Chapter 1280

Well, in fact, there is not much difference between making sugar from malt and planting wheat, or Boss Lin can do something to stir the sugar in the future and let a bunch of stubborn evolutionists gather around sticks and stick each other?

Due to the return of Uncle Kuan, Yan Huishan’s business hours have shrunk severely.

Although Uncle Gungun and Maoqiu’s two-boss battle has never been fixed, they have received the same degree of attention.

For example, Lin Chou would obviously pick up the dust from adults from afar – and shamelessly ask for “business trip subsidies” from Mingguang Development Committee.


Uncle Gungun was boring and talking to Boss Lin.

“Huh?” Lin Chou looked up at it, “Don’t you want to lie to me, I’m really thin?”

“Oh~” Gungun felt aggrieved.

“whispering sound!”

Lin Chou squinted at this creature with a texture similar to a balloon,

“Do you know what brother does, cook!”

“I have slaughtered more wild ingredients than you have ever seen. You can tell at a glance that your lump of meat can produce pure meat or bones when you go into the water. The big difference is not bad, and the error within 10 tons is absolutely not More than 100 kilograms.”

Gumwan was uncomfortable and weak, being swept by Boss Lin’s sight.


Lin Chou couldn’t bear the self-deception of this fat guy, and he stretched out his hand to press the noble buttocks of Uncle Rolling and lifted it up, and he weighed it like an egg.

Immediately give professional-level numbers,

“Before you went to Wolf City, you weighed ten and a half tons, and now, 13 tons, two and a half tons of fat in a month, one hundred kilograms on Heavenly Horse, brother, tell me, how did you do it?”

Oh, gain one percent of your body weight every day. Putting this situation on a girl casually will make you cry and cry with her eyes on the spot.

Just like an affectionate old mother,

“Huh, boss, please don’t talk nonsense. The size of the blood god is very weak among the same race of the original race. Look at this thin arm, it doesn’t look like a swimming ring…”

Lin Chou seriously agreed,

“Yes, yes, you are right, I have to make more heat-explosive food for me. Eat more meat to grow more meat.”

The fatter I got, the more this group of women liked it. In the future, I was striving to turn Uncle Gungun into a tourist attraction. I put it at the gate of Yanhui Mountain, and took a group photo of five hairs and two pieces.

Kugun suddenly said loudly,


Lin Chou’s expression stiffened for a while,


f*ck, your eyeballs are actually cameras, right? I just pass by and see those bamboo shoots just mature? !

After waiting blatantly for the bamboo shoots for more than half a year, Lin Chou really has no reason to refuse the reasonable request of Mr. Billowing. They are national treasures. What do you want to do if you don’t eat bamboo shoots for national treasures? Rebellion?

Qiongzhu is a first-order enchanted plant given by the system. The first-order is not high, but it is rare and rare. Even with the unreasonable blessing of the system master, it took more than half a year to grow into a small cluster. The bamboo then begins to produce shoots.

Well, if it hadn’t been partly destroyed by the great meteor in the middle, or the output could be more now.

Lin Chou’s appearance of these bamboos may seem a little out of the ordinary, the color is as deep as emerald, and the bamboo joints are high and swelled and show a naughty and bright jade white. Each section is particularly short and short. Feeling fat, simple and honest.

In the evening, when the sky was dark, Lin Hai listened to Tao.

Dashuai Lin was full of dignity, revealing a heartache.


With a clear sound, the bamboo shoots broke off, and the dewdrops on the tips were thrown off.

A few stars of light green juice oozes from the section of the bamboo shoots, and an extremely distinctive fragrance unique to the bamboo shoots radiates, making Boss Lin seem to be in a trance.

“Well… where should I start boasting? It’s really a system product!”

The thin bamboo shoots are slightly thicker than an adult’s thumb, and the inside is full and white, with obvious unformed bamboo joints, but there is no hollow.

This thing seemed to be born with or without light, and the surface was lush and green, and it gradually began to penetrate into the interior.

Bamboo shoots, mushrooms…

Boss Lin feels that Uncle Gungun is doing a premeditated act…

When Lin Chou started digging bamboo shoots, Huang Dashan and Wu Ke followed him every step of the way, especially Wu Ke, whose face was shrouded with a light that seemed to be overwhelming at any time.

“One day, two days, four, five, six, seven days, but how many years have I been waiting~”

“It was too difficult for me, but finally it’s my turn!”

Qiong bamboo shoots and tricholoma are both first-order magical plants. Mom, I can eat this dish too! !

According to common sense, most of the processing in the first-order alien beasts and magic plants can also be enjoyed by ordinary people, and even some special cases in the second-order and third-order can also be used after a series of complex processing.

Of course, the culprit that restricts ordinary people from eating foods from animals, flesh, and plants is often not equal, but poverty.

The dishes are very rich, but the protagonists are undoubtedly mushrooms and bamboo shoots.

The two of them did not see Lin Chou preparing too many ingredients, and they were slightly disappointed when they started to process the bamboo and mushrooms after preparing the other dishes.

“It’s a bit simple…”

Lin Chou said with a laugh,

“Uncle Gungun has already planned everything, and today I will satisfy the wish of Gungun, let’s make another braised North and South~”

Braised Nanbei is also known as Shao Nanbei, this Dao heart has a fierce tiger swallowing the north and south dishes originated in Zhangjiakou, belonging to Hebei cuisine.

A plate of delicious delicacies, two flavors of Jiangnan and North Korea.

The mushrooms in the north of Saibei and the bamboo shoots of the south of the Yangtze River, this dish can be regarded as a delicacy with both artistic conception and charm before the cataclysm.

The main ingredients for braising the north and south are generally dried winter bamboo shoots and dried mushrooms. However, because Lin Chou used fresh products this time, the method is naturally very different.

Especially when using dried mushrooms for this dish, the most important thing is to use the original soup of soaked mushrooms for the final thickening. There is no more incisive usage than this, but fresh mushrooms obviously have no original soup available, so use the broth. Cook with chicken fat to increase the taste level.

Lin Chou found a bowl and gently rubbed the surface of the mushroom with fine salt to wash away the impurities and remove the unsatisfactory color patches.

This step is very important, and it is related to the taste of the mushroom when it is cooked. After the first time of salt scrubbing slowly, it should be replaced with light salt water to continue.

Fresh mushrooms actually have a slightly loose texture. When you break it, it’s like breaking a piece of dense semi-dry bread. Obviously, this taste cannot be matched with the texture of bamboo shoots.

But salt washing can remove the excess water from the mushroom. If you have enough patience to massage it slowly and for a long time, you can make the texture become tougher, the meat becomes firmer, and the color will also be It changes from a monotonous white to a slightly yellow + gray look.

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