DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 263: Ghostly

> Chapter 263 God Dressed As A Ghost

After the ghost blade cut in, Zhao Dingguo turned on the split axe and rushed up.

After the Shenniu jumped up, the guards diverged in a panic. The Troll War will open the Black King Bar, and continue to dismantle the Frozen Throne under the attack of the Scourge. Invokers shifted their goals and began to cut skills in preparation for the Scourge heroes who rushed up. And this kind of inconsistency has provided various opportunities for natural disasters!

The first to be killed were of course the windrunners and troll warlords who were still attacking the base.

Because the windrunner has the least amount of blood, Yan Yuelan's white tiger jumped to his side and a star fell. She then used the Blade of Soul Purification and began exporting directly to Windrunners.

On the other side, Zhao Dingguo controlled the ghost to kill the troll warlord!

With two assists, Zhao Dingguo's output is still considerable. In particular, Gondor also put his first target on him. The two of them attacked together, and the troll warlord's health was almost flying. The crazy idea of ​​the direct base of the guards certainly made them succeed in destroying the durability of the Frozen Throne, but after the powerful counterattack of the Scourge, they exposed the shortcomings of insufficient control power of the guards!

If at this time, there are multiple tides in their lineup, or an extra void mask, perfect for a five-second big, want to come is another scene! If Carl is a Bing Leica, maybe the guard will play a lot better.

Although the output of the fire card is high, this output is almost not reflected until now!

Unfortunately, they only have a stable point-control blue fat!

Facing the ghost of the dragon heart and the avatar, the guards with scattered fire faintly felt a sense of immobility. The target of the natural disaster is very obvious, whoever hits the base. Therefore, the troll warlords and windrunners soon hung up. Seeing that the situation was bad, Lan Fat turned around and ran away, at the same time he pushed himself with a push stick. Knowing that this wave of unsuccessful invokers also cut out a storm hurricane to interfere with it, waited two seconds to release the ghost walk, and retreat in hiding.

Although he succeeded, Zhao Dingguo didn't have much pride.

If they wait for another wave ...

Zhao Dingguo knew that there was not much time left for them. In case the other party realizes this, the others may have a black king rod, maybe they have been demolished. So, after a moment of hesitation, Zhao Dingguo decisively returned to the spring, sold the phase shoes, and bought flying shoes!

Subsequently, he flew to the bottom line without hesitation, and quickly led the line relying on the brilliant effect.

Because the guard side went straight to the Frozen Throne this time and did not control the other two routes, so the line of natural disasters following the route was not bad. Under the leadership of Zhao Dingguo, two waves of ghoul soldiers came together and quickly broke through the second tower of the guard, and then went straight to the high ground!

However, at this time, both the blue fat and the supplicant have returned to the highlands tp, and the prophet is about to be resurrected!

Zhao Dingguo alone, this high ground is not good!

Zhao Dingguo knew this, but he had no choice. Before his teammates rushed over, he turned on the split axe and led the line to the high ground. In any case, these two waves of soldiers are very important, he can not let the guards casually clear the soldiers!

Undoubtedly, neither the supplicant nor Lan Fat expected that Zhao Dingguo dared to take the initiative to kill their high ground. But they did not hesitate, the flames blasted and ignited their shots, and with the skills of the fire card, they desperately output to Zhao Dingguo.

The damage of refraction and glory, combined with the attack of the two avatars, Zhao Dingguo's output is also not bad!

Probably because the skills have been cooled, the invoker combines the elemental **** to generate the chaotic meteorite again. However, Zhao Dingguo had been guarding this big killer and saw the meteorite falling, and immediately adjusted his position. I dare not say that I completely avoided this skill, at least I avoided most of the injuries!

This makes the supplicant vomit blood again!

From this regular season onwards, it seems that few of his skills on ghosts will be perfect. Either it is directly avoided, or as it is now, there is always no perfect output!

At this moment, Binghun's big move came over!

Such an important help, naturally, Zhao Dingguo will not miss it. When the war started, he commanded Binghun in the voice channel. At this moment, this big indeed received wonderful results. As soon as the health of the invoker was reduced to half, the courage immediately persuaded and began to turn around and withdraw from the spring!

At this time, of course, Zhao Dingguo beat the water dog!

Seeing his teammate's crisis, Lan Fat gave him a bloodthirsty technique. Coincidentally, the flames exploded and cooled, and he planned to faint Zhao Dingguo and help his teammates escape. Unfortunately, this flame blasted a rare quadruple cast. Although this quartet smashed Zhao Dingguo's blood directly to the bottom of the valley, the supplicant also took the refracted back injury firmly. This counter-injury caused the invoker's health to fall into the percentage range of Binghun's big move, and exploded directly!

Binghun accidentally received a human head.

However, this quadruple cast also hurt Zhao Dingguo, and he had to withdraw from the high ground temporarily. Fortunately, Lan Fat has no skills for the time being, and he has to clear the line on the high ground, so he did not chase.

With Dragon Heart's recovery speed bonus, Zhao Dingguo will soon re-enter the battle!

At this time, Gondor and Shenniu had already rushed over. Their joining made it possible for the Scourge to defeat the Guards all the way up to the high ground. However, at this moment, the resurrected prophet directly transmitted to the line of troops in front of the middle highland, opened up and recruited people, and continued straight to the Frozen Throne. The windrunner didn't say anything, sold the spare parts on his body, bought flying shoes, and flew along with him!

Only the ice soul and white tiger left at home can't stop them!

Fortunately, Zhao Dingguo's big move has cooled. While letting his teammates keep the pressure on the natural disaster, he started the big move and came directly behind the prophet. Despite his dissatisfaction with the blood, it is no easier to deal with an output prophet after turning on the split axe. After a few knives, the Prophet's blood volume fell to the bottom!

On the other hand, Windrunner's attack was also interrupted by Frost's Frostfoot!

Although the Frozen Throne managed to recover a little bit of durability, they were beaten back by two people, but they also became meat buns and beat the dogs.

After killing the two men, Zhao Dingguo returned to the spring and replenished it a little, then kept on, and took advantage of the flying shoes to cool down and flew to the high ground of the next guard. His joining completely defeated the defense of the guards and helped the natural disasters restore the disadvantage of all the way up the high ground!

With this all the way in hand, the Scourge will fight a lot!

After destroying their lower barracks, Zhao Dingguo didn't mean to stop immediately. He rushed to the high ground while taking advantage of the soldiers' line and led his teammates to directly attack the high ground defense tower in the middle of the road, suddenly giving the guard a situation of breaking two routes at a time. Although in their desperate fight back, Zhao Dingguo had to wear away only half of the durability and was forced to give up, but it shocked the guards severely!

Although the natural disaster base is only one step away from the collapse, at this step, it seems that they are getting harder to cross. On the contrary, the natural disasters that had progressed to their advantage in the first and middle stages have now begun to fight back, and almost even broke their two paths.

Is it possible that opponents can come back with this advantage?

Not wanting to be okay, the thought of the guards became more and more chaotic as soon as the possibility of a comeback came to mind.

Everyone knows that as ghost equipment becomes more and more luxurious, they have gradually no way to get ghosts. Unless this time the trolls can come up with another butterfly, and even upgrade the dominating helmet to Satan, Blue Fat will also challenge to upgrade to a flute, so that they will have the ability to face the natural disaster.

However, successive deaths have delayed the improvement of the equipment of the guards. The advantages of the soldier line and the push of the prophets often made them unable to find a place to make money. The combination of the two situations has resulted in a situation where guards are getting weaker and weaker, and natural disasters are getting stronger!

For the next few minutes, the defender was completely passive.

The four other people in the natural disaster held a group and pushed on the road. Zhao Dingguo led the middle by himself, giving the guard no chance at all. On the bottom, because the natural disasters in turn had the advantage of the soldiers' line, the defender's change was not so easy to advance. Especially once they enter the area of ​​the second tower of the lower road, the natural disaster people will return to the rescue in time, and they will fight first before they rush to the high ground!

The frontal battle could not be beaten, and the push line could not be pushed. The guards actually lost control of this battle!

"The ghost is about to come back!"

Windrunners and Lan Fat quarreled, but couldn't do anything about it. As far as trying to find a way to fly over to demolish the base, it has already been proven to be dead. Continue this way, in the end, only the natural disaster side rolled over and directly broke their three-way highlands!

What to do!

Invokers were as anxious as the prophets, and kept changing. It was said that heli cut the back row for a while, and then changed the focus to the ghost of the fire second, but none of them could do it.

Of the five guards, only the trolls remained calm.

He has realized that he will lose this game. Several times in a row failed to push off the opponent's lower ground, giving the ghost enough room to grow. However, this is only a regular season after all ~ ~ If you lose, you will lose. What's more, the four rising sun experts accompany him and lost together. What's more to complain about this rookie, idiot, incompetent parallel imports?

Thinking of this, the trolls not only did not hate natural disasters, but also faintly happily!

What about the rising sun masters, in front of the ghosts of other gods, they still have to lose!

As the troll said, Zhao Dingguo's ghost is indeed pretending to be. After realizing that the guards had nothing to do with him, Zhao Dingguo used the remaining money to make the blade of the soul. In this way, his equipment has become flying shoes, dragon heart, glory, avatar, and soul blade, which can be said to be a dazzling five-god suit. Except for adding another butterfly or taking a Roshan shield, his equipment can almost be said to have risen to the top!

Such a ghost also makes the guard full of fear!

When the upper and middle roads brought the soldiers to the guard highland at the same time, Zhao Dingguo's ghost directly cut into the back of the prophet. As soon as the split axe opened, the three ghosts cut down the prophet almost instantly. Subsequently, the God Bull jumped, other heroes swarmed up, and killed the guards directly!

Zhao Dingguo made a great reversal with a ghost costume!

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