Chapter 245 Listen, the sound of heartbreak

(Thanks to the book friend Kaosdeleg for the reward of 15000 starting point coins and promotion to the rudder master. Congratulations on this chapter.)

Almost in the morning, those Damn it’s little things have grown to the size of a ball, and they are constantly sprinting in the grass, as if the entire courtyard is full of their figures.

Lin Chou knew these mice, and their scientific name was White-tailed Mole.

After the cataclysm, they played the role of scavengers. Whether they were fresh fruits, dead branches, or even accumulated humus, they were food for them. They were only the size of a finger when they were born. If food is sufficient, they can grow in size within a day. Ten centimeters in length, the complete white-tailed mole even weighs more than 16 kilograms.

Their body shape is very similar to that of hair balls, both of which are cylindrical.

The forelegs are stubby, the palms are particularly enlarged and wide and flat, with strong shovel-like claws to facilitate digging and foraging, the hind limbs are powerful and fast, the outer ears are completely degraded, and there are almost no eyes.

In fact, their eyes are a decoration, equivalent to a blind man.

White-tailed moles rely on the vibration of the ground to perceive danger, and within half a second they can use their shovel-like claws to dig out a shelter on the ground, very cunning.

However, due to the large size of the white-tailed moles, the tender meat and the outstanding reproductive capacity, rapid growth, etc., they are the darling of the rat breeders in Xiacheng District of Mingguang Base City, and the selling price is much higher than that of ordinary mice. , And the red-cheeked bamboo rat are the two kings of the rat.

The white-tailed mole’s lanugo hair is only one centimeter long, grayish and a bit pink. I don’t know how many moles there are in the yard, but their lanugo hair drifts with the wind, covering almost every inch of the space.

Lin Chou sneezed again and again, along with the floating lanugo, there was the smell of fishy and nasty feces.


The strong wind blows, and the mole’s tiny lanugo is like a floating stream, being taken to the distant wilderness.

“Your uncle!” Lin Chou was in pain.

Thus, the rat-catching operation began.

The hairballs and the bulls, the red forest sorrows, and the pitcher grass fence all joined the war.

Nepenthes is the most powerful, tens of hundreds of meters long vines cover the sky, and rumblingly beat the ground, shaking Xiao Wu’s simple room.

The white-tailed mole is extremely sensitive and petite. Compared with the pitcher plant, which is hundreds of meters high, it is like an ant and an elephant.

The effect is conceivable. If the anti-aircraft guns hit the mosquitoes, let’s not say whether they can hit the mosquitoes.

Just with the stance of pitcher plants slamming against the ground, within a few minutes, hundreds of meters of ground around them can be rammed into the foundation of a tall building.

The Nepenthes fence failed.

The hairballs were shot, and the mycelium spewed out from the ground like fireworks, and the moles squeaked from time to time. They were pushed out of the soil and exploded into blood mist.

The hairy cow also made a remarkable contribution this time, rolling across the ground quickly, and each mole was bitten out by it, thrown into the air, and then divided by the hyphae of the hairball.

Lin Chou was very pleased, and then looked at himself and Chi Zhi. They were busy for half an hour, and they didn’t even catch the shadow of a mole.

Secretly gritted his teeth, as long as one, one is fine!

Don’t forget the special skill of the God of Cooking menu, wait until daddy adds it to the menu, and daddy sees how you run it!

After two hours, Furball stopped attacking, not because the mole was completely wiped out, but…were off.

The body of the hair ball that returned to its normal state has shrunk by almost a third, and the hyphae on the surface of the body have wilted. Lin Chou felt distressed for a while, so he quickly put the hair ball in his pocket and let it rest.

Looking at the battered ground and the second-generation moles emerging from countless mole holes, Lin Mei sighed deeply. The white-tailed mole was so terrifying.

Once the danger of endangering the population is sensed, the moles hiding in the deep caves as long as they are more than eight centimeters in size can grow and mature rapidly in just a few minutes, and then perform some indescribable behavior frantically. , A second-generation mole with at least hundreds of births will be born within an hour, and then scatter one after another to flee or evade.

The first generation of moles will die instantly, paying for their explosive reproduction.

But as long as there is a pair of moles successfully escaped, and they are given two or three days to eat and grow, there will be no pressure at all to form a group of rats again.

Without suffocating operations, without the power of heaven-defying, the brain circuits are not very useful, even blind and deaf.

But the white-tailed mole used this stupid method that was as simple as picking its feet to thrive on the land after the cataclysm, spreading to any place that humans can or cannot see.

In a way, this is a complete crush, a bit unreasonable death.

The rat farmers raise all kinds of mice in all-metal cages, with no gaps at all, lest they cause a rat infestation in the base city, not Lin Shou’s situation.

It came so suddenly, without a trace of defense.

Lin Chou is really sad this time. Daddy has worked hard to evolve for millions of years to stand at the top of the food chain, not to watch your group of prodigal rats eat and drink mine and then urinate and urinate anywhere in our yard! !

Er, although the human situation was very embarrassing after the cataclysm, standing at the top of the food chain became nothing more than talking, but how could it be impossible for the mole to come out to dominate the blessing?

Lin Sorrow couldn’t help but think of a book he had read. It is said that there was an unusual artifact before the cataclysm. It was mixed with food or sprayed on the ground to poison the whole litter of rats. This artifact The name was “Tetramine”, numbered A2118, and was later completely banned because of its toxicity.

This TM.

Mankind before the cataclysm was so happy, it was an enviable luxury.

“Boss, what should I do?”

Chiza is also a little bit happy.

Mole is a rare delicacy in the sinkhole. Its meat is tender, red and white, plump but not greasy. Every time a nest is captured, the clan’s companions must carefully make it into dried meat and hide it. Enjoy slowly.

Now that I saw this mountain full of moles, how could Chi only miss the delicious delicacy.

It’s just that now the smell is really…it’s just hard to breathe!

Lin Chou feels distressed, a good yard is about to be eaten into briquettes for this handsome.

Lin Chou tremblingly said, “The cabinet, in the cabinet.”


“Instant noodles!”

“Oh oh.”

Chi Chi only took a pack of Kangshuaibo spicy beef noodles, whispered,

“Boss, eating instant noodles at this time… it’s not suitable, right? This taste… uh!”


Lin Chou squeezed it down.


The cracking sound of instant noodles is crisp and lingering.

“Crack! Click! Click!”

Chi is speechless,


Lin Chou looked up, “Did you hear it?”

“What, what?”

Isn’t the boss mad by these mice?


“Listen, I’ll make you a heartbreaking voice.”


The crushed instant noodles were scattered on the ground by the desperate Lin Chou. The eyes of the two second-generation white-tailed moles were not opened yet, and their long pink noses kept sniffing, staggering and crawling under Lin Chou’s eyelids, like no one else. I ate the dregs.

“Kacha, Kacha.”

Lin Shou’s expression solidified, and the paper bowl of instant noodles fell off his hands and fell to the ground.

The two little moles were startled, screamed and ran away, then turned their heads cautiously.

In the end, the two mole cubs quickly disappeared from the two of them carrying the paper bowl.

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