DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 309: Double reward

> ps: a chapter ago.

"Chairman Manlou!"


Seeing the chairman and vice-chairmen all approaching, the twilight masters who had already gathered gathered to greet the two giants. Although they received an emergency call, they did not know what exactly happened. But now that the two chairmen have arrived, there is no doubt that this class A situation must be the worst.

But having said that, without any preparation, more than 20 twilight masters were hurriedly convened on the main plane, and the strength of the Illuminati is also evident.

President Manlou was still very satisfied with the subordinates who had assembled. He inspected it and finally focused on Zhao Dingguo, and nodded his approval.

Apparently, the chairman already knew that it was the first Roshan discovered by Zhao Dingguo.

Although he didn't know some specific details, he wanted to ask Zhao Dingguo, but now is not the time to say it—the light will suddenly call a lot of masters to hide it for a long time, and it may leak in less than an hour. In order not to give too much time for other organizations to respond, Manlou decided to immediately lead the master to set off.

Details, let's talk as we go.

"Everyone, let's go! The goal is Aktu Wasteland!"

Aktu Wasteland?

Many experts at dusk thought for a while and finally remembered this place. Although they don't know why they went to that remote wasteland, the adult president spoke, and they could only obey it. Zhao Dingguo and Mad Cow, who already knew what was going on, naturally wouldn't talk up. Instead, they kept up with the team quietly.

however. Even if it is a densely populated base camp, more than 20 super-god users walking together are still very conspicuous.

Noting this, Vice President Kai Wen proposed to sneak in several groups of people. Man Lou smiled, and said indifferently: "I and I both appeared. Do you think you can hide it from other organizations? Rest assured, they can't afford so many people at one and a half, and we can't find our place ... when they find Aktura, we will kill Roshan long ago! "

This is true!

The news of the chairman and vice chairman of the Illuminati was dispatched together, and the news was enough to arouse the strong attention of any organization. In this case, it would be useless even if they were separated. quickly. Under the surprised attention of users passing by the Super God, many high-level Illuminati gatherings gathered in the teleportation array, disappeared in the silver pillars of light, and then reappeared in the Aktu wilderness.

What does the Illuminati want?

Such movement. Inevitably attracted the attention of some caring people.

Unfortunately, the base camp's teleportation team has strict security measures. Other than the teleporter itself, no one can get the news. If you guessed it, there are thousands of possible teleportation points, so those who follow can guess that they may not find the right place the day before. Therefore, they can only wait for members of other places to witness the Illuminati and then report it.

Aktura is a remote place where the Illuminati can get enough time.

"Chairman. What the **** is going on?"

His own sudden action not only attracted the attention of other organizations, but also made the evening masters who had convened urgently curious. The team with more than 20 people is about to reach the pier of Danshui Lake, and seeing the flow of Super God users, the experts finally couldn't help but wonder.

"We'll know soon!"

Seeing people passing by, Man Lou didn't say much. After waiting for a group of more than 20 people to sow the magic gold coins and bought two ships to set sail directly, Man Lou only looked at Zhao Dingguo and whispered, "Tell me about the details of Roshan."

After hearing the president's personal inquiries, Zhao Dingguo whispered: "On the fourth island of the Aktura Island chain! There is now completely occupied by the undead. There are many undead trolls on the island, and the average strength is roughly high-level. Elite monsters can be compared to early dusk. In the forbidden area of ​​the original troll tribe inside the fourth island, there is an Aktura valley, and Roshan is there! "

Manlou groaned. Asked, "Is there a way to get around those undead?"

Zhao Dingguo shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's difficult. Those undead are quite sensitive to human breath. Even if they have stealth skills, they will feel like they are close. Unless they have authoritative deep stealth, and their strength is much higher than those of the undead, Maybe it can. But so many of us ... "

"That is to say, must we pass?" Manlou nodded and said, "What about the plague on the island?"

"It is said to be a plague secretly developed by the Scourge, and the effect is very abnormal. If the health value is less than 50%, or it is superimposed on 10 layers, the plague will bring 50% of maximum life plus 1000 fixed damage. This damage is ignoring magic Immune cannot be dispelled by the Ability of the Shieldless Ability, and the plague halves the healing effect! "

"so smart?"

The building was slightly moving. As the top power of the twilight level, he had never dealt with the Scourge, but he had never heard of such an abnormal plague.

Feeling his suspicion, Zhao Dingguo said: "This is what my mentor prayed for. The specific situation will be known to the chairman when he goes to the fourth island."


Man Lou thought for a moment, then knew it.

The Guards Corps dug the supplicant from the Scourge. Of course, he knew such a big thing, and he also knew that the superb storyline strong man Jia Ruo had a prominent position in the Scourge before. If he had said something, it would not be surprising that Zhao Dingguo knew the inside story.

Since they were heading straight for the occupied islands, the route was different from other ships. As the two ships left the main channel alone, the surroundings quieted again, leaving only the sound of waves crashing against the side of the ship and the whispers of the twilight masters. At this time, Manlou finally announced the purpose of the trip.

"Our people, first discovered Roshan in the valley on Aktura!"


These two words have great magic.

As soon as these two words are mentioned, all SuperGod users will immediately think of the Immortal Shield, and then think of keywords such as "immortal", "rebirth with full blood and magic", "believers in spring brother teaching" and so on. After the refreshing of Roshan in April, the Illuminati also sent people to search in the five common canyons, but found nothing. But now, knowing that Roshan is on the island ahead, the masters can't help cheering.

Seeing the morale of his men rise, Manlou also smiled, pouring a barrel of oil on the fire: "Today everyone who participated in the killing of Roshan can get back the fine wine of Storm Spirits and an increase of 500 pedigree. In addition, as an additional reward for the first discovery of Roshan, Zhao Dingguo will be able to receive double shares-don't be too small, and there will be additional benefits in return. "

"Long live the president!"


All the masters were like boiling water, and the feelings were exhilarating. Although Man Lou had a look of unbelievable Great God, but his heart was inevitable.

Seeing that Zhao Dingguo did not know exactly what the storm spirit was, the mad cow beside him explained it kindly.

[The fragrance of storm spirits. Flames]

After use, instantly restore 500 life, 250 magic, and get special effects drunk,

Drunkenness: The attack has a 5% chance of a double critical strike, and a 10% chance of being immune to the enemy's normal attacks for a duration of 100 seconds.

Cooling time: 30 minutes.

Note: Precious wines from Panda Brewmaster, it is difficult to make the last drop.

The so-called group of wines has only two bottles. This is true, but the Illuminati is bleeding too. The life-saving props at this critical moment are extremely valuable. Although the unit price is not as high as the percentage of the restored Moonlight Woodland Lake that Zhao Dingguo once obtained, if it is doubled, the total value will already exceed the latter!

Apparently, Zhao Dingguo did not expect such a generous chairman, and could not help being excited.

Mad Cow didn't feel much, and let go of it: "If you really compete with other organizations for Roshan, the price will be five times and ten times this."

Of course, with that said, Mad Cow's face was still full of smiles.

For him, picking up a bottle of life-saving potion was a matter of falling pie in the sky. Even if it is a master of the evening, such props can't wait for as many as possible. If it were not for the Illuminati's high-level panda wine immortal pedigree, and reached an agreement with the instructor for material replacement, the Illuminati would not be able to take out so much at a stretch.

At this time, Island No. 4 was already in sight.

Seeing the occupied island that was already a kingdom of undead, Manlou looked at it from a distance. After two ships docked, he was the first to cross the island. As soon as he stepped forward, Manlou's complexion became more dignified. Perhaps it felt something threatening, and countless soul powers that he usually collected floated automatically. Surrounded by a faint black shadow, Manlou inadvertently exposed the tip of the iceberg of his twilight great **** strength.

The other twilight masters also went to the island one by one, but then exclaimed an exclamation.

"Attribute suppression!"

"An additional layer for one hour? The plague detonated after ten layers. Is this going against the sky?"

"Half the treatment? What the **** is this plague ~ ~ so powerful?"

"Everyone, be quiet!" Seeing that the subordinates were a little confused, Manlou gave a cough, and said positively: "You must correct my statement, according to the first test of Zhao Dingguo who found Roshan, there are The source of the plague. There, the stacking speed of the plague is ten minutes per layer. If you count the delays along the way and leave enough room, I am afraid we have only one hour. "

Twenty dusk, plus two twilight masters, is obviously enough to deal with a meat mountain, and it takes far less than an hour. But anyway, the ultra-high damage after the ten-layer plague erupted, like a sword of Damocles, hung high in the hearts of the masters. Everyone recovered from their original elation and began to take this task seriously.

Seeing the look of a lot of experts, Manlou felt that it was not enough, so he told them a few words: "Be vigilant and pay attention to controlling your own blood volume. People with healing skills pay more attention, don't judge based on previous experience. Rather waste Don't make mistakes if you want to add more. If there is no objection, you will set off. Set your country and show you the way! "

Zhao Dingguo nodded, calmly put on the ancient country **** wood ring, and led the team! (To be continued ...)


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