Chapter 159 The zombie mouse said, are we targeted?

On the second floor of the hospital supermarket, I received a call from Lin Youyou, and soon Mu Yueqing, Li Siqi and others rushed back.

All the women gathered in the living room, Lin Fan did not rush to speak, and when Li Siqi, who finally rushed back, finished reading what happened today, Lin Fan asked: “What do you think about these posts on the Internet?” ”

Taking precautions is what a qualified leader should think about, sooner or later he will leave the magic capital to open up territory and expand the territory in other provinces and cities, when the time comes, the forces that are defeated need to be managed, he only decides some major events, the magic city is thrown to Lin Youyou, Lin Fan can rest assured, Zhao Wanqing can too.

At the moment, the closest are Mu Yueqing, Li Siqi, and Zhao Yanyan’s three daughters, Lin Fan feels that it is time to cultivate them now, and catch them blind in the future.

Lin Fan’s thoughts Lin Youyou already knew before, so they didn’t speak, but Mu Yueqing’s three daughters didn’t know that Lin Fan was testing them.

Putting down the mobile phone, Mu Yueqing recalled the zombie cat he encountered before, and frowned: “The corpse tide is actually nothing to be afraid of, the 15-meter-high city wall is enough to ignore the corpse tide, we can kill as much as we come, ordinary female warriors can fully deal with it, but those zombie animals, I think it’s very dangerous!” ”

“Take the zombie cat I met today, small size, fast speed, very difficult, if not fast enough to react today, our female warrior has already been injured, four-dimensional attribute lower than 15 points female warrior, facing the zombie cat is still very dangerous.”

The counter-like watches issued by Lin Fan not only count and locate these functions, but also check personal attributes, with this watch, the strength of female warriors can be seen at a glance.

Zhao Yanyan next to him thoughtfully, unlike Lin Fan and Mu Yueqing, Zhao Yanyan traveled very smoothly today, and did not encounter zombie animals, but after watching those videos, a sense of crisis also emerged in her heart.

People are not far away must have near worries, the corpse tide is not to mention, but zombie animals are indeed worth being vigilant, accidentally scratched and bitten, but will become zombies, although she can solve the zombie virus, but there is no avatar, infected outside, it is likely that she will not be able to catch her back, and it will become a zombie.

Besides, she’s not a firefighter, so she can’t run around.

Pinching her eyebrows with a headache, Zhao Yanyan only felt that it was really eventful right now.

“Zombie animals have not been encountered on my side, but according to some movies and what Qingqing said, the threat of these zombie animals is only high, the zombie dogs encountered by the Lord, the zombie cats encountered by Qingqing, and the zombie crows in the video These show that zombie animals are not the only ones.”

“What worries me the most is that cats, dogs, and crows are infected, so was one of the animals we hated the most, mice, infected? Rats are animals that are everywhere, the most important thing is that they eat everything, eating dead human flesh is even more normal, hungry living people they dare to bite, not to mention corpses? ”

“The entire underground of the magic city can be covered with sewer pipes, these are the favorite and most frequent areas of rats, and I even suspect that under our feet, there are already an unknown number of rats infected, but they haven’t had time to get out of the ground.”

“Once there is an outbreak of rats, we may be fine, but the maids are ordinary people, and facing these rats is no different from the meat on the sticky board, regardless of whether the rats in the sewer pipe are infected or not, we need to go and see.”

Thinking that there might be an unknown number of zombie mice underground, Li Siqi subconsciously rubbed his arms and felt a chill.

“I’m doing this, those mice are disgusting when they think about it, just when I can control the earth element, I go and block all those sewers, whether there are zombie mice or not, directly cut off the possibility of their appearance.”

Blocking the sewers? Listening to Li Siqi’s words, Zhao Yanyan shook her head, “Unrealistic, let’s not say that the mice will dig their own holes, you blocked the sewer, in case it rains one day, where does the water flow?” Drowned ourselves? ”

Li Siqi’s small face was bitter, and he muttered: “This can’t work, that’s not okay, what do you say?” ”

This sentence can be said to the difficulty, the living room instantly quieted, Lin Fan saw this, just about to speak, but found that Zhao Yanyan’s face did not have the slightest bitterness, but a rather interested look, that eager look made Lin Fan’s heart move.

Could it be that Zhao Yanyan already has an idea? Lin Fan was a little puzzled, at the beginning, he had the same idea as Li Siqi, don’t you like to be in the sewers? I plugged the sewer directly for you, but quickly vetoed it.

Like Zhao Yanyan’s problem, blocking the sewer can certainly prevent the rodent infestation, but what follows is the flood, right? There is still a lot of rainfall in this place of the magic capital, where does the water drain from the blocked sewers?

I didn’t think of a good way in a short time, Lin Fan planned to personally go to the sewer pipe, and found that the rat was directly killed, regardless of whether it was infected with the virus, Lin Fan hated the mouse before the end.

However, it seems that Zhao Yanyan seems to have a good idea, and Lin Fan does not plan to use this stupid method.

“Yan Yan, looking at your appearance, it seems that you already have an idea?” When Lin Fan said this, all the women in the living room looked at Zhao Yanyan in surprise, and they all saw the faint smile on her face, which seemed to have become a bamboo in Hungary.

Being watched by Lin Fan, Lin Youyou and others, Zhao Yanyan smiled and exuded endless flattery.

“Actually, I do have some premature ideas here, but I think it’s necessary to try.”

“Say, whether it is mature or not, you first say it for everyone’s reference.” Lin Fan waved his hand and motioned for Zhao Yanyan to say what he thought.

“Then I’ll be ugly.” Zhao Yanyan took a deep breath and said: “Everyone knows that I studied botany, and naturally I have a deep understanding of plants, and this idea was also something I suddenly thought of by accident. ”

“Cannibal flowers, man-eating vines, everyone should know these things, right?”

In fact, speaking of this, Lin Fan has already understood, including Lin Youyou and others, all the women are not stupid, not to mention that they have been developed by special energy in the brain domain, but they just didn’t expect it before, and now Zhao Yanyan’s two words, everyone understands.

However, Lin Fan did not interrupt Zhao Yanyan, Zhao Yanyan, who was talking, looked confident, especially the natural appearance of the flattering bones, but also moving, not only serious men are attractive, confident women are also attractive!

Although it was only a small test now, Zhao Yanyan’s performance had already made Lin Fan quite satisfied, of course, this was not that Mu Yueqing and Li Siqi were not good, but it was not in the field that the two of them were good at.

“As long as the sewer pipes are filled with man-eating vines and man-eating flowers, even if there are more mice, they will not want to come to the ground, and the cannibal vine and man-eating flowers are very tenacious, do not worry that these plants will die suddenly, and the plant powers I have can give birth to any plant I think of.”

“Hearing Qingqing, these zombie animals seem to be able to improve our divine power level, I am now a little looking forward to those zombie mice coming, can’t I sit at home and upgrade at that time?”

Speaking of this, Zhao Yanyan’s face was excited.

Looking at the excitement on Zhao Yanyan’s face, Lin Fan shook his head and poured cold water: “How big is the whole city?” How long will it take you to lay the sewers of your entire city? Are you planning to be at the bottom of Yoyo during this period? And I plan to also teach Luoluo divine power, and when you finish it, maybe Luoluo doesn’t know how much more than you. ”

“How? Want to try it? ”

Hearing Lin Fan’s words, Su Xiaoluo’s big eyes lit up, and his delicate little ears immediately stood up, looking at Lin Fan expectantly, and his little hands couldn’t help but tighten Lin Fan’s arm.

Rubbing Su Xiaoluo’s little head, Lin Fan smiled slightly, didn’t say much, Su Xiaoluo is also her person now, naturally he should also enjoy this right, can’t be favored over the other, right?

Besides, if he teaches one more power, he can have one more ability that can be improved, otherwise relying only on himself, the only possible situation is that there are many powers, but everything is not refined, and the level of everything is very low.

One more woman to upgrade his power level, isn’t it more comfortable than bothering to upgrade this and that?

Unlike Su Xiaoluo’s expectations, the excitement on Zhao Yanyan’s face had frozen, and Lin Fan’s soul questioning stunned her on the spot.

yes, how big is the inner city? Let’s just say that the four city walls, all 20 kilometers, this is a huge area of 400 square kilometers, such a large area, how long will it take for her to cover all the sewer pipes?

The energy of plant energy is not infinite, and you always have to rest when the energy is exhausted, right? Standing still, watching others swish up in rank?

Think of Zhao Yanyan and feel that her scalp is numb, can this work?

But Haikou has praised, what to do now? Say you don’t play anymore?

Thinking of this, Zhao Yanyan couldn’t help but look at Lin Fan for help, that expression, don’t mention how aggrieved and uncomfortable.

Lin Fan is to tease Zhao Yanyan, otherwise he would not remind her, Lin Fan’s idea is that the sewer pipe is covered with man-eating flowers and man-eating vines, and Zhao Yanyan is leading the team to kill zombies outside the city.

Although the income in the later stage of the sewer pipeline is very high, but the early payment is really too big, and it is too dragging the rhythm, he can, but Zhao Yanyan can’t!

He is exhausted of plant energy, as well as lightning, magnetic fields and other special energy, what does Zhao Yanyan have?

To put it bluntly, Zhao Yanyan, who has no powers, has almost no advantage in addition to being stronger than female warriors in terms of attributes, and even looks a little weak because of energy exhaustion.

The principle of sharpening knives and not chopping wood by mistake is not always tried, and you are still sharpening your knives after people have chopped firewood, what is the difference between this and putting the cart before the horse?

Shaking his head funny, Lin Fan said: “Okay, don’t look at me with such aggrieved eyes, your task has not changed, just take the female warriors to kill zombies outside the city wall every day, I will solve the matter of the sewer pipe, I can’t let you come up with a strategy and contribute.” ”

As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, Zhao Yanyan flew directly over, hugging Lin Fan’s neck and kissing for a while, but poor Su Xiaoluo in Lin Fan’s arms was almost flattened by two little pigs, if it weren’t for Lin Youyou’s fast movements, everyone would have suffocated in shock.

Looking at Su Xiaoluo’s resentful gaze, Lin Fan smiled, and Zhao Yanyan also trembled with laughter in Lin Fan’s arms, and Su Xiaoluo wanted to hit someone when he saw it.

After solving the troublesome problem, Lin Fan was very happy in his heart, knowing that cleaning the rats in the sewers was more than ten times more disgusting than building a city wall!

The zombie rat puzzle was solved, and there was another puzzle next, but Lin Fan already had a specific plan.

Once this plan is implemented, the entire force will definitely grow by spurt! The strength of female warriors will also usher in a period of rapid growth!

But now is indeed the time!

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