DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 363: Treasures in the box

"This familiar feeling ..."

After stepping into the stone gate, Jiaruo was also surprised to find that the plague effect had disappeared for a short time. After that, he quickly felt something, his face was slightly strange, like a surprise, and with a little regret.

"Let ’s go, there really seems to be something extraordinary inside."

After greeting Zhao Dingguo, Jia Ruo followed the two lava elves and walked in along the passage.

A mentor opened the road in front, Zhao Dingguo can follow up with confidence, and even have a spare time to look at this deep channel. This channel is not formed naturally, but it was artificially excavated by the trolls for some years. Because of this, a layer of moss and some unknown and strange plants have grown on the smooth walls of the polished passageway. The scattered light is faint.

The aisle is not too long, taking into account the twists and turns of the road, it is only 200 meters.

After turning a corner again, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Dingguo, squinting his eyes and seeing that it was a palace in the middle of the mountain. Seeing that the destination was in front, both Zhao Dingguo and Jia Ruo slightly accelerated their pace.

After walking tens of meters, the sight in front became clear.

It is a building full of troll-style. There are six large pillars on the outside of the palace, and the outside that supports the pillars and walls of the dome are painted with pictures of the trolls' ancestors fighting. There are many similar giants The runes on the Altar of the Demon Horde are inlaid on the walls and domes with some night pearls that can continuously emit soft white light. The light seen by Zhao Dingguo is emitted by these lighting orbs.

"Is it right here?"

After looking around for a while, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but step forward and wanted to walk in

Garo noticed the crisis and reached out to stop him: "Stop, there are guards left by the trolls who can't handle them with your strength."

in danger?

After hearing Jia Ruo's warning, Zhao Dingguo lifted his feet and immediately took it back.

The reason he cares is because the passage along the way is extremely safe. Nothing happened. Neither the horrible monsters nor the weird lethal institutions happened. It turned out that the trolls were not unprepared but set up at the end. Outside the hall

Now that the instructor has spoken, let him cope

However, where are the guards left by the trolls?

While Zhao Dingguo was still looking around, a lava elf had stood by and walked past it. When it stepped on the first stone staircase of the temple, the originally peaceful temple seemed to be shaken by invisible forces, and began to be irregular. After shaking a piece of gravel and dust falling from the top of the cave, the temple quieted down, but at the end of the two sides of the passage, Zhao Dingguo thought that it was a decorative statue and began to move one by one.

Are the so-called guards the same?

These sculptures, which look like metal textures, are about one meter and five meters tall. They are very inconspicuous. The weapons in their hands are the standard weapons of the trolls. Although two short-handed flying axes have a guard number of twenty There are only so many, but Zhao Dingguo doubts their combat effectiveness

After waving his hand, two lava elves also appeared in front of Zhao Dingguo.

He plans to get his lava elves to try it out

It is also a lava elf. Zhao Dingguo's call with the instructor Jia Ruo is just like the difference between the earth and the world. Not only is it half smaller than others, even the temperature of the flames and the imposing momentum are n times worse. If Zhao Dingguo's small lava elf had thoughts, I'm afraid I can't even straighten my waist now

However, after noticing the number of lava elves in Zhao Dingguo, Jia Ruo was still surprised.

"How come so fast ... Oh, there is a song of elves"

For Ruo Dingguo's pedigree cultivation level, Jia Ruo could not be more clear, it can be seen at a glance. Therefore, he was a little surprised that Zhao Dingguo could recruit Shuanghuoren. Understanding of the pedigree of the supplicant allowed Jia Ruo to quickly determine that Zhao Dingguo could advance The reason to recruit the two firemen is the soul equipment

"Okay, such things are relatively rare. You can get them."

While expressing affirmation, Jia Ruo shot the sculpture guards who came to the front to fight. As the ball of the elements of ice and fire changed, the next moment, a classy ice wall exuding a deadly cold was born in front of Zhao Dingguo. The unimaginable cold, the sculpture guards that stepped into it, have been reduced by at least 80%, and even their original charge suddenly turned into a faltering crawl, struggling in the ice.

Then there is Chaos Meteorite + Shockwave

Zhao Dingguo has used it many times. However, he is proud of the killing. In front of Jia Ruo instructor, it is worth mentioning that this huge meteorite exudes the brightness that is comparable to the noon of summer. With the hotness, the sculptures in the ice wall crushed the extremely cold ice and the fiery meteorite in the past, and the instant gasification and energy disorder caused a huge shock wave.

It seemed like a blue, trembling sound wave that just happened to fly over, knocking back the impact air wave towards itself and the original first wave of explosion, forming a perfect combination of overlapping waves.

The damage of the three skills is almost perfectly applied to these sculptures

After the white fog disappeared, Zhao Dingguo looked intently, and found that the guards who had suffered the highest damage in the middle of the sculpture had reached the edge of destruction. The metal armor was worn out, and the core to maintain their operation was damaged under the impact. In the past, two or three percent of the combat power was gone. In contrast, the guards on both sides were scarred, but at least they could guarantee half of the combat power.

It ’s not surprising that Garo

Anyway, the last generation of trolls left something to see. Although there is a bimonthly seal on the outside, this last defense must not be too negligent. Therefore, after the three major skills are shot, he blesses himself with agile swift skills. With two powerful lava elves to start attacking together

In the face of Garona's missile attacks like a rocket explosion, sculptures fell one after another.

It ’s totally unbeatable

Seeing that the remaining sculpture guards were becoming less and less, some eager Zhao Dingguo quickly controlled his two small lava elves and killed them. The unexpected scene happened. His lava elves could hardly make these sculpture guards. The damage, even if the armor-breaking ability is turned on, greatly reduces the defense of the guard, but it is just barely seen that the effect is the opposite. The attack of these sculpture guards is too scary.

The lava elves that were spotted by the two guards were beaten into countless small pieces of lava almost in the blink of an eye.

Less than two seconds

These guys have extremely fast shots. With each axe going down, you can see that the blood of the lava elves has dropped rapidly. The other lava elves are equally miserable, and there is no room to fight back.

If you change yourself, I ’m afraid it ’s not much better than them.

I saw that the two lava elves were resolved in an instant. Zhao Dingguo had a real understanding of the strength of these sculptures. This is just two or three sculpture guards. If you change people, you will be surrounded by these twenty guard groups. It is estimated that even the dragon-backed beast that is wearing a **** costume will be dropped in seconds.

Seeing its pull, this mentor is stronger than he expected

In the absence of a reference, Zhao Dingguo only looked at Jia Ruo's skill and threw it in the past seconds, but how powerful it is, there is really no base. Now he has his own lava elves for comparison. He can roughly recognize the gap.

At the time he lamented, Garo had quickly killed the remaining guards.

"Let's go in"

After clapping his hands and recruiting two lava elves again, Jia Ruo strode up the stone steps and Zhao Dingguo returned to God and quickly trot up to follow him.

After opening the two half-covered doors, an extremely large hall appeared before them.

"It seems like nothing."

After a careful look, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help but be surprised at the emptyness of the hall. Except that there were six wall paintings with strong troll-style on each of the walls on both sides, and the rest did not look at it again. Found at the end of the gate, there is also a puppet dedicated to the spirit of the ancestors that are similar to ancient gods or trolls.

What it is, maybe only the aboriginal plot is strong

Zhao Dingguo is just an ordinary **** user. He has limited knowledge of the history of the main plane. However, he noticed that under the puppet, there was a strange box on the mysterious long wooden table.

"That's it"

Despite the box, Zhao Dingguo still felt that in this box was the treasure sought by the Scourge and the Naga tribe, and the heroes of the troll tribe's previous generation concealed the news from the Guards Corps. ~ Before he walked quickly, Garau had already arrived there first and looked across the box.

Zhao Dingguo noticed that Jia Ruo's eyes were narrowed

Seen not so much as it seems to be perceiving

Grabbing things with his mentor, Zhao Dingguo is not so stupid just, seeing that this is probably the most precious thing to fall into the hands of the mentor, Zhao Dingguo's heart is more or less not a taste, but it was in his surprise. After half a minute, I finally shook my head

"Sure enough, it's a pity ..."

He sighed and said, "If I got it 30 years earlier, maybe I would be happy, but now, it's useless to me."

Hey, do n’t bring such an apprehension

Seeing Jia Ruo's remembrance and regret, Zhao Dingguo became more curious about the contents of the box. If it is really the treasure that the Scourge will not hesitate to use the ghost, why is it useless to Jia Ruo?

(Hurry up and open it to see what is to be continued)

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