
Vol 2 Chapter 593: Beautiful restaurant

The Solar System Company has not changed its name, so of course the Solar System Force will not change its name.

Murphy was right, the name of the solar system would prevent its members from being able to separate their identities as mercenaries, but there was no time.

However, it doesn't make much sense whether to change the name now, because the cohesion the Rams worry about and the goals he is worried about will no longer be a problem after his order is issued.

Participants in a suicide battle plan, if not idiots, know what they are going to face.

Those tanks and armored units from China, which will be the main attack force and the biggest decoy, know their mission.

Those mercenaries who came from special forces and came to the Solar System Company only for money, they also know what they will face.

But it is precisely by knowing what they are facing that they will believe in the Ram, and they will believe that human beings are really at the last juncture, and they will believe that they will either die or die after fighting hard.

So many people are all cannon fodder to lure the enemy, if they are not willing to die, then this suicide attack will not be possible.

Suicide attack is after all a suicide attack rather than a death-death attack. Suicide must be willing to die.

Special forces are the Jiaozi in the army, not, and should not be cannon fodder consumed under the artillery fire of conventional troops.

As the king of special operations, the Ram doesn't know what special forces should do or shouldn't do, he knows, he knows better than anyone.

So why did the Ram send his most elite troops to die, with Satan, the black devil, the water organization, and countless people he cherished?

The answer is simple and terrible, because conventional methods have no chance of success, and this suicidal tactic has so little hope.

The answer is that simple.

It is one thing to be willing, but it is another thing to want to die, so people who know what they will face are unavoidably depressed after all, and this atmosphere is inevitably reduced to the extreme.

But there is no need to worry about morale issues, because there is a saying that mourning soldiers must win. A troop that knows that they are going to die, but still rushes up without hesitation, never need to worry about morale issues.

Gao Yuan was inevitably affected. His heart has always been heavy, and it has been heavy these days.

But Gao Yuan is not afraid.

Gao Yuan has never been afraid of death, he is not afraid of death, especially after experiencing two situations where life is not as good as death but cannot die, he really is not afraid of death.

It's just a little sad, looking at so many people around him, so many living, familiar or unfamiliar, and looking at those who will eventually die, Gao Yuan feels sad for them.

There is no generosity and tragedy, no grandeur and fierceness, but only people who do things in silence.

Everyone, everyone is nervous and fast to do their own things, only Gao Yuan and Xinghe as the mascots have nothing to do.

Gao Yuan's appetite is still very good, because eating is his preparation for battle, he must continue to energy and continue to stamina.

But Galaxy is different.

Xinghe's mood was affected, which seriously reduced the appeal of food to her.

"A species that does not hesitate to die in order to allow its own kind to survive, should not just die like this."

In the most expensive, luxurious, and only private restaurant in Satan Town, Galaxy looked at the busy crowd outside and expressed his sincere emotion.

Gao Yuan didn't speak, he put the last piece of beef into his mouth with a fork, then he pulled a bowl of noodles and said to Xinghe: "Don't say it, eat it while it's hot, this is the signature lobster of the beautiful restaurant. Noodles, do you know how rare lobsters are now? Although they are frozen, they are the only frozen products left."

Xinghe shook his head and said, "I can't eat it."

"It's a pity, this is a high-end restaurant. Really, it was the most high-end restaurant before the big snake man came. If it weren't for... well, the boss wouldn't let us eat like this."

Xinghe frowned and said, "If you can't eat, you can't eat."

"It tastes really good, you don't want to taste it? This is the last chance...Bah, I mean, this is the last lobster. After eating it, it won't be easy to eat it again."

At this moment, a middle-aged Chinese man in his forties came over. He was wearing a black suit. He was not tall and had a slightly big belly. He was pushing a dining car on his hand. The dining car was full of steamers.

"Hello, Gao Xiansen, right? My name is Danny, the manager of this restaurant."

Gao Yuan put down his chopsticks, he stood up and shook hands with Danny.

Danny looked at Gao Yuan, and then he smiled and said: "Mr. Gao is very honoured to visit our restaurant. Therefore, we have specially made some Cantonese morning tea and refreshments. Mr. Gao will enjoy the noodles and taste it."

Danny started to open the lid of the steamer on the dining car. He removed one of the lids and smiled and said his name.

"Here is rice roll, Gao Xiansen, you must try it. This is shrimp dumplings, this is beef balls, tripe, beef tendon, beef jerky steamed, this is custard bun, quicksand bun, lotus paste bun, this is fish Sliced ​​porridge, chicken porridge, preserved egg and lean meat porridge, I'm sorry, but the conditions are limited."

Looking at the delicate and delicious things on the table in the same way, a large table was covered again.

Danny continued to smile and said, "Of course, the morning tea should be eaten in the morning, but the Ram specially greeted you, saying that you can eat it very much. Let us take out all the good products at the bottom of the press box. It will be no problem to take out all of them. He said it was too late, so he had to wait for you to finish the dinner before serving morning tea, Gao Xiansen, please use it."

Danny's Mandarin is not very good. Gao Yuan listened a little bit hard, but he could still understand, so he smiled: "Thank you, thank you, but don't be so rushed. Morning tea should be eaten in the morning, we can tomorrow Come back in the morning..."

Shaking his head, Danny smiled and said, "Sorry, the store has run out of materials and people are leaving, so it will be closed from today."

After speaking, Danny stretched out his hand and said, "Please, please."

Danny nodded, he left with a smile, and after Danny left, Gao Yuan found Xinghe in a car staring seriously at the steamers on the table.

"This is what Li Yang said earlier. It's really a pleasant surprise to eat here."

After speaking, Xinghe picked up a shrimp dumpling with chopsticks, and she said seriously: "For Li Yang, let's start eating."

"Do you have an appetite?"

Gao Yuan smiled and picked up the chopsticks. At this moment, he saw someone watching him.

The beautiful restaurant is dining at Gaoyuan and Xinghe, but now there are more and more people in the restaurant. Some of them are wearing chef uniforms, some are wearing waiter's clothes, but some are wearing tactical uniforms.

Gao Yuan also heard someone talking in a low voice.

"This guy has finished all our preparations alone?"

"Yes, I watched him finish eating, he deserves to be an alien!"

"Are aliens so edible..."

Just then, Danny, who had just left, came again, but he changed.

Just wearing a suit, less than five minutes after turning his face, Danny put on a tactical suit with a pistol on his waist.

"What are you doing here? Nothing to do? The guests haven't finished eating, what are you looking at? Do something."

After Danny finished speaking sternly, the crowd dispersed, and then Danny walked towards Gaoyuan again.

Reaching out to stop Gao Yuan who wanted to get up, Danny smiled and said, "Sorry, brothers are a little excited."

Gao Yuan swallowed the food in his and said, "What are you?"

"Oh, I am the manager of this restaurant, but I am also the captain of the night knight. The brothers on the road also call me the same. Gao Xiansen can call me Danny, or I can call me the captain."

Gao Yuan said in surprise: "Captain?"

"After I met Xiaodan, there was nothing good. Oh, what you know is the Sea God, but we wouldn’t have come here if it weren’t for him. Well, he got our brother here before the aliens came. The restaurant also moved here. I thought I could retire and count the money, who knows..."

Danny shrugged and said with a helpless look: "I have saved tens of millions of hard work all my life. I thought I could be a rich man, but the money turned into waste paper. I rushed to the street without trying to find aliens. Can't swallow this breath."

Danny picked up the teapot on the table while talking. He touched it with his hand, and then smiled: "Breakfast, there must be tea. This tea is cold. I'll change it for you."


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