Chapter 200: The piano on the city wall is roaring, and the corpses under the city wall are everywhere

Like watches and Tang Dao, there is surplus inventory in the supermarket, Zhang Qiuyue went upstairs to take a watch and Tang Dao, and settled Qin Yuwei and Mu Qingxue in the female warrior’s dormitory building, the two women can live in the same dormitory, the location is next door to Liu Mingyue’s dormitory.

Zhang Qiuyue’s idea is to let Liu Mingyue take care of Qin Yuwei, how to say that she and Yueyi are also sisters now, and there is nothing wrong with the two juniors getting close.

After settling the two women, looking at the time, it was not yet four o’clock in the afternoon, Zhang Qiuyue had a new idea in her heart, especially looking at Qin Yuwei’s excited look and gesturing to the Tang knife in her hand, it seemed to be very fond of it, and said: “Weiwei, it’s still early, do you want to go to the city gate to experience the feeling of killing zombies in advance?” ”

Strictly speaking, killing zombies a day earlier, you can become stronger a day earlier, for her daughter, Zhang Qiuyue is loved, and I hope that she can become strong a day earlier.

Qin Yuwei’s eyes lit up when she heard this, for those described by Zhang Qiuyue before, she was very yearning, knife qi, gang qi, these thoughts are very touching!

“Mom, can we go now? If you kill a zombie, it’s next to the city gate, right? 15 meters high huge city wall, in addition to traveling to the ancient capital, I have really never seen such a spectacular city wall, mother can we go now? ”

Looking at Qin Yuwei’s excited appearance, Zhang Qiuyue nodded, “Of course, as long as you are not afraid, your mother can take you now, if you drive, it will be ten minutes away, and now the traffic is very convenient, and you don’t need to step on the brakes when you kick the accelerator.” ”

“What about Qingxue? Want to see the city walls? ”

Mu Qingxue’s eyes flashed with a touch of intention, the huge city wall that stretched for twenty kilometers and was 15 meters high, she also wanted to see how spectacular it was.

“If it’s not troublesome, I’d like to see it too.”

“It’s not troublesome, you can go together if you want to.” Zhang Qiuyue smiled, turned her head to look at Li Yun, and before she spoke, Li Yun smiled and waved her hand, “Go ahead, let’s go, the hospital can have us.” ”

Knock knock!

The door was knocked, Zhang Qiuyue was stunned for a moment, several people looked back at the door, outside the open dormitory door, several maids stood there, holding various musical instruments in their hands, the largest was a guqin, and several others were also holding flutes and the like.

“Several adults, the Lord Mother ordered us to send these musical instruments over, saying that Lord Mu will use them in the future.”

Mu Qingxue’s immortals are not only manifested in appearance, the piano music and flute art she plays have an ethereal fairy aura, and even have been praised by many famous artists in the empire, in the true sense, this song should only be in the sky, and there can be a few times in the world.

Many of Mu Qingxue’s songs are self-singing, especially on the cloudy stage, I don’t know how many people are dazzled.

Looking at the musical instruments in the hands of the maids, Mu Qingxue’s eyes flashed with excitement, in the Olin Hotel, she lived every day, there were no musical instruments for her to play, and her instruments had long been left on the stage or backstage forever when the zombies broke out.

There are nearly 80,000 zombies in the Magic Capital Stadium, no one dares to risk their lives to get her musical instruments, and she has never asked for it, for her own selfishness, she has to let others die, she is not so selfish.

“Quick, come in, trouble you, put these here, thank the main mother for me, she bothered her.”

After several maids put down their things, they quickly waved their hands, “Sir, you are too polite, we may not have the opportunity to meet the master mother, you should say these words in person.” ”

The status of these maids is low, unless it is Lin Youyou summons, there is no chance to see Lin Youyou in person.

Mu Qingxue’s expression was slightly startled, and she quickly reacted, Lin Youyou was high, which could these maids see.

“That…. Then you guys go down. ”

After sending off several maids, Mu Qingxue looked down at the guqin and flute in front of her, her expression was obsessed, and her palm subconsciously stroked over it.

“Miss Qingxue, how are these instruments? I have some impressions of this, the other day a group of maids swept a musical instrument shop, which was full of these classical instruments. ”

Mu Qingxue returned to her senses slightly, and said softly: “Although this guqin is not as good as the one I used before, it is not much different, and this guqin should be the treasure of that musical instrument shop.” ”

Mu Qingxue didn’t say much, no matter how much she talked to a group of people who didn’t understand the piano, the other party didn’t understand, and it was embarrassing, she didn’t understand people’s feelings, she was also a person, eating grains.

Seeing Mu Qingxue’s liking for these instruments, Zhang Qiuyue suggested: “Miss Qingxue, we are going to the city gate, do you want to go to the city wall to play a song?” Feel the atmosphere over there. ”

Mu Qingxue’s eyes lit up, playing on the city gate tower, this kind she had not yet tried.


“Then let’s go, while it’s not too late, you should be able to stay on the other side of the city gate for a short time.”

Mu Qingxue nodded, picked up the guqin, followed Zhang Qiuyue, and the group quickly went downstairs and came to the parking lot.

The storage here are all scrubbed and filled with fueled vehicles, there are many brands of vehicles, and there are many maids waiting here, seeing Zhang Qiuyue and several people coming over, they quickly ran up and asked: “General Manager Zhang, do you want to use a car?” ”

Zhang Qiuyue nodded, swept his gaze, and stopped on a big G, “Give me the key to this car.” ”

The maid glanced at it, and after a while, she turned out the car keys and handed them to Zhang Qiuyue.

“Mr. Zhang, give you the key.”

Zhang Qiuyue took the key and smiled at Qin Yuwei and Mu Qingxue behind him: “Go, let’s get in the car.” ”

The group of three went to Big G, leaving only Li Yun and Yue Yiren standing in place, Big G started, Zhang Qiuyue waved her hand at the two women, and said: “Sister Yun, Yiren, I will take the two of them out first, and the hospital will trouble you.” ”

Li Yun waved his hand and signaled Zhang Qiuyue to rest assured.

Mercedes-Benz Big G went all the way to the dust, at the door of the hospital, several female soldiers guarding the door stopped the car, and after seeing Zhang Qiuyue, they quickly opened the door and let them go.

Mercedes Big G kicked the accelerator, the engine roared, like a giant beast running wildly on the empty street, there was no time at all, in Qin Yuwei’s cheers, Mercedes Big G came to the city wall.

Pushing the car door, Qin Yuwei looked up at the gray-black city wall in front of her, with indescribable shock in her eyes, and Mu Qingxue next to her was similar, holding the guqin and looking dumbfounded.

Especially when you look left and right, the tall city wall cannot see the edge at a glance, and the wall in front of you seems to have crossed the long river of history and crossed from ancient times.

“Too…. That’s cool! For a long time, Qin Yuwei came out with such a sentence, and this sentence also expressed Mu Qingxue’s inner thoughts.

It’s so cool, it’s so shocking!

Turn off the car, Zhang Qiuyue closed the car door, a female warrior on the city wall walked down quickly, saw Zhang Qiuyue, bowed her head and saluted: “General Manager Zhang, the matter you want to come over, the main mother has already notified, please go up the city wall, the captain can’t come down to greet, and please don’t blame.” ”

The duty of the captain is to stand on the city gate tower, pay close attention to the situation below, and once an abnormal situation is found, open the city gate at any time and let the female warriors outside the door withdraw, which is a great responsibility.

Zhang Qiuyue obviously understood this, and said with a smile: “It’s okay, but we are coming, trouble you, Yuwei, Qingxue, let’s go up.” ”

Returning to her senses, Mu Qingxue nodded.

A group of three people led by female warriors to the city wall, looking down at the bottom, a large number of zombies, constantly surging towards the city wall, looking at the massive number of zombies, Qin Yuwei’s eyes are indescribably shocked, there are really too many zombies!

Especially under the city wall, hundreds of female warriors holding Tang knives, constantly moving forward and retreating, the bloody battlefield is full of zombie corpses, looking at those invincible female warriors, Qin Yuwei’s eyes are indescribably excited, and she can’t wait to jump off the city wall.

But she also thought that she could prepare for the aftermath by jumping 15 meters.

On the side, Zhang Qiuyue said a couple of words with the captain of the town guarding the city gate, turned around and saw Qin Yuwei’s eager gaze, and couldn’t help but ask: “How is it, do you want to go down and try it?” ”

When Qin Yuwei heard this, she turned her head to look at Zhang Qiuyue and nodded vigorously, “Although I am very afraid, I still want to go down, the eagle will never learn to fly under the wing of my parents, mom, you have helped me a lot, the next road, I need to go by myself.” ”

“It’s good that you can have such an idea, you go down, the city gate will open in a while, when the time comes, you can go out, be careful not to walk around, listen to the command of the captain below, this will allow you to avoid a lot of danger.”

On the battlefield, the most taboo thing is to run around and not obey the command, which will make the original well-founded formation disordered, resulting in a complete collapse.

“Mom, I’m going down.”

Clenching the Tang knife in her hand, Qin Yuwei turned her head and walked down the city wall.

Not long after Qin Yuwei went down, the city gate slowly opened, looking at the city wall like a living creature in front of her, Qin Yuwei plucked up her courage and walked towards the city gate.

Just walked out of the city gate, the bloody and angry qi that rushed to her face almost smoked Qin Yuwei, and before she could wake up, a figure quickly ran over, pulled Qin Yuwei and walked behind many female warriors.

“Listen, you are now a member of the second team, when you call the second team forward, you go forward, don’t be afraid, you will cut when you see the zombies coming, cut according to the head, understand?”

With the roars and roars of the zombies in her ears, Qin Yuwei nodded, “Understood!” ”

“Don’t worry, I’ll stand next to you, I’m there! Don’t be afraid, from today you will be my little sister, my name is Liu Mingyue, I am very strong! Liu Mingyue patted her heart, looking indescribably arrogant, that is, her dirty little face, which made her momentum inexplicably shortened.

Upstairs at the city gate, looking at Qin Yuwei who was taken away by Liu Mingyue, Zhang Qiuyue was finally relieved, on the first day, Liu Mingyue was given the source power crystal, the four-dimensional attribute broke through 20 points in one fell swoop, the strength is strong, facing these zombies outside the city, it is not a problem at all, even if Qin Yuwei can’t cope with it, it can help one or two.

Road, Zhang Qiuyue has paved the way for Qin Yuwei, this is the ultimate that Zhang Qiuyue can do for her, and then it depends on whether Qin Yuwei can compete for anger, if it is competitive, maybe one day, the mother and daughter will relay together.

Returning to her senses, Zhang Qiuyue smiled at Mu Qingxue, pulled her to a table, and said softly: “Qingxue, the place is simple, do you see it here?” ”

Mu Qingxue was still shocked at this time, the tall city wall, a strong sense of history, and thousands of zombies outside the city, as well as hundreds of female warriors holding Tang knives to strangle zombies, this kind of scene is more shocking than any special effects movie.

Mu Qingxue did not reply, the guqin she was holding in her arms was carefully placed on the low table, her hooves were bent, she knelt on the futon, and her slender and lustrous fingertips gently swept on the strings.

The sonorous and powerful clear sound came from the guqin, Mu Qingxue was already immersed in her own world, there was no distraction, there was no one else in her eyes, only the guqin in front of her.

The sound of the piano stirred, the sonorous and powerful piano sound was fierce and powerful, like the beating of war drums, booming, outside the city wall, hundreds of female warriors were shocked, under the agitation of this piano sound, in fact, it rose abruptly, the movements on the hands were faster and more ruthless, and the heart was full of boundless fighting intent.

And at the back of the team, Qin Yuwei, who was still a little hesitant, was no longer confused at this moment, her eyes were filled with boundless murderous aura and determination, and at this time, there was an icy cheer at the front.

“The second team stepped forward! A team to give way and retreat! ”

PS: Unconsciously 200 chapters, 440,000 words in 25 days, people are going to be tired and stupid, thank you brothers for your support.

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