DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 283: Level 1 Roshan Tactics

New rapid cooling!

Seeing this skill strengthened by Eternal Frost Elixir, Zhao Dingguo was inexplicably excited. Because, compared to the original rapid cooling, this enhanced skill attribute is much stronger. After a careful comparison, Zhao Dingguo suddenly saw three differences!

The first is the priority of skills!

This is well understood. Some conflicting skills must have a priority when judged. Although the original rapid cooling priority is also high, but that is only relative to ordinary skills. But now there is an authoritative judgment. Except for a very small number of characteristic abilities, otherwise it must be cooled down quickly!

If this is only a potential benefit, the latter two enhancements are directly enhanced.

After being hit by a skill, the movement speed is reduced by 20%!

The original rapid cooling did not have this attribute. Now it has a slowdown effect, and it is even more difficult for the enemy to escape. However, this enhancement, while good, is dregs compared to the third. Because if the attack frequency is fast enough, the person who has hit the rapid cooling can only draw wind in place, which is not worse than the 20% movement speed. But the third one, the first time the stun cools and ignores the magic immunity, then this skill makes a qualitative leap!

With it, Zhao Dingguo can face calmly in the future with some heroes driving a bkb amplifier. Although it has only a few effects, the interruption skills are enough!

After reading the new attributes completely, Zhao Dingguo was satisfied with the enhanced version of rapid cooling for 12 minutes.

Although this trip to the natural disaster took a little risk. But the results are absolute. and. The final gain is not only the scroll and this skill, but also allows Zhao Dingguo to see another way to strengthen himself!

That is skill enhancement!

The petitioner's bloodline makes him a powerful and comprehensive existence because of his unique ten skills. However, when both pedigree and equipment are ascended to the peak, which is the so-called late stage, the invoker is inevitably a little weak when facing heroes such as the Void Mask and Chaos Knight. Although the performance of multiplayer teamfights is not bad, the odds of winning when heads-up are low. But if you can strengthen all the skills you have, it is another situation!

This vision. Not vain!

Unlike other heroes, which rely more on bloodline power, the pedigree of the Invoker is the manipulation of the three elements. In contrast, elemental skill variation is always easier. Since Zhao Dingguo can get the eternal frost potion, of course, he can also get the eternal flame potion and eternal thunder potion-although it may not be called that name. But the meaning is the same.

At that time, how powerful would the invoker with ten enhanced skills be?

Zhao Dingguo couldn't help thinking about it for a while, but was finally awakened by a sudden cold wind—it didn't know when it was raining outside.

The world tree in the rain is of course another scenery, but unfortunately, a super-god user like Zhao Dingguo does not have much leisure to enjoy it. He said goodbye to Li Feng, and then went on to brush the reputation of the Guard Corps. Of course, when he left the theme, Zhao Dingguo did not forget to visit his mentor and incidentally told him about the incident of being attacked again by Fei Yu!

This naturally caused the anger of the Blood Elf Prince.

There is no need to worry about Zhao Dingguo. The guard garrisoned the strong man, and went to the Presbyterian Church to curse.

Half an hour later, the people of the arbitration court attacked in all directions and really took the matter of hunting for Fei Yu to heart.

The size of the Guards Corps is so large that Zhao Dingguo doesn't think Fei Yuneng can be caught so easily, and he may have defected to the natural disaster. But anyway, with such an order, he could make the guard's territory into his restricted area. It would be nice to just add a little jam to that guy. Anyway, Zhao Dingguo just took a few words and spent nothing.

"Don't get closer to the guard if you have the skills!"

People who dare to make trouble with themselves. Zhao Dingguo let him know why the flowers are so red!


In the afternoon after returning from the main plane, Super God platform issued a notice to all Super God users who have a pub-level nameplate and joined for more than three months.

The highly anticipated Super God qualifying is now officially open!

People who have known this news long ago are naturally looking forward to it and start preparing immediately; the new // fastest text update without popups and no ads // people can also see detailed rules after landing on the Super God platform. Researched one after another. Although Zhao Dingguo had listened to Yan Yuelan's complete explanation, he received the notice. After reading it in detail, I started to register.

The main thing is, of course, the winning points.

Registration is divided into individual competitions and team competitions, as long as one hundred win points can be reported, and both can be reported. However, if you want to participate in a team match, you must temporarily set up a team that serves the team match. In normal times, the only way to form a squad is to form a team contract scroll. But now, it only takes the captain to spend two hundred win points to create a temporary team, which will automatically dissolve after the qualifying match!

The rest of the players, as long as they find the corresponding team, choose to respond.

This can also be regarded as a disguised fee, but it is not much, and people who are interested in participating can basically get it. Like Yan Yuelan, he didn't share at all. He directly handed out two hundred win points, and then set up the Lan Elves team ...

This name reminds Zhao Dingguo of a cartoon that I watched as a child.

Although there were some who wanted to vomit, Zhao Dingguo shut up because of the beauty of others who had made a difference. Anyway, the name is just a code name, and Zhao Dingguo doesn't think they can go far in the team match!

In fact, not only Zhao Dingguo, Lao Li, Li Feng and Gaoyue all expressed their embarrassment to a certain extent after responding to the Lan Elves. Unfortunately, the team's name has been established, and no one can afford to spend another two hundred wins for one name. So, this tangled name was formally set.

The registration time for Super God qualifying is only three days, and the official competition will be three days later.

Because there are the most individual competitions, the first one is also the individual competition, and the frequency is as high as two days a round. If the lost games account for more than half of the total number of rounds, they will be eliminated automatically. If you can persist to the end, you will get the top 1,000 people according to the points to enter the June finals!

In the curious expectations of Zhao Dingguo, he ushered in the first battle of Super God qualifying!

"It is detected that the Super God user with id 037205 has registered and automatically enters the first round of the Super God qualifying personal battle!"

"The 5v5 melee mode is turned on, and the participating users are randomly recruited ..."

"Random matching has been completed and the first round of the personal battle is about to begin!"

If the melee mode is left out, this battle is no different from the regular season. However, because there was no penalty in the qualifier and no reward for winning, everyone was very relaxed. Moreover, because the strength of teammates and enemies is unpredictable, some rare scenes and tactics often appear!

Like Zhao Dingguo, the enemy gave him a good lesson!

Individual battles are randomly selected heroes, and the heroes Zhao Dingguo received were doomsday guards. The most powerful part of this hero lies in his big move. It can be said that it is the most powerful single skill in the entire ta. It can ban all the skills and equipment of the target, even passive skills and black king stick can not work, and can Immune to magic. Because of this no solution, Doomguard is also known as the father of all heroes!

But this time, Zhao Dingguo's doomsday father did not help them win.

To be honest, the strength of the teammates he immediately matched in this game was OK. The weakest one has 1,040 points and the highest one has 1,750. The lineup is not bad. Originally, Zhao Dingguo had confidence in victory, but this confidence was shaken by the other party at the moment when the three-way barracks began to send troops!

Because at the same time, the screen uploads the opponent's prompt to kill Roshan and get the Aegis!

Grade 1 Roshan!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Dingguo's teammates were uproared instantly, and the Dawning user with the lowest score was even shouting impossible. No one can imagine that the opponent will be able to kill the mighty Roshan at the first level. Before this battle began, the opponents each had a few hundred yuan more in economy, as well as experience and immortal shields. It can be said that it was steadily prevailing!

Zhao Dingguo also knew about some special heroes in Ta who can beat Roshan at level 1. The Illuminati's strategy is also mentioned, such as patting the bear with the skull king, is the most common combination. Patting the bear has the ability to deepen the damage. Each time you take more than 10 points of damage, you can continue to kill Roshan until the last time. However, the opponent's lineup obviously did not pat the bear!

Is it some relatively non-mainstream combination?

After understanding the principle and confirming that the other party successfully defeated Roshan, Zhao Dingguo thought for a moment and then determined the other party's process of fighting Roshan.

The opponent's lineup includes Druids, Prophets, and Lich!

Zhao Dingguo knows ~ ~ Druids are summoning bears at the first level, and this summoning creature is very strong and has high blood volume. If the Lich learns ice armor at first level, then let the bear with the ice armor and the treeman of the prophet take turns resisting, you can completely resist the attack of Roshan, and then gather the power of many people to kill it!

Due to the natural advantages of the natural disaster party to fight Roshan, this made it possible for their enemies to successfully kill Roshan at the moment of sending troops!

By the way, the tidal wave reduction effect!

If only one more Immortal Shield was added, but the opponent was significantly smarter. When Roshan was about to hang up, they let the other three back, and the Lich and Tide shared the experience. If the five people are spread out together, each of them is second-level, and the effect is not great. But if it is shared by two people, it is all four levels, this effect is too obvious!

When going out to the line, a first-level hero faces a fourth-level hero, how to fight?

In particular, the walking Lich got a big move early in the sixth level and directly killed the middle. Then, they cooperated with the tide with a big move. When Zhao Dingguo averaged three or four levels, they started to hold a group to advance, killing all the way to the high ground!

The rhythm of a direct crash!

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