Doomsday Mage Summons the Undead

Chapter 191 Dog Day's Old Ninth, father and son, and the young eagles always have to fly by the

"Too LOW, I think it's okay."

"Shut up!" Qi Lin's voice resounded through the instantly silent public soul channel.

"Aren't you too busy?"

"Are all the offensive positions I assigned to you in place?"

"Death Archer and the infantry of the Burning Guard coordinate coordinates, are you done?"

"Has the black warrior formation's interspersed and divided battlefield been arranged?"

Just when Qi Lin was about to say something more, the upright old nine answered, "Master, you didn't arrange those jobs for me. It would be boring for me to stare at Baslow. I think the avatar with peak silver hair is so boring." .”

"What do you want to say?" Qi Lin asked directly.

In a way, the ghosts don't have any sense of the world that can't interrupt the leader's speech.

And Qi Lin never taught them these things. Instead, he mentioned things like speaking directly and working together.

Because Qi Lin felt that for these absolutely loyal undead, let them learn those ways of the world?

It would be too wasteful.

Soon, Qi Lin tasted what it was like to shoot a rock at his own foot.

Lao Jiu said frankly: "Master, you didn't say it. If there is something to say, we don't need to avoid you. Let's just say it."

Qi Lin, who was unable to refute for a while, was silent for a moment and said, "Did I ask you to say this?"

"Master, I."

"My hostility has nothing to do with you!"

"Master, Lao Jiu has learned a lot about hostility recently! I think you should act recklessly, kill people if you want, and fuck any girl you like! This will eliminate hostility."

Lao Jiu wanted to say something, but was interrupted directly by Qi Lin.

"The battle is about to start. Keep an eye on Baslow's clone. If he runs away, I'll take your skin off!"

"Follow the master's will!" Lao Jiu shut up in a trembling voice, not daring to say any more, just thinking in his heart that there is another way to give Qi Lin an aboveboard reason

When Qi Lin quit the public soul link channel and began to inspect the offensive preparations of each formation.

But Lao Jiu whispered in the public soul link: "Hey! You said, the master has been troubled by the hostility. Could this hostility be held back for a long time? I read that male creatures need female creatures to Relief, so let's see if we can snatch Mrs. Yazhai one day."

There was no sound in the public soul link channel, and all the ghosts were busy with their own affairs and dared not say more.

On the contrary, when it was shipped from the factory, Lao Jiu, who seemed to be missing a string in his brain, still said frankly: "Huh? Why don't you talk?"

"Are you ghosts envious that I can be by Master's side? Do you want to isolate Lao Jiu because of your envy?"

Soon there was a voice, it was Qi Lin's voice.

"Dog day old nine! Shut up!"

"Follow the master's will"

Lao Jiu trembled and dared not speak any more.

After sending Qi Shaohui to the bunker, Qin Youde found a long spear as a crutch, and began to search for the wounded, and led the soldiers who could still move to search for the wounded.



The spear and cane stuck on the soft scorched earth soaked in blood.

Qin Youde looked at more and more black warriors coming from the north, and his heart felt as if he was stabbed by a spear again and again.

Especially when this miserable young man felt that his legendary talent was still in effect, he slowly turned around and looked at the soldiers in the distance who were hunched over the corpses of their comrades.

There are more than 20,000 people, and now there are only more than 100 people left.

Just because of him.

Qin Youde restrained the self-blame in his heart, gritted his teeth, and jumped in front of an ugly soldier who was burned all over his body.

He saw the soldier's right hand twitch just now.

Not a corpse.

Still angry!


The spear and crutch fell to the ground.

This scion of the Qin family, who behaved completely differently from Qin Youyi, hugged the soldier in panic and helplessness.

With trembling hands, he patted the soldier's blood-stained cheek: "Brother."

"Brother hold on, don't close your eyes!"

The roar of a large number of car engines and the deafening shouts of the crowd came from the north.

In the defense line, there are hundreds of magic swordsmen who are as tall as the black wind, rushing forward with silver swords in their hands.

The soldiers with joyful expressions stopped the bleeding of their severed limbs with burning sticks, and shouted loudly: "Reinforcements are coming!"

"Our reinforcements are here!!!"


When Qin Youde heard this roar.

Body muscles relax.

The breath he was holding on in his heart collapsed in an instant.

Hesitation, self-blame, and even panic swept over this human god of war in an instant.

Qin Youde shook the dying soldier helplessly, and shouted in a rare crying voice: "Open your eyes and see, quickly open your eyes and see!"

"Our reinforcements are here!!!"

Qin Youde's heart feels like a knife is twisting at this moment.

In the last moment.

In the last darkness before dawn.

Qin Youde chose a decision that he didn't know was right or wrong at the time.

He gave up the most rational thinking he had ever had, and the way of being an official taught by the commander and his father since childhood.

He chose the youthful blood.

Chose to give these people a name.

But at this moment, he regretted his decision immensely.

"If I hadn't led you to counterattack, maybe you wouldn't have died"

Qin Youde's voice choked up. At this moment, he was just a young man in his early twenties.

It's not the decisive lieutenant colonel, nor is it the human god of war that everyone is optimistic about, nor is it the third generation of the army who has no airs.

If there is no counterattack, if you wait quietly for Baslow to appear, then the skeleton man's magic swordsman troops will arrive, and if they arrive, so many people will not die here

Now there are more than 20,000 people, and there are less than 100 left, and everyone is injured.

"Cough cough cough" the soldier in his arms spat out black blood, and that blood was stained with colorful toxins.

From the moment the poisonous blood gushed out, Qin Youde knew that it was impossible to save

"Brother." The self-blame in Qin Youde's heart instantly climbed to the peak, and the remaining arm kept patting the soldier's cheek: "Brother, don't sleep!"

"Reinforcements are coming!"

Maybe it was hearing Qin Youde's call, or maybe it was the flashback before dying.

The soldier slowly opened his dark red eyes. He looked at Qin Youde and said with trembling lips, "I"

"I'm... am I going to die?"

Hearing this, Qin Youde's facial muscles began to tremble, his mouth grew wide and he wanted to say something, but he was silent.

The soldier spit out black blood with visceral fragments with a puff, and said with a difficult smile: "It's all right."

"I heard someone shouting earlier. What are you afraid of?"

"We'll reorganize in hell."

Before he died, the soldier was still comforting Qin Youde, raised his palm corroded by the poisonous mist and said with a smile: "I don't want to, I don't want to read any more stories about heroes."

"Qin Qin."


"I want to be a hero too"

The soldier's arms hang down weakly, and there is still a smile on his face with his eyes open.

Qin Youde's mouth was trembling with dripping water all over his face. He wanted to cry, but he couldn't.

Because when crying in the past, his father would always forcefully order him not to cry.

It is said that the soldiers shed blood but not tears.

The agitated Qin Youde slowly closed the soldier's eyes.

"It was my fault."

"I shouldn't have led you to counterattack."

"It's my fault... I shouldn't be emotional."

"You are a hero, and a hero should be remembered."

Qin Youde lay beside him, panting heavily, digging holes.

Every time he digs, Qin Youde will pant heavily and talk to himself.

Until the digging is completed, the remains of the soldiers are placed in the pit.

After filling up the soil, Qin Youde slowly got up, and he bowed deeply to the pit.

It wasn't until the severe pain from the broken leg that he fell onto the pit that Qin Youde struggled to get up and slowly walked towards the city.

"Human beings should last forever, so that you heroes will not be forgotten."

Qin Youde, who had only one leg left, was jumping and jumping in an extremely funny way.

But that tall and straight back seems to be higher than the sky.

The southeast security zone, the entrance on the north side.

A large number of army green trucks are gradually returning to the safe zone like a long queue.

Ample passages were also reserved beside the car, and a large number of burning corpses carrying axes and large shields ran southward through the passages.

From time to time, there will be some bronze bone warriors and archers mixed in.

The axe and the blade were stained with indelible blood.

The back of every undead is so tall and straight.

The soul fire in the eyes flickered fiercely, as if it wanted to swallow all life.

The dust kicked up during the rush made people's vision foggy.

The hum of the ground during the march made people's hearts beat.

The eyes of the people on the truck were full of fear and pride.

Horror is the awe of these ghastly-looking undead.

Proud because this is their army.

This is their army who came to save Nanzhili.

This is their hope to drive away the demon seeds and conquer the lost land of human beings.

There was a lot of talk in the crowd, and they all praised the skeleton man as a world-class hero.

Except for a father and son in a black cloak, everyone is saying that the skeleton man is a great hero,

At the front of the convoy, there were only two people in a jeep.

The young co-pilot looked enviously at the Death Archer on the watchtower far to the south.

"If we have such subordinates, won't it be easy to conquer the world?"

The young man turned his head to look at a middle-aged man wearing the rank of major general in the driver's seat: "Dad, is it inappropriate for us to come back in such a hurry?"

"I know you are optimistic about the skeleton man, but..." The young man who had been holding back all the way couldn't help asking: "Why don't we learn from Director Wang and go to the north first and wait, if the skeleton man loses, we can at least return There is a chance to evacuate!"

Faced with the cheerful smile of the middle-aged man, the young man frowned and said: "We had saved up a dozen or so trucks of supplies with great difficulty, and now they are all given to the common people for free, just to have empty trucks." Bring more people back, Dad, isn't this too risky?"

"That's right, you can bear it, you didn't ask me until now." The middle-aged man replied with a smile.

"Remember, no matter how Nanzhili changes, as long as the commander is not dead."

The middle-aged man lowered his voice, with a mysterious look on his face: "On that day, he won't be able to change his surname!"

"Come back now is the most suitable time, neither sooner nor later is just right!"

"When you get to the place, you go and arrange your people to help the wounded."

The middle-aged man turned his head to look at his son, and emphasized his tone: "Especially the soldiers who have retreated from the front line must be treated with sincerity and enthusiasm!"

"Didn't we save a lot of healing potions? Use them all for me!"

"Don't be afraid of waste, and don't be afraid that some seriously injured people will still be dead even if they use healing potions. The important thing is not to miss any of them!"

"But Dad, we only have more than twenty bottles of healing potions, and this is still hidden."

"Then mix it with mineral water, pay attention to the concentration and the bottle, and don't let those soldiers see it."

The middle-aged man said indifferently: "These people will surely flourish in the future. Even if they lack arms or legs, they will be assigned to various departments for commendation and publicity."

"Icing on the cake is far worse than giving charcoal in the snow. It will be difficult to have such a good opportunity in the future."

The son nodded, and after thinking about it, he still asked, "What if the skeleton man loses?"

The man chuckled: "Have you forgotten what the commander said earlier?"

"The skeleton man will come, and Yan Ling has predicted it before. With his help, we will be able to solve the demonic wave of the lord codenamed Baslow."

"I don't think it's just for the sake of stabilizing the morale of the army. Otherwise, why would the boss of the Qin family stay?"

The man sneered: "If the skeleton man doesn't come, if the skeleton man comes and can't solve the demon tide, then even if the boss of the Qin family is still a little young because of his age, he wants to be a hero? Hehe, the commander will not allow him Be a hero."

Seeing that his son was thinking, the man continued to point: "Don't forget, before the catastrophe, a lot of resources and top-notch technology were sent to Yanjing!"

"The old man of the Qin family is not an easy person to be able to be the second in command. He has been widowed for many years and has never married, let alone any scandals. He is just such an only son."

"If something happens to the boss of the Qin family in Nanzhili, even if they are related, they will be held accountable."

"With accountability, then the fog of the future will clear, the road will be opened, the communication will be restored, and the allocation of various resources, do you think Nanzhili can still take advantage of it?"

Seeing that his son was still a little confused, the man said directly: "Hehe, let me tell you, that fellow Commander is not that simple. If this prediction is wrong, the eldest son of the Qin family would have been sent away by the Commander in advance like that Qin Youyi. gone."

"So, you are still too young, don't learn from those bluffers, calm down when things happen, and don't just look at things on the surface."

"Understood, Dad."

The car stopped at the southeast city gate. The man picked up the military cap in front of the windshield, dusted it off and put it on.

After sorting out the rearview mirror to make sure that there was no problem with his appearance, he led the people with healing potions and walked towards the injured soldiers.

The man looked at the ruins in the southeast, where a large number of undead were lining up, and the pace of the lineup was slowly pressing towards the southeast demon tide.

It looked like the attack was about to start.

"This is our family's opportunity to do a good job of rescue and condolences to heroes. In the future, we can still sit firmly on the Diaoyutai in Nanzhili."

"Don't forget the words that the superiors said before the catastrophe, the warlords are everywhere."

The man tilted his head and whispered to his son, "You might be able to cultivate some direct-line troops to fight for the world."

At the southeast city gate.

Qi Lin glanced at the soldiers and greeted them with care, checking the wounds from time to time, and wiping away the tears of the father and son.

He wondered if he should send a ghost to stare at them, because after the demon tide was resolved, Qi Lin went south immediately, and he was going to put Xiaodi in Nanzhili.

"Master, the location of those tricky monsters and the magic-casting side monsters have been investigated, and the nest of fried moths has also been scattered everywhere. Baslow probably wants to use this method to resist the death archer. attack,"

In the soul link, the old ten reports: "However, the number of our dead archers has reached more than 300. Under a round of saturated attacks, we can wipe out those difficult monsters."

Qi Lin first warned: "A lion fights a rabbit with all its strength, never underestimate your enemy."

Then he said: "The energy burst wave of the scorching arrow will still cause damage to the ghosts. Inform the ghosts near the thorny monsters to retreat immediately after the ground is bound to a critical moment."

"Don't lose a lot of soul fire consumption because of those demons. We will go to Baslow immediately after we finish the demon tide. The number of blood packs should be given priority to the black warrior formation, so don't waste blood packs in vain."

"Follow the master's will!" The old ten respectfully replied: "Master, the old ten will make arrangements first."


Just finished dealing with the matter of the old ten here, and soon Ghost Seventeen sent a message: "Master, the news just passed on, there is a red-eyed raven next to Baslow, equipped with a feather canopy that can be blurred, and , he seems to be able to see the existence of ghosts."

Seventeen was a little puzzled: "What's interesting is that he just glanced at it occasionally and pretended not to see it, and the ghost reported that he didn't inform Baslow of the existence of the ghost. Ushio doesn't have any action plans against ghosts."

Is it a villain?

Twenty or five?

Or invite you into the urn?

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows, and replied: "Send a few more ghosts to stare at him, and notify the second brother's death archer formation, and send a few more shots to that raven in the first round of saturated attacks."

"Follow the master's will!"

Just as Qi Lin was inspecting the situation of formations everywhere, Xiao Di tugged at the hem of Qi Lin's cloak and said excitedly, "Look, uncle! It's those rocket fighters!"

"They are so majestic!"

Following Qi Lin's order, a large number of dead archers have begun to come out of the city one after another, keeping up with the large army ahead.

The flame elf burning on the chest and abdomen of the death archer is really bluffing at first glance.

Especially those surviving warriors, every time they looked at these death archers, they paid respect to them.

They are not like those who only draw conclusions based on appearance, they have seen the power of Death Archer with their own eyes.

More than 300 death archers lined up to go southeast.

Perhaps, the previous experience of human beings.

Do you want to experience the demon species later?

"Skeleton man!" A wounded soldier suddenly stood up from the crowd who were asking for their health and helping to treat them.

Drenched in blood, he looked at the death archers who were gradually going away, and shouted: "Come on!!!"

Roaring with heart-piercing unwillingness and expectation.

Not reconciled to being defeated by the devil, looking forward to the hope brought by the skeleton man.

The soldiers chanted the simplest blessing slogans over and over until their voices became hoarse.

The people next to them who had not experienced the battle were also infected by the soldiers, either in response to the occasion, or sincerely thanked these skeletons who fought for them, and also contributed their own words of blessing.

"Everyone is very grateful to those rocket shooters!" Xiao Di pulled his cloak and said excitedly: "It's like in Ultraman, people lend light to Ultraman!"

Qi Lin: .

Qi Li lowered his head and looked at the child who was looking at the skeleton in the southeast, and raised his hand to pat his chicken nest head: "What's there to be grateful for? It's just a matter of convenience, not for them, just for experience."

Xiao Di raised his hand to cover Qi Lin's skinny palm, and asked suspiciously, "Uncle, do you know the skeleton man?"

Qi Lin shook his head resolutely: "How could I know someone with such an ugly nickname? I have no taste at all, and I don't know who named it."

Xiao Di scratched his head, "But uncle, I think you know the skeleton people very well, that's right. I just feel that uncle seems to have some prejudice against the skeleton people?"

Xiao Di's words were a little weak: "I always feel that every time my uncle talks about skeletons, there is a look of disdain in his words."

Seeing that Qi Lin ignored him, Xiaodi plucked up his courage and said: "Uncle, you are not good, let alone being heard by others, others will definitely blame you, just say about yourself, grandma said that you can't speak ill of others behind your back. .”

Qi Lin didn't want to argue with the child, so he said casually, "Okay, I'll apologize to him."

Xiao Di shook his head: "Uncle, you don't want to apologize to me, but if you see the skeleton man in the future, you should apologize to him!"

"In this way, he won't be so angry when he hears others speak ill of you in the future!"

Qi Lin closed the black leather notebook in his hand, everything that needed to be arranged was done, and it was time to check the results.

He shook his head with a smile, and looked at the child dotingly: "Okay, when I see him in the future, I will definitely apologize to him."

Xiao Di laughed and said, "Uncle is so kind!"

"Like the Skeleton Man, he is a role model for me to learn from!"

Qi Lin smiled and didn't reply, just took the child's little hand and walked towards the southeast.

The battle is about to begin, and he needs to move a little forward as the command room for the central control of the battlefield.

While lowering his head, Qi Lin looked at the child who was looking at him curiously.

"What's wrong?"

Faced with Qi Lin's question, Xiao Di hesitated a bit.

He felt that Qi Lin always looked at him with an inexplicable taste.

I feel that what Qi Lin said just now always has a little bit of the tone that my parents used to say everything was good before they went out to work when they were young.

For a moment, he thought of Qi Lin sending him to Beicheng earlier.

Xiao Di knows that Qi Lin is a person who doesn't like to go to the crowd.

During the more than two months of getting along, Qi Lin has never talked to anyone else.

I moved countless times and basically never saw anyone.

Xiao Di was very worried, whether Qi Lin wanted to send him away again.

Xiao Di doesn't want to leave Qi Lin.

After hesitating for a while, this time the child was unusually no longer timid, and there were no tears in his eyes, but he just looked at Qi Lin firmly, just as Qi Lin had told him.

"Although my uncle is sometimes weird, I know that my uncle treats me very well."

Xiao Di looked at Qi Lin whose brows were gradually raised, and said seriously: "Grandma said, don't let people who treat you seriously disappear from your life slowly."

"Uncle." The child pursed his lips: "Uncle, can you stay?"

Qi Lin was silent, the child in front of him was like his grandfather who gave up that small three-wheeler and Qi Lin who was sitting on the stacked cardboard boxes.

It's just that this kid has more courage than him.

He just pretended to be calm back then, and only secretly wiped his tears afterwards.

After a moment of silence, Qi Lin suddenly smiled, as if he had reconciled with himself.

He knelt down and patted Xiao Di's head: "It's good for you to leave. I know it's not good. Someone said similar things to me back then. I didn't understand it, and I was even very angry."

"But I still want to say that the young eagle must learn to fly by itself."

"Compared to me, human society is more suitable for you."

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