DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 143: Astral Imprisonment

As the first-rate powerhouse of the Scourge, there is no doubt about the strength of Blackbird!

If people want to kill him, with Zhao Dingguo's strength, I'm afraid that he won't even need a move, and he will be pinched to death. In this way, the black bird should really not be malicious. However, Zhao Dingguo still had some doubts. How did the other party know his relationship with Carl?

"Do you seem confused?"

The black bird glanced at him, picked up a glass of unknown green drink just sent by the ghost servant from the table, and gently stirred it with a silver spoon, explaining: "It seems he hasn't told you yet ... I haven't seen it for a while, and the blood elf really looks the same! Although it always seems to be holding the shelf of the elven royal family, it really is not the case!

What does this mean?

Zhao Dingguo is puzzled!

The black bird ignored him, took a few sips of the glass, and then said unhurriedly: "He left a very hidden mark on you, meaning you have a relationship with him. This Mark, unless you are very close to Carl, other heroes are hard to find. Carl is always the same. Although he doesn't say anything, he actually gives you a talisman. I have also dealt with him many times. So that you can feel the presence of that mark! "

This explanation made him suddenly surprised.

Zhao Dingguo originally thought that the Scourge's intelligence system could not be so powerful. It turned out that the black bird felt his mark left by Karl, and this was his identity.

Well, I do n’t know if the prophet saw this mark.

From his plain attitude, it seems that nothing is different, and it is likely that he did not see it. But the other party is willing to give him a ring of ancient gods, maybe there is a good intention with the new top powerful Karl!

Zhao Dingguo is a little bit hesitant!

However, this issue has little to do with him, because Blackbird quickly shifted the topic to him: "When you first came in, I thought it was just a regular samurai who was lucky enough to get a badge. Carl is related. It doesn't matter whether it's because of the badge or in his face, it seems to give you some benefits. So, what do you want? "

Hearing Blackbird's tone, he seemed to touch the light of the characterless mentor?

Zhao Dingguo was excited, and hesitated a moment before he made his request: "I want to learn the skills of adults!"

"Oh?" Blackbird's expression seemed to be non-smiling and said, "You are very greedy! Carl's skills are so complicated that he is well-known throughout the continent. Not to mention, it can be derived from his ten elements derived from the three elements. This skill is enough for you to take the world by storm. However, if you take the initiative and have a badge, it shows that you have knowledge of my black bird, and it ’s not a bad rule to teach you! Then, three skills , Mystery celestial sphere, star restraint and essence aura, which one do you want to learn? "

Zhao Dingguo carefully tentatively said, "Can you learn it all?"

"Don't be greedy!" Blackbird shook his head and said, "Rules are rules, and you can't break them casually. Besides, if you have a relationship with Carl, I don't want to mix in hastily. So, the only skills I can teach you are One, but after you choose, I can give you a bit of my experience! "

Is this the guidance of the legendary story hero?

Zhao Dingguo didn't expect the other party to really agree to his request. Now he saw that the other party gave a promise, and his heart was immediately satisfied. This means that I am afraid that the skills he will learn can be directly upgraded to the second level!

"I choose the star to imprison!"

Zhao Dingguo did not hesitate to report the decision made earlier.

"In fact, my spirit aura is also good, but I choose the star to ban the hammer ... To be honest, this is actually my most proud skill, your vision is good!" Blackbird exaggerated him, his voice turned, "But If you want to learn my skills, it will pay a certain price, even if you have my badge! "

At the same time as the Blackbird opened the conditions, the nameplate also gave a formal task.

[Test: Astral Imprisonment]

Task description: Accept the temporary energy infusion of the story hero Blackbird Destroyer, temporarily possess his three skills, and then head to the foggy enchantment in front of the Frozen Throne to win three consecutive victories!

Note: The foggy enchantment has incredible power. Those who are knocked down inside will not have any damage after coming out!

This task seems to be dozing off?

Before Zhao Dingguo thought about the requirements thoroughly, he found that the black bird in front of him stood up and walked in front of him and patted him on his shoulder.

Subsequently, an overwhelming force poured into his body. Zhao Dingguo only felt that something was inflating in his body, which was an unreal feeling brought about by the rapid increase in strength!

After the initial surprise passed, Zhao Dingguo tried to control the power in his body while checking the screen on the nameplate!

id: 037205

Experienced regular season games: 7 + 1

Participated in the death team battles: 2

Owned Bloodline: Threaded Blackbird Destroyer Bloodline

Hero Badge: Bronze Hero Badge

God points: 982 points

Current Equipment: Boots of Speed, Stem Iron Branch 4, Ancestral War Drums

Current Skills: Mystic Celestial Level 2, Astral Imprisonment Level 2, Essence Aura Level 2

Extra Enhancement: Attributes are added, and there is a half chance to reduce 5 damage when taking damage.

Three skills, all with second-level, he used this to fight other heroes in the foggy realm. Moreover, after entering the enchantment, except for basic weapons, other equipment will not take effect. He needs to win three games in a row in order to get the recognition of the Blackbird, and then learn the star imprisonment skills!

This is certainly not an easy task.

As the base of natural disasters, there are countless people in this city, and there are as many masters as dogs. It is difficult to imagine winning three games in a row in the foggy enchantment in front of the Frozen Throne. In particular, most of his opponents are the seeds of future heroes, and their strength is certainly not weak.

His only advantage is his familiarity with the skills of each hero and a fair evaluation of his strength!

His three ordinary skills are all second-level, but they are not big moves, so the management of the Fog Realm has a rating of between five and six.

After a bit of nervousness on board the gray platform, Zhao Dingguo calmly calmed down and did not suppress the temporary extra force in his body. Almost instantly, his skin began to turn black, and a pair of wings suddenly appeared behind him. Before the opponent appeared, he began to fly on the thousands of square meters of platform, right to adapt to the venue.

Zhao Dingguo didn't wait too long, and soon, a matching opponent of the same level ascended the ring.

This is a gray-green skeleton with strange red light in its eyes, holding a knife and a shield in one hand. In addition, there is a looming blood-red halo under its feet. If not mistaken, this opponent should have inherited the blood of Skeleton King, and the strength also floated between five and six stars. But which star is hard to say!

There is no way to determine if he has any big moves!

While Zhao Dingguo recognized the blood of the Skull King, his opponent also recognized the origin of Zhao Dingguo. After the blood was opened, a pair of black wings were added. In the natural disaster, there was only this one, which was the blackbird destroyer. Everyone is familiar with each other's skills, and there is no problem of who takes advantage of anyone else.

Because there was no extravagant demand for a three-game winning streak, Zhao Dingguo's mentality was also relaxed. He fluttered his wings, suspended in the air, while leaning away from the Skeleton King, while attacking with ice bombs and cones from a distance. Due to the invasion of the Blackbird's power, the ice bomb that should have been white has become a little black and looks very powerful!

The reason why the Mystic Orb is not immediately added for additional attacks is that he has little magic.

Judging by the energy that the black bird infused him, it can only be added up to six times, of course, if the magic effect of the aura of aura is triggered in the middle, it is another calculation. But anyway, his magic power can not be squandered, first try the opponent's strength with ordinary attacks!


The Skeleton King was also very simple, wielding a bone shield to block Zhao Dingguo's attack, and at the same time launched an assault on him.

Because he can fly, Zhao Dingguo can completely drop the ice bomb and back up. Only when he reaches the edge of the ring can he find a way to shake off the skeleton king. Although such a round of attacks did not cause too much damage to the Skeleton King, it made him look much more embarrassed.

Both sides are waiting!

Zhao Dingguo didn't dare to move easily because he wasn't sure if the skeleton king had any big moves. The Skeleton King is also trying to figure out how to attack me. His skill comes with a vampire aura. As long as he cuts it close, the previously lost health value can be quickly absorbed. As for how to do this, the easiest way is to use a skill of Wraith Crit, but the Skeleton King did not rush!

He knows that Zhao Dingguo has astral imprisonment to hide his skills.

In the special environment of the foggy enchantment ~ ~ For the scarce magic king, a battle can only release up to two Netherfire crit. If he was perfectly hidden for the first time, his odds would undoubtedly be greatly reduced!

However, it should be said that it is more favorable to Zhao Dingguo.

If it was in the wild, Zhao Dingguo could even fly a kite like this to kill the Skeleton King who was unwilling to release his skills. But here is the Yantai, despite its size, it will still be limited. Once he retreated to the edge of the ring and needed to change direction, he would be more or less injured by the Skeleton King.

He has suffered a lot after fighting many times!

However, the Skeleton King's health drops faster than him!

In this case, the Skeleton King who just came out of the experience is a bit suffocated. While he was approaching Zhao Dingguo quickly, he released a blaze of cruel fire in a tricky time! Unfortunately, he thought he was looking for a good opportunity, but did not know that Zhao Dingguo was always guarding him. As soon as he saw his hand, Zhao Dingguo tightened his nerves, and used the astral imprisonment skill on himself before the deadly flame came.

Zhao Dingguo's grasp of timing allowed him to successfully escape this skill that can change the battle situation!

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