DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 324: Elite Monsters debut

The big move to shake the ground is just a microcosm of many big moves.

Because of the monster's standing problem, and he didn't know how to avoid, this made Shenniu a big move to produce such a powerful effect. In contrast, the other heroes' big moves are not so powerful, but they have also achieved good results. Soon, the gloomy empty bone fish was also killed.

After the empty bone fish, the real difficulty comes.

It's just over half an hour of waiting, and more Naga sea monsters have been killed. Among them, ordinary amphibious fishman cannon fodder has been scarce. In addition to absorbing the first round of damage, the rest have become more advanced two-headed sea lizards. This monster has heavy scales, excellent defense, and magic resistance. The only weakness is the blow from the ground. With their participation, the Naga troops advanced for the first time to the 50-meter boundary.

At this distance, it is the largest dividing line for the output of general SuperGod users.

For the seventeenth zone with a clear division of labor, although the two-headed sea lizards are resistant, there is still a way to restrain them. For example, the light strike array from the fire girl, the sand king's nugget puncture, or the puncture skills of other heroes are very effective outputs. In addition, a large number of mines buried by goblin engineers within 50 meters came into effect. The explosion from the ground caused nearly double damage to these two-headed sea lizards, with unexpected results.

In contrast, a few defense areas without large organizations are much more confused.

Due to inadequate organization, some two-headed sea lizards have gradually approached the line of defense, and have begun to make positive contact with superhero users with enhanced melee strength. Although they were driven back under the repeated bombardment of many Super God users, this happened only on the first day of the war, and they are expected to be very sad in the next two days!

With the charge of the two-headed sea lizard, the subsequent Naga troops finally caught up.

In addition to the old gloomy hollow bone fish, a kind of monster like snakes began to appear. This monster has a good range of long-range acid attack. The effective damage range is about 60 to 70 meters. The acid damage is not bad, but it can corrode the target's armor. Can be reduced by up to 10 points. With this brand-new attack method, the threat of the Naga tribe suddenly increased. If anyone accidentally lowers the armor by 10 points and is hit by bone spurs, death is not impossible.

This is also the result of aura additions such as attack armor, vampire sacrifices, and so on.

Without so many buff effects, the damage of these sea monsters will be even more terrifying.

The emergence of sea lizards and spiny snakes meant that the sea monster's intermediate monsters began to make full debut. In the next few hours, more and more novel sea monsters also gradually joined the battle sequence, which did not make Super God users suffer. It is said. Some defense zones have hung up dozens of SuperGod users one after another due to these invincible capabilities. Although it is not even a small amount of money compared to the total number, it finally makes people have to be more vigilant.

Unconsciously, the sky gradually darkened.

The monsters of the Naga didn't stop attacking. Instead, they used the cover of the night to rush more fiercely. The Guards Corps was not unprepared. The aborigines rushed to build a large number of torches to help Super God users guard the line of defense. In addition, the colorful glow of countless skills will make the battlefield look like daylight. So don't worry about vision.

The first day of fighting was basically spent without surprise-at least for the seventeenth zone.

Although some energetic Super God users did not mean to retreat after a day of slaughter, but for overall considerations. The four major organizations still arranged a large-scale rotation of their staff. Zhao Dingguo, who participated twice, is of course on the roster. Coincidentally, he was also very tired, so he retreated, and spent a difficult night sleeping in the shouting of the sky and the explosion of skills.

In the middle of the night, the Naga's attack also weakened slightly, and basically no new monsters appeared.

After a wave passed, the Naga clan did not attack for almost an hour. This momentum has slackened a lot of Super God users across the defense line. Even if it is the Illuminati, in this case it is inevitable that there will be some slackness. But just at dawn. Taking advantage of the last night, the Naga tribe launched the fiercest offensive so far.

In this raid, for the first time, they appeared as elite monsters.

Although ordinary monsters are still those, the new elite monsters have greatly increased the combat effectiveness of these monsters. There are two main types of these elite monsters. One is a group-accelerated aura that allows sea monsters to move faster. The other is a magic shield with a flute-like effect, which can create a water shield that absorbs damage around the target. Although the damage absorbed by a single water shield is limited, this skill wins faster and lasts longer.

A new round of monsters. After rushing into the 100 meters, almost half of them were covered with this kind of water-absorbing shield.

The sudden acceleration of the monster, and the damage not as high as before, made this round of Naga monsters rush into the range of 50 meters. According to this momentum, it is unavoidable that the short soldiers meet. The melees who were quickly awakened learned that there was a place for use, and they jumped up and took their weapons to the first line of defense.

The high-level commander also stood on the front line, ready to direct the command, and at the same time, more SuperGod users were ready to support them later.

Despite a little haste, with the cooperation of the four major organizations, the 17th defense zone quickly made a reasonable response. A large number of melee super **** users swarmed up, stopped these monsters, and secured sufficient output space and time for the mage dps in the rear. Super God users with healing capabilities are also constantly flowing. Various group attack skills one after another, making monsters rushed into the fifty meters difficult to move.

The raid lasted for nearly thirty minutes.

Although those abominable Naga eventually failed to break through the line of defense, not even touching the ten-meter distance of the seventeenth line of defense, the fierce battle frightened some visionary commanders. Since the Naga tribe officially launched the battle, it has not been twenty-four hours, and the Super God users have been struggling. How to defend in the next two days?

This heavy question is in front of all super-god users. As long as they are on the Southern Defence Line, regardless of age, skin color, and nationality in the real world, all need to be considered.

But no one can come up with any good way.

What they can do is to keep it step by step. A wave from the Naga tribe, they repelled a wave until they held the mission for three days to complete the mission-or the defense line was breached, and then waited for the mission failure to be deducted from reputation and attributes.

No one wants to see that, so under the attack of the Naga people, the super-god users have come up with their housekeeping strength.

But this is not enough.

Since the Naga tribe dispatched elite monsters, their attacks have been pressing against the Nanhuang defense line. Almost every time, the monsters can rush into the last ten meters of the line of defense and fight close-to-hand with the superhero users. Individual thick-skinned elite monsters even broke into the line of defense for a time, so close that the mage could knock with a staff or fist.

In this case, even the 17th line of defense will inevitably begin to have casualties.

The four major organizations are okay, because there is a tight organization, and people who may be in danger are all treated with special treatments. Those who are randomly assigned by the Aboriginal people will start to be in danger. Although people with healing skills don't mind helping them, at the critical moment, they must still take care of their organizations. As a result of several attacks, more than ten people were killed in succession.

Some timid people have begun to retreat, but this casualty figure is obviously not enough to scare SuperGod users.

More people came up and started to fight!

Some relatively weak defense areas have begun to use reserve teams, and have sent more people to join the battle. Of course, this can be sustained, but as the battle gets more intense, there will be a shortage of manpower. Although there are constantly new Super God users responding to the call to join, but the main groups have arrived yesterday. The number of newcomers is limited, and their strength is on average even in the rising sun level, which is difficult to use.

In the 17th defense zone, some people also put forward a proposal to send a Super God user on rotation, but they were rejected by the commanders collectively.

For the time being, it is clear that the situation is not yet critical. If the follow-up forces are used too early because of a small casualty, although it is temporarily settled, the most critical moment will expose problems and eventually fail.

As for those unfortunately hung up ...

This year ~ ~ How can there be undead in the mixed super **** circle?

However, three or five people were killed or injured, which is not much for a zone with thousands of people. But I can't help but when someone sees that his teammates have only the last bit of blood left, he has the last knife in his heart, so that he can drop his real name key. Although the people of the four major organizations will not do so, this situation has already occurred in some other defense areas: because they feel hopeless to hold the line of defense, some people start to use their brains and even fight for such real name keys.

This behavior not only seriously affected the morale of the entire defense zone, but also worried the defense zones in the adjacent section. After all, if the neighbors are breached, the pressure they will bear will be greater, and they must be divided. Therefore, those large organizations have to send experts to set up inspection teams. Once a similar situation is discovered, regardless of the situation, they will be suppressed directly by force!

This made the situation a little better, but after all, it gave the Naga people a chance.

Unconsciously, it was the afternoon of the next day.

After fierce fighting for a day and a half, despite the rest breaks, some energy-defying Super God users also began to feel a little bored and tired. In this case, the Naga tribe dispatched advanced monsters to fight. Among them is the famous Hydra on the mainland! (To be continued) rq

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