Doomsday Mage Summons the Undead

Chapter 129 Please enter the urn, don't be afraid of children! we won!

The ghost quickly reported the existence of the mechanic to Qi Lin.

At first, Qi Lin was also taken aback.

He didn't expect that in his previous life, many top dignitaries lined up to make appointments with a mechanic who might not necessarily be able to meet.

It's actually a child of about eight years old? !

But judging from the Xiaodi No. 1 robot reported by the ghost and the behavior of the human wolf.

That kid is undoubtedly a mechanic!

Those canned people with high beliefs will only obey the orders of the high-level military, and for the high-level military, people who are worthless will not send these rare canned people at all!

Therefore, as long as it is the target of the canned man's protection, it must be right to grab it first!

When Qi Lin, who was doing push-ups, learned about it, he immediately sent Hei Feng: "Bring the mechanic back."

At the same time, the four main undead teams, with a total of more than 500 undead of various colors, also began to quickly move closer to the wolf.

"Master, a large number of flying demons are rapidly approaching the mechanic, and their vanguard has already begun to attack that human wolf."

In the soul link, the ghost continued to report: "There are at least 600 patrolling bats visually. According to the estimation of the previous population of patrolling bats, these flying demon species are composed of about 3-5 groups of patrolling bats."

Qi Lin, who was drinking protein powder, suddenly frowned.

It's not that the number of these monsters is a bit tricky.

Instead, he thought of something that happened earlier.

That crow!

The black air burst suddenly and the crow disappeared!

After thinking quickly, Qi Lin checked the undead in his dead space.

There are also five bronze-level black warriors, one burning corpse, one death archer, and more than twenty copper bones.

He reached into his arms and confirmed that the defensive jade pendant and the teleportation puppet were activated at any time.

Qi Lin quickly issued an order through the soul link: "There are all of them. The undead in the four main teams all spread out around the mechanic, forming three encircling circles."

"The first encirclement, with the mechanic as the center, spreads out 1,500 meters away, the second, spreads out three kilometers away, and the third, spreads out five kilometers! All the undead are spread out evenly in the circle, Make sure each area is patrolled by at least one undead."

The order of the stragglers arrived in time to the undead who were running towards the mechanic.

Under the command of the coordinating ghosts, hundreds of undead immediately dispersed in an orderly manner, and at least one undead stationed and inspected every street, community, and various buildings.

Such stragglers formed many dead spots for inspection. After all, the area was too large, and there would always be some dead spots.

Moreover, if this kind of straggler tactics is replaced by human troops, without real-time communication support.

Undoubtedly it will be a fool!

The advantage of this skirmishing behavior is that it expands the range and does not miss any targets.

But the downside is that it is easy to give the target an opportunity.

But Qi Lin who has a soul link naturally doesn't need to worry about this.

As long as an undead in one direction encounters obstacles or finds a suspicious point, all the undead around will quickly surround it like a shark that smells of blood, until they annihilate each other.

Qi Lin took out the hand-drawn map, confirmed the approximate traffic nodes of the surrounding terrain, and once again divided the inspection range of each undead in detail.

The ghost old nine who has been following Qi Lin's actions asked suspiciously: "Master, shouldn't we take down the mechanic with all our strength? Why did we disperse? Just join forces and rush there, they will definitely not be able to escape , and it’s not like we haven’t killed those flying monsters before, isn’t it too cautious to surround them with skirmishers?”

Qi Lin didn't answer Lao Jiu's question immediately, and he quickly took off his tattered camouflage clothes after arranging for the undead.

As Lao Jiu became more and more confused, Qi Lin actually took off the dark night cloak and put it in the space ring!

With the removal of the night cloak, Qi Lin's body also returned from the invisible state to the normal state visible to the naked eye.

He quickly packed his backpack, put it on, and walked out of the small street shop where he rested temporarily for exercise.

Qi Lin just exposed himself to the dark night so carelessly.

He walked slowly towards the direction of the mechanic.

At this time, Qi Lin replied through the soul link: "The mechanic is now the turtle in the urn. Heifeng cooperates with the three ghosts enough, and it is a foregone conclusion to take him down."

Qi Lin looked at the empty Zhanqian Road Square in front of him, it was a good place to expose, then his eyes lit up and he walked towards it quickly: "We have more important guests waiting for our warm welcome."

"Ah? Who is it, Master?" Ghost Nine became more and more puzzled.

Qi Lin smiled and said: "You will know later, maybe we can kill two birds with one stone tonight."

Qi Lin immediately thought of the previous situation when he heard the report from the ghost that at least three patrol bats joined forces.

After the spell test was over, the three-headed demons gathered together and charged together.

There was also the unknown dizziness, and the crow that suddenly disappeared when the black air burst.

Those three-headed demons are not good at IQ, but they didn't kill each other to obtain demonic energy, but they could go together to attack Heifeng? !

Why do you want to do this?

This alone was enough to ignite Qi Lin's paranoia of persecution.

Not to mention the dizziness caused by unknown factors, and the crow that disappeared between the burst of black air.

These are enough for Qi Lin to miss it.

In the past two days, Qi Lin has been thinking about the crow that may have an IQ in his guess, and may be able to obtain information about the demon species from it, but unfortunately, Qi Lin has never found him.

But at this moment, maybe the opportunity has come.

Qi Lin who came to the center of the square stood still, he turned his head and looked into the dark night.

The night is so quiet, nothing out of the ordinary.

Among Qi Lin's many guesses, the crow that can only burst into black air and disappear is definitely not an ordinary monster. Maybe he can control the monster, so there are three monsters that should have killed each other to strive for evolution. Uncharacteristically, Go hand in hand to attack the black wind.

An intelligent, demonic species with control skills?

No matter what it is, since you attack me once, there will be a second time, so it's better to find you and kill you earlier.

It would be great if we could get some information about the demon species to pave the way for the future.

Perhaps the swarm of flying demons besieging the Mechanic is your work.

The ghost said last time that your observation range is one thousand meters, so I don't know how far your black air can escape.

Come on, since you control the three-headed demon and want to kill me, then come and kill me.

I'll be waiting for you here, please enter the urn!

Qi Lin, who was invisible without the night cloak, slowly opened his arms, raised his head high, and greedily breathed the stench and howling in the wind.

If he is not afraid of thieves stealing, he is afraid of thieves thinking about him. Qi Lin is unwilling to keep an enemy who hides in the dark and waits for an opportunity.

Now that danger has been discovered, he must be killed immediately.

Even if he paid for some defensive props, Qi Lin would not keep such a scourge staring at him.

If I can't find you, then I will give you a chance to find me.

It depends on whether you seize this 'great' opportunity.

in the alley.

The human wolf, with his arms tightly wrapped around the child to protect him, was running desperately in the narrow alley.

He could feel the bat monster approaching gradually, the sharp breathing made his eardrums uncomfortable, and the biting cold chilled his heart.

Perhaps because of the genetic modification, his perception of danger has been strengthened after he became a werewolf.

But the werewolf had never felt such an intensifying danger approaching.

He didn't hide the sound of his actions, he galloped with strides, and every time he jumped up and stepped on the ground, the metal soles would always make a thumping sound when they came into contact with the ground, like a walking tank.

The child clings to his chest, trembling.

His eyes were wide open in the darkness, and he couldn't see what was happening outside.

Because the man-wolf's thick arms protected his whole body.

The man-wolf looked at the patrolling bats whistling in the air in front of him. He didn't know how many bats were covering the sky.

He only knew that this time, it might be a bad luck.

The Xiaodi No. 1 robot had already run out of energy when dealing with the leading bat, crashed and collapsed on the spot.

Those energy sources are either gas purification or ordinary battery purification, and the staying power is simply not enough to support a regular battle.

Taking advantage of the last gap before the patrolling bats encircled him, the man-wolf finally took a look in front of his eyes, then lowered his head and rushed away regardless.

In his memory, there was an ATM automatic teller machine about 500 meters ahead.

The gaps in the surrounding buildings are too large for him to defend by himself, only that building is suitable for defense.

Running alone is not enough, he will definitely not be able to run away from those flying monsters while holding the child, and running will only drag him and the child to death on the road.

He had to find a way to fight back.

The distance of 500 meters can be reached easily if it is normal.

But right now, it's extremely difficult.

The sharp claws of the Patrol Bat scratched metal marks on the armor of the wolf who lowered its head and dashed forward, and the screeching metal screeching sounded non-stop.

Whenever a patrolling bat re-launches to look for an opportunity to attack after an attack, there is always the next patrolling bat to follow up and continue attacking without gaps.

For a moment, the sound of metal clanging and buzzing wings made the nearby air vibrate.

The werewolf felt the attack from the armor, and felt the intensified tremor of the child in his arms.

He shouted loudly and firmly: "Don't be afraid of the child! I will protect you!"

Words are firm and confident.

But at this moment, in front of the man-wolf were all black patrolling bats, and he couldn't even distinguish the direction, so he could only continue to charge instinctively.

Suddenly, a scream sounded, and a cold killing intent condensed in the air.

An empty spirit teleported to the side of the wolf surrounded by patrol bats at some point.

Two rows of blue rays of light lit up on both sides of Kongsha's body, and as the magic power flowed, a sharp cone-like magic spear appeared above its head.

The armor that can resist many patrolling bats was pierced by a teleported magic spear.

Moreover, the damaged part is still at the weak position of the carapace link.

The metal spikes pierced the wolf's body hard, and blood flowed out.


The werewolf let out a low-pitched groan, and continued to stumble and run forward. Even in such a situation, he still didn't want to scare the child.

After Kongsha's attack, he immediately moved away from the battle center and prepared for the next attack.

At this moment, the Patrol Bat finally found a chance to solve the canned armor on the wolf.

They swooped down, their sharp claws slashing across the blood-soaked wounds, and after each patrol bat attacked, they would rush back into the sky and wait for the next opportunity to dive again.

And in the midst of such a battle-like attack, another Kongsha reappeared.

The moment the magic spear passed through the back of the wolf's neck and the armor link, the armor on the back of the wolf was removed to the ground.


The heavy armor fell to the ground, like a nuclear weapon detonated in the wolf's heart.

The newly emerged monsters are very smart, knowing that their attacks cannot directly pierce the thick armor.

So I aimed at the link of the armor to 'disarm'.

The back without the protection of the armor was suddenly exposed among the bats, and the human wolf's skin covered with ugly black bristles suddenly became the new target of the patrol bats.

They roared and swooped in, and every swoop could take away the flesh and blood on the wolf's back.

The werewolf endured the pain, and rushed towards the ATM frantically while blood was splattering.

"200 meters."

"100 metres."

The werewolf's eyes gradually turned red, and he kept calculating the distance in his heart.

"50 meters!"


Feeling the more serious blood flow behind him, the werewolf finally started his own lycanthropy with huge sequelae.

With the appearance of howling wolves with a sad meaning, the bloody back of the human wolf began to heal quickly!

Moreover, the muscles inside the werewolf armor were also bulging crazily, and sharp claws protruded from the custom-made metal gloves with holes reserved.


The wolf who rushed to the front of the ATM automatic teller machine rammed sideways, and finally came to this defensive position that allowed him to breathe.

Narrow terrain can block the numerical advantage of flying monsters.

He quickly put the trembling child in his arms but kept biting his pale lips tightly and put him in the corner.

"No matter what happens, I will protect you!"

The wolf's red eyes looked at the child for the last time, and then tore off the entire armor on his chest with one hand.

With his left hand, he took out the three bottles of potions stuck inside the armor, quickly pumped the stimulant and potency into his body, and then stuck the last bottle of burst potion in his waist.

All the movements were as neat as if they had been rehearsed a thousand times. After doing this, the man-wolf grasped the pre-designed grooves in the armor to serve as a shield.

The naked-chested wolf stood in front of the narrow doorway, leaving only a large back that was wriggling and healing itself.


The wolf waved his breastplate, and finally able to fight back, he slapped a patrol bat to the ground.

Clenching his right hand tightly and swiping violently, three sharp wolf claws with a diameter of ten centimeters grew out of the four phalanxes.

In every swing, there is always a patrol bat that is torn in two and falls to the ground raining blood.

The human-wolf whose upper body was exposed just stood guard in front of the door, waving a simple shield and sharp claws non-stop.

Although this terrain can support his counterattack, it also blocks all his retreats.

The werewolf has no choice but to face-to-face with a large number of flying monsters.

The werewolf stood in front of the door, his blood-red eyes resolutely scanning the surroundings for all monsters that wanted to take the opportunity to sneak into it and hurt the child.

Due to the terrain, for a while, many flying monsters lost their advantages in high mobility and numbers.

At this moment, the blood-soaked human-wolf had the feeling of three hundred Spartans fighting at Thermopylae.

Unfortunately, human physical strength is limited.

Even though lycanthropy and medicine greatly improved his recovery ability.

Then the patrolling bats rushed three times in a row, but it was still difficult for the wolf to support.

He knew in his heart that going on like this would not work, and he would only die from exhaustion.

Human wolves who dare to voluntarily sign up for genetic modification are not afraid of death.

He was afraid that the mechanic would not be able to return to the military safe zone.

Humanity needs this child so badly.


In the gap between the battles, the wolves who were holding on tight let out a shrill and loud wolf howl.

The previous explosion and flames indicate that a skeleton or caster is nearby.

Werewolves want their attention and their support.

Even though his reason tells him that this kind of support is unlikely to be available, after all, a gentleman will not fall into a trap, and survivors who can survive until now will not do things that are not beneficial but only dangerous, but this is the last hope of the human wolf.

He watched countless bat monsters gathering and circling in the mid-air in front of him, they were like a black torrent always looking for an opportunity to flood him.

"Don't be afraid, child! I will protect you!"

The werewolf yelled loudly, as if comforting the child who started to sob behind his back, or giving himself strength.

Hold on a little longer,

just for a while,

Immediately, the skeleton man and the fire caster came.

The group of bat monsters hissed and rushed straight to the expectant wolf.

The latter waved his sharp claws without fear, and the claws shone with cold light, tearing the bat monsters apart one by one.

His shield kept hitting the bat, and the loud bang bang made the bat monster unable to get close.

I don't know how long it has passed like this, maybe a minute, maybe an hour.

The man-wolf, whose sight had been blurred by blood, couldn't tell the concept of time.

All he could do now was swing the scratched shield and claws in his hands.


Desperately waved forward!


The exhausted man-wolf sees in a trance,

A burst of raging flames appeared in the mid-air demon population in front of them like a huge wave!

The werewolf only felt a flash of fire in front of his eyes, and after that, the whole world lit up!

The corpses of a large number of patrolling bats fell from the air amidst the bang bang bang bang.

Even, half of the burning bat corpse hit the wolf's face.

The human wolf with rounded eyes put aside the charred corpse and looked in the air ahead.

The group of demons that had been hovering had already dispersed.

The huge wave of flames just now killed at least a hundred bat monsters!

Looking at the patrolling bats fleeing in all directions, the man-wolf gulped as if he was in an illusion.

Even a warrior who has experienced a lot, seeing such an extraordinary scene, is still horrified in his heart.

When the man-wolf looked down, he found a man walking towards him, holding a flaming silver sword and stepping on many howling bats.

"It's the flaming silver sword that Dr. Zhan was talking about"

When the werewolf saw the silver sword, he became extremely excited for a while.

It's the one that Dr. Zhan, the vice president of the Institute of Demon Seeds, said, the powerful chosen one who has saved them and mastered magic!

"It's you!"

"It's you!!"

"You are stronger than I thought!!!"

The human wolf shouted in surprise at the oncoming black wind.

This surprise even surprised Heifeng, who was thinking about whether to kill the human wolf.

The behavior of the werewolf seems to know me?

Heifeng was a little surprised. He asked himself that he had never seen this wolf, but he had slaughtered a person wearing the same canned armor.

Although Heifeng was a little puzzled, he still raised the silver sword in his hand, and the flames were burning on it.

Whether he recognizes it or not, Qi Lin's order to him is to bring back the mechanic.

Hei Feng felt that anyone who blocked the order could be killed.

Just as Heifeng was about to launch a sword attack, the human wolf took off the scarred helmet, turned around and rushed to the child, gently stroked the child's hair and said joyfully: "Don't be afraid of the child! We won! "

"See that uncle with the silver sword outside?"

The human wolf with his back to the black wind said excitedly to the trembling child: "He can take you home!"

"Son, you follow him, no matter how dangerous the front is, you trust him! He will definitely take you home!"

"Yeah! Let's go home together, Uncle Canned Man!"

"I'm not leaving, you go with that uncle."

"Huh? Why, Uncle Canned Man?"

"I'll try to divert those bats away, so that you can walk more smoothly." The man-wolf touched the explosive potion in his arms with a smile.

Although this battle was difficult, he always knew in his heart that no matter what, he would protect the child.

Humanity needs this child.

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