Doomsday Restart

Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088

The soldiers were completely speechless.

They could accept that the Red General and Hongshuang were defeated by the powerful of the large kingdom, but they did not expect that the one who defeated the Red General Hongshuang turned out to be from the legendary New World!

And after hearing the three words “new world”, they reacted for a long time before they searched for the meaning of the three words “new world” in their minds.

After all, they are not big clan powerhouses. For the new world, they will always just hear about it, but never have the opportunity to come into contact with it.

The new world refers to the world that the big clans of another world regard as a substitute for death.

The new world is indeed very new. Their original power is very new, unlike the original power of another world where the strong are like clouds.

The original power of another world is lacking, and the strength of all the strong is stagnant, so they use Gouyu as a medium to let Gouyu’s power invade a new world with a new, young and active original power.

Finally, we will introduce those new world powerhouses into the realm of Samsara and recover the awakened Gouyu.

The combination of the power of the seven Gouyus that have reached their peak state can stabilize the turbulent realm of Samsara, and accommodate all the big clans of another world, pass through the realm of Samsara and enter the new world together.

Enter the new world, break out another world war, and let Gouyu completely wake up!

In the war, let Gouyu absorb the new origin of the new world, maintain the prosperity of the family, and maintain the path of the strong.

This is the meaning of the new world to another world, and it is also the image of the new world in the minds of all the people of another world—just a waste world, a world that can only be used as a stepping stone in the end.

Therefore, when the soldiers knew that Ye Yan, who was extremely powerful in front of him, turned out to be from the New World, they were extremely shocked! !

In their cognition, the people in the new world are trash, the existence that is killed by the strong in another world at will.

How could the new world produce such a powerful player?

Even Hongjiang and Hongshuang are not opponents of the new world powerhouses!

Once, soldiers jokingly called the strong of the new world, “just the strong of the new world.”

Because the overall level of the new world is just like that, but it’s just a general who is a dwarf, what’s so strong?

Let the powerhouse of the new world come to another world, nothing can be counted as nothing.

But until now, they saw Ye Yan.

Ye Yan, such a powerful person, they agreed that he must be a powerful person from a large kingdom, he turned out to be a person from the New World! ! !

This is incredible.

It completely broke the soldiers’ previous views on the new world and the new world strong, and subverted their three views.

“You, what are you talking about? Are you from the New World??”

“The people of the new world… how can they appear in the inner domain?”

“Impossible, the people of the New World, absolutely died in that energy explosion a few days ago!”

“I heard that because of the energy explosion, the energy barrier between the inner and outer regions was broken. How did you come in?”

Ye Yan nodded.

But the soldiers still found it incredible.

This whole thing is incredibly weird.

With such a terrifying and powerful energy explosion, even the strong of another world can be blown to death. How can the people of these new worlds survive?

Everything the soldiers felt was complicated.

If Ye Yan and they were from the inner world, they would definitely accept Qiushang’s proposal immediately.

But as soon as they knew that Ye Yan and his party were from the New World, they immediately felt very weird.

The reason is very simple. One hundred percent of the people in another world despise the new world.

Another world people think of themselves as a god who is aloft, playing with the new world, how can they care about the ants of Life in the new world?

Even the failed Another World people who were exiled to the Inner Territory, even the lower-level soldiers among the failed Inner Territories, their thoughts of people who look down on the New World are still deeply ingrained and difficult to eliminate.

They even felt ashamed for the Red General and Hongshuang-as the two strongest players in the Red Heart Nation, they were actually defeated by the waste of the new world!

Yes, look at how arrogant people in another world are.

Even the failed people exiled here, even the failed people among the failed people, even if they have seen the powerful horror of Ye Yan and his party, the failed people among these failed people still think that Ye Yan is the same. waste!

The sudden changes in the faces of the soldiers were seen by Ye Yan.

Only a very small number of soldiers, after being shocked, did not have that kind of disgust that could not be hidden on their faces.

Such a person is the one who sees the situation clearly.

Those who have been exiled to the inner realm, what kind of another world people are they?

Moreover, it is not the soldiers who have little strength that can look down on the people of the New World, but the nine-star powerhouses of the big clan in another world!

The powerhouses of the new world, no matter how bad they are, they also defeated Hongshuang in front of them!

These few soldiers thought they were not qualified to look down upon Ye Yan and his party.

More than that, they have only one choice-to rely on Ye Yan.

They have all been exiled to the inner realm, who can they look down on?

These soldiers have mixed up so badly, who can they look down on?

Another world exiled them, can they still count as another world person?

Why have to be hostile to the people of the new world? The people in the new world didn’t do anything excessive to another world. Instead, Ye Yan was willing to accept them from the other world. Isn’t it generosity?

Not only Ye Yan, Huang Xiao and the others were very upset at the unbearable contempt on the faces of the soldiers.

Ye Yan’s face was as usual, and he said directly: “If you are still willing to stay, stand aside.”

A few soldiers were very calm and stood up at once, without looking at anyone, just loyal to their own heart.

Seeing this scene, many hesitant soldiers also boldly stepped forward.

Ye Yan waited for half a minute, and finally, the flow of troops stopped. It seemed that after hearing that they were members of the New World, they were only willing to stay with more than a hundred soldiers.

The remaining three hundred soldiers stood on the spot, the expressions on their faces were already unabashedly contemptuous.

These soldiers despised Ye Yan’s identity as a New World citizen, and despised those soldiers who chose to submit to Ye Yan in order to survive and live comfortably.

They were too smug. Before remembering the identity of Ye Yan and his party in the New World, what they should have in their minds is Ye Yan’s bottomless strength.

Huang Xiao said in a gloomy voice next to Ye Yan: “Ye Yan, look at the expressions on their faces, you can’t even bear this, right?”

Ye Yan smiled: “Of course I can’t bear it.”

Ye Yan stepped forward and said, “These are these people. Come behind us.”

More than a hundred soldiers obediently moved behind Ye Yan and his party.

At this time, there were still people who hesitated, and those who were hesitant, seeing the team move, finally wanted to catch up.

Ye Yan stopped them: “Stop it, I think you are not sincere. You are only making a choice now. Is this choice so difficult?”

Several soldiers were awkwardly stopped in the middle of the road, neither retreating nor entering.

Facing Ye Yan’s question, a soldier replied: “Of course this choice is very difficult. You are from the New World.”

Ye Yan smiled and asked, “If we were not from the New World, but were just the enemy of the Red Heart Nation, would you all choose to stay?”

The soldier said without thinking, “Yes, I dare not say 100%, but 90% of people will choose to stay. After all, people in the new world are never compatible with people in another world… …”

The smile on Ye Yan’s face is even stronger: “It means that even if the enemy country that has a deep hatred with the Red Heart country comes, you are all willing to join, but just because of our identity in a new world, you feel… .. don’t you think we are worthy?”

The soldier’s face condensed, and he stopped talking.

Among the more than 300 soldiers who chose not to join, someone said in a low voice: “Of course, we will not recognize the people of the New World, and we will not allow the people of the New World to dominate the interior.”

“Yeah, we don’t want to do things under the hands of people in the new world. Even if we wander for a while, we work hard…”

The expressions on the faces of Luo Liangpeng and other core members were extremely gloomy.What these people are saying is that people in the new world are persecuting another world, and people in the new world are trying to take the lives of everyone in another world, destroy another world, and use the original power of another world.

it is ridiculous.

Huang Xiao couldn’t help it anymore and cursed directly: “Hehe, what does it mean to look down on us? What do you think you are? If you are really things, you can still be exiled to this ghost place by another world. ?Ha ha ha ha!”

“I think Qiu’s smile is too deceptive to make you dare to have such an expression on your face!!”

The core members thought to themselves: Sure enough, you still have to smile to relieve your anger!

Ye Yan added: “The people in the new world that you look down on have defeated your Red Generals and Hongshuang today.”

The soldiers were pale and felt that they could leave today without being so simple.

At this moment, Ye Yan said to Huang Xiao: “Go and catch all the soldiers who fled.”

Huang Xiao glanced at Ye Yan, and didn’t understand what Ye Yan wanted to do.

Then, Ye Yan said: “Then hundreds of people, if they can’t be caught back, they will just kill them.”

A smile of “just to my liking” appeared on Huang Xiao’s face, and he chased him out instantly.

These words made the more than 300 soldiers startled.

Immediately, a soldier said, “We are not looking down on you, we are people from another world and people from the new world, and it is impossible to truly cooperate.”

Ye Yan said to himself: “Before we came to the Kingdom of Red Heart, we went to the surrounding forces of the Kingdom of Red Heart, Honglian Village.”

The soldiers thought for a while before vaguely remembering that there was such an unexistent village nearby.

“Different from your reaction, the people in Honglian Village have accepted our identity as New Worlders and vowed to be loyal to us.”

“I think that the difference between you and the people in Honglian Village is that your life conditions in the inner region are not high, and you have not been truly beaten. And the people in Honglian Village have been exiled here by another world. Since then, I have been oppressed by the nation of red hearts, I can’t fill my stomach, and I don’t care about the inner region of the new world at all.”

“For the people in Honglian Village, as long as they can live, as long as they can live decently, it is good. And I Ye Yan, not only can let them live decently, but also provide them with resources to become stronger and let them Really live as a person with dignity.”

“Obviously, you soldiers who are not up to the Red Heart Nation are not as enlightened as the people of Honglian Village.”

The soldiers were nervous, full of despair and fear.

In the distance, the voice of Huang Xiaotu and the killing of soldiers came, making these soldiers even more frightened.

There was no anger on Ye Yan’s face: “It seems that you have no ideals, so you just want to be trash soldiers. Not only that, you still don’t see the situation clearly, and you dare to put this kind of people who look down on the new world in front of me. Face.”

“After seeing your reaction today, I decided that from now on, I have a code of action in the inner domain-I will kill all those I do not want to close. I want to close, but I will kill all those who refuse. Only if I am willing to surrender. Mine, I will stay alive.”

“After all, if you all see outsiders like this and look down on people in the new world, then I will also add hatred to another world to people in the inner world.”

“Because of you, I understand that the people of another world, most of them, will always be people of another world, and will always look down on people of the new world! And those who do evil are obviously people of another world!”

“I also magnified this hatred and killed another world people as much as I wanted. At the end, it was the other world people or the new world people who wasted!”

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