DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 118: Decaying ancient country tree

"Your news is well informed."

The prophet nodded, believing that he had once visited Nanhuang: "I went there a half year ago, before and after the month of Apocalypse. After I returned, I did draw a map of the depths of Lezier. . "

Speaking of his words, Zhao Dingguo was relieved.

With the guise of Nanhuang outpost, I am not afraid that the prophet will make him difficult on the map. What he was most worried about along the way was that the prophet did not take down the map, and apparently he could finally rest assured.

那么 "Sir, can you please give me the map?"

The prophet smiled a little, and an inexplicable natural force permeated it, calming down some of Zhao Dingguo's excitement and anticipation: "The map is in my study. It ’s nothing to show you. Tell me in detail about Whirlpool and Naga! "

He was actually interested in the situation there.

要求 This request was too easy for Zhao Dingguo. He didn't say a word, and immediately explained the situation before and after. When hearing Zhao Dingguo's analysis that Naga might have a plot in Nanhuang, the prophet's brow frowned slightly. He banged his fingers gently on the armrest of the rattan chair, groaned for a moment, and murmured, "Did those guys come for the ancient gods?"

"Ancient God?"

Zhao Dingguo didn't know what it was.

"Nice!" The prophet was still pondering, ignoring him: "It is very possible! After the earthquake more than half a year ago, the decaying ancient country **** tree was exposed to the ground. I do n’t know where to get the news, Naga will take action, and Nanhuang The situation has only worsened since then. Although the reasons may not stop there, there is something strange in it ... "

He talked to himself for a while, and then he returned to God.

Zhao Dingguo stood quietly in front of him and waited without interrupting him, which was very impolite behavior.

"I'm sorry!" The prophet smiled apologetically and got up. "Thank you for telling me. I'm very satisfied. Come, I'll take you to the study, where there is a map!"

Under his leadership, Zhao Dingguo came to the concisely furnished study on the second floor.

The Prophet checked it in the study's magical closet for a while, and finally pulled out a scroll made of inferior parchment. Obviously, the owner didn't take it seriously: "Hey, this is it! I was in the mud deep in Reze at the time I stayed there for three days and shuttled hundreds of times. In order to record the terrain inside, I even played against two elite dragon egg lords! "

定 Zhao Dingguo took it carefully, and looked at some scribbled maps of this painting. The above notes are a bit messy and not very detailed, and a few places are a little blank, but the main terrain deep in Reiser is still recorded. As can be seen from the above, there are roughly three lakes connected to the endless sea at the southern end of Leizer!

Considering the large vortex of 100 meters in the middle of the lake, only these three larger lakes can meet the requirements.

"Let me print it for you!"

When Zhao Dingguo was preparing to rote, the prophet thoughtfully offered to help. With his magic, a moment of effort, a brand new map is ready. He rewinded the scrolls unhurriedly and handed them to Zhao Dingguo.

"Master, thank you!"

Anyway, it is a hero counted by the Guards Corps. So there is no shelf to help, I should be grateful.

"It's nothing, it's about the stability of the Nanhuang, I help you just to help the Guards." The prophet didn't care, but there was a little slyness in his tone: "Moreover, this map is not free, I still There is a small request! "

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world!

Zhao Dingguo's heart tightened, and his hand catching the scroll also stopped in the air, and asked, "I don't know if there is anything I can do for the Prophet?"

The prophet smiled and said, "Young man, don't be so nervous, just help a little." As he said, he pulled out another scroll from the closet and spread it out in front of Zhao Dingguo: "Look carefully at this If you find it in the depths of Leizer, please inform me immediately, and nothing more. Of course, I will not let you do it for free. As long as you can find it, I will give you a generous reward! "

Just help finding something?

定 Zhao Dingguo breathed a sigh of relief and looked in the past. The level of this scroll is obviously higher than that of the map just now. There is not much pen and ink depicted above, but it is lifelike. If you understand correctly, it should be a dead trunk, except that the annual rings in the trunk are not round, but weirdly star-shaped. There are also a few lines of small print below the picture, which roughly describe the characteristics of this dead trunk!

"It was called the Sabbath!"

The Prophet named it: "This kind of tree only grows in the southern wilderness. After they wither, they are buried for ten thousand years in the extremely harsh environment of Osawa, and then see the sun again. By coincidence, ancient **** trees will be formed by chance. That ’s why it ’s a treasure. The magic ring made with this decaying ancient **** tree will be able to shield all the breath of human beings, and no undead creature can find it! ”

Magic ring?


There was no doubt that the Prophet's words leaked some information, so that Zhao Dingguo had a vague understanding of something.

In my opinion, the prophet wanted to go to a place guarded by a tricky undead monster, but with his strength, he couldn't compete directly, so he wanted this thing. From the fact that the prophet had dispatched himself more than half a year ago, we can see that that place must be very important to the prophet. And listening to his words, it seems that the Naga tribe came to Nanhuang far away, also for the decaying ancient gods there!

This made Zhao Dingguo deeply curious.

According to a piece of news from his hearsay, the prophets of this generation have cultivated to their peak 20 years ago, and the manipulation of the power of nature has been magical ~ ~ What kind of secret place can stop him? Or is it forbidden? Judging from the Naga's interest in that place, perhaps there are really incredible treasures in it!

This also made Zhao Dingguo pay attention.

If possible, he really needs to pay attention to the so-called ancient **** tree. It's a pity that even the top plot powerful prophets who can freely transmit can't be found, and I'm afraid I can't find it.

"It's hard to say!"

The prophet saw his mind and explained: "The greatest function of the ancient kingdom **** tree is to shield the breath. This is its value and the most difficult reason to discover. Because it does not leak the slightest breath, plus the color is The dark black is hard to find in Osawa. Even if you see it with your own eyes, it may be ignored. So, after getting the prophecy of the ancient country Shenmu to see the sun from the world tree, I sent people to find it many times, and even went out on my own, but But I have n’t been able to find it. Wanting to find it is actually more luck! "

The prophet has said very clearly. The ancient **** tree is deep in Leizer, but whether it can be found depends on the chance!

既然 "That being the case, I will keep it in my heart. If you find traces of ancient gods, you will come to inform you!" Zhao Dingguo generously promised, his expression looked quite sincere.

As an elf, he has a long life, and coupled with being a top defender, the prophet may be ten times or twenty times more experienced than Zhao Dingguo. Seeing Zhao Dingguo's slightly contrived movements, he only smiled slightly and urged: "I don't know how you plan to enter the depths of Leizer, but I need to remind you that there are very dangerous there, and some monsters even find it difficult for me To deal with. With your current strength, I am afraid that after entering, I will die a lifetime! If there is nothing to rely on, it is best not to go in! "

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