DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 376: Necro Book Carr

ps; 6.77 released my big spe, and by the way spit out the big tree, this time the sword is really invincible

The first highland war since the start of this death group battle

Because neither side has a big move, the relatively long battle between the defenders in this highland war has the ditch of the **** cow, the plasma field of the electric soul, and the stars of the white tiger falling down, and the damage is not lacking. Not bad, the two big piercings of Sand King and Lane will not be said. The captain's waterjet and torrent, the ice star's crystal star are powerful skills.

Because the situation is unfavorable, everyone has their own equipment, the ice girl simply gave up the aura, and the master's one or two skills

In this way, his output is also considerable

As for the treatment, there is a dark animal husbandry in the guard. Although the natural disaster is worse in this regard, there is at least one Mekansm of the ice girl.

At the same time, various skills shined on the high ground, and the magic wand points of the heroes on both sides also increased rapidly. At the same time, equipment such as push rods, Macon, and war drums were also frequently used, and they were playing well.

However, outside of this main battlefield, there are cores of both sides fighting in secret.

Although Zhao Dingguo never showed up, he can provide skills such as Skyfire, Storm Hurricane, and Lava Elf to help fight. Of course, his rapid cooling skills are on the list of derived skills from beginning to end, ensuring that they can be used at any time.

By comparison, the assistance given by the mystery is much smaller.

Although he was very dissatisfied with this situation, Zhao Silang was helpless. Although he could ignore Zhao Dingguo, once he joined the battlefield without the sudden threat of a knife jump, Zhao Dingguo could calmly cope with it. Therefore, his own absence and the To a certain extent, it also limits the other threatening core.

Now I can only expect my teammates to give me strength

In such expectations, Zhao Silang continued to watch the battle with cold eyes. He had to say that, against his own high ground, the natural disaster was still very powerful and very disciplined. In the lineup of the guard, the electric soul is the main output. The main output of the Wuhua team is also directed against him. Ryan ’s big move of up to 600 points of damage is unceremoniously lost, which has severely damaged the electric soul.

Although the dark animal husbandry was treated in time and gave him a thin burial, the electrosoul that had been emptied had to retreat and temporarily withdraw from the battle.

Of the remaining people, there are also exports of White Tiger and Dark Mu

Of course, when the Scourge concentrated the output to the electric soul, their heroes were also attacked. Lane was the first empty blood, and fortunately escaped by wind.

Although the ice girl also wanted to run, she was fainted again by the gully of the **** cow, and then harvested by Zhao Dingguo's sky fire.

However, just after the ice girl just hung up, the important supporter of the defender, Dark Mukong Lan, lost the protection of treatment, and the White Tiger and Shenniu had to retreat. The second jump had cooled down. At the critical moment, the white tiger successfully escaped and escaped. The dark animal husbandry without life-saving skills was caught and killed by the captain catching a water jet splash, and became the only victim of the guard.

A hero died on each side

The bloodless electric soul saw that the contact between the two parties had been separated, and tp went home safely in the shadow of the wild area. Tp went home and the **** cow and white tiger also retreated slowly under the cover of Zhao Dingguo. Unfortunately, the durability of the highland tower on the road to the natural disaster is still A little, but it did n’t get rid of it in the end

The mystery's big move is still from beginning to end. Although he really wants to fight back, he only depends on the captain and the poor sand king. It is unrealistic to pursue the blood-seeking instigator. Keeping the high ground, he never rushed after him

This wave of advancement was unsuccessful. The guards want to make a comeback. It is estimated that it is necessary to wait for a while to continue to improve their own level during this time is the key.

Under the command of Zhao Silang, the teammates quickly acted—some people were responsible for closing the line, some people were inserting the vision to protect the eyes, and the rest went to the wild areas to develop. In short, we must not be in a daze without knowing what to do.

Especially in disadvantaged situations in teamfights, time is wasted

At the same time, the biscuit team is also in full swing.

The great move of the **** cow is about to cool down, so they can quickly advance again. The reason why they did not start immediately was because the electric spirit was saving money to make a flute. The legal system of the Scourge was still sufficient. Bring the flute, the difficulty of advancing will be greatly reduced

At the same time, Zhao Dingguo himself is also making a piece of equipment that rarely comes out usually-Necronomicon

The basic attributes of this piece of equipment are increasing strength and intelligence, and having a summoning ability. You can find a Necronomicon book warrior and Necronomicon book shooter. Both have good skills and output, and the key is that in checkmate When the Spirit Book is upgraded to the third level, the melee Necromancer warriors summoned will have a large range of true abilities and will not be spiked by the transformation of the mystery.

This is Zhao Dingguo's special equipment to restrain the opponent's mystery.

The mystery jump made Zhao Dingguo so jealous because he hid in hiding. If he can't see it, he can't prevent it. If he has a gem of true vision, he can make a third-level Necronomicon book. The two Necromancers and his lava elves passed over to open the field of vision. Then the mystery would be completely out of shape. The necromancer and lava elves would be enough for him to drink.

Due to the continuous push to kill, Zhao Dingguo's gold coins were enough to directly make a first-level Necronomicon book.

The next upgrade, as long as you purchase two more Necronomicon scrolls, you can make perfect equipment to restrain the mystery.

At this moment, as the electric soul took a wave of soldiers down the road and successfully saved enough of the flute's nine hundred gold coin scroll money. After he made this crucial prop, Zhao Dingguo said nothing and immediately called his teammates. , Start to push the road again because the high-rise tower on the road caused by natural disaster is almost gone, it will be much less difficult to choose to push this road

Facing the comeback of the Guards Corps, the Wuhua team gave high vigilance

The disastrous defeat of the second tower on the road was because they were slightly careless. This was caused by the jump of the first move by Shen Niu. Due to the high ground, just be careful not to be the first move of God Niu. There is a chance to stay in the communication channel to cheer teammates. The mystery finds a place to release the concealment, waiting for the battle to come

However, the guards did not swarm up as they thought.

As ordinary treemen soldiers rushed into the highlands, what appeared to them were two lava elves and two necromancer warriors. The four summoned creatures, no matter what else, went straight to the high-end defense tower with a little durability. Under their attack, the durability of the Highland Tower drops rapidly.

In desperation, the Scourge can only immediately start the rune that has just cooled down.

With just a few seconds, they quickly cleared the four summoned creatures. However, despite keeping the defensive tower temporarily, they faced the next wave of offensive by the guards, but they had no bottom.

Just like the interval between the troops, Zhao Dingguo ’s lava elves have a cooling time of 30 seconds. With a wave of treeman soldiers arrived, Zhao Dingguo ’s lava elves arrived under the tower again. Together with the trebuchet, they attacked the defense tower. In desperation, Lane only got on One step forward, take the defensive tower back

Without the existence of the defense tower, the difficulty of going up to the high ground is greatly reduced.

The heroes of the guards at this moment opened the magic shield of the flute, chose to rush to the high ground, and rely on the advantages of equipment and level to fight a wave

There is no doubt that the flute shield, which can absorb 400 magic damage, has greatly affected the faith of the Scourge.

In order to avoid the situation where the God Bull once again took the lead, this time, the Scourge ’s heroes' positions were scattered enough, and the captain also set off the ship early, which not only disrupted the charge of the guards but also provided teammates with damage reduction and an increase of 10%. At the same time, Brian's piercing also hits. Although the stun effect is still there, the damage is completely absorbed by the magic shield and the ice girl's crystal star is released, but it is also absorbed by the magic shield.

After even eating a few skills, the effect of the shield has almost been offset, and the captain's ship whistled at this moment

It is a pity that the ship hit two enemies-the dark animal husbandry in the flood water after the weaving skill was completed, and the white tiger who misplaced him.

It was found that Dark Mu was accidentally grown up by the captain, and the hero of the Scourge immediately turned his attention and transferred the output to Dark Mu, but at this moment, the **** ox gave a gully in time and successfully rescued the Dark Mu. Next, he saw Without a suitable opportunity, he did not zoom in blindly, but waited and watched from behind.

The front gradually moved forward

Without the obstruction of the highland tower, the members of the biscuit team rushed to the hinterland of the highland almost across the board, fighting against the heroes of the Scourge. This time, the king has learned to be good, and tried to shake it in the distance and dig into the puncture before it could interrupt his darkness Mu Mu can only retreat ~ ~ While preparing for the cure, White Tiger shot an arrow far away, but in the chaos, the accuracy of his arrow was slightly tilted, and he failed to hit the sand king.

After just two seconds, the green light flashed and the big move succeeded.

After seeing the first earthquake wave, Sand King punctured and joined the battlefield. Although it wasted several earthquake waves, he finally did some big moves to deal with the damage of the white tiger jumping away, the electric soul with flute, and the dark pastoral who left early. The King of Sands was calculated, and the total damage was also very ordinary-to his relief, Shenniu also seized the opportunity to jump big, but it was only two people.

Due to the high ground, there are no ordinary ghoul soldiers around, and the great move of the **** cow has not done decent damage.

However, due to the advantages of equipment and level, even if the big moves of both sides have not received perfect results, the guard can gradually gain an advantage through the next battle.

The weaving and healing effects of Dark Shepherd are not covered, and Zhao Dingguo's remote skill support from time to time can also play a key role. With the first kill of the Plasma Field of the electric soul, the hero of the Scourge is like domino And started to fall one by one

In this case, the mystery is really anxious to be continued)

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