Chapter 181 Pioneer and die generously!

Lin Fan’s words, in the city of judgment, that is the holy will, in a word, Li Yun and the three of them immediately did it, not long after, the freshly baked boiled corn was served, as for dinner was still cooking.

One person held a boiled corn in his hand, and Lin Fan ate a bite, and he felt inexplicably a little emotion in his heart.

More than a month has passed since the end of the world, boiling corn, which is usually something that you can basically eat if you want to eat in the magic capital, is now difficult to eat, and it may be easier in the countryside, such as a densely populated metropolis like the magic capital, basically no different from dreaming.

Now it’s good to be full, there is no picky eater or the opportunity to choose food, and even in most forces, women need to sell their bodies in exchange for food.

In the past, it was always said that times of peace were bitter, but in reality, more people now prefer to live in times of peace than in the end times because they see real despair.

But these have nothing to do with him, Lin Fan shook his head, and no longer sighed, as long as he lived happily, he didn’t care what others did dead or alive.

The food here in the supermarket is very happy, but the situation of the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital more than a hundred kilometers away, is not so good.

The conference room of the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, at this time, the huge conference room was bleak, Liu Yuanbin and others were sitting in their respective seats, everyone did not speak with a straight face, and the atmosphere in the conference hall was particularly depressing.

Today is the second day of the corpse tide, and the tens of millions of corpse tides are still so terrifying, they can’t see the edge at a glance, and even faintly, from other remote towns in the magic capital, there are waves of zombies from time to time, making the already endless and terrifying number of corpse tides become even larger.

In one day today, the tide of corpses advanced three kilometers, and the Warlord Liu Family of the Modu City lost two lines of defense again, and now they can only hold the last two lines of defense, if these two lines of defense are lost again, the Warlord Liu Family of the Modu can only shrink in the military region and use the fortifications of the military region to resist the zombies.

The tide of corpses continues to expand, and the endless stream of zombies is even about to catch up with the speed of killing zombies, or the speed of killing zombies, not as fast as the corpse tide replenishes, and the loss of weapons and ammunition is serious, so that the Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital faces only one result!

That is to be consumed alive!

The situation is not easy to be optimistic, no, it should be said that the situation is very bad, according to yesterday’s results, the Warlord Liu family of the magic capital has a high chance of winning this war of attrition, but everything that happened today makes the scales of victory tilt towards the zombies.

The corpse tide is constantly joining with new small groups of zombies, how to fight this? How many towns are there in the area around the magic capital? And how many zombies are there? No one can say this.

The corpse tide ran out of the Demon City, the number was as high as tens of millions, and the position of the Liu family, the warlord of the Magic City, was very embarrassing! It’s embarrassing!

To the northeast, the coastal area, bordering Su City, means that it is likely that another small group of zombies was driven from Su City, which makes the already bad situation even more difficult to control.

The most important thing is the lost line of defense, a total of ten lines of defense, now eight are lost, if the zombies hit the military area, it will be even more difficult.

The aviation legion could not take off, and a trump card in the hands of the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, was strangled alive in the airport, and could only rely on land and sea to suppress the zombies, but it could not be suppressed at all.

The house leak coincided with the overnight rain, and after two days of non-stop firing, there were some problems with the fire strike regiment in the military district, and when the shells were still sufficient, all kinds of artillery that had been firing more or less had some failures.

Even if it is well manufactured, it is impossible to fire 24 hours a day without stopping, the explosion of the chamber is normal, today the fire strike regiment has a 155 plus howitzer to blow up the chamber, the muzzle temperature is too high and soft, the angle is offset, and the shell explodes in the barrel.

The power of the explosion killed more than a dozen soldiers on the spot, and if it were not for the strict control of ammunition, there would have been a series of explosions.

All kinds of problems have accumulated together, which makes the already dire situation even worse.

In one day, Liu Yuanbin’s few remaining black hairs all turned white, and his old face looked a lot haggard.

The dullness in the conference hall has lasted for more than an hour, Liu Yuanbin did not speak, the lieutenant generals at the conference table did not know what to say, the dilemma faced by the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, everyone was clear, but no one could come up with an effective solution, so there was no need to speak.

I don’t know how long has passed, Liu Yuanbin blinked his sour and shriveled eyelids, and said in a hoarse voice: “Regarding the corpse tide outside the Liu family of the warlord of the magic capital, do you have any solutions to it, or to relieve the pressure on the military region?” ”

Liu Yuanbin was very tired, and before the meeting, he had discussed a lot with Wu Guozhong and these old guys, but there was no decent countermeasure.

They have fought all their lives, what kind of formation has not been seen? What bad situation has not been experienced? And what kind of powerful opponent has not been encountered?

But in the face of the tide of corpses, they really can’t help!

Fifty years ago, the war was fought with weapons and people, and fifty years later, it is also weapons and people, these magic capitals have great advantages, the most advanced missiles, the most advanced weapons and equipment, at the same time there are three major army groups, more than 300,000 regular troops!

But their enemies are tens of millions of zombies who have no weapons and only know how to blindly charge, but if it’s just zombies, it’s not too much of a problem, but when these zombies have a commander and understand some strategies, they are helpless!

Air supremacy was deprived, high-power missiles could only kill a few zombies, and in the face of the endless tide of corpses, a group of old generals were completely out of rut!

If these zombies are all people, they are not afraid, but the scary thing is that these are zombies, as long as a wound is cut by the zombie’s claw, it is enough to be infected!

In the early days of the outbreak of the apocalypse, the Warlord Liu family of the magic capital also had many soldiers suddenly mutated into zombies, but the number was within a controllable range, but the number of two or three thousand, but it was these two or three thousand zombies that made the entire military region almost chaotic, and the number of infected people once reached nearly 10,000, and it took a lot of effort to completely wipe it out.

Two or three thousand mutant people, infected as many as thousands of people, this is the horror of the zombie virus, two or three thousand zombies are so terrible, then up to ten million corpse tide rushed into the military area, what will be the result?

The three major armies, up to more than 300,000 soldiers, may all be infected in less than half a day, right?

Under the pursuit of zombies, no one can be spared, humans will be tired and thirsty and hungry will not be able to run, but zombies will not, even if they are in a car, there will be a day without oil, zombies are such creatures, really outrageous! Outrageously terrible!

If it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t think of any good strategy, Liu Yuanbin would not have called a meeting, although he also knew that even if he held a meeting, there would not necessarily be any good strategy, but he really had no choice.

Now Liu Yuanbin finally experienced the difficulties on the side of the imperial capital, or in other words, the imperial capital side is better, at least air supremacy is ensured, with the help of the aviation legion, the corpse tide is not so terrifying!

Not long after Liu Yuanbin’s voice fell, at the end of the conference table, a major general with a star on his shoulder stood up.

“Report to the commander-in-chief, I have a solution that is not a way.”

Liu Yuanbin raised his eyes and looked at the last seat of the conference table, not only Liu Yuanbin, but everyone in the conference hall looked over.

Seeing the person standing up, Liu Yuanbin thought a little and remembered the name of this major general.

“Major General Dou Zhihao, please say.”

Major General Dou Zhihao, regarded as a rare forgeable material in the military region, is now in his thirties, his father is Lieutenant General Dou Jianwu, and he is also one of Liu Yuanbin’s old associates.

On the left side of the conference table, Dou Jianwu looked at his son with a frown, and said solemnly: “Don’t make some immature opinions, you’d better think clearly, otherwise you won’t be embarrassed.” ”

Dou Jianwu said this, but also to protect Dou Zhihao, a lot of things in the military region can not be said, this kind of bird’s thing, it is best not to do it, if it is done is okay, if it is screwed up, the problem is very serious!

So serious that he may not be able to keep his son!

At present, although the Liu family of the warlord of the magic capital has not yet reached the moment of life and death, if Dou Zhihao makes any suggestions, so that the warlord Liu family of the magic capital has suffered heavy losses, not to mention his father as a lieutenant general, even if it is Liu Jingyu and Liu Tongyu who commit the crime, even if they have a commander-in-chief father, they can’t protect it!

Although there is talk about interpersonal relations in the army, if you make too many mistakes, even if the father is the commander-in-chief, you can’t save it, rules are rules, if the rules are gone, the team can’t bring it, and some things always have to be explained to the people below.

In the face of his father’s warning, the expression on Dou Zhihao’s face did not change in the slightest, and he said in a deep voice: “My thoughts are well thought out. ”

Liu Yuanbin glanced at Dou Jianwu, waved his hand and soothed: “Old Dou, don’t worry, let the child talk first, if it is useful, let’s consider it, if it is useless, just skip it, it’s better than now we dry stare.” ”

Dou Jianwu wanted to say something more, but he still sighed and didn’t look over his head.

“Zhihao, you can say.”

Dou Zhihao nodded and looked solemn, “My idea is to drive our armored vehicles and tank vehicles out, our steel behemoths are not afraid of zombies, so that they may be able to stop the progress of zombies.” ”

When Liu Yuanbin heard this, he shook his head, he also thought of this, but in the end he vetoed it, this method is not realistic.

“Your method is very good, but don’t forget, smart zombies are not stupid, once our armored car rushes out to crush the zombie, that intelligent zombie is likely to make the corpse group gather to surround the armored vehicle, no matter how strong our steel behemoth is, it will also be squeezed in the corpse group and cannot move.”

Dou Zhihao’s expression remained unchanged, “Commander-in-chief, I have considered this issue, and my idea is that once the time comes, please be sure to fire at us, so that it can relieve a lot of pressure on the military region, and at the same time mass kill the corpse group, then I will take the lead and personally go into battle!” Die with the soldiers! ”

After Dou Zhihao’s words, an exclamation sounded in the conference hall, and his eyes looked at Dou Zhihao, his eyes were full of shock and admiration, leading the way, generously dying for the military region, no matter what the result of this method was, this spirit was enough for everyone present to be in awe!

Dou Jianwu looked at his son, did not say a word for a long time, on the main throne, Liu Yuanbin returned to his senses, pressed his palm down, and signaled Dou Zhihao to sit down.

“This matter will be discussed later, the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, has not yet reached that moment of life and death, and today’s meeting is over.”

The meeting is over, many generals have rushed out, for now, Dou Zhihao’s method has been vetoed, but how long can the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, last under the tide of corpses?

If the situation continues to deteriorate, I am afraid ….. It won’t be long, right?

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