Chapter 175 Heavenly thunder descended, destroying the sky and destroying the earth

The deafening roar and the shaking of the earth made Liu Xiaolu despair in her heart, not only Liu Xiaolu, but also a dozen women holding shields, not to mention Lu Guofu’s subordinates and a group of women who were cowering in the room.

At this moment, everyone was desperate!

How many zombies are there outside the gate of the police station? There are countless more, dense and no one knows how much, such a loud noise will definitely attract all the zombies on the street, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of zombie riots, no one feels able to survive.

Turning around angrily, Liu Xiaolu roared hysterically: “Who shot it!” Are they all crazy? ”

Does Liu Xiaolu want to die? Obviously, she didn’t want to die, otherwise she wouldn’t have hesitated just now, now it’s okay, the door of the police station has been blown open, and everyone accompanies Lu Guofu that beast to death!

It’s just that when Liu Xiaolu finished yelling, looking at the group of women standing behind her, Liu Xiaolu was stunned.

What kind of women is that? The one at the head is tall and tall, with a noble temperament, and an indescribable majesty on his cold face, especially those eyes, as if with a cold light, making people dare not look at him.

Behind this woman, a group of women were wearing light clothing, holding a Tang knife in their hands, looking at the blood stains on the Tang knife and the cold light of Nasen, it was obvious that this was not a toy, but a weapon that could really kill!

A group of dozens of women looked cold and solemn, just standing there, a breath of anger rushed towards them, which made people can’t help but be afraid.

What made Liu Xiaolu pay the most attention was the cold woman standing in front, obviously the leader, the woman was holding a police pistol in her hand, and the muzzle was still smoking white, obviously it was this strange woman who just shot.

“Who are you?”

Faced with Liu Xiaolu’s inquiry, the gun in Zhao Wanqing’s hand turned in a circle, and then handed it to Zhou Xiuyan behind her, and the tall long hoof walked towards Liu Xiaolu step by step.

“I’m sorry, I fired the gun just now, I bet his remote control was fake, but obviously, I was unlucky and lost the bet.”

Although she said that, Liu Xiaolu could not see the slightest look of apology on Zhao Wanqing’s face, and she could not even see the slightest bit of panic and fear.

Liu Xiaolu didn’t understand a little, is this woman crazy? Isn’t she afraid of the next sea of zombies?

“Who I am, you don’t need to know, sooner or later you will know who I really am, the purpose of my coming here today is very simple, from now on, you are all my prisoners, the identity is the bottom, and you will decide your fate when you bring you back to the City of Judgment.”

Zhao Wanqing’s tone was flat, as if she was saying something simple, and her appearance was like informing Liu Xiaolu and the others in front of her.

Zhao Wanqing’s tone was so that Liu Xiaolu didn’t understand at all, why is this woman in front of her? A group of you don’t have a decent weapon, just a bunch of cold weapons? Are you going to take her as a prisoner?

Liu Xiaolu is about to be laughed angrily, although many women with cerebral palsy on the Internet before the end of the day made some remarks that are no different from brain dead, but in reality she really saw such a neurotic woman!

“You gave the only pistol to your men, I have to say that this is the worst decision you have made, you may not have seen clearly what I am holding in my hand!” Liu Xiaolu’s eyes were cold, and the gun in her hand was aimed at Zhao Wanqing’s head, “So, do you understand now?” ”

“I don’t have time to spend with you, I don’t want to die yet, my sisters don’t want to die, you’d better not test my bottom line, I don’t want to kill women, you don’t force me!”

Indifferently looking at the muzzle of the black hole hole in front of her, Zhao Wanqing raised her arm, and her index finger hooked twice into the room and said: “Up, men don’t leave a single one, women as long as they are still alive, bring them out.” ”

When Zhou Xiuyan heard this, she inserted the pistol in her hand in her back, and her figure rushed to the room with dozens of female warriors.

A gust of wind blew in front of her, looking at the dozens of women who disappeared in an instant, Liu Xiaolu didn’t think back for a while, and immediately after, she heard screams coming from the room.

“Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me! ”

“I don’t want to die!”

“I fought with you!”

“Bang bang!”


There were various sounds in the room, as well as the sound of pistols firing, Liu Xiaolu’s eyes were dumbfounded, looking at the situation in the room stunned, and the whole person was a little skeptical.

What did she see just now? Almost face to face, less than three meters away, the woman who took the pistol actually blocked the bullet with the knife in her hand!

Grass! Are you kidding? What about making movies? Cold weapons to split bullets at close range? Really think of yourself as a superhero?

Looking at those women who were almost about to appear afterimages, Liu Xiaolu didn’t know what to say, and immediately after, she felt a loose in her hand, and quickly returned to her senses, but found that the gun in her hand had been held in the hand of the woman on the other side, and kept spinning in circles.


Looking at the indifferent woman in front of her, Liu Xiaolu didn’t know what to say, this woman’s position is obviously the one who leads the order, and the woman who can order those terrifying women, presumably the strength should also be terrifying, right?

She now somewhat understands why the other party uses a knife, instead of a hot weapon such as a pistol, it’s not that the other party doesn’t have it, but the other party’s position already disdains to use pistols for these things, no matter how good the pistol is, it is necessary to change the bullet, where is the knife coming quickly?

You can split bullets at close range, this kind of speed, isn’t it a waste to use a pistol?

Looking at Liu Xiaolu in front of her indifferently, Zhao Wanqing asked, “Understood?” When I understand, I will obediently stand next to me, I don’t want to bother, and I don’t want to kill women. ”

The other party’s original words were returned, and Liu Xiaolu suddenly felt that her face was hot, but she couldn’t find anything to refute it.

“Sister Lu! Sister Lu! Over at the gate, zombies rushed in, and many zombies rushed in! ”

Not far away, a group of women ran over, with panicked looks on their faces, all holding police firearms, and even hanging a lot of grenades on their bodies, and some women were holding explosion-proof shields.

Liu Xiaolu’s face sank, in fact, she didn’t need these women to remind her, she also saw the zombies rushing from afar, and the dense number almost made her despair.

Also looking at this scene, Zhao Wanqing shook her head boredly, “Return the pistol to you.” ”

A black shadow flashed in front of him, Liu Xiaolu hurriedly caught it, and when he looked at Zhao Wanqing again, the whole person froze.

Shhhh Shhhh


Electricity stirred around Zhao Wanqing’s body, her hair was windless and automatic, Zhao Wanqing slowly flew into the air bathed in thunder light, and at this moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

The originally clear sky did not know when there were more large black clouds, these black clouds moved rapidly like ink, and soon covered the sky, one after another thunderbolt light rolled in the clouds, and the thick lead clouds carried a mighty heavenly power, pressing everyone almost suffocated.

Looking at the heavy lead cloud that almost collapsed the sky, and then at Zhao Wanqing who flew in mid-air, surrounded by boundless thunder and lightning, Liu Xiaolu was dumbfounded, stupid, and dumbfounded!

Not only her, but also the dozen women next to her and more than a hundred women who rushed over all looked stupid!

“Lu…. Sister Lu…. Thunder… Thor! O Thor! The Thor we saw on the post before! ”

A woman carrying an explosion-proof shield next to her looked dull, and her other hand kept patting Liu Xiaolu’s arm, with shock and excitement in her tone.

Without the reminder of the woman next to him, Liu Xiaolu already recognized it, how similar is this figure to the one in the video? And this terrifying vision of heaven and earth!

It turns out that Thor turned out to be a woman?

Now Liu Xiaolu understands, no wonder the other party doesn’t put her in her eyes at all, no wonder the other party doesn’t put the gun in her hand in her eyes, her subordinates are so strong, the gun in her hand is estimated to be scrap copper and rotten iron, right?

Looking at the zombies rushing in front, Liu Xiaolu suddenly looked forward to what Zhao Wanqing was going to do next, presumably the next attack must be a stone break, right?

And with Zhao Wanqing here, the situation that they would have died undoubtedly seemed to be able to be reversed!

Flying in the air, Zhao Wanqing’s face was solemn, her eyes exuded endless divine light, and the thunder and lightning energy advanced to Lv7, although she did not have the terrifying vision of heaven and earth like Lin Fan when she broke through, but changing the weather and even controlling the celestial phenomena in a small part of the area, there was no problem at all!

The thunder light in the palm was like a dragon, the thunder light splashed, Zhao Wanqing’s hands seemed to grasp thousands of rays of thunder light, her arms swung down hard, and she shouted: “Falling thunder!” ”


The sky shook, the terrifying roar was like the sky falling, the lead clouds in the sky rolled, dense thunder light stirred on the surface of the clouds, as Zhao Wanqing’s voice fell, thousands of thunder rays fell from the sky, dense thunder hit the area of 100 meters ahead, at this moment, the sky and the earth suddenly brightened, dazzling white light heaven and earth.



Thousands of falling thunder fell from the sky, the area in front instantly turned into a boundless sea of thunder, zombies in the sea of thunder could not even hold half a second before being gasified, terrifying falling thunder boiled, all the way to the direction of the police station gate spread, thunder light splashed, shrouding everything in front of the boundless sea of thunder.

Falling thunder fell from the sky, the ground was blown out of a dense pit, the terrifying falling thunder was like a washing blow, constantly falling into the distance, everywhere it passed, everything was evaporated, leaving only the flowing thunder pool and the giant pit all over the ground, countless green smoke rose from the ground, and the soil was scorched black by lightning.

The walls of the police station were shattered by lightning, and where the thunder passed, there was nothing left, only huge pits and blackened land, at a glance, the area of thousands of meters ahead was completely emptied, and some houses that were in the way were even completely shattered by the thunder, and the terrifying destructive power wiped out everything in an instant.

In the sky, Zhao Wanqing slowly landed from the sky, as the thunder on her body converged, the dark clouds in the sky also slowly dispersed, the sun’s rays shone down, if it were not for the ruin-like scene in front of her that was still close at hand, Liu Xiaolu almost wondered, was it an illusion?

Is that kind of power really something that humans can control?

Looking at Zhao Wanqing who was plain in front of him, Liu Xiaolu couldn’t come back to her senses for a long time.

Is Zhao Wanqing in a calm mood? Obviously, it is not calm, this is the first time since she was promoted to Lv7 that she has opened up her firepower, showing her strongest strength, although the consumption is not small, but Zhao Wanqing is very excited! Very excited! At the same time, I was shocked by the destructive power she caused!

This is a devastating sight! It was really caused by her!

The heart was excited, but Zhao Wanqing’s face did not show the slightest, this expression management ability, Zhao Wanqing is familiar with it.

Looking at Liu Xiaolu, who was stunned in front of him, Zhao Wanqing asked, “Do you still have any questions now?” ”

“Nothing…. gone….”

PS: Thank you for the great reward of the big guy who loves to read! Thank you guys for your tips and subscriptions!

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