Chapter 173 Zhao Wanqing’s powerful power, the fire in the police station

“Ding! Kill zombies +1, points +1, space control experience +1, current experience 309/10w. ”

“Ding! Kill zombies +1, points +1, space control experience +1, current experience 701/10w. ”

“Ding! Kill zombies +1, points +1, space control experience +1, current experience 1206/10w. ”


How many zombies are there on the main road with a radius of hundreds of meters? This Lin Fan didn’t know, listening to the prompt sound that kept echoing in his mind, Lin Fan felt very pleasant!

The only fly in the ointment was this promotion experience, ten times the experience of low-level powers, which made Lin Fan feel a little toothache!

It’s only Lv6 now! It takes 10w experience to promote Lv7, which is all in time for low-level Lv7 to Lv8! It’s just big!

The space returned to normal, looking at the space channel opened up, Lin Fan waved his hand to disperse it, now Lv6 can open up a hundred-meter-long space channel, and when Lv7 is promoted, the distance will definitely increase a lot, and the space channel is not Lin Fan’s ultimate goal!

Space portals are!

Thinking about it, the broken corpses on the ground have all turned into flying ash, not to mention anything else, at least in this regard, the wood element energy can be called the best ability to kill people, and there is no need to worry about the corpse of the zombie blocking the way.

“System, open the Properties panel.”

Character: Lin Fan

Power: 325

Agile: 320

Intelligence: 341

Physique: 370

Points: 7,2970

Abilities: [Magnetic Field Control Lv7], [Lightning Control Lv7], [Wood Element Control Lv7], [Earth Element Control Lv7], [Demon Cat Lv7], [Space Energy Lv6]

Experience: 47891/10W; 15217/10w; 11257/10w; 17508/10w; 20199/10w; 2015/10w

Possession: Throwing knives *100

The strengthening of spatial energy seems to be biased towards intelligence and physique, but it has not improved much in terms of force sensitivity, what makes Lin Fan quite concerned is that the points have soared from the previous 20,000 to more than 70,000 in more than half a day, just like riding a rocket, this increase is really terrifying!

The truth that there are many people and great strength is really not a joke, Lin Fan now doubts, is it that when he goes back today, the points will break 100,000 again? It seems very likely!

But at present, Lin Fan does not plan to exchange any high-level powers, there is nothing else, there is really no time to improve, too much experience, upgrading one high-level special energy is equivalent to upgrading ten low-level special abilities, which can withstand this.

At least before he couldn’t get out of the space portal, Lin Fan didn’t plan to exchange high-level powers, but low-level powers could be considered.

With such thoughts, Lin Fan continued on the road, the spatial energy level increased, the energy recovery speed increased, and the range of space chopping became larger, at least to ensure that the gap between output and recovery was not too large, and Lin Fan killed zombies faster.

This day, not only Lin Fan is trying to kill the zombies, two kilometers next door, Zhao Wanqing with Zhou Xiuyan and others is also moving fast, but the progress is not as fast as Lin Fan, more than half a day, but only five kilometers out, the more out of the city, the denser the zombies.

Now Zhao Wanqing’s lightning energy has also advanced to Lv7, the power of lightning is more terrifying, under the transformation of lightning energy, Zhao Wanqing’s figure is more slender and tall, the graceful figure is hot and moving, Gu Pan, a cold light flashes in the beautiful eyes, making people dare not look directly.

Without the drag of those female warriors with lower strength, more than thirty female warriors completely let go of their hands and feet, facing the number of zombies on the main road, without fear, like a blockade line, firmly blocking the pace of the corpse tide forward, while Zhao Wanqing was broken in the back, turning all the zombies who tried to rush up into char.

The group is like a broken bamboo, although the speed of progress is slow, but it is advancing every moment, you know, this is facing the impact of tens of thousands of zombies, but also maintain the pace of progress, enough to prove that the female warriors are now strong!

Zhou Xiuyan stood in the middle position, the Tang knife in her hand danced like a butterfly through flowers, the slender and slender silhouette danced like a moving beauty, and there was a basis for moving and forward, even if the zombies rushed fiercely, they could not touch half of Zhou Xiuyan’s hair.

More than thirty female warriors all the way forward, suddenly a gunshot came from afar, Zhou Xiuyan moved, her eyes subconsciously looked ahead, the gunshot was coming from the front, but the target was not their side.

Hundreds of meters away, a police station sign appeared in front of you, it was a police station, after the first gunshot, soon the second and third gunshots followed, and then quickly became dense, the ‘bang’ gunshot sound was like a firefight, and the scale was not small.


A sound of wind came from behind, and it also carried a woman’s mature body fragrance.

“What happened?”

Zhao Wanqing appeared next to Zhou Xiuyan, looking at the police station in front, and Zhao Wanqing, who had a more acute sense, also heard gunshots from the police station.

The sword qi in the body burst out, Zhou Xiuyan cut out a half-moon-shaped sword qi, and the zombies rushing in front were instantly divided into corpses, and in the blink of an eye, the sword qi flew out tens of meters, and a blank area tens of meters long and more than one meter wide appeared in the corpses.

Cutting out the knife qi, Zhou Xiuyan turned her head to look at Zhao Wanqing who rushed over, and shook her head: “I don’t know, it may be that the two major forces are fighting in front of the police station, but I don’t know if it is two separate forces or simple internal strife.” ”

This kind of thing is very common in the last days, there is no legal constraint, there are people with weapons in hand, and there are many people who do not want to be subservient to others, especially in the face of power and the temptation of women, infighting is more normal.

Zhao Wanqing almost guessed this in her heart, looking at the zombies that kept rushing in front of her, and said in a deep voice: “Move quickly!” Let’s go to persuade. ”

Yes, it is persuasion, as long as you kill both men on both sides of the war, won’t there be no one to fight? Isn’t this persuasion?

After saying this, Zhao Wanqing’s figure jumped out, at this time, if you want to move forward quickly, you need her to show her strength and clean up the zombies blocking the road, so that she can rush to the police station as quickly as possible.

The thunder ball in the palm of his hand flickered, Zhao Wanqing clapped his hands, the two thunder balls fused, and then a huge thunderbird flew out from Zhao Wanqing’s hands, bathed in thunder light thunderbird vibrated its wings, tens of meters wide wingspan shrouded the entire main road, chirping, the fast strong flew ahead, where it passed, the zombies instantly turned into char, and turned into black ash when touched.

The thunderbird opened the road, and the entire main road was cleaned up in an instant, and there was no more zombie, and the vehicles blocking the road along the way were electrocuted into coke scrap iron under the terrifying high-temperature lightning.

Standing behind Zhao Wanqing, Zhou Xiuyan and others opened slightly, even if they had already seen Zhao Wanqing’s strength, now they saw such a huge thunderbird flying hundreds of meters in an instant, and even advancing, this kind of power is really a little terrifying!

“Let’s go!”

Zhou Xiuyan and the others returned to their senses one after another, and rushed to the police station after Zhao Wanqing’s back.

Chaoyang Road Police Station in Magic City, at this time, the two parties were engaged in a fierce firefight, relying on walls, stairs and other obstacles, constantly shooting at each other with guns in their hands.


Liu Xiaolu took down the pull ring of the grenade, threw his arm vigorously, and threw it directly into the corner of the wall twenty or thirty meters ahead.


The police station was shaking, and tens of meters ahead were filled with gunsmoke, and flames rose into the sky.

“Sisters, call me! Grass him, Wang Hai dares to move the old lady’s people! Your dog’s life is going to be today! ”

Liu Xiaolu’s melon seed had a fierce look on her face, and anger in her narrow beautiful eyes.

Liu Xiaolu is not a policeman, and she has nothing to do with the police, if she really wants to say anything, it is a murderer who was arrested by the police, it cannot be said that she was arrested, she took the initiative to turn herself in to the police station.

The reason is very simple, his father gambled and lost everything, and wanted to change the house in the seller, Liu Xiaolu’s mother was unwilling, but where would the gambler who gambled with the eyes of the stinger care so much, full of desire to win back, under the dispute between the two, the angry Liu father hacked Liu Xiaolu’s mother to death with a knife, but was just bumped into by Liu Xiaolu, who was driven back.

People who gamble are irrational, especially after killing his wife, reason is almost zero, and the crazy Liu father wants to kill Liu Xiaolu who just returned home, if it is not for the anti-wolf spray in the bag, Liu Xiaolu may be brutally killed.

For his father, Liu Xiaolu has not liked it since he was a child, and no one will like a gambling father, especially this father who asks for money for the family twice in three days, otherwise he will be domestic violence.

Facing the crazy Father Liu, and her mother, who had died tragically after being seen more than a dozen times, Liu Xiaolu didn’t know why her life was like this, looking at Father Liu, who fell to the ground and was screaming with chili pepper water, Liu Xiaolu blackened.

Lift everything that can be moved, smash! Ignoring Liu’s father’s pleading, Liu Xiaolu smashed it to death alive, until she couldn’t see the human form at all, Liu Xiaolu didn’t stop.

After sobering up, Liu Xiaolu did not regret it, and then she chose to turn herself in, and after finding out the reason, Liu Xiaolu’s verdict had not yet come down, and the end came first.

After experiencing great changes, Liu Xiaolu became stronger and stronger, and formed a small organization with the women released from the detention center, although not many, but there were twenty or thirty people.

There were also some male prisoners who were detained for one day or fifteen days, but they didn’t know that the end was coming, and the police department made a mess and released a wanted criminal who had just been caught and had not yet had time to transfer, and that wanted criminal was called Lu Guofu.

Lu Guofu committed the crime of raping and killing more than 20 women, the brutality was unimaginable, and after being released, he decisively killed the police, then seized the gun, and led the rest of the prisoners to form a larger gang.

If Liu Xiaolu hadn’t seen the opportunity quickly and grabbed some matching guns and bullets, it is estimated that she and those women would have been imprisoned and become playthings.

The two sides are jealous of each other and dare not start a war easily, especially when Lu Guofu is trying to find a way to trap those left-behind policemen, Liu Xiaolu’s jealousy is even deeper.

More than a month after the end, Liu Xiaolu also led people to search for and rescue some survivors, the man Liu Xiaolu believed, only saved women, the power is slowly expanding, to the current more than a hundred people, the opposite Lu Guofu is also not bad, the number of people swelled faster, nearly three hundred, there are men and women.

Fortunately, men are basically venting tools, and even many are tired of being killed by Lu Guofu who is in a state of anger, in this case, the women on Liu Xiaolu’s side naturally hate him.

The two parties were at peace with each other, until yesterday, Lu Guofu quietly took someone to take away a woman on Liu Xiaolu’s side, if it were not for the women under him to find out, Liu Xiaolu would not know until now.

The woman under his hand was taken away, Liu Xiaolu knew what happened without thinking, Liu Xiaolu under the rage completely tore his face, brought Qi people and weapons to Lu Guofu’s side, was caught off guard Lu Guofu’s side died a lot of people in an instant, even Lu Guofu was forced by the crazy Liu Xiaolu did not even dare to take his head.

In the room, Lu Guofu’s eyes were grim, and his gray face was not embarrassed, and Lu Guofu at this time had a look of embarrassment, he didn’t expect that Liu Xiaolu would be so crazy.

Jingle clang!

In anger, another grenade was thrown over, Lu Guofu was startled, and quickly dodged, he didn’t want to try how powerful the grenade was.


The terrifying explosion roared, and Lu Guofu was blown to ashes, and roared angrily: “Liu Xiaolu of your horse, didn’t he rob you of a woman?” Are you so crazy? ”

Saying that, Lu Guofu fired several shots downstairs to deter Liu Xiaolu and others below.

Downstairs, Liu Xiaolu’s face turned angry, and he angrily reprimanded: “You dare to touch my people, you are tired of life, I don’t care if you play with the woman you caught yourself, but if you move my subordinates, I will kill you today!” ”

PS: The picture is Zhao Wanqing’s character picture, I know this is Jijima Junai, the comment area does not need to be reminded, the author just feels that this set is very similar to Zhao Wanqing’s character, and it also uses thunder.

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