DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 306: Walker's Wraith

Inducing strangeness is also a technical task.

The hot flames of the lava elves, like the Holy Light, are hated by undead creatures. Once the position is not good, it is easy to pull the hatred of several undead trolls at the same time. Although I have the ancient **** tree ring to help cover up the breath, but if the noise is too big, it can still attract the attention of the elite monster such as the undead troll shaman.

An undead troll warrior is already difficult to deal with, plus the troll shaman, the threat index is definitely one plus one greater than two!

In order not to have any accidents, Zhao Dingguo would rather waste some time, pulling the undead troll away from a hundred meters away, and then fully fire and kill quickly. Repeated five times in this way, he finally killed all the monsters around the undead troll shaman. In this way, Zhao Dingguo can concentrate on dealing with the dead shaman.

Before starting the fight, Zhao Dingguo first used that magic poison on himself.

Although the poison didn't sell well, Zhao Dingguo drank his teeth for the sake of the ogre's axe. Compared to the overbearing effect of the plague, this failure from the Venomancer is much worse. Five points of blood are dropped in three seconds, which means no to Zhao Dingguo with the ice element ball. However, its powerful and authoritative special effects have made poison a natural barrier against all other toxins and curses!

The poison had a bitter almond flavor. After drinking it, Zhao Dingguo immediately had a negative state on his body, and his whole body turned pale green.

A green man?

This scene looks normal in online games and can be put on real people. But how it looks strange.

After looking up and down for a while, Zhao Dingguo forced himself not to think about the issue of skin color, and began to deal with this undead troll shaman. Under his control, the newly summoned lava elves turned on armor-breaking skills. A far-off attack was launched against the shaman.

As the highest status of the troll family, the dignity of the troll shaman cannot be profaned. Even after becoming an undead, it still retains this pride deep into its bones. After being provoked by the lava elves, the undead troll shaman waved his staff and immediately launched a counterattack. One shot is his signature skill, Ghost Curse!

This is a mutant skill infected by the ghost plague, which can create a ghost in the target body, allowing him to enter a cursed state instantly. Force reduction of 15% of current health / 280 damage.

Zhao Dingguo's current lava elves haven't had that much health, so after hitting the ghost, he was directly killed by a minimum of 280 lives. With this blow, the lava elves were almost directly hit!

This hurt is indeed scary.

The undead troll shaman seemed happy with his attack. He cracked the jawbone and smiled silently, then continued to attack. With the swipe of his scepter, the breath of death hit one after another, and the Lava Elves were completely defeated soon. Less than ten seconds before and after, Zhao Dingguo's helper was finished.

Without any choice. Zhao Dingguo chose to cut out the rapid cooling.

Because the level of pedigree is not high enough, and it is only a little worse than lv7, the burst of skills is somewhat lacking. It's okay to deal with Super God users, it's not enough to deal with elite bosses. Zhao Dingguo plans to play a protracted war. Intermittent output by control that relies on rapid cooling.

The biggest reliance he dared to do was to ignore the poison and curse of the other party.

If you switch to another super-god user, face the cursed undead troll shaman. Definitely all follow the route of high burst output. If you drag it down, you can only play to death with the curse of the undead shaman. But Zhao Dingguo is different. When the skill cools down, it relies on position and anticipation to avoid the breath of death of the opponent, and when it cools down quickly, it will output at full strength. Although the output efficiency is a bit low, it makes the target's blood volume drop steadily!

If it is during his lifetime, the troll shaman will use a voodoo recovery technique to continue to restore his health. With Zhao Dingguo's output, even if he hits death, there is nothing he can do about it.

Unfortunately, after becoming an undead, although its curse and poison are more powerful, the voodoo recovery technique is gone.

As a result, he was restrained to death by Zhao Dingguo!

Five minutes of fierce battle passed, and the troll shaman's health decreased by 30%. This undead was finally provoked by Zhao Dingguo.

After the new round of rapid cooling has passed, Shaman, the undead troll, retracts his scepter and stands in front of him. Slightly gaining momentum, it released its own killer 锏 ability-Plague Guard!

This skill can summon a guard that can quickly spray the plague. The guard's attack has a small range of splash effects. It can randomly add various negative buffs when attacking, and can cause continuous poison damage and slow down. The duration of the guard is up to ten seconds, and due to the extremely high attack frequency, the total output is very considerable. If the hit enemy does not have any interruption and escape skills, most of them will be killed by this trick.

Seeing the plague guard taking shape, Zhao Dingguo realized the danger and immediately used the astral imprisonment.

This offensive and defensive magic skill can be of great use at any time. The guard of the undead troll shaman just came out and was undoubtedly interrupted.

The killer cricket was broken, which undoubtedly made the undead troll shaman even more angry.

Resentful, it started frantically launching its best curse skills. However, whether it was paralytic toxin, curse of life, or touch of chaos, when they encountered the green light on Zhao Dingguo, they all became invisible, causing only a little basic damage. However, compared with the powerful effects of the curse, this basic damage is nothing at all, but those skills are constantly charging Zhao Dingguo's great magic wand.

In just two or three minutes, Zhao Dingguo's great magic wand was full at 15 o'clock.

Seeing that the undead still had a stance to continue casting, Zhao Dingguo quickly ate all the points of the magic wand, and instantly restored 225 points of life and magic. Afterwards, the big magic wand with cleared points started to recharge.

This small, cost-effective piece of equipment is really practical.

With the improvement of strength, Zhao Dingguo more and more felt the use of magic wand. Like this time, if there is no full recharge of the big magic wand, relying on the magic bottle and other supplies on his body, Zhao Dingguo may not be able to persist to the end.

Unconsciously, the health of the undead troll shaman has been reduced to 40%.

At this time, it launched the Plague Guard for the second time. But there was no change in the result, and he was directly sealed by Zhao Dingguo.

By now, the shaman of the undead troll finally realized that his best curse had no effect. But this does not mean that it will be arrested, but it will change its hands and put one of the curses on itself-the bloodthirsty fury curse.

In this state, if you cannot kill any unit, your health will continue to decrease, and the duration of the curse will be too long. However, as an effect of the Curse of Fury, the target's attack power and attack speed will be increased to some extent. Another point is that the less the target's current health value, the faster the blood loss, and the corresponding increase in attack power and attack speed.

This is a double-edged sword.

Under normal circumstances, this curse, combined with the curse of life, can definitely kill the target easily. However, in the case where these curses have no effect, the undead shaman resolutely added the curse to himself, relying on his improved attack power and attack speed to die with Zhao Dingguo.

Are you desperate?

At the beginning, Zhao Dingguo didn't know that this was actually a curse. It was only a buff that the undead troll shaman could use to improve his ability. However, he soon discovered that the opponent's health was decreasing at an abnormal rate. After guessing the effect of this curse, Zhao Dingguo immediately stopped and cut out a ghost walk.

Since the other party did not stop bleeding without killing any unit, Zhao Dingguo simply made himself invisible and left it intact.

This trick is really cheap.

Under normal circumstances, most people who come to kill the troll shaman are not a single person, but a team. Even if someone has stealth skills, it's unlikely that everyone will. Therefore, even if the shaman of the undead troll curses himself, he can find a target that can be killed. But now, Zhao Dingguo chooses to go it alone. Once he disappeared, the shaman who cursed himself was dumbfounded.

It's killing madness now, but there is no target to let it go.

The nearby undead were all killed by Zhao Dingguo!

In desperation, the Shaman, the undead troll, could only circle anxiously in place. Zhao Dingguo only saw its blood volume drop continuously, and it dropped more than 10% before stopping.

A ghost walks in exchange for more than 10% of the elite blame, this business is very cost-effective.

Even after the tricks at the bottom of the box were useless, the undead troll shaman was really weak. This strength is enough to be comparable to the deep sea priest of the Naga tribe, who actually threatens to surpass the latter's monsters, and is killed by Zhao Dingguo alone-relying only on a bottle of potion given to him by his teacher.

After the last flame missile was fired, Zhao Dingguo completed the kill. At the same time, the nameplate also gives hints.

"Successfully killed the Troll Shaman infected by the Plague of the Plague, freeing it from death. Earned 200 reputation for the Guards and 500 reputation for the Trolls."

"I found that the pages of the notes of the Troll Shaman Walker were of great value."

[Remnant page of Walker's note]

Before the troll shaman walker was infected by the unknown plague ~ ~ precious notes recorded.

Note: Handing the notes to the plot hero Troll Warlord in Base Camp will trigger a quest. You can also choose to sell the pages of the notes to the Guards Corps, gaining 1,000 victory points and certain military achievements.

In addition to the prestige rewards and pages of notes, Zhao Dingguo kicked away the shaman's bones that had fallen apart and found a strange piece of equipment.

[Walk's Wraith. Curse]

Intelligence +5.

+ 10% to Curse Resistance and Poison Resistance.

Special Ability: Improve the curse skill lv1 of the witch doctor (only valid for those with witch doctor pedigree, and cannot exceed the maximum skill lv4). If the equipment user's curse level has reached lv4, increase the maximum duration of the curse skill by 4 seconds, Adds 10 points / second of poison damage.

No equipment is required, and the nameplate space is effective.

Note: A rare soul equipment is a treasure for heroes with witch doctor pedigree.

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