Chapter 148 The zombie came out of the cage, and Liu Jingyu broke his arm

After dinner, Lin Fan leaned on the sofa, his face calm.

Su Xiaoluo nestled in Lin Fan’s arms, acting as a well-behaved pendant, at this time, the advantage of height was reflected, and it was probably a little difficult to change to Lin Youyou.


Suddenly, Lin Fan said such a sentence without a clue, Su Xiaoluo was slightly stunned, and muttered: “Brother, what’s almost?” ”

Lin Fan did not answer him, and Lin Fan, who had closed his eyes, had already shifted his consciousness to the First Army garrison one or two hundred kilometers away at this time.

With the help of Liu Yang’s eyes, Lin Fan saw where Liu Yang was staying at this time.

It was a large military tent, next to it, Yang Yiping in a cloak was sitting calmly, this calm was only temporary, if there was no control from Lin Fan, Yang Yiping would burst out in an instant and change back to the appearance of a zombie before.

Without seeing the figure of the right lord, Lin Fan was not impatient, in this situation, if nothing else, soon the right lord would appear, although Lin Fan guessed so, when the right lord really appeared, more than an hour had passed.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the military tent, judging from the density of footsteps, there should not be many people, and even when they reached the door of the tent, the footsteps were even more sparse.

The curtain of the military tent was lifted, and a tall burly figure walked in, Lin Fan perceived, Liu Yang instantly got up and saluted the figure who walked in: “See the commander-in-chief, live up to the mission, Professor Yang has already brought it back!” ”

Through Liu Yang’s gaze, Lin Fan saw this so-called commander-in-chief, burly body, probably over forty years old, and the two stars on the epaulettes, which impressively proved the identity of the other party’s lieutenant general.

Lieutenant general, no matter where he is, he is absolutely high-level, and even the commanders of some military districts are only at the rank of lieutenant general.

Looking at the lieutenant general in front of him with a calm and resolute complexion, full of the steely demeanor of a soldier, to be honest, it was difficult for Lin Fan to associate him with Yang Yiping, and even more difficult to associate him with the black hand behind the scenes, this face was too deceptive!

Sure enough, the bad guy won’t write these two words on his face, and looking at the other party like this, he is an old fox who hides deeply and has a deep city, with benevolence and morality on the surface, but in fact his stomach is full of bad water, specifically thinking about how to pit other people’s kind.

In the tent, Liu Jingyu did not know that at this time, there was another person’s gaze observing him, the majestic gaze swept over Liu Yang, Liu Jingyu raised his hand and patted his shoulder, and said: “Good job.” ”

After speaking, Liu Jingyu looked at Yang Yiping, who was sitting on the chair and wearing a cloak, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, and he couldn’t help but take the initiative to step forward and asked: “Dr. Yang, what’s wrong with your dress?” Before the adjutant summoned you there, but the phone was late, I don’t know what happened? Has the research yielded anything? ”

As Liu Jingyu approached step by step, under Lin Fan’s control, Yang Yiping also stood up.

It’s just that at this time, Liu Jingyu suddenly stopped, and even the figure retreated rapidly, seeing this, Lin Fan knew that there was no need to hide anymore, it was worthy of being a person who could become a lieutenant general, and with this vigilance, it was not something that ordinary people could have.

In fact, it would be better without that cloak, but Yang Yiping’s appearance is too terrifying, and the cloak is also a helpless move.


A roar that did not resemble a human voice roared out of Yang Yiping’s mouth, and without Lin Fan’s suppression, the spore cells died instantly, and the bestiality of the zombies returned, and Yang Yiping howled and pounced on Liu Jingyu.

Looking at Yang Yiping who pounced, Liu Jingyu’s face changed in shock, just now he felt that something was wrong, especially after being close to Yang Yiping, a fishy smell came to his face, a doctor will never appear this smell, although Liu Jingyu was already very alert, but did not expect Yang Yiping to pounce so fast!

Without hesitation, he raised his foot and kicked out, in a hurry, Liu Jingyu Rao was a person with excellent physique, and he was also shocked back a few steps, but fortunately he and Yang Yiping had already opened the distance, at this time, he had seen Yang Yiping who couldn’t see the human appearance at all, his swollen head, his hideous face, and the bloodstained body, all proving that the person in front of him was already a complete zombie!

Liu Jingyu’s reaction was fast, decisive enough and calm enough, and he was about to pull out the gun with his backhand, at this time there was a roar and screams behind him again, Liu Jingyu was shocked in his heart, he couldn’t turn around, squatted in place, his back sank, and then a heavy figure was directly tripped.

Suddenly turned around, looking at the adjutant who had been crushed to the ground by several corpse-transformed soldiers, the piercing howl, Rao is so many years of military life, Liu Jingyu felt cold.


The roar came again, Liu Jingyu quickly turned his head, looking at Liu Yang, who had just communicated with him normally, but turned into a corpse in the blink of an eye, Liu Jingyu only felt that his scalp was numb, and his general command tent has now completely turned into a zombie den!


Shooting, Liu Jingyu, as a lieutenant general, even if Liu Yuanbin, the commander-in-chief’s father, is there, he needs some real materials.

A gunshot rang out, and Liu Yang, who rushed over, was shot in the head and fell, and hearing the gunfire on this side, the soldiers patrolling the outside world instantly became alert and quickly rushed towards the general command tent.

Part of the reason for the firing was to kill Liu Yang, who turned into a zombie, on the other hand, it was a warning, and after a shot, the zombies lying on the ground raised their heads one after another, revealing a hideous face full of blood, howling and rushing towards Liu Jingyu, a living person who exuded a fresh aura.

On the other side, Yang Yiping, who was kicked out, also howled and rushed up, Liu Jingyu cursed secretly in his heart, and kept pulling the trigger, but the zombies running wildly were not regular, coupled with limited bullets, after killing most of the zombies, the remaining few also rushed to the front.

The pistol that emptied the bullet basically became waste, Liu Jingyu raised his foot and kicked, the zombie in front was kicked to the ground, and with both hands pulled, the arms of the two zombies who rushed over were twisted off, and then pushed to the ground, but the zombies who rushed up did not give Liu Jingyu time to react.

Knocked to the ground by the zombies that rushed up, Liu Jingyu never thought that one day he would be pounced on by zombies, or a group, and when he was thrown down, he knew that things were not good.

Raised his foot and kicked out a zombie that pounced, and his two hands were pinching the necks of Yang Yiping and another zombie, at this moment, the adjutant who was bitten to death next to him suddenly spasmed, and then stood up twistedly, and his dead gray eyes gradually looked to his side.

Liu Jingyu’s heart sank, the current situation is already bad and can’t be worse, if the adjutant rushes over again, his end can be imagined.

At this time, several figures rushed in outside the tent, looking at the zombies full of tents, the soldiers who rushed in were stupid, and quickly shot, and the adjutant’s head exploded and died completely.

One after another gunshots came, Liu Jingyu breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time the zombie head on the left was also burst, and the dirty blood splashed Liu Jingyu’s face.

Sideways dodged the dirty blood that rushed to his face, felt a light hand, Liu Jingyu breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment, a sharp pain came from his left hand.


With a scream, Liu Jingyu kicked away the zombies on his body hard, got up with a bone, looked at the hideous tooth marks on his wrists, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

The horror of the zombie virus he knows, very contagious, as long as it is about to be out of the wound, in a very short time will be corpse, this time is about five to ten minutes so, physical fitness, the time will be longer, if the person has died, the corpse will change faster.

Looking at the wound on his left wrist, Liu Jingyu felt a chill in his heart, the zombie virus has no antidote at all so far, and if he is bitten by a zombie, there are only two results.

First, if it is an arm, you can break your arm to survive, but if it is a torso such as the stomach or neck, you can basically wait for death.

Looking at the hideous wound on his wrist, the purple blood line is spreading to the top of his arm, Liu Jingyu was terrified in his heart, he didn’t want to become a zombie, and he didn’t want to try whether he could carry the infection of the zombie virus and become the world’s first man who could bring his own pathogen!

The terrified gaze searched, and several soldiers and more soldiers who hurried to come saw the wound on Liu Jingyu’s wrist, as well as the zombie corpses full of tents, all with a dazed look in their eyes, completely unsure of what to do now.

Under normal circumstances, if you are bitten by a zombie, the army’s handling method is to kill on the spot, or take care of it, and then kill on the spot when the corpse is completely changed, not without exceptions, that is, biting the arm in these places, and breaking the arm in time can still save life.

Looking at the combat daggers on the soldiers’ thighs, Liu Jingyu directly pounced, “Give me the dagger quickly!” ”

Several soldiers woke up like a dream, and quickly threw the combat dagger to Liu Jingyu, the combat dagger in the army was extremely sharp, Liu Jingyu held the combat dagger, and his heart was fierce, and he cut down his left arm.



Cut off the bones and tendons, Liu Jingyu screamed, swiped hard, and his left arm was broken from the shoulder, and the blood was poured out when he boarded, and it immediately splattered out.

“What’s going on?” The tent was lifted, and Wu Guozhong’s old figure rushed in, looking at Liu Jingyu, who had broken his arm, and the zombie corpses all over the ground, and froze when he boarded.

Okay, why are there so many zombies in the army? And still in the most heavily defended commander-in-chief tent, how did these soldiers get infected? How did he pass through the many hurdles and come to Liu Jingyu, the commander-in-chief’s tent?

Wu Guozhong didn’t understand, but when he saw Liu Jingyu, who had lost too much blood and turned pale, he immediately shouted: “Quick!” Medics! Immediately carry the commander-in-chief to the infirmary! Stop bleeding immediately! ”

The soldiers woke up like a dream, and hurriedly went out to call the medical soldiers, and a few soldiers had already walked out with Liu Jingyu, who had lost too much blood.

Looking at the zombie corpses all over the ground, Wu Guozhong’s old face was gloomy, especially when he saw Yang Yiping on the ground, who no longer had the slightest human appearance, the other party’s white coat and the name on the identity card made Wu Guozhong’s heart sink to the bottom.

There must be a reason for the abnormality, and it is good that there are no zombies in the commander-in-chief tent, and the only possibility is what Liu Jingyu did.

But now is not the time to say this, the key is Liu Jingyu, the commander-in-chief of the First Army!

“You guys clean up here, nothing is allowed to be reported today, if I hear the slightest wind, everyone will be engaged in military law!”

Several soldiers present quickly answered.

In the medical car, after two hours of rescue, Liu Jingyu was out of danger, and was lying on the pillow with a bloody face at this time.

The life was saved, not infected as a zombie, but the left arm, but completely broken, can only be a cripple in the future, but fortunately, the right arm is still there, the left arm, you can consider installing a mechanical arm.

Wu Guozhong stood aside, looking at Liu Jingyu, who had come to his senses, with an indescribable helplessness.

“Tell me, what’s going on?”

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