DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 212: Kill the sun in an instant

> Chapter 212 Kill the Rising Sun in an Instant

The addition of two sea elements has greatly improved the situation of deep sea priests.

Seeing them moving their bodies, they began to join the attack. Zhao Dingguo took the initiative, and planned in advance: "Change the target, fight for the fire to kill the sea elements!"

"it is good!"

Zhang Yong promised a second, re-recalling the two shadow wolves, and let them step forward against the deep sea priest. Others turned their muzzles and started attacking the two summoned creatures. However, the sea elements are not vegetarian. When they are attacked, they immediately agglomerate a huge piece of sea ice, and then smash them over!

Yan Yuelan and Gao Yue did not expect the skills to come so fast, and were directly stunned by sea ice!

The damage of this skill is not high. It is not even as good as the water arrow of the deep sea priest, and the stun time is only 1.5 seconds. However, the cooldown of this skill is only ten seconds.

The two sea elements took turns to vertigo, interrupting the smooth attack rhythm of the four. And once, because the two sea elements lost their skills to Yan Yuelan at the same time, coupled with Gao Yue's position error, the deep sea priest who just killed the two shadow wolves directly raised his scepter to release Elemental Roar !!

Gao Yue and Zhang Yong's faces changed on the spot!

Fortunately, this skill is instantaneous, but it has a starting action.

Zhao Dingguo noticed this exactly, and sealed the deep sea priest with the star imprisonment in time. After it was broken, the three people who originally overlapped within 120 degrees in front of it had dispersed again!

The output continues!

The sea element with up to 800 points of health is not so easy to kill. After all, the battle on the main plane is the same as the real world. It requires you to punch me with one foot to attack, unlike ta, just click the mouse and keyboard. Can get it done. In particular, there are deep-sea priests next to each other, and everyone must take turns to separate their hands to resist it. After fighting in this way for a while, it was difficult to kill a sea element. But when they halved the health of the other sea element, its summoning time was up!

The deep sea priest waved his scepter and counter-summoned!

With more than 400 lives remaining, the sea element body collapsed on the spot, turning into a pool of water stains with some deep colors. Correspondingly, the HP of the Deep Sea Priest instantly increased by two hundred!

"It's worse!"

Seeing that the dps capability was not enough, Gaoyue was a bit sorry. Fortunately, only two hundred lives were added this time, which is still within their acceptable range!

Now, without the interference of these two guys, they can continue to attack the deep sea priest!

At the end of the battle, the state of the four was not very good. Zhang Yong, who frequently recruited the shadow wolf and was the main force to resist the monsters, had already recovered with supplies. However, they also succeeded in hitting the blood of the deep sea priest of this Naga tribe to only one fifth!

It seemed that victory was near, but the four of them didn't have the slightest look of relief, instead they were dignified.

Everyone knows that the last and most dangerous battle is coming!

When the deep sea priest's blood volume was below 15%, his ugly appearance became more emaciated, and his eyes became blood red. Immediately, the deep sea priest raised his scepter, completely inspiring a power at the cost of destroying it, and then added it to himself!

This is the last rage, and the release process cannot be interrupted!

All kinds of skills are released and lose their limits. If they fail, they may be killed by this guy!

"Go all out!"

At this time, nothing is needed for strategy and tactics. The only thing the four of them could do was to go all out and kill it as soon as possible. In order to ensure that the deep sea priests can be killed, Zhao Dingguo used his summoning scrolls that came out when he gained the primary grasp of the lightning system!

Come out, Snowfield Ursa Tracker!

With a roar of a bear, a huge silver bear with a height of more than two meters came out of the summoning circle!

Under the control of Zhao Dingguo, it did not hesitate to kill the priest in the deep sea! This bear monster has average attack and low armor, but it has enhanced health. It is obviously appropriate to use this bear monster that can last only about a minute and a half to resist the last madness of the deep sea priest!

"Is there any other way?"

Zhang Yong who joined later had some surprises.

Although he is willing to help, the deep sea priest is also a medium-level monster in the main plane, and he can't just kill it casually. Especially the madness in its final stage, when some people mentioned it, it was inevitable. Now that Zhao Dingguo showed his specially prepared hole cards, Zhang Yong suddenly felt confident!

I have to say that the deep sea priests in the fury are really difficult to deal with!

When it released its skills before, there was still some time left. Even if the skill has cooled down, it will not be released immediately. But now, regardless of whether it is a water arrow or a virus-infected infection, as soon as it cools down, don't let it go. If you are a super user, even two or three thousand blue fears are not enough!

In addition to these two skills, the Roar of the Losing Constraints has caused several people to suffer!

This skill with extremely high damage range is difficult to hide. Although Zhao Dingguo has a star imprisonment, he can only seal one person. Because this skill is instantaneous, even if Zhao Dingguo uses the astral imprisonment to seal the deep sea priest, it is useless, at most, the skill is delayed for two seconds. Therefore, this astral imprisonment can only be used to help oneself to avoid harm. If there is exactly one person within the roaring range of its elements, once there are two people, then Zhao Dingguo cannot be thoughtful!

In just a few tens of seconds, Zhao Dingguo was burned by uninterrupted skills!

If it wasn't for the bear monster that absorbed the most damage, the four people only need to pay attention to the elemental growl and poisoning infection from time to time, I am afraid that it can't support it now!

Just then, one accidentally, Zhao Dingguo was hit by the virus infection, and his blood volume began to drop rapidly. Fortunately, he is remote, and there is a certain distance from the three of them. However, after ten seconds, the blood volume dropped by half, and Zhao Dingguo couldn't help cursing twice.

Fortunately, there is a big magic wand!

Zhao Dingguo immediately ate a large 15-magic wand, and his blood instantly pulled back a lot. With just this little effort, the magic wand points started to accumulate again quickly, showing the madness of the deep sea priest.

At this moment, the silver bear was dying under the scourge of water arrows and other skills. Moreover, this is the result of its successive release of deceleration, weakening the deep sea priest's 25% attack speed and movement speed!

Summon Sea Elements!

The leaking house suffered from continuous rain, because Zhao Dingguo's star restraint had just been used and had not been cooled, and Gao Yue had a slow response, which caused this deep sea kill to summon two sea elements again!

Moreover, its madness remains!

"Fight it! I'll take it back with no blood, I will pay for all the costs!"

Seeing the two sea elements of Zhangya dance claws, Zhao Dingguo took a deep breath and made this promise. He knew that the only chance at the moment was to attack the deep-sea priests at all costs. As long as it kills before its counter-call, it will not lose money this time. If it was to succeed in counter-summoning, Zhao Dingguo said they must not be forced to give up. This blue magic blood may be delayed for several weeks or even find another way!

Thinking of this, Zhao Dingguo looked at the bear monster tracker killed by the last water arrow of the deep sea priest and began to let go of the attack.

He consciously has done everything he can, the so-called work is done in people, and the accomplishment is in the sky. Now it's up to anyone who can laugh to the end!

The last craziness!

All four of Zhao Dingguo began to output at full strength. After Zhao Dingguo opened his mouth, they did not regret the supplies, and returned to paste the ointment to continue fighting.

It was also here that Zhao Dingguo found that he still had a gap with these rising sun masters. Not to mention, he can't compare those supplies with him. Thanks to the fact that the deep-sea priest did not target him very much, relying on the points of the big magic wand and a salve and a group of eating trees prepared before departure, Zhao Dingguo finally managed to last!

The deep sea priest has only the last trace of his blood!

And at this moment, there is still a short time before the end of the sea element call!

At this point, the four people who have fought hard for a long time are calm in their hearts. In a few seconds at most, they can kill this deep sea priest!

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Zhao Dingguo with full output only felt that there was a sudden abnormality behind him, and it seemed that someone suddenly appeared in general. But before he realized anything, there was a quick muffled sound behind him, and then a sound like a sack fell to the ground. At the same moment, Zhao Dingguo, who was still outputting according to inertia, hit a decisive blow and killed the deep sea priest!


Getting the battlefield cue from the nameplate, Zhao Dingguo was excited and exhausted. The long-term high-intensity battle made Zhao Dingguo look dark. He shook his body a bit, and then stood still again, reaching for his sweat.


Just then, Yan Yuelan, who was standing opposite, returned from surprise. She whispered, and pointed at Zhao Dingguo behind her, her face incredible!

Zhao Dingguo turned around, and also grew his mouth fiercely, choked!

In front of him ~ ~ a corpse appeared with a cyan real name key floating on it.

Damn it!

Zhao Dingguo's first reaction was impossible. He immediately looked around, but did not see any suspicious objects around him. All four of them were besieging the deep sea priest. Where did this guy suddenly emerge from before and how was he killed?

"I just happened to see something!" Gao Yue's face was strange, and he was shocked and shocked. "According to my analysis, this guy may want to come in stealth, while the priest of the deep sea is about to die, we will be attacked when we are a little relaxed Country. But when he broke the shot, suddenly a pale blue ghost flashed. Very fast, I just felt a flower in front of me, and I wasn't even sure. Then the shadow disappeared, and the guy fell down. On the ground! "

"This is impossible!"

Yan Yuelan stepped forward and looked at the corpse a few times, shaking his head and said, "Isn't this guy who is in the tributary and wants to hide in secret? Despite his strength, anyway, it is also a veteran rising sun. You mean, just now Master, suddenly killed him on the road, and then suddenly disappeared? "

Her words made all three on the field into silence!

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