Chapter 615

Lin Chou laughed and said nothing.

From the very beginning of the fight, Bai Qiong Shou Shan Ye and others have never stopped taking care of the Xiaoguan, or Lin Chou’s existence is of great value to them, but Lin Chou has always been the first group of people. Customers are grateful.

As for the man, there are some things that I never need to say. Even Shan Ye has never said to Lin Chou shyly, “Look, daddy takes care of you so much”, but in fact, the care is still the same. Less than-Huang Dashan was like planted on Yanhui Mountain before.

Therefore, Lin Chou was delighted to say that Lord Shan was able to come back.

Lin Chou could have seen it in the movie at the entrance of the alley. It was a great event for the ancients to give the king to worship. At least he had to put his hometown on the running water table for three days to feast on relatives and friends.

Shan Ye’s situation is even better in terms of technology. He is directly the only prince of Ye Luan instead of the “concubine”. There are hundreds of thousands of women who are extremely powerful in combat. Do you dare to jump out of the box? Word?

As the saying goes, not returning the rich and honorable to the hometown is like walking at night in a brocade-uh, this always feels weird.

Such all kinds of things, in short, if Shan Ye got married, he would return home for three days, and it was not right for Lin Chou to cook a few delicious meals—even if a newcomer returned home, there was never a precedent for eating insects.

Bean hawk moth, Bean green worm, Dou Dan, Dou Baoer, these are the names of the guy in Budouer, in the eyes of people who know, this is a very healthy food.

Doubao eats bean leaves and is thirsty for drinking nectar. It requires a very high life environment. If it is classified as pests of crops, it can be said to be delicate and expensive. Almost any pesticide with strong or weak potency you can think of can make it. Quickly get the box lunch to the end of the scene.

Growing up in a natural, non-toxic and pollution-free environment, Doubao is high in protein and low in fat, has a delicious taste and a mellow and sweet taste, and has a very good stomach warming effect.

Before the cataclysm, a pot of good Doubao sold for thousands of dollars and still in short supply. As for now, this delicate little thing is still quite rare.

The reason for the rarity is not because of anything else. It’s just that the base city simply banned the sale and talked about everything about this small thing in order to increase the output of grain. Under the influence of several generations, basically the base city except for the beans who grow beans and often eat beans. There are also a few types of people walking around, such as cooks. This kind of delicacy can almost be regarded as being scattered with the wind in people’s memory.

Sometimes food can help people remember a lot of irrelevant things-all the survival-centered values ​​in the base city for two hundred years have caused not only the loss of a few dishes or the lack of culture and history, but more. This kind of regret that is unclear and cannot be remedied.


As long as it exists, value can be created.

Is not it?

Shan Ye was a little anxious,

“I said Linzi, what are you thinking about with that?”

Lin Chou slapped haha, this kind of thinking that belongs to a proposition for a cook said that the Lord Shan must laugh at the two front teeth.


Pour the doubao in the cloth pocket into a basin full of ice water, and press a bamboo grate on it to make these doubaos under the cold water surface. They will lose consciousness in a few seconds. Green clubs.

Take one out and place it on the chopping board. Use a rolling pin to gently roll it out from the beginning to the end. The viscera is all out, and then put it in the water to wash out the dirt, leaving only the fleshy part and skin of the bean curd.

The meat of the rolled bean treasure is crystal clear turquoise with whiteness, and there is a small amber oil in the middle of the meat, just like the yellow paste of a lobster.

So back and forth, when Lin Chou had finished rolling out all the Doubao, the scene became a little unbearable to look directly at the scene. A large pile of Doubao was piled tremblingly in the basin, as if some kind of terrible chemical compound was like slime sticky. My nose makes my scalp numb.

Shan Ye kept wiping the corners of his mouth with this suspicious thing that looked like vomit.

“Eh, I said Linzi, when did you work so hard, hurry up, it’s almost dark this day, daddy hasn’t eaten dinner yet, I look hungry~”


Lin Chou’s eyes were very tangled-this one, can you have a hell of appetite for this muddy snot?Admire, admire it.

There are many ways to eat doubao, most of which are light. The more famous combination is that the doubao is burnt with the tender green pods, and the fragrance is pleasant to linger.

But Lin Chou’s preference is the “doubao lamb belly” with thick oil red sauce. The skin and meat can be presented in the same bowl without feeling alienated due to completely different textures.

Lamb is sweet and warm in nature. It can warm the middle and nourishes the deficiency, appetizing and replenishing the qi, cures the fatigue, cold, and seven injuries. It is a good ingredient for warming and tonic. Whether it is dietary or pharmacological, it is also very suitable for collocation with Doubao.

Wash the lamb belly with skin and cut it with a hob, stir-fry in a pan until it shrinks and set, cook with soy sauce, rice wine, cooking wine, ginger and garlic to remove fishy, ​​green onions and dried chilies to increase the freshness and flavor.

The good mutton fishy mutton is light, but the texture of the bean treasure is pure. It must not be allowed to affect the protagonist of this dish. Licorice, pine sticks, etc. can break up the mutton smell and put them in a clay pot. Cover the lid, pour a jar of Qingquanshan white wine from the gap between the sides of the lid, ignite the fire, and add gas to the wine.

The crimson flame rose up to a height of half a meter, the strong aroma of wine made people drunk, and the last bit of mutton also disappeared.

After the wine and fire are out, open the lid and cook the crispy meat carp stock.

This is a broth made from whole fried crispy meat carp with scales. The milky white soup has almost no smell at all. It smells like water, but it has a large amount of lecithin and collagen dissolved in it. , While being slightly thick, it also gives a light cream-like vain feeling of inattention.

This kind of fish soup needs the base taste of the mutton to set the taste to have a more mellow taste. When the freshness of the fish and sheep rolls out with the boiling thick soup, change it to a small fire and boil it. An hour and a half made the lamb soft and rotten.

Shan Ye groaned and didn’t look at Lin Chou with a good look.

“When will Doubao be released?”

Lin Chou pinched the time, “Wait, I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry.”

Shan Ye yelled,

“That’s all the old calendar, now you just let me eat the pot directly, there is nothing wrong with it!”

Lin Chou squinted at him,

“Come here, I’ll give you the pot, I’ll see if you eat one.”

“Hehehe… Fuck, wait! It’s been a long time, why haven’t you seen Lao Bai?”

Lin Chou was speechless,

“You just remembered? When you left, Lord Bai and the others went back to the base city.”

Huang Dashan sighed with a sorrowful expression on his face.

“Sure enough, not everyone has a chance to see good things.”


When you say this, can you tuck in the joy that no one is rushing to eat in your eyeballs?

Put the bean curd meat into a clay pot, set up a charcoal stove underneath, and serve together.

“All right.”

Shan Ye squinted his eyes,

“It’s ready as soon as it’s cooked? Can it smell?”

Lin Chou really wanted to put a pot on this guy’s face, so that he would have a long memory of knowing what he specializes in surgery, and don’t look for death in this highly professional Realm.

Lin Chou didn’t bother to answer this kind of question.

Huang Dashan chatted,

“Well, I can get an altar–”

“can not!!”


Shan Ye’s grievances are just like the little daughter-in-law who was abused just after he passed the door.

“If you can’t, you can’t chant, what a scream, damn Xipi.”

As soon as the lid was opened, it felt that there was not much steam, but the fragrance was rich and suffocating.

This time, Lord Shan is a thorough understanding.

“No, it’s obviously just put in…”

As everyone knows, as one of the races in the Universe, the unique smell of the aromatic hydrocarbons of the Zerg gene is the most difficult to “provoke” existence. Except for the high temperature, it is basically unable to destroy its ingredients, and even the smell of some insects, even if it is burnt and fried, is still As always.

If you want to describe this aroma, you can use one sentence:

“Spring, it’s the mating season again, the air is filled with the smell of hormones…”

Yes, the hormone of the hormones.

If you can’t figure it out, you don’t want to. Shan Ye has always stepped on the theory. He has always been a practical person. .

First of all, it was a large spoonful of Doubao entrance-yes, Lord Shan went to the back kitchen and touched a spoon out.

The full protein coercion exploded in his mouth instantly, and Lord Shan’s eyes instantly rounded.

“Fuck, Linzi, you can do it, it is hundreds of times better than the clear soup and water, Xiang! It’s so damn sweet!”

On the contrary, the freshness of fish and sheep is not outstanding. Under the natural power of Doubao, it can only succumb to the position of base taste and supplement. The meaty aroma released by a pot of lamb collides with the thick fish soup to create a thick and thick soup. All the flavors are full in it, so that the thick soup can ensure that the water in the tender bean treasure is not lost at all and locked in it.

When the tofu is first ripe, it is very fresh and tender, and even the tenderest tofu cannot be compared with it. It is light and white like a cloud.

One of the orange-yellow greasy clots is like the dim sun in the afternoon, caressing the clouds lazily, trying to disperse them.

Compared with Doubao’s normal meat quality, this fat has a bit more “sucking”, a bit more toughness, and a bit more hearty sturgeon caviar taste like bouncing in the mouth.

The rich fish and sheep soup in Tobao does not appear greasy, but is still sweet.

In fact, there are almost no oil stars on the surface of the soup in a claypot. Those oils have already fallen apart or been sucked up.

The fragrance of Doubao is a kind of light and faintly rising fragrance. The more you chew in the mouth, the more intense it becomes. It grows exponentially, making people feel irritated and rejuvenated. The more you eat, the signal given in your brain. The more hungry you are, the more you ask, the more you want.

This feeling is like putting a glass of water in front of a traveler in the desert. After drinking this glass, you will only be thirsty and not satisfied.

The tenet that Big Breast Sister believed in before was probably to be silent, but now she is naturally a stubborn activist.

With the help of Xiao Hei Xiao Bai, he fastened the saliva towel and stuffed his nose into the door (the door of the small hall can only put one nose or one eye of the adult in the hall), lying on the ground and enjoying a spoonful of the big breasted sister One spoonful of feeding service-from time to time, the big-chested sister also took a two-meter-square special towel to wipe her mouth water.

Seeing this, Lin Chou always had the illusion that he was showing a face of affection.

Well, maybe it’s not an illusion, who knows!

Big breasted sister felt Lin Chou’s gaze, and said in confusion,”What’s wrong?”

Lin Chou opened his mouth, speechless.

There is nothing wrong with his heart, this handsome just feels that he is suddenly so fragrant, scented.


The tenderness of the Doubao quickly became a “bomb”. This change is obvious. The Doubao in the pot almost has a marshmallow-like touch in the first bite, and the next bite turns into a fish-ball-like refreshing bomb.

Shan Ye was stunned,

“What does this mean…”

Lin Chou smacked his lips.

“That’s why you said that Doubao is mostly cooked in a light way. Cooking it for more than a certain period of time will change the quality almost immediately-of course, if you like this taste, it doesn’t matter.”

Master Shan chewed a few peas with a full texture, and muttered.

“It doesn’t seem to be as good as it was just now… but it’s still delicious.”

Lin Chou smiled, and brought out the pot of bean curd.

“If you cook it for another half an hour, Doubao will become soft again. As for this time, you can rinse its skin.”

I brought it along with the bean curd skin, as well as the dipping sauce of fresh chili and paste chili with coriander and juice.

“Doubao leather is crisp and tough. It has the same effect as yellow throat. Does it taste…you can try it.”

Shan Ye looked speechless,

“The feelings are what you gang can eat and can toss people!”

Lin Chou said solemnly,

“You can’t get tired of eating, you’re not tired of eating, and you’re not tired of it. If my old man is alive, then you will be able to get three whips for your Huang Dashan to eat a meal at my house. Believe it or not? Some mouths are so broken! ”


After a meal, Huang Dashan sweated profusely all over his body.

Doubao and Doubaopier’s unsatisfactory feeling of fullness is filled by the soft and rotten mutton. The mutton is boiled to the translucent cortex and is only connected to the meat with the transparent oil layer. At this time, the mutton is the most beautiful. The temperature of the claypot is right, and the sweetness of the fish soup and tofu is concentrated again. After a bite, the taste of the world is almost in my mouth!

As the saying goes, all encounters in the world are like reunion after a long absence.

This should be the case between the ingredients and the ingredients. Every time there is a collision, it is too late to meet each other.

Shan Ye, who eats a pot of bean curd lamb, is lingering to feel the warmth of home.

“Tsk…comfortable…” Shan Ye was shaking his legs and picking his teeth, and he was lying in a chair like a boneless body. “Hey, I said Linzi, I always think if you are willing to serve this dish At the dinner table, the Genesis Committee would definitely be willing to give you a humanitarian care worth 50,000 tons – so after others have eaten it, it is equivalent to destroying all the bean fields in Mingguang.”

Lin Chou hehehe, shook his head, and said forcefully,

“Some dishes, I won’t put them on the menu.”

With a grin on his face, mmp in his heart.

Lin Chou could only use ordinary dishes without tasks to open his eyes to these acquaintances.

The GR system, this handsome heartache, this is tantamount to throwing money out!

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