Doomsday Mage Summons the Undead

Chapter 114 The hero saves the world, the hero creates the world!

As Renque became more and more confused, the major general said solemnly: "I found a road, a road that is not glorious. The road is very painful, but it can save the fire of human beings until the time of comeback."

"Perhaps in the eyes of the commander and others, he is a hero. His behavior of constantly wandering around the most intense battles since the end of the world is indeed worthy of this title."

"But there is a saying that is good, the world loves heroic moves, and I only admire the heroic way."

"He chose to be a hero in the light, so I will be a hero who is cast aside in the dark."

"History books will tell people: Heroes save the world, heroes create the world!"

The major general became more and more excited as he spoke, and he was no longer his usual moody and expressionless look.

At this time, Renque, who had skipped the information, became more and more confused as he listened to it. What exactly does the major general want to do?

Renque had a bad guess in his heart, but the long-term obedience training made him dare not make any guesses.

A large number of black and red marks appeared on the major general's face at this moment, which looked like a human and a demon.

As if he had some kind of guidance, he changed his direction again and continued: "The process of this road is painful, but the result is worth the risk!"

"Because it can preserve the human fire!"

"I have been losing since I was a child, and I haven't tasted the joy of success for a long time"

"This time, I want to turn the tide against the sky!"

There was a hint of madness in the major general's expression.

Renque didn't understand why the major general said these incomprehensible words to him, but this did not prevent him from quietly listening to the leader talking to himself.

He believes that, in any case, as a major general, he will not make his worst premonition.

The major general stopped talking, and the atmosphere fell into a strange silence.

A black shadow flashed from time to time in the surrounding fog.

There were roaring and roaring sounds in the distance.

The surrounding scene is telling people: this place is not a good place.

The black flames in the major general's eyes gradually faded away, and his expression gradually changed from crazy to calm.

After the two walked away for a long time, the major general said slowly: "Sometimes, some things are really tiring to carry alone, and I really want to talk to someone, but unfortunately, some things cannot be known to others. "

"There are many things that you can't control by yourself. Even if you are lonely and lonely, you still have to keep going. You can't stop and you can't look back."

"What happened in the Six Dynasties, it's just a family's private plan. Maybe many people think that what I do is for the family's private plan."

"But it doesn't matter. Those who want to achieve great things don't care about small things, let alone care about other people's opinions."

The major general murmured softly, as if he had made up his mind.

Renque, who was listening quietly at the side, felt that the Major General was becoming more and more weird.

However, he felt that those words of the major general did not seem to be meant for him.

Instead, he told himself.

Time passed slowly, I don't know how long it has been, Renque thinks it should be dawn, right?

But when he looked up, he found that the six meters above his head were covered with mist with a pungent sulfur smell.

He cannot see the sun.

In the mist not far from the direction of the two of them.

A strange black liquid flows from a dead tree with a crooked neck.

A palm-sized red-eyed magic crow squatted on a branch, its nimble little eyes kept flashing red, and carefully looked at the two major generals who were getting closer.

The red-eyed demon crow is a kind of demon species that knows many languages.

It doesn't have much attack power, but it has excellent escape skills and is proficient in languages, so it has become the favorite follower and messenger of high-ranking demons.

Like the Patrol Bat, although this kind of monster is not strong in itself, it has its own outstanding specialties.

If you can meet an enlightened demon lord and arrange him in a suitable position, his usefulness can be described in four words: flaws do not hide their strengths!

The red-eyed magic crow stretched out one wing and scratched its head. After the major general walked not far in front of him and stopped to look at each other, it rolled its small eyes and screamed in a human voice: "Quack, human! Attack! !"

The screaming had just begun, and there were a lot of roars from unknown monsters around.

The voice was close at hand, as if it had been prepared long ago.

The earthquake sense instantly invaded the gray and withered land near the magic crow.

Kong Sha, Rhine Web Spider, Blood Red Scissor Bee, Blood Bud, Patrol Bat, Ghost Scorpion and many other sub-level monsters visible to the naked eye rushed towards the two major generals!

There was even a huge blood vine suddenly drilled out of the ground, waving the vine as if to attack.

Renque behind the major general suddenly became nervous.

Each of these monsters can kill him countless times if they are taken out alone!

Moreover, he was still aware of the danger in some open spaces where he could see nothing with the naked eye!

Fortunately, the first batch of animalized soldiers were true warriors with faith.

After Renque saw that the major general did not make any changes, he knew that the major general knew what was happening, so he restrained himself to calm down and observed the major general's words and deeds all the time. , even if he risked his life, he would protect the major general's safety!

Even if he can't protect him, he will surely die before the Major General!

I will not let the major general get hurt in front of my eyes!

After many demons surrounded the two major generals, they stopped approaching, but kept a distance of several meters, roaring, roaring, and threatening.

The human bird can even smell the stench of some monsters. Some unknown liquids sprayed by some monsters in front of their feet are emitting pungent white smoke, corroding the ground.

The rhine web spider, several meters high, faced the human sparrow, neighing with its mouthparts wide open.

The two of them maintained a strange harmonious atmosphere with all the demons.

The magic crow waited quietly for a while, and found that the two of them seemed to be confident, then rolled their eyes, and yelled like a crow: "Gah? The breath of the apostle?!"

The major general quietly watched the performance of the magic crow. He knew that there was such a smart monster before he came.

And the aura on his body is enough to protect him to return safely.

The act of the magic crow ordering the surrounding monsters to surround and intimidate was nothing more than trying to find out something.

What a rough actor.

Thinking so, the major general put down the steel box with a smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "I want to see your lord."

The magic crow was not chirping, but just stared straight at the major general without speaking. It shook its head, its jittery little red eyes seemed to say: What did you say? I do not understand!

The major general smiled: "I know you are not those brainless monsters, and you can understand our language."

The anthropomorphic voice of the magic crow sounded again: "Gah! You are not an apostle, you are not qualified."

Before he finished speaking, a black flame ignited in the palm of the major general.

Seeing the smeared black flame, the magic crow stopped talking as if its throat was strangled.

"Am I qualified now?" the major general smiled.

The magic crow rolled his eyes: "Of course! Your honorable lord, of course you are qualified to meet with the great Lord Baslow, please wait a moment."

Then the magic crow flapped its wings and flew away.

The major general opened his arms, looking up to the sky, greedily sniffing the strong smell of sulfur here.

But the human bird behind him felt that the temperature here was about to scorch his feathers. He looked at the swarms of demons around him, and shook his wings a little uneasy.

The sound of thumping alarmed the major general, he turned his head to look at Renque and said: "Later, no matter what happens, don't make a sound."

Renque hesitated to say something, but finally just nodded.

quack quack! ! !

After the two waited for a while, they heard the noisy voice of the red-eyed magic crow coming from afar.

The major general glanced at the billowing black smoke, smiled and put the heavy steel box on his back on the ground.


Eight steel boxes were stacked together, and the major general jumped to the top of the steel box, looking up at the black mist in the air ahead.

In the black mist, a group of red-eyed magic crows circled and flew.

Suddenly, a leading magic crow shouted loudly and sharply: "The great Lord Baslow is here!"

In just a moment, many monsters around bowed their heads to the ground, trembling.

The group of red-eyed magic crows suddenly spread out in all directions, each looking for a place to stay.

And that group of black mist is more and more condensed into a solid body.


With a bang, the black mist suddenly dissipated.

A monster with a height of three meters, huge antlers on the top of the head, bony bulges on the back, and arms so long that they hang down to the ground appeared on the spot.

Its scissors-like right claw still has most of the human remains inserted.

Judging from the steel cables wrapped around the waist and abdomen of the remnant body, and the military boots on the only remaining leg that are still dripping blood.

This is a special task force sent by the military into the mist, and it should have died not long ago.

The deer-headed demon opened its mouth wide, and sent the human remains into its mouth.

Ha ha, ha ha.

Click, click.

Crackling, crunching.

After several times of chewing, except for the bright red blood falling from the mouth to the ruined ground, there is no trace of this special task force member's appearance.

Even the steel cable wrapped around his waist was swallowed by the deer head demon.

The person next to the steel box trembled when he saw this scene. He was not afraid, but angry.

No warrior could stand indifferently as his comrades were wiped out of this world in such a way.

The deer-headed demon moved its scissor-like claws, and a black air escaped from the antlers.

Renque only felt an invisible gravity engulfing his whole body, and was pressed down to his knees beside the steel box with a bang.

The deer-headed devil leaned down, glanced at the steel boxes stacked under the major general's feet, and said with a strange smile: "I smell the smell of gifts."

Except for special races, most high-ranking monsters have the ability to make onomatopoeia through air vibrations.

The deer-headed demon slowly raised its head to look at General Kill, who had remained calm all along. The huge hooked nose on his crow-like face was so conspicuous.

It looked at the major general from head to toe, and said with a strange smile: "I really didn't expect to meet someone like you at this time."

"Today should be the fourteenth day, right? What a decisive human being."

"You can come to me, it seems that you know a lot of things."

Maybe he saw what the major general wanted to say.

The deer head magic spirit blocked the major general's mouth with a wave of black air, and the latter subconsciously released black inflammation to get rid of it, but found that his biggest reliance - black inflammation, had no effect at the moment!

The deer head devil smiled strangely: "Don't worry, it's really the first time I've met a candidate apostle in the secret inheritance, I won't eat you, except for a little bit of blood, it's not good for me Isn't it?"

"You should know that as the lord of the demon species, it's too boring to be accompanied by only these demon species all day long. I finally met interesting human beings. You shouldn't mind talking more, right?"

Seeing the major general shaking his head, the deer-headed demon smiled excitedly and removed the black air from the major general's mouth.

"Before we get down to business, I have a question. As a human being, the process of becoming a candidate apostle is not very pleasant, is it?"

The major general shrugged his shoulders with a calm expression: "It's okay."

"It's the first time I've heard a human being who betrayed his soul and race speak so calmly. You are really different from those human records in Inheritance Secret."

"Your pain now is just the beginning. In the future, even if you become an apostle, pain and regret will accompany you for a long and eternal life."

The major general frowned, feeling a little annoyed that the elk had talked too much nonsense, but he continued to listen quietly.

The situation is stronger than people, and he understands the principle of forbearance.

The deer-headed devil leaned down, with its huge hooked nose pressed against the major general's face, and continued, "The fate of you human beings cannot be changed as the dust has settled. I have always wondered whether the information in the inheritance secret is true. Tell the great Baslow-sama, why you have taken this road?"

The major general looked directly at the other party's inquiring eyes: "Since you can't get what you want, then try your best."

The deer-headed demon quacked and laughed twice: "You human beings won't understand you when you betray your fellow clansmen and talk so nicely."

The major general also smiled and said: "Only the mentally retarded will long to be understood, and the strong will only sink the boat."

The weird conversation between the two came to an abrupt end when Renque, who was struggling to stand up, looked stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the field fell into silence, and the surrounding monsters quietly retreated at some unknown time, as if they had never appeared before.

The deer-headed devil gave a strange laugh: "I appreciate you very much, and I am a candidate for the apostle."

"I'm in a good mood at the moment, tell the great Master Baslow about your request."

The name of the deer head demon to the major general has changed from human to candidate apostle.

The major general remained silent, black inflammation appeared on the soles of his feet and circled around the steel box for a circle.

Without a sound, the steel box was cut apart.

He lightly exerted force on his toes, and the steel box that had been cut off in half was pushed away by him.

The deer-headed magic spirit looked at the transparent container with shining magic patterns exposed in the steel box, and its eyes turned red instantly: "I thought it was a small gift, but I didn't expect it to be a big gift. It's really good!"

Inside the container is a blood-red piece of flesh that is slowly wriggling as if alive.

If the blood red color is ignored, it looks like Tai Sui meat from the old days.

At this moment, the deer head demon spirit really wanted to put aside the human standing on the steel box immediately, and immediately eat the magic polyps that could shorten its evolutionary mileage.

The major general glanced at the red-eyed demon crows that were about to move around, then lightly stepped on the container made of space storage materials and said with a smile: "With these things, you can evolve into a general-level demon species faster, you It can shorten the original six months to four months!"

The major general jumped out of the steel box and came to the ground, stretching out his hand to point to the vast world outside: "With this, not only the generals in this area, but also the prime ministers in a wider area are waiting for you!"

The deer-headed devil laughed loudly, with a strange tone: "What an interesting candidate apostle, it seems that you know a lot, what do you want?"

The major general withdrew his arm pointing to the outside world, and slowly turned his head to look in the direction of the city.

There is Nanzhili.

The weather in that city is turning from cold to warm.

The major general stared at the city and said softly, "I want you to attack Nanzhili in advance."

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