Chapter 678

Su Yourong ate with a big mouthful, while pinching the fleshy flesh on his waist, said in distress.

“Oh my God, here in Wet Tiger, the great luck of losing weight in this life will be lost, it is impossible to cut well!”

Lin Chou said funny,

“Oh, so you are losing weight?”

Su Yourong put down the spoon and stood up and jumped twice.

“Look at the wet tiger, look at it, look at it, the meat on the waist is about to fall off~”

While Wu Ke gobbled it up, he did not forget to raise his head to make a knife.

“Hmm, I fell down, and the nine-story waist tower also collapsed on this day.”

“Nine into the yao tower?”

Su Yourong looked at own waist and then at Wu Ke, suddenly realized.

The little girl almost cried out,

“Wet Tiger, he, he, he, this person is good or bad!”

In fact, Su Yourong’s thin arms and legs are very thin. In addition, his white skin is more tender and uncomfortable. At most, it is unavoidable that there are traces of baby fat at this age, and his small face looks fleshy. In fact, It has nothing to do with the word fat.

“Bad, it’s too bad.”

Lin Chou nodded, his face straightened,

“Dare to personally attack the boss’s employees.”

Wu Ke hardened hard.

“Suck…you, what are you doing!”

“No way, there is tolerance?”

“Hmm, wet tiger, I’m here~”

“Next time some big people from the Institute of Scientific Research surnamed Wu don’t have to tell me when they order food. You know, I’m very busy, I can’t be too busy.”

“Okay, okay!”

Wu Ke suddenly became empty.

“Don’t, don’t tell me, people are iron rice and steel. Don’t eat a meal. Don’t be hungry. Brother Sorrow, you will lose me like this!”

There was a long laugh outside the door,

“Neither have it, how can I lose it~”

The speaker was Lord Shan, he approached the dining room,

“Eh, my grass, the woods, you just said to run and ran, we wandered at sea for another night, the big waves are still safe for Mother Earth, and the mother of the sea is definitely a stepmother. Tsk, what good food is this? Well, give me a bowl too.”

Lin Chou glanced at him.

“I said Lord Shan, you have nothing else to do?”

Huang Dashan scratched his head,

“Cough, cough, cough, stay for a few more days. Anyway, if there is a foggy passage, you can go back anytime. Luan Shanyi comes to reach out for a meal and open his mouth. It’s good, but I always feel a little less interesting. I look at the familiar old man here. Set out a mission to chat with them and beat them, this is Life!”

“Let me tell you, Linzi, that life like Lafayette is really not for humans, always staying in Luanshan Daddy feels that it is going to rust out. It’s better here, it’s good here! But when they didn’t come, Daddy paid I can sneak around in the wilderness to find feelings, now…I can’t get out anyway, and it’s spring when daddy cures my neuropathy, and when I can drink–the mother is still talking about me. What is needed most now is self-cultivation, abstinence from alcohol, emmm…”

Lin Chou grasped the point at once.

“Eh? Abstinence-this is the reason why you can’t leave, hahaha, but… I heard that Her Majesty the Queen has three thousand beauties in the harem. Your old man is so old that he can leave the palace, so you are not afraid of someone Take the opportunity to compete for favor?”

“Daddy wants to see, which dare?” Shan Ye’s nose is not nose and eyes, not eyes, “Cough cough, what, don’t you know, those guys have been chopped long ago, and now the head of the grave is three feet tall.”

Hey, he actually acquiesced to the word fight for favor!

“Who’s grave head is three feet tall?” Sikong walked in wobblingly, his face pale and pale, “I have to go into the soil for the next time I run like this, mmp, it is a wise choice not to go up to play when I buy a cruise ship. Hei Shenhai is really unfriendly to us.”

Lin Chou remembered something and walked to the door and waved, the shovel thrown on the sea stone flower growing place whistled and flew back in the fire.

“Next time you go to sea and want to return to the city quickly, you can carry the shovel and tie yourself up with a chain. You can get home within two seconds at most.”


Sikong looked at the straight “line of fire” that had not dissipated along the road when the shovel returned, and the muscles on his angry face were trembling. After “getting home”, there would be no more ashes left.

“I said, you die to me!”

Then, Sagong smiled strangely and took a small pink plastic square box from Shisan’s hand.

“Hey, Brother Wuyou went live. He repeatedly told me to give it to you personally.”

Lin Chou reached out and took it and shook it.

“What the hell is this?”

I opened the powder box and found that it was a compact disc.

Well, it’s the kind of disc left over before the cataclysm, and it needs a special machine to show it.

On the disc, a line of words written in scarlet fonts-“Love Thirty-Six Type: For friends whose EQ negative SAN is about to return to zero.”

Lin Chou was speechless,

“He’s serious?!”

This product still has some expectations.

Why hasn’t I been beeping in my heart? How many people can look directly at own shortcomings like this handsome?

Sikong shrugged,

“I think it suits you very well. You can see the essence of this explanation. The thirty-six pattern of love is not thirty-six strategies or thirty-six methods. As for why, you understand~!”

There is also a smaller square box next to the disc, and the contents inside make Lin Chou quite puzzled.

“This is…?”

“This is the top priority!”

Sikong slapped his thigh and began to talk.

“Hey, buddy, you made money, don’t you know? This is the most popular and rare thing in the industry more than two hundred years ago-Mr. Kato’s hands are made in proportion! One to one life size, made of PVC, pure titanium alloy The metal coating is guaranteed to never rust, and the weight and the difference between the weight and the real person are not more than 0.01 grams. It is said that there were only 1888 sets issued in the world at that time, and now it is unique. The tears are for the peerless collection, and they are given away with love! Yes, you heard that right, they are just given to you for free!”

Su Yourong poked that hand curiously,

“Sounds so precious…Who is Kato-sensei? Proportional figure? But there is only one hand…”

Sikong raised his eyebrows.

“Yes, that’s why it’s called “hand”!”

Lin Chou immediately awakened from the sluggishness, threw the hand back into the box with various hands, gritted his teeth and said,

“The surnamed’death’, the surnamed Qin, I count you as cruel!”

Sikong said that it didn’t matter, he was silly as he whispered and winked with Shan Ye Wu Ke.

Su Yourong pouted,

“Wet Tiger, someone gave you a gift, are you unhappy?”

Lin Chou couldn’t explain at all what this hand meant.

“Open…heart! I’m old…open…hearted! Special! Happy!”

Su Yourong blinked her big eyes comfortingly.

“Actually, that hand is not good-looking at all, it is full of wrinkles-even if you don’t like the wet tiger~ Don’t let him know even if you secretly throw it away~”


This handsome assumes that your little girl has never said this.

Master Shan has a sound,

“Now, don’t blame anyone who doesn’t know, you’re tolerant, you have to hold due respect to the senior sages. This hand is not an ordinary hand. It can be towering in the day view, and it can be understood from the night view, and under the bed. It is called the hand, and the view on the bed is called the…


“Oh, fuck!”

Shan Ye peeled the pan from his face in a cold sweat, grinning in pain.

Lin Sorrow’s expressionless face,

“Say it, go on to say it!”

“Cough, cough, cough… what, in fact, Grandpa Dashan, I just want to say that minors are forbidden to watch this chapter, and crabs cooperate.”


Su Yourong’s face was blank all the way–(⊙_⊙)?

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