DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 297: Chaos in the warehouse

PS: The first one is sent. The data such as clicks and recommendations are a bit weak ~~ Book friends remember to vote after reading. M

Allies were ambushed?

Zhao Dingguo kicked the accelerator to the bottom, raised the speed, and galloped towards his destination at full speed. As a full member of the Illuminati, he usually enjoys all the benefits of the Illuminati. Now that the headquarters has support missions, Zhao Dingguo also decided to perform well and further prove his worth!

"Turn right."

Noting the acceleration of the light spot on satellite positioning, the operator's sister was also refreshed, and began to introduce the details of the mission. "The attacked Allied Soulstone ally is a junior master at dusk and has a rare dark pastoral bloodline. After the emergency call for help The communication was quickly blocked by the enemy. The Prophet in our meeting had already rushed over the first time, and the elf guards also successfully arrived with an all-around knight, but they were all dragged by the opponent's master. Unfortunately, One of the two ghosts in the meeting went out and one entered the main plane. Apart from them, the one closest to the battlefield is you, please rush over to support as soon as possible! "

"rest assured."

Zhao Dingguo shouted, "What about the opponent?" While driving into a crooked fence on the side of the road.

The operator girl also knew that the matter was urgent, and said in a very fast tone: "According to the returned elven guard master, there should be four masters at dusk. One of them is definitely nocturnal and the other is swordsman. They are not sure, but they should have the electrostatic linking skills of the electric soul. Not very good to deal with ... "

At this moment, the signal suddenly became messy, apparently entering a strong interference area.

Zhao Dingguo knew he could not get any more effective information. Set aside the phone decisively. The distance of 1.5 kilometers is a blink of an eye for a full-speed galloping sports car, and Zhao Dingguo quickly rushed to it. Considering the urgency of the matter, he made a sudden stop and rushed out the door without waiting for the car to stop. After just a few steps of acceleration, Zhao Dingguo became a ghost, and rushed to the rear of the electronics factory at a speed unimaginable by normal humans.

This is a very large factory.

The electronics factory has ceased production due to poor management. It's not far from closing down. Therefore, even though it is still daylight, the factory is empty. Looking around, a few defending the Hengshi factory area were apparently killed directly by the ambush. Zhao Dingguo knew that these people had only been hit by the pond fish, so when he passed by the corpse, he didn't look at it and killed him directly in the inner warehouse!

In his current position, you can already see the skill glow and power brought by the masters in the dusk.

A force full of destructive nature traverses the sky, no doubt. It is the prophet who is launching a big attack against the enemy. Zhao Dingguo was anxious. With a fierce step on his feet, he borrowed a street lamp pole in midair to jump directly to the top of the three-story factory building.

On the spacious building roof, Zhao Dingguo saw the front-line battlefield.

Thirty meters away in front. Four people are fighting, and several Shuttlemen are assisting in the attack. Of the four, the all-round knight from the headquarters and the Prophet Zhao Dingguo have seen it. Although it is not a good relationship. At least you can recognize it. No doubt, the two Twilight Masters who played against them were enemies. As for the other two masters mentioned in the headquarters intelligence, Zhao Dingguo instantly thought that the two must be hunting down the ally of the town soul stone!

The golden light flashed.

This skill is the baptism of an all-round knight, combining blood and damage, and the effect is very powerful. It is precisely this skill. The two men who hurried to the support were able to draw a tie with their sniper opponent.

Seeing Zhao Dingguo's sudden appearance, the prophet who was controlling the position of the Shuren warrior was delighted.

Although Zhao Dingguo is just the rising sun. But fame is no longer so popular, almost everyone in the meeting knows it. Possessing perfect pedigree, the strength is quite good. Even playing against the twilight master can play a great role. But this emergency reinforcement is to help allies get out of trouble, not to defeat the two in front of them. So the Prophet did not let Zhao Dingguo join the battle, but pointed directly at the warehouse and said loudly: "She is in there, hurry up to help! Don't be afraid, the elf guards will come again soon. After this, we will win!"

"Leave it to me!"

Even though he was facing two dusk masters, Zhao Dingguo was not afraid. The Pearl City is the site of the Illuminati. As long as it can be delayed for a while, reinforcements will continue to arrive.

It is by no means so easy to kill him!

However, when Zhao Dingguo bypassed the fierce fighting four people and attempted to rush into the huge warehouse, a fire dynamite shot from an unknown place hit Zhao Dingguo suddenly. The gun carried great power, making Zhao Dingguo a fierce figure, and he was almost not knocked to the ground.

What gun is so powerful?

After entering the Rising Sun, Zhao Dingguo was immune to 50% damage from real-world hot weapons. If you count on armor and damage reduction, it's not bad to kill him with ten shots. But this shot not only interrupted his sprint, but also reduced Zhao Dingguo's health by hundreds of points!

So high damage!

Zhao Dingguo stabilized his body and wanted to move on, but the enemy hiding in the dark opened fire again and fired one after another. The fierce battles of the four people masked the subtle sound of bullets, making it more difficult for Zhao Dingguo to dodge. Although he had been wary and avoided in advance, the precise projectiles blocked the way forward.

To stop him from charging, the enemy also fired a shotgun.

Large pieces of high-energy fragmentation spilled onto the ground after an air explosion, forming a continuous slowdown and injury zone. No doubt, the purpose of the enemy was to prevent him from entering the warehouse.

A legacy of the Dwarven Musketeers!

After a short surprise, Zhao Dingguo responded quickly. The ability of shotgun blocked Zhao Dingguo, but also exposed his hiding place and identity. This superb hidden man was hiding on the roof of a six-story residential building 400 meters away. It is the tallest building within a kilometer nearby and has the advantage of commanding heights. With the range increase brought by the passive skills of the musket, the musketeer can attack anyone in the factory from there!

It seems that the intelligence of the headquarters is wrong!

The enemies to come are not just four people, nor only two people have bloodlines, but also a fifth person-some extremely dwarven musketeers!

Why he did not participate directly in the battle, Zhao Dingguo is still unclear. However, it is impossible to rush into the warehouse without solving this enemy first!

By the way, the ghost walks!

With this stealth skill in place, the musket hidden in the dark can never be him. Thinking of this, Zhao Dingguo quickly cut out this skill and entered a stealth state.

The musket really took him by no means!

Even if he carries anti-hidden props, the effective diameter is estimated to be tens of meters. The location of the musket was more than 400 meters from Zhao Dingguo, and he could not be seen anyway. Depressed, the guy could only shoot a few shots blindly at the entrance to the warehouse, but this was purely venting anger.

Without a secret fifth person in the way, Zhao Dingguo finally sneaked into the warehouse.

I have to say that this is a quite large warehouse. Looking at it roughly, I am afraid that the construction area is no less than 4,000 square meters. Large rows of more than two meters of shelves filled the warehouse, becoming a natural obstacle to obscure the line of sight. Unfortunately, almost all of these shelves were violently flattened, and some of the originals and finished products were scattered all over the place. In the back of the storeroom, two men in their thirties are trying to kill a young woman.

That's right, it's you!

Seeing the tags of being hunted down and women, Zhao Dingguo immediately realized that she was the one she was trying to save. But at that moment, the woman's body was torn apart and broken into pieces.


Zhao Dingguo seemed to be splashed on his head with a basin of cold water, only to feel that he was cold, thinking he was late. But he reacted immediately. The man killed was just an illusion. The true body of the ally did not know when he was invisible.

It is the ghost of the Phantom Lancer!

This skill can create an illusion in place, and the real body is instantly invisible, enough to confuse any opponent. Invisibility lasts up to eight seconds, and the cooldown decreases as the skill level increases. Considering that she already has Dark Shepherd bloodline, this stealth is almost certainly a first-class.

Can add blood, have stealth, no wonder it can support for so long!

The one-day burial of the supernatural skill of the dark animal husbandry is a five-second immortal body. Then Shadowwave replied. When in danger, he ran away and dragged the CD. This combination is really good. After all, the real-view gems that can be anti-hidden are not so easy to obtain, and the price is high. Other props such as developing dust and detection guards have their own defects. Once the target is out of range of the guard or the time of the powder is over, it is difficult to kill again.

However, since it is invisible, why not take the opportunity to escape outside?

This doubt flashed, and it was undone by Zhao Dingguo. It must be the dwarf musketeer outside.

He doesn't shoot at the Illuminati ~ ~ does not mean that he will not kill this woman. With his condescending guidance, the stealth time of eight seconds is definitely not enough to escape. What's more, Zhao Dingguo glanced just now, faintly saw that there was a monster waving wings beside that guy. If the monster is a summoned gryphon or dragon eagle, the musketeer can ride on it and definitely kill any target.

If this speculation is true, hiding in this large warehouse is the best choice!


One of the men saw that he was about to kill the target, but was run away again by her, and he could not help getting irritable. He launched a storm of sword blades with a few points of hope and made a circle around the place. It was a pity that the woman had escaped in stealth long ago, and the blade storm had even encountered a hair, instead tearing the nearby steel shelves into pieces. The sharp energy also engraved countless deep scratches on the board and the floor, as if it had experienced a major earthquake!

"Hello, do you feel a little cold?"

Just then, another scolding man said in horror. After a second, the two realized what was going on in the deceleration that slowed them down.

One of the top ten skills from the Invoker, Ghost Walk!

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