DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 227: Subsequent levels (below)

> Chapter 227 Follow-up Stages (Part 2)

With two perfect evaluations at hand, Zhao Dingguo was confident in the next challenge.

After the meteorite challenge, the fifth level officially came!

This round of testing has become an understanding of interrupting skills. These include rapid cooling and severe hurricanes. The former is a single control, the other is a group control. Zhao Dingguo needs to master the cd with good timing and skills, and take turns to attack the incoming monster. If you ca n’t interrupt it in time, there will also be serious consequences similar to the previous level!

At this level, Zhao Dingguo went to great lengths to get a rare rating!

After completing this level, Zhao Dingguo felt exhausted. Although I took a break after each level before, I just took a nap. After so many consecutive shutdowns, his energy was almost completely exhausted. Wanting to recover again is by no means a short time!

At this time, Zhao Dingguo finally understood why he needed to prepare enough time!

The time in the mystery is three to one proportional to the time on the main plane. In other words, Zhao Ding had a three-day stay. After the first few stages, Zhao Dingguo could not take that long. But after a few hours of rest before returning to the peak, Zhao Dingguo realized that he would probably delay!

Because the next levels may take more time!

Zhao Dingguo didn't feel wrong. All the previous levels had been added up, and it did not consume him a day. But in the next three stages, Zhao Dingguo consumed a lot of time. Thanks to these more difficult and time-consuming levels, they have more than one chance to challenge themselves, otherwise Zhao Dingguo will probably have to pass the levelless evaluation!

Imperceptibly, Zhao Dingguo spent three days in a secret place!

In the last two hours of the third day, Zhao Dingguo completed the first nine level tests, leaving a challenge scroll on hand. Among them, because four got the predecessor's point and a challenge scroll, Zhao Dingguo received a total of five perfect grades, plus four rare grades!

For this reason, Zhao Dingguo's whole body also lost weight.

In order to pass these levels with the highest evaluation, Zhao Dingguo racked his brains and worked hard. However, now that we have reached the last step, Zhao Dingguo said that we must take the last step!

Five perfect evaluations, it is obviously not safe to get the perfect pedigree in the end!

If you can get another perfect rating, this possibility is much greater. Therefore, Zhao Dingguo also attached great importance to the test of this last level: comprehensive level.

As the name implies, it is to combine some previous levels and get them into this final targeted level.

Zhao Dingguo not only needs to hide his skills, but also needs a combo output, he needs to block the enemy from entering the energy circle, and at the same time he must use the sky fire to kill the distant enemy ...

This level integrates many previous levels, making Zhao Dingguo's head big when he saw the rules!

If it were just one of them, after the previous madness, Zhao Dingguo could cope with it. However, if multiple items are combined, even if each item is not as perverted as the previous separate level after separation, it will be enough to make Zhao Dingguo busy and careless!

For the first time, Zhao Dingguo was directly judged out!

Fortunately, this level comes with two challenges. If you take into account the special effects of the challenge scroll, it means that there are a total of four attempts. Zhao Dingguo was not frustrated. After sitting on the ground for a long time, he started to try again!

He found that if he wanted to pass this level, he had to make a rule, and he couldn't mess around!

Thinking about this, when Zhao Dingguo challenged for the second time, he was more organized. When the combo is combo, when you switch to dodging skills, start the ghost walk without hesitation, and then use the opportunity to launch the sky fire to hunt down the enemy that escaped. In short, make the most of your time and clean them up one by one in accordance with the order of priority!

This time, his support time was significantly longer than the first time.

Unfortunately, there is still a long way to go for basic customs clearance and flawless evaluation requirements given on the nameplate.

Third try!

Zhao Dingguo summarized for a long time, and then used the last challenge scroll to start again. This time, Zhao Dingguo got off to a very good start. Until seven or eight minutes later, the situation encountered became more complicated, which gradually became difficult. However, he finally got a flawless rating!

In other words, the most basic customs clearance is no longer an issue.

Until now, Zhao Dingguo was almost certain that it was rare for him to get rare blood. If he changed to another lineage, Zhao Dingguo might be content. However, the peculiar pedigree of the Inquirer obliged him to continue to struggle for the highest-level perfect pedigree.

Therefore, this fourth pass is crucial!

Because this is the last chance, Zhao Dingguo is also cautious. After paying four hundred win points to extend the dwelling time of the theme plane by 12 hours, he took a deep breath and started this final challenge!

Every gain and loss in the previous three times was carefully reviewed by him. This time, Zhao Dingguo realized that he had 70% to 80% confidence!

An extremely difficult battle!

Different from the previous mechanical responses of various levels, this level is fickle and requires Zhao Dingguo's sensitive and timely response. After fifteen minutes of hard work, Zhao Dingguo successfully cleared the customs and got a rare rating!

Ten levels, five rare, five perfect!

This caused Zhao Dingguo to be a little tangled. He originally thought that if there were six perfect evaluations, perhaps the final blood perfection could be assured. But now, the rare evaluation and the perfect evaluation are tied. I don't know what evaluation will be given by Chaoshen platform?

Super God platform apparently encountered this situation more than once, so five seconds after the appearance of this rare rating, the nameplate prompts a verdict!

"Choose a rare bloodline, or enter the final battle level!"

pick one of two!

Zhao Dingguo glanced at the rare lineage, then gritted his teeth, gave up this choice, and looked at the final decisive level. After entering this level, Zhao Dingguo's temporary pedigree strength remained unchanged, and the skills brought before were also unblocked. Correspondingly, there will be challenges from more than one elite monster. Moreover, the final decisive battle level is really dead!

On the one hand are rare rare bloodlines, and on the other hand, you risk the death and go to the last one!

Zhao Dingguo already had a choice, but he could not help but hesitate to see the rule that he would really die after death. Before facing a single elite monster in the mystery, he was dealing with some difficulties. Now face more than one ...

Two is more than one, and ten certainly belongs to more than one!

After thinking about it for a long time, in the end Zhao Dingguo relented and fought hard!

Now that you have entered the Super God circle, you must be ready to fight at any time. If you don't fight hard, how can you become the first-rate powerhouse? For the perfect pedigree, this time I worked hard!

The final battle!

After choosing OK, Zhao Dingguo returned to the sacred spring of resurrection in the middle of the mystery. And at this moment, he was officially notified by the nameplate!

The final duel level opens!

The rules are also very simple. In the secret realm, all the monsters in other places disappeared, and five elite monsters were swiped out. These monsters will randomly draw some ta hero skills, what Zhao Dingguo will face is such a combination. Moreover, if Zhao Dingguo's action is slow, the five elite monsters scattered by this may be gathered together. By that time, there will be no chance of success for Zhao Dingguo!

However, if you want to get the perfect pedigree, you must kill all these elites.

Otherwise, although the Super God platform did not say, but it is certain that Zhao Dingguo's bloodline is rare!

So, after understanding the rules, and after the five-hour countdown started, he jumped up and started running around the mystery!

He must kill two or three before these elite monsters meet!

Zhao Dingguo's only advantage is that the central sacred spring of resurrection is still available. He has enough supplies to try to bring the elite monsters nearby and then fight the war of attrition. Although it is not clear whether these special elite monsters who have inherited the skills of ta heroes will be fooled, Zhao Dingguo can only choose to fight like this!

Although this heritage is not particularly large, it is definitely not small. After fifteen minutes of dashing, Zhao Dingguo found the first elite monster!

This is a humanoid monster, but the body and head and face are heavy. The weapon in its hand is a strangely shaped wheel of punishment.

When Zhao Dingguo saw the first reaction, he thought of the phantom assassin in ta. Perhaps, this monster in front of you may have the ability of phantom spines!

As for whether it is ~ ~ it will be clear if you go up against it!

Unsurprisingly, when he saw Zhao Dingguo approaching, the elite monster didn't say anything. He threw a dagger far away, which reduced Zhao Dingguo's movement speed. Subsequently, it approached quickly, and flickered directly to Zhao Dingguo. At the same time, its passive ambiguity has begun to take effect. After approaching Zhao Dingguo, his figure suddenly became hazy. If you pay no attention, you can only see a blurry transparent shadow!

Illusions, due to the existence of crit skills, pure physical output, can be described as the top three existence in the entire ta. Coupled with the ability to cut through, Zhao Dingguo is very afraid of such an elite monster!

So, seeing Dingguo's first response when he arrived in front of himself, he quickly cooled down!

After hitting this skill, the elite monster action that was just waved was interrupted immediately. Subsequently, Zhao Dingguo raised his hands to join the two firemen to join the attack, and even let this elite monster keep convulsing! Taking advantage of the rapid cooling time, Zhao Dingguo quickly retreated, re-opened the distance, and began to prepare for the storm!

This battle must not be played in person!

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