked very calm, as if he was dormant, and the two Wuzhi were very fast, flying all the way towards the direction of the First Army.

On the streets on the ground, a large number of corpses were led by the roar of the plane, tirelessly chasing, with the speed of zombies can not catch up with the helicopter at all, but even if the shadow of the helicopter is lost, even the sound has disappeared, the zombies are still chasing aimlessly.

The sun in the sky climbed, and on the street dozens of kilometers away from the First Army, two Wuzhi flew through the sky, and a bloated-looking female zombie on the ground was moving slowly.

Hearing the roar of the helicopter in the sky, the female zombie subconsciously raised her head, her dead gray eyes looked at the helicopter in the distance, she did not catch up like those zombie counterparts, but quietly stopped and watched.

On her high and bulging lower abdomen, there is something moving violently, if it is a normal human woman, the child in the stomach is so violent, the pain is going to hurt to death, but for the female zombie who does not know what pain is, there is no feeling at all.

The zombies tirelessly chased the roar of the helicopter, and detoured when passing by the female zombies, like the legendary saint Moses who divided the sea.

I don’t know when, the female zombie suddenly stumbled, fell to the ground like a detachment, and the movement on her stomach became bigger at this time, and it seemed that something was going to break out.

On the tall buildings on both sides of the street, I don’t know how many survivors waved their hands and shouted into the sky, hoping to attract the attention of the helicopter, but to no avail, until the helicopter was far away, these people cursed angrily and kicked the surrounding debris.

“Horses, are all these military-eaters? Don’t you see so many of us crying for help! ”

“Grass, these soldiers are not reliable at all, the end has been more than a month, the rescue has not even had a hair, Lao Tzu has paid taxes for so many years in vain!”

“Aren’t soldiers supposed to protect us ordinary people? What is the country doing at this time! Have we been abandoned? ”

Angry cursing occurred in every corner where the helicopter passed, and the survivors who could not be rescued could only disperse angrily after cursing.

On the 27th floor of the Rong’en Commercial Building, Wu En is also a member of the anger, and in the angry cursing, Wu En lit a cigarette and walked to the window, intending to let nicotine dissipate the anger in his heart.

With his arm propped up by the window, in the smoke, Wu En, who was paralyzed by cigarettes, scanned his eyes aimlessly, and suddenly, Wu En’s gaze stopped.

Looking at the zombies running wildly on the street downstairs, Wu En stared at the situation on the street as if he saw some new continent.

Zombie this thing, for more than a month, Wu En has seen it I don’t know how many times, even the corpse tide rushing he has seen many times, but the scene that happened in front of him today shocked him!

Zombies have no wisdom, only know to chase the smell of the living, simply put, run blindly, even if there is something blocking the way in front, they will not hesitate to bump into it, but everything that happened in front of him today broke his cognition!

A steady stream of zombies, a mighty rush from the street, normally, the entire street is occupied, but today is different!

A huge tide of corpses came from afar, chasing the sound of the helicopter going away, but when passing through a certain area, the zombies spontaneously detoured, as if the street formed a fork here, and after bypassing this small area, the zombies returned to normal again.

How tall is the 27th floor? Calculated by 3 meters, there are also more than seventy meters, under normal circumstances, human eyes of more than seventy meters can only see a general outline, Wu En tried to look at this miraculous scene on the street, he wanted to see what made the zombies spontaneously detour.

And then he saw it!

On the ground, a female zombie fell to the ground, her stomach was bloated, and she seemed to be a pregnant woman, but in addition, the distance was too far away, and he really couldn’t see it.

This feeling of being in a fog made Wu En feel like he was scratching his heart, and he felt that he seemed to have found something.

With his heart pounding, Wu En quickly turned out his mobile phone from his pocket, and in a hurry, the cigarettes burned to the butt of the cigarette, and he reacted until he was burned.

Spit out the cigarette, not caring about being scalded out of the bubble, Wu En turned on the camera excitedly, his fingers kept zooming in on the screen, and then he saw it!

The woman who fell to the ground was indeed a pregnant woman! Even he could see that there seemed to be a small arm moving under the clothes, seeing this, Wu En’s heart burst out, and then he pressed the video without hesitation, he looked terrified, looking at the scene in the picture with fear and fear of the unknown.

Wu En is not stupid, even as long as people with common sense see this picture, they will think of children, but ….

Do zombies also have children? Or, can zombies also give birth?

If zombies can also give birth to children, then can humans still be saved? Will the new generation of zombie babies be the same as these zombies, stupid and irrational?

He doesn’t know any of this, but he believes that whether human beings eventually survive the end or are exterminated, the video he recorded next is definitely the first and most important information!

Now, he also understands why those zombies instinctively bypass, because there is the birth of a new life, the continuation of a race, can not be separated from the birth of a new life, even beasts, will instinctively protect their children, and the actions of these zombies are nothing more than the same!

With shock, apprehension, and horror at the unknown, Wu En looked at the picture on his phone, and suddenly, he breathed rapidly.

In the picture, the woman’s stomach is broken, a white little hand breaks the belly, and appears in the air, seeing this, Wu En’s heartbeat is about to stop!

PS: Thank you for your support, about those who say stallions in the comment area, I silently looked at your star rating, good guys, basically three stars up, what concept? Feilu spent more than a thousand, say disgusting stallions? Let’s not say whether it’s a stallion or not, what do you see at this level?

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