DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 13: Future strengthening direction

Understanding the importance of the soul of the hero, the next thing is easy to do. The question is, what type of hero soul should you choose to summon?

Zhao Dingguo knew very well that this issue actually related to the direction of future strengthening.

If you said that before participating in the death group battle, he still had some doubts about the Super God platform. By now, I almost completely believe it. In order not to be obliterated, but also to get the magical equipment, skills, props and bloodlines in the DOTA game, he naturally has to carefully choose the way forward!

In this case, a suitable positioning is necessary.

Fortunately, for a few months after contacting DOTA, he had a general understanding of the heroes and routines inside. Even if you make a hasty decision, you won't know anything.

As far as he understands, the heroes in DOTA mainly have three categories of strength, intelligence and agility. Among them, the heroes who are more powerful and have more development space in the later period are mostly agile heroes. However, such heroes are generally not easy to mix in the early and mid-terms, and they may not grow up at all. In contrast, power heroes are more resistant to fight and not easy to die. Intellectual heroes are strong in the first and middle stages, but their bodies are fragile, but if they have enough equipment in the later stages, they are not without a battle!

Three types, each with its own advantages, depends entirely on how you choose!

So, will you go for intellectual strengthening in the future?

He hesitated for a moment, but Zhao Dingguo quickly made this decision.

To choose the direction of strengthening, of course, we must have a long-term vision, but the more important thing is to look at the present. Choose the strengthening of the intellectual direction, when the equipment is not up, you can rely more on skills to eat. If you can accumulate enough victory points in the early and mid-terms and get a few divine costumes, then the latter period will be no less exhausting!

Besides, there are also several heroes with great growth potential in the heroes of intelligence type!

Thinking of this, combined with the intellectual heroes he has played, Zhao Dingguo has counted in his heart. He looked around and put his gaze on the Silencer and the Darkhead Destroyer.

In the last regular season, Zhao Dingguo's teammates had chosen the silent warlock hero.

One of his skills, the silent curse, is very disgusting when he is on the line, and his passive skill last word can guarantee that each enemy killed will permanently steal one or two points of intelligence of the opponent. It is this inverse skill that has given him almost unlimited growth potential. And the Darkhead Destroyer is also one of the few heroes whose output is very strong in the later period of the legal system. With the equipment, the Blackbird Destroyer can burst into extremely high damage instantly!

More importantly, there are many similarities between the two outfits!

It seems to me that if I summon the hero's soul in the future, I can mainly consider the two.

Although there is no better choice among intellectual heroes. But for a while, Zhao Dingguo could only think of and knew these two. Seeing that Lao Li had been urging him through the nameplate, Zhao Dingguo no longer hesitated, and immediately chose to summon the silent soul's hero!

I participated in the death team battle for the first time, and I did not experience any reinforcement. This silent warlock is undoubtedly the most suitable for him.

As for the black cricket destroyer, without a certain equipment foundation, it can play a role inferior to the former.

After Xun determined his choice, the statue of the silent warrior lit up next to the resurrection spring water. A ray of light burst into the zenith from above, and then poured into Zhao Dingguo's body with a golden light. When the golden light dots scattered, Zhao Dingguo found that there was already a phantom of the silent warlock on his body. Xingying holds the battle blade of the last propeller like a reduced version of the propeller in one hand, and the shield of the magic breaker above and below. Zhao Dingguo can control it with the help of a finger!

完毕 After summoning the hero's soul, the next step is to join the battle!

Because there is no initial funding for the death team battle, Zhao Dingguo can't buy anything, but can only come to the bottom. At this time, Lao Li had already played against the heroes of the Scourge in a tower on his own side.

The opponent appears in the bottom lane is the vengeful soul and dwarf musketeer.

By coincidence, both heroes are long-range agile heroes. Especially the Dwarf Musketeers, after being upgraded to the passive passive range plus skill of Level 4, the attack range is the first in the whole DOTA!

If replaced with a super user of the same level as Lao Li, these two heroes can completely crush the centaur chief to death. It is a pity that their strength, just like the guy on the guard side who is still soaking in the spring water, is the first time to participate in the death team battle. At this moment, the two heroes are hiding behind the ghouls who are being killed in the blood, and they are paying money with a sullen heart, and they care nothing about Lao Li!

In this regard, old Li who has participated in three death group battles and already has four pieces of equipment on his body is also happy to see. In addition, the lower lane of the guard is the advantage lane, so before Zhao Dingguo arrived, Lao Li was one enemy and two, and he did not lose any advantage!

"Silent Warlock?"

Seeing Zhao Dingguo's choice, Lao Li glanced at it and did not express any opinion.

Alas, in private he felt that this choice was not necessary for a newcomer. After all, the Silencer's ability to suppress online is quite strong, even without any equipment, it can make many heroes suffer in the face of him. Of course, it's just painful, and it is still very difficult to kill the other party ...

I said to myself, what Li hopes to see now is a hero like the demon wizard Lane who can remotely control the enemy. However, the silent warlock is also good, he would not fall into the wind in the face of the natural disaster. Now with this powerful Road Rover hero summoned by Zhao Dingguo, old Li suddenly felt less pressure.

"Attack each other more and wait for them to drop blood, let's go up!"

Involved in the victory or defeat of the death group battle, Lao Li's attitude was involuntarily domineering. His centaur chief came out with speed boots, as long as the opponent's health is slightly less, he can completely kill opponents by speed.

"it is good!"

Zhao Dingguo also sees that the level of the two male SuperGods on the opposite side is even worse than him, and it is estimated that they have only recently contacted DOTA. At the request of Lao Li, he used the normal attack to click a few more vengeful souls on the opposite side, and then took time to put a silent curse.

Because the silent curse of Zhao Dingguo is only one level, the effect is not obvious and the duration is not long.

The vengeful spirit only glanced up at him, then continued to raise money without paying attention. Under his successive ordinary attacks, an unfortunate tree warrior was killed by his last blow, and he successfully obtained gold coins and experience.

Honestly, such a scene is very common in the game. It can be put into a real death team battle, and you can see the opponent's look and the kind of flesh and blood flying up close, but you don't have a feeling. Fortunately, both ghouls and treacherous soldiers are very different from human beings. Otherwise, seeing the continuous killing, death, and disappearance of two parties' forces ~ ~ Zhao Dingguo may have to spit out breakfast !!

"first drop of blood!"

At this moment, a loud and majestic voice came from afar. The sound seemed to have a magical power that made people involuntarily awed.

Lao Liyi 愣, looked at the battlefield statistics through the nameplate, his face could not help but overcast: "Our people are dead, it is the rookie on the road!"

Bian gave a blood early, which is not good news for her.

Old Li thought more. While walking calmly behind the Treant soldier, harvesting the ghoul's gold coins and experience like in the game, he analyzed with the nameplate communication channel to him: "I know this The matchup of the Super League platform in the death team battle is the same as the opposite, at least two rookies, and then one or two users of the same level as me. It seems that the rookies on the road have encountered the masters on the opposite side and are about to crash. It's up! "

Zhao Dingguo was worried: "Then let the guy who is still in the hot spring come out. It would be better if there was one more person!"

"Do not!"

To his surprise, Li slowly shook his head and opposed his proposal: "One more person, but one more person. The person on the other side of the road must also be a senior Super God user, and those two guys couldn't stop it. He. What we have to do now is to crash the same path of natural disasters. I can see that the rhythm of this death group battle is harvesting each other. The key is not to see which side plays well, but to see which side gives Fewer people! "

定 Zhao Dingguo pondered for a while, and found that his words also seemed to make sense.

Then, just four to five!

The key now is how he and Lao Li can open up the situation as soon as possible!

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