DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 235: The shock of the 2 giants

> Chapter 235 Shock of the Two Giants

This is the first time Zhao Dingguo has met the twilight super close up!

As the behemoth who founded the Illuminati in one hand, and the twilight strong man who has come all the way from the initial stage, the man in black has clearly managed to fully condense himself. In front of him, Zhao Dingguo didn't feel anything strange, but he didn't realize that he had a feeling of high mountains!

As if the man sitting indifferently in front of his eyes was like an unshakable mountain!

And it's still Everest!

Although curious about his true strength, Zhao Dingguo was afraid to use exploration. That is a disrespect to others, and even if you use it, you can't find anything. After two more glances, Zhao Dingguo turned his head slightly and looked at the other person in the room. At this moment, the slightly dressed man bears his hands and is interested in studying an antique on the bookshelf. Although he had only seen one side far during the preaching session, there was no doubt that he was the chairman of the Illuminati!

The two giants came together just to meet him!

Seeing Zhao Dingguo's a bit restrained, the president smiled, closed the scroll in his hand, and pointed to the sofa next to him: "You're welcome, sit!"

After hearing what he said, Zhao Dingguo agreed and sat down. At this time, the chairman of the appreciation of antiques also turned around and looked at him squarely.

Zhao Dingguo knows that the main event is here!

Sure enough, the chairman first said, "How about, was the process of taking down the bloodline smooth?" He didn't ask Zhao Dingguo if he got the bloodline, which clearly proved one thing. If Zhao Dingguo didn't succeed, Ouyang Dongju Won't take him here.

"Some twists and turns, but in the end!"

Zhao Dingguo roughly told his experience in the inheritance secret. Some test levels at the beginning were okay. When Zhao Dingguo mentioned the final duel level, the two giants began to feel wrong.

After listening patiently, the president looked at the chairman, and the latter spoke directly and asked, "What level of blood do you get? In this matter, you don't need to keep it secret. I can take responsibility Tell you that if you ask, the headquarters will definitely keep it secret for you. Furthermore, the higher your pedigree level, the better the treatment at the headquarters will be, so to be honest, will it not be timeless? "

Because the preparatory meeting was prepared in advance and some special care was given, the chairman still had some expectations.

Dawn-level Super God users can get flawless descent, shocked?

However, Zhao Dingguo calmly shook his head.

The director suddenly looked a little surprised, and suddenly asked, "Is it a rare bloodline?"

This is great!

Thinking of this, he and the chairman were excited. If you can get the rare bloodline at the dawn of the high order, I am afraid that it will shock the entire super **** circle. The resources of the Illuminati are slightly tilted, and when they grow up, a high-level dusk will not run away. Moreover, if you are lucky, you may not be able to hit the highest level!

However, under the horrified gaze of the president and him, Zhao Dingguo shook his head again!

The director suddenly froze. It suddenly seemed to be poured into a puddle of cold water, and there was an unspeakable disappointment in his tone: "It's not rare? Is it just a mutilated bloodline?"

The president apparently thought of this too, he was silent for a few seconds, and sighed: "After all, it is only Dawning level, and it is not easy to complete the bloodline." However, at this point, he suddenly had some doubts: If it ’s just an incomplete rating, how can it trigger the final duel level? "

"Isn't it incomplete?"

Realizing this, the chairman suddenly froze.

There are only four levels of blood unity, which is recognized! Could it be ...

Thinking of this, the director stopped for a while. As one of the decision-making layers of the Illuminati, the chairmen are second to none after the two presidents. He is also the first group of people to enter the Super God platform. Although he has not yet been able to rush into the twilight level, he has experienced a lot of wind and waves, and rarely has a bad state. But at this moment, he was out of character!

And there is still no image!

"Don't ... your pedigree level is perfect?" Having said that, the chairman himself was a little unbelievable, repeating again: "Perfect petitioner bloodline? Dawn high order?"

"Ah! That's perfect!"

Zhao Dingguo nodded with a big grin, taking it for granted.

Being able to shock a twilight-level super master, plus a high-level dusk, Zhao Dingguo has a sense of accomplishment at the moment. Especially the incredible but wonderful expressions on the faces of the two giants made Zhao Dingguo feel comfortable!

"Really perfect?"

The chairman and the chairman were finally calm, and Huo Ran got up and walked in front of him, with some urgency and expectations. The two of them couldn't be more clear, how much potential a super-god user who has obtained the perfect petitioner bloodline in the dawning realm, and how great disputes and waves can be caused!

This incident is definitely more shocking than the overthrow of the soul by the three major organizations!

"It's perfect!"

Zhao Dingguo knew that it was difficult for the two to accept the news. He got up a bit over to the desk, opened the chairman's laptop, and then boarded the super **** platform. At this moment, the perfect wording behind the pedigree bloodline in the role column of the platform directly blinds the eyes of the two people!


The chairman did not hold back, and made a swear word.

In normal times, the president who is quite particular about this will definitely glare at him. But at this moment, the twilight master did not care about this, let alone ignore Zhao Dingguo ’s transgression, and walked around in the house alone. His face was reddish, and his chest was clearly undulating, apparently very excited!

Both were obviously thinking about how to use the news of Zhao Dingguo.

Prior to this, although they were also prepared, they never thought that Zhao Dingguo could win the perfect lineage with a high-level identity. And the pedigree of the petitioners is hard to obtain among the hundreds of heroes in the entire ta. In this case, the blood of a perfect extra petitioner who suddenly appeared, although they excited them, but it was unavoidable that they were a little caught off guard!

How to maximize the value of this news, this is what the two have to consider at this stage!

Because once the death group battle in April begins, Zhao Dingguo, a newly emerged pedigree, will have nowhere to hide immediately. Although it may have entered the Rising Sun class by then, even the strong bloodlines of Rising Sun class can definitely attract the attention of many organizations. So before that, the Illuminati headquarters must come up with a perfect plan!

After a person pondered for a while, the chairman whispered with the chairman.

Zhao Dingguo is not good at eavesdropping, simply leaning on the sofa with his eyes closed. However, the chairman reopened soon, but this time he sought his opinion: "Would you like to go to the stage and serve as the core of the Illuminati, or would you like to keep a low profile?"

Zhao Dingguo's own opinion will directly affect which of the two plans the Illuminati uses!

If he chooses to make a name for himself, then the chairman will be like an ethereal organization. He will announce this news with great fanfare, launching Zhao Dingguo, a new generation of Illuminati Geniuses in the Illuminati, as the leader, and competing with other organizations of the same level. If Zhao Dingguo is willing to keep a low profile, then the chairman can forge a plan, such as proclaiming the perfect lineage of the Dawning level as the flawless lineage of the Rising Sun level. Although this will also attract attention, it will not cause such a big wave!

"Think slowly, think again before you say it!"

The chairman also warned him in a deep voice, after all, this matter was not just a matter of Zhao Dingguo alone. In particular, in case Zhao Dingguo was chosen to be launched as a benchmark, although the scenery is beautiful, but the influence is greater, it is directly related to the honor and disgrace of the Illuminati, so he can't bear his care!

Zhao Dingguo knew that once he thought about it, it would be difficult to change it, so he kept pondering!

Seeing Zhao Dingguo's expression, the chairman was afraid that he would have any burden, and added a promise: "It doesn't matter which one you choose, the actual treatment that the light will give you will not change. After you enter the realm of the rising sun, we will You will be immediately recruited as a member of the headquarters, but the actual rights and benefits enjoyed by the board are equivalent to the directors, and there will be additional privileges! "


Speaking of welfare benefits, Zhao Dingguo was instantly attentive, after all, it was directly related to his future development. Although he knew that the Illuminati would not be able to stand on top of this, Zhao Dingguo wanted to hear what benefits he could get.

Of course, the chairman knows that a Dawn-level super-god user has the news of perfect pedigree, which can cause shock after being spread. He knows better what conditions other organizations will open to try to attract ~ ~ especially the three major organizations, Hui Yao is fortunate to say that it will never accept members below twilight, and there is no branch. But the latter two organizations are hard to say if they speak!

Therefore, the chairman hesitated for a while and gave the best treatment!

"Government-level treatment is very generous, and the power of the Illuminati in the real world need not be said. You can use it with a phone call. It mainly tells you about supernatural powers, such as winning loans, information sharing, etc. Monthly benefits, and special offers inside some equipment! "

Each director-level member can receive 500 win points every month.

In addition, if there is an urgent need, you can borrow up to 2000 win points from the headquarters free of charge. Of course, this loan is time-bound. If it is not reached by that time, it will require equipment mortgage. As for some special-priced equipment, the Illuminati got it through some channels on the main plane. The most representative is the plate armor produced from the secret realm, the members of the director-level purchase, can have a very low preferential price!

Of course, these conditions are not comparable to the extra benefits directly given by Zhao Dingguo, a perfect pedigree quasi-strong person!

Take the chairman's words, this is called a signature fee!

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