DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 128: President of the Holy Sword Society

Badges like this, no one will be too much!

Besides, for the time being, if it can be exchanged for 1,000 win points, it is enough to prove its value. MWwW. NgWeNXuE. In view of the low and poor price when the item was recovered on the Super God platform, Zhao Dingguo was not stupid enough to sell it, but stayed to play other roles1. Compared to the first badge in his nameplate space, this badge suffixed with glory seems to focus more on burst damage. Although the increased intelligence attribute is 1 point less than that of the brave military badge, the double critical damage is not a joke!

Although the probability is lower, the cumulative 5% is very good.

You know, even a crystal sword with the same effect is only a 15% probability, and that one can be considered a mid-range equipment in the Super God platform!

However, according to the attributes on the badge, only one badge can be effective at a time. One is to add 20 Holy damage after every five attacks, and the other is a maximum 5% crit. You can only choose one of the two. Although you can all stay and switch depending on the situation, Zhao Dingguo hesitated for a while, but still felt that only the second one was left!

Because the first brave badge has another attribute, you can find a black bird to trigger a mission!

According to the claim that skills can be obtained in the death team battle, the reward of this task is very likely to be a certain skill of the black bird! Zhao Dingguo now has boots for speed, four branches and a headband, and has about a thousand points of victory on his body. The basic equipment can temporarily meet his requirements, but it has no skills!

However, Zhao Dingguo didn't want to spend a lot of money to exchange on Chaoshen platform.

The skills exchanged from the platform can only be learned at the first level. Those pure injury skills are relatively cheap, but they are not very useful. The easy-to-use skills are too outrageous. Zhao Dingguo now urgently needs several powerful skills to support him, and this extra badge can just make up for this!

The only thing that worries him is that Blackbird is the hero of the Scourge!

Wanting to learn skills in the past, Zhao Dingguo first had to find a way to cross the battlefield between the two legions, and then cross the Starks. Although there is no obvious mark of the guard on him now, going to a completely strange camp is still full of danger!

However, this question is left for him to worry about next time ...

On this trip to the theme, Zhao Dingguo has less time left. After receiving the rewards of exclusive missions from the Presbyterian Church, he randomly found a few small missions in the city to do a bit of prestige, then waited for the time to end, and was automatically returned to the real world.

After the Naga war missions were suspected, they had little to do with Zhao Dingguo. It's not impossible to continue to do it, but you need to take risks to compete with those stronger Super God users, and the Rezer area is too dangerous. After receiving the first and greatest benefit, he no longer wanted to blend in. Now he has more than a thousand magic gold coins on his body. For the time being, he doesn't need to think about money, and he accidentally got a second badge. The next thing he had to do was find a way to the Scourge, and trigger the mission of the black bird attached to the badge!

Then it should be the pedigree mission!

After combing carefully, Zhao Dingguo had counted in his heart. It just happened that the countdown was over. He canceled the reminder of the payment stay time as the last time, and then quickly returned to his real-world house.

Everything is the same as when he left.

After a good night's sleep, Zhao Dingguo took a bath and went to eat.

Although the real-world time has only gone for a few hours, it is a whole day in the theme, and it has experienced a lot of thrills, and it is normal to feel tired and hungry.

For the next two days, nothing was going on. Zhao Dingguo also continued his previous life and prepared for the upcoming new week regular season. It is now November, and Zhao Dingguo is looking forward to the new battle. After all, his strength is still in an explosive rise period that many SuperGod users have experienced, and the score of each regular season can be greatly improved. In this case, he naturally hopes that more battles can be fought!

However, the morning of the new week's regular season, Lao Li opened the door of his room with some worries.

"Two things!"

Lao Li put up **** and looked at his expression to know that neither of them is good news.

Zhao Dingguo pushed away the computer and stood up, ready to listen to his elaboration. Lao Li was not in the mood to buy Guanzi, and he simply said: "The first one is related to you. The holy sword will finally end with us. Boss reconciled with our Illuminati. The only request he made was to see you! "

"see me?"

Zhao Dingguo's face changed slightly, but he was not so worried.

The holy sword club boss came to him for one reason only, that is, the oath card of the petitioner's bloodline. However, now that card has been lived by him, it has become an ongoing task, and the boss of the Holy Sword Society has taken him no way! So, what else to worry about?

"Did he say when to meet?"

Lao Li nodded and said: "In this week, we will set the time, but you have the right to refuse! I guess the senior members of our meeting may be interested in you, after all, it can make a dusk-level powerhouse care so There must be some reason. Therefore, they said on the spot that they would go with you, but if you choose to go, they will consider opening some headquarters members' permissions to you in advance! "

Is there any benefit to take?

Zhao Dingguo thought for a moment, and said indifferently, "Why not go? Wait for the regular season match today, and meet him at night!"

Seeing that Zhao Dingguo's response was dull, Lao Li stopped worrying and talked about the second thing: "The killing of Du Shen may have caught my attention!"

This is a big deal!

Lao Li's opponent is a master of the rising sun. There is also some background behind others, and strength growth is not slow. Such an enemy cannot be ignored anyway. Originally, Li's preparations were 70% to 80% complete. Perhaps after another death team battle, he can shoot 1 ,. But at this point, the other party is aware of it, isn't it bad?

After all, it is expected that their biggest reliance on defeating the enemy will be an unexpected sneak attack to fight more and less!

Zhao Dingguo thought about it and asked, "How do you know that he has noticed it?"

Lao Li looked at the door and forgot to close the door when he came in. He walked over and pushed it up, and said, "I just received a reminder that someone was investigating us at the Illuminati. And the person I arranged to the other side also noticed, He moved out of his original residence and moved into the industry of Tianshui Organization! This is obviously a matter of caution, as long as his industry in Tianshui does not come out for a day, we cannot take the initiative! "

Zhao Dingguo wondered: "Why?"

But before Lao Li answered, he responded by himself.

Tianshui and the Illuminati are reliable allies. In private, revenge is only because of the killing of a loved one. No one will control it. But if the industry is rushed into Tianshui to kill people, it will cause great trouble!

But in this way, they would lose their initiative!

After all, the opponent's strength is above his own. If he does not want to fight, he is equal to being invincible. Once they confirmed that Zhao Dingguo and Lao Li were behind him, it would be difficult to kill him again!

Old Li Shun hammered the wall and said, "This is what I worry about!"

Zhao Dingguo still has some doubts: "How did he doubt us?"

Lao Li sneered, and said, "If you don't want to know, unless you don't do anything! Although the things we do are secret, if the other party really wants to check, sooner or later, the stuff will be revealed. As long as you collect relevant clues and investigate one by one, you can always get the truth Time. I'm thinking about a problem now, that is how to lead him out before the other party confirms the two of us! But this matter is not in a hurry, unless he can call the twilight-level strong, otherwise It was not so easy to find us in two days! "

Zhao Dingguo nodded: "This is 1 ,."

Lao Li noticed that Zhao Dingguo had already landed on the Super God platform, and he waved his hand: "Since you will have a regular season, I won't bother you, fight hard! I'm here to tell you, the latest When "" "" nothing happens easily do not go out. We are not good enough to rush into the industry of Tianshui, he also did not dare to touch our Illuminati! "

Zhao Dingguo promised, and took note of this kind reminder.

After sending away Li, he began to cope with today's regular season.

This is a pure passerby's battle. Zhao Dingguo and the four teammates did not know each other, so the cooperation at the beginning was very poor. On the opposite side, unexpectedly, there were heroes such as Windrunner and Lich who had a strong ability to press people online. In the first and middle stages, Zhao Dingguo did not suffer less, and finally dragged to the end, only to rely on two successive team battles to destroy the other highland!

Zhao Dingguo's performance was very good ~ ~ but died a little more in the early stage, so he failed to get mvp, and no other extra rewards, only 200 basic victory points and +40 **** points!

However, this is the most normal harvest for most SuperGod users.

Until now, his niche points have risen to 950 points, and maybe one more can break the 1,000-point mark! For Zhao Dingguo, this is undoubtedly also an important milestone, no worse than entering the realm of dawn.

Winning the regular season is naturally worth the fun. Zhao Dingguo continued this good mood until the evening, and then drove to the branch of the Illuminati with Lao Li.

The boss of the Holy Sword Society is already waiting for him.

Honestly, Zhao Dingguo was curious about this tragedy guy. His most important confidant, a vice president, managed to get the bloodline vow card, but was killed before it was used. Then the card went through twists and turns. Although he exhausted his thoughts, he still couldn't retrieve the card, and it is still the same. And this time, he was destined to return again disappointed

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