Doomsday Ring

Chapter 342


The disc that appears above Bai Qingshuang is called the Disc of Truth.

Everyone thinks that the disc of truth and disc of dawn are just different names, but only the pope of each generation knows.

The dawn disc, representing holy splendor, is the embodiment of energy.

The disc of truth represents the sequence and the embodiment of the rules.

The two things are very similar, but the power they represent is completely different.

Very few people know about this matter.

The power of the disc of truth gradually connected with Bai Qingshuang’s arm, she looked at Siegfried in front of her:

“Siegfried, are you ready to dedicate everything to Dawn Church and holy light?”

Bai Qingshuang has suppressed her smile at this time, and her expression has become solemn and solemn.

Siegfried immediately crawled under Bai Qingshuang’s feet as if he felt something.

“I am always ready to dedicate everything for holy light.”

“Very well, the ancestors of Watching the Dawn have heard our call. They who are searching for the truth are about to come to this World.”


Bai Qingshuang’s tone barely fell, the disc of truth suddenly disappeared and turned into speckled stars.

The power of the stars merged into a white stone coffin, and the slate of the coffin was suddenly pushed away.

A dry arm stretched out from the coffin.

“This…” Siegfried felt a little surprised. After so many years, is he still alive?

What appeared in front of them was a corpse that had been completely air-dried. He staggered to Siegfried’s front.

His shriveled eyes stared at Siegfried who was kneeling on the ground, and then looked at Bai Qingshuang.

Said in his mouth that could not hear the tone at all:

“You, are you finally here?”

Bai Qingshuang still smiled, and pointed his finger on Siegfried’s head.

“He is the one I chose, Successor!”

The mummy is slightly nodded, and shook the head again.

“This person’s aptitude is really bad. I’m afraid there is no way for such an innate talent to integrate perfectly, right?

Don’t human beings now have enough talents? “

Bai Qingshuang laughed:

“Siegfried, Master Successor does not seem to be very satisfied with you. It may be that your innate talent and determination are not enough.

What do you think should be done now to get the approval of Master Successor? “

Siegfried finally raised his head at this time, his eyes became firm and powerful.

“It’s very simple, let Successor see my determination!”

The mummy didn’t seem to understand the meaning of the dialogue between Siegfried and Bai Qingshuang, but he quickly understood.

Standing up Siegfried suddenly fell on the ground and landed on all fours.

The bones on Siegfried’s body vibrated, making a “click, click” sound.

Intense dark energy wanders around Siegfried.

Siegfried’s alienated form is also the first time he has shown his alienated form after the Nightmare Castle.

Grey leopard form.

The gray leopard form is derived from the power of black cat and child resentment.

In other words, it is a special ceremony mastered by a certain nightmare that infects the bridegrooms with the power of a different species.

Siegfried is not particularly strong at this time.

But his appearance is actually very similar to Chen Mo, Gu Fangyi, and even Lu Luo.

They have the most complete alien form, and still retain all the intellect, strength, and habits that humans should have.

This kind of form is also called the perfect holy judgement in the church.

The mummy stared at Siegfried, who had turned into a gray leopard form. His already withered lips and chapped teeth were accidentally bitten off by him.

“I didn’t expect that such a perfect holy judgement would appear on such an ordinary guy with innate talent.

The holy light of my lord is really the most incredible thing in this world! “

The mummy walked towards Siegfried slowly, but was stopped by the white frost on the side.

“Successor, your will should not stay too long, keep the distance, we will all be more comfortable.”

The corpse was nodded, and I didn’t know if Bai Qingshuang made sense or what, so he stopped.

He slowly stretched out his finger and tapped it on Siegfried’s forehead.

Seeing this action, Bai Qingshuang looked expectant.

But the mummy did not continue, but looked at the sleeping coffins around.

“Why, I am the only one?”

Bai Qingshuang briefly explained:

“History is history after all, and mankind has experienced baptism for hundreds of years.

So we are not sure which history is true and which is false. “

“The content on the mural should be very clear, right? This behavior should have nothing to do with vigilance.

You don’t trust us? Why not trust? “

Facing the questioning of the mummy, Bai Qingshuang looked completely unaware, and seemed to be the only emotion she could show up.

“Such a topic, I seem to have just said that the mural this thing is man-made.

All man-made things can be faked.

I don’t distrust successors, I distrust those filthy ones who used to be. “

The mummy shook his head slightly, seemingly dissatisfied with Bai Qingshuang’s attitude.

“Human nature does cause them to have a lot of dirty, but these dirty will not affect human will.

In the face of difficulties, someone will eventually come forward.

Human beings are unyielding. It is precisely because of this unyielding that we have us. “

When the mummy said these words, a sacred color appeared in his already shriveled eyeballs.

Bai Qingshuang seemed to approve of his statement, and his expression also became solemn.

“I know the unyielding of the ancestors, so I am so cautious.

Because the ancestors set an example, we have the future of mankind today.

But Successor does not understand the current human beings, the current Wasteland Alliance.

Time will decay a ruling institution, and the church today is not a church that once pursued the truth. “

The mummy moved his mouth, but finally did not continue to refute Bai Qingshuang.

“It seems that there is an irreconcilable contradiction between you and your previous pope.”

The mummy is surprisingly smart. From simple conversations, one can guess the distrust between Bai Qingshuang and the Pope.

“This is no longer a question of contradiction, Master Successor.

I, Bai Qingshuang, the judge of Dawn Church.

It is because of the decay of the church and the alliance that it appears in this world. “

The mummy is nodded, Bai Qingshuang holy splendor is very pure and holy. For her, the mummy does not have any distrust.

His doubts about Bai Qingshuang are just a kind of incomprehension.

The mummy turned his gaze to Siegfried aside again.

“Well, as a successor, I shouldn’t have existed in this World for too long. I have said enough today.

Fortunately, the power of successor is very good, let’s pick it up! “


While Siegfried was still in a daze, the body of the mummy in front of him suddenly changed, and the withered body seemed to have gained new strength in an instant.

He quickly became young, stalwart, and a man about the same height as Siegfried.

Inherited face is very handsome, at least much younger than Siegfried.

“This is probably my last legacy of this World.”

After saying this sentence, the successor’s fingers have become red, and Siegfried immediately felt the heat between the opponent.

This is no longer pure heat, but burning.

Siegfried endured the pain on his forehead and looked towards the Bai Qingshuang on the side with a cry for help.

Bai Qingshuang said immediately:

“Hold it back, if you do it this time, it will be your perfect opportunity.”

“Okay! I see.”

Siegfried gnashing teeth, the pain caused by burning is no longer limited to the skin.

But through his skull, entered his brain, his soul.

The successor in front of him is getting more and more red, his body is no longer a human body, but has become a state like lava.

Then he spoke slowly:

“Sequence Chain A-05-Lava Controller.”

“Sequence chain? What is it?”

Siegfried had just issued this question, and was completely unable to speak.

The body of the successor turned into a torrent of lava and penetrated into Siegfried’s brain.

Siegfried thought of many ways to inherit the power that might bring him, but didn’t expect it was such a simple and rude situation.

What he felt at this time was that a scorching lava had entered his brain.

Burn out his original thought, spirit, and everything!

Ah! ~

Siegfried was howling in the open ground, and the starry sky at the top of the sky, as if it had been noticed, began to continuously release a special power to Siegfried.

This kind of power is similar to Lu Luo and Bai Qingshuang’s body, the power of sequence!

The lava completely melted Siegfried’s body, but it merged with his ashes body and became a new state.

Crimson, hot, and full of devastating atmosphere.

The lava on his body flows to the ground, following the sequence rune mark on the ground.

These imprints seem to give Siegfried a kind of power, allowing him to grow up quickly in a short period of time.

The lava burned everything about Siegfried, and his steps, holy splendor, dark energy, all disappeared under the lava burning.

After everything was exhausted, Siegfried gained something new.

His foundation was strengthened again, and his body was repeatedly strengthened by lava.

The rank position has also begun to continuously improve, the first rank and the second rank… until the fifth rank does not stop.

Bai Qingshuang looked at the imposing manner and the rising Siegfried, and was nodded with satisfaction.

“It’s an amazing technology. Such a powerful force is the ability that successors should have.”


Siegfried let out a breath of heat, which seemed to ignite the air in front of him.

Such power is really awe-inspiring.

He stood there naked, looking at his palm, his eyes were incredible.

“I, really strong!”

Gradually clenching his fist, an unprecedented sense of strength appeared in his heart.

But Bai Qingshuang on the side poured cold water on him.

“This kind of strength is just your illusion that’s all, your foundation is too bad, you have experienced successor baptism, but it is only a level 5 level.”

“Um, Lord Judge.”

Siegfried did not lose the awe of Bai Qingshuang because of his strength.

On the contrary, he is now more in awe than before.

The white cyan frost in his eyes now is like a scorching sun, which is countless times hotter than him.

This is the gap between the essence of power. He and Bai Qingshuang are simply not in the same dimension.

“Okay, try your strongest form again, the fusion of the Trinity, I am also looking forward to it!”

Siegfried doesn’t quite understand the meaning of Bai Qingshuang, what is the Trinity?

But he has some knowledge of his strongest form.

Lava circulated on Siegfried’s skin, and he bent down again and landed on all fours.

A lava tail slowly protrudes from Siegfried’s back thigh, and his body keeps getting bigger and swelling.

Soon, Siegfried had a strong body comparable to a heterogeneous giant beast.

His limbs are like rocks made of lava, not only strong, but also with unprecedented heat.

In this state, Siegfried has expanded the power of alien species and sequence to the extreme form.

But this is not over yet!

The essence of Siegfried is still a justice Knight.

With the blessing of maintaining the dual power of alien species and sequence, he began to try to use the holy splendor that he was sleeping.

At this time, a light was falling down the starry sky at the zenith, and Siegfried had some familiar feelings about this light.

“Is this the shining of the dawn disc?”

“Yes, everyone who is illuminated by the disc of dawn has the potential to become a Light Admirer.”

Siegfried clenched his claws and greedily absorbed the power from the disc of dawn.

When his holy splendor reached a critical point, the evil spirit of purple spewed out of him suddenly.

This is the second form of Knight of Justice, Knight of Evil!

This is the final state Siegfried used when meeting Lu Luo for the first time.

The power of lava, the gray leopard form, the evil Knight, the three powers are integrated.

At this time, Siegfried finally understood what the strongest form Bai Qingshuang said was.

Now he even has a kind of confidence to challenge their Knight leader Wan Jing.

“Sir, my state is too special.”

Bai Qingshuang looked at Siegfried and stepped forward slowly.

I touched Siegfried’s body like lava with my fingers, and a scorched smell immediately spread in her hands.

“Humans, alien species, sequences, this is the so-called meaning of life!

Siegfried! “

“I am here.”

“Let me see your strength.”

“Um, good!”

Siegfried didn’t hesitate too much. He would not be so stupid that he felt that a little bit strengthened himself would have the ability to challenge the league’s most powerful house.

“Master Judge, here I am!”

The ground under Siegfried’s feet shook dullly. Because the material was so strong, the ground did not shatter because of this foot.

The sacred seal of justice used in the form of evil, coupled with the power of lava, and then blessed the powerful body of the alien species.

Siegfried this fist, he played an air burst effect similar to Lu Luo Malicious Explosive Punch.


Boxing was taken by Bai Qingshuang with one hand.

No matter it is lava, dark energy, or holy splendor, they can’t leave a trace on Bai Qingshuang’s body.

Bai Qingshuang gradually clenched his palm, Siegfried’s arm still solidified and shattered under Bai Qingshuang’s holy splendor.

Soon, it became a piece of slag and fell on the ground.

Siegfried’s horrible imposing manner just disappeared. At this time, his face was only astonished.

“Sir, the judge, my hand was broken by you.”

Bai Qingshuang glanced at the gravel on the ground and shook his head slightly.

“Sorry, I still overestimated your current physical strength, do you need me to treat you?”

Let the presiding judge help him treat? Stop joking, isn’t it good to be alive?

“No need for the presiding judge, I think I have a new treatment method.”

Siegfried said, his arms have begun to grow with the creep of the lava.

Lava can be regenerated, the power of the A-Rank sequence chain is really incredible.

“Sir, where are we going now?”

Bai Qingshuang looked at Siegfried very satisfied, and said with a smile:

“Now? We should pay a visit now, your Pope.”

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