DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 381: Mighty Shield of Light

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PS: There will be a second change later. Pull cow cow m

"Withdraw before talking!"

While the enemy stopped and turned around, Lao Li, who had already shown a red glow in life, shouted, ran towards Zhao Dingguo in the opposite direction, and the distance between them was rapidly shortening.

"Be careful, it may be his reinforcements."

The four chasers also saw Zhao Dingguo who was rushing here at full speed. The speed that exceeded the limits of ordinary people undoubtedly proved his identity as a super-god user, and he could not help raising his vigilance.

After chasing and escaping, one of them shot the shock again!

This skill comes from Skywrath Mage, which can cause a powerful slow for 4 seconds, and has a long casting range. Lao Li was not accidentally hit by this electric ball, his pace slowed down again. But he was obviously well prepared and immediately released himself a shield without light. This super-practical skill not only provides a magic shield that absorbs damage, but also removes the negative deceleration effect on him. In such a momentary effort, his speed increased again.

"Genima is disgusting!"

Obviously, this scene has appeared more than once. Seeing that his deceleration has never been effective, a few tactics of chasing troops have smoke, but there is nothing they can do.

After a while, Zhao Dingguo was close to 50 meters of Lao Li.

As the distance draws closer, the battle has begun silently.

Before he came, Zhao Dingguo had already cut his skills. Seeing that the distance from Lao Li was getting closer, he stopped to summon the lava elves. Fortunately, this summoning triggered a 50% chance that two lava elves appeared in one fell swoop.

This is equal to the signature ability of the Ice Fire Invoker. Instantly caught the attention of several pursuers.

Before the twilight master said something, Zhao Dingguo's electromagnetic vortex had already been shot, and was placed on their way forward some distance. Immediately afterwards, he switched his spin-off skills to storm hurricanes, blowing out all the enemies who were caught off guard. When the four of them landed and wanted to spread, it was too late.

The sharply swirling electromagnetic vortex exploded a large group of white light and quickly spread out to the surroundings. Burned out 200 magic of each of them!

Noting his own magic loss and the additional 50% equal damage, the twilight masters of the four chasers changed their faces, and were a bit stunned: "I rub. How much is this supplicant?"

Double fireman means four levels of ice and fire. Burned 200 points of blue, and at least three levels of thunder. And from the continuous release of skills. There are at least two big moves. Such an enemy has a blood rank far above him. After thinking about it in the heart, the dusk-level chaser suddenly retreated. However, the blood of the enemy who had been chasing for a long time is still a little bit. It is a bit unwilling to give up like this!

"Keep chasing."

He gritted his teeth and led three men to pursue Lao Li.

However, it was blown up by Zhao Dingguo's storm and interrupted the rhythm in order to avoid the electromagnetic vortex. During this time, Lao Li has successfully merged with Zhao Dingguo. As early as ten meters away, Zhao Dingguo's magic bottle filled with spring water in the headquarters had been thrown away. Lao Li is not arrogant. Began to recover quickly under the cover of Zhao Dingguo!

"Be careful that dusk, it's the tide hunter's bloodline, and the big move should be ready right away. Most of the other three rising suns are output skills. Right, that mage has a shock shot."

While the other party has not caught up. Lao Li quickly introduced the situation of the enemy to Zhao Dingguo-he was controlled by the tide and destroyed, and the four of them rushed up and beat them. If he hadn't successfully created the Vanguard Shield, he would have another Wandering Mage's cloak on his body, or he might have been killed immediately.

"Has Vanguard been made?"

Zhao Dingguo was somewhat surprised. When he first met Lao Li, Lao Li didn't have this equipment yet. It seems. In the past few months, Old Li has not been idle, and his strength has also improved a lot!

Lao Li turned his head to glance at the soldiers and smiled, "Although I can't compare with your speed, I can't be pulled too much, right?"

During the talk, the three chances of the magic bottle have been used up. Lao Li looked at his blood volume and found that it was still in a dangerous state, so he used another healing ointment.

Of course, the four enemies will not let him recover. One of the mages Yaoyao launched a dragon break. Unfortunately, he could not practice at home, and there was a problem with his grasp of distance and angle, which was easily avoided by Lao Li. The other person used this ability immediately after the shock shot cooled. Even if the slowing effect is immune to the Aphotic Shield, the damage can still interrupt the healing ointment.

However, Zhao Dingguo deliberately lags behind a few steps, absorbing the injury for Li.

Shock shots have a long range, but they have the disadvantage of automatically flying to the nearest enemy. An experienced master can adjust the position between himself and the target, and guide the shot electric ball, so as to control the target of the skill's final damage. However, this super-sun user is obviously not, it belongs to the kind of skill that will be thrown away when it cools down. In this way, the shocked electric ball naturally hit the nearest Zhao Dingguo!

The 40% slowdown effect appears immediately.

Lao Li's response was also quick. After Zhao Dingguo suffered the injury, he immediately turned his head and added a shield to Zhao Dingguo. The slowing effect is cleared immediately after the transparent magic shield appears. Moreover, Lao Li's own healing ointment effect is also intact.

This result made the pursuers hate their teeth again.

Why is there such a disgusting skill as the Shield of Light ...

As the effect of the healing ointment came to an end, Lao Li's state pulled back, and he made a covert gesture. Zhao Dingguo nodded intentionally, and immediately stopped running and turned to fight back.

The actions of the two were beyond the expectations of the chasing troops. Before they could make any effective response, Lao took the lead in flashing the attack behind one of them, and immediately launched the horseshoe trampling skills!

Including masters with tidal hunter pedigree, three pursuers were stunned together.

Zhao Dingguo cut the supersonic sound wave and chaotic meteorite on the way to cover Lao Li. Seeing his skill that he did not know when to do it, Zhao Dingguo immediately shot twice and hit the biggest damage. Base damage of up to 150 points per second continued to burn several pursuers, and their bodies were pushed back uncontrollably under the thrust of supersonic sound waves, which were continuously crushed by the hot meteorite.

The blood of the two rising sun mages dropped a lot!

However, before they made any counterattack, the lava elves falling behind gradually caught up, and opened the armor-smashing skills to hunt down!

The two's counterattack surprised the four chasers. However, the master of the tide hunter's blood was not surprised.

"Since you're looking for death, then don't blame me for being rude!" He said fiercely, at the same time using the ring of soul, then holding up his hands, pressing down in the void to make a destructive starting position-that is Tide hunter's big move, one of the top team control skills in TA!

If the middle school is destroyed and four chasing troops take the opportunity to fight in groups, Lao Li may be more dangerous.

However, Zhao Dingguo certainly would not let his companions be beaten!

Long before Lao Li reminded him that the tide move was about to cool down, Zhao Dingguo was secretly guarding. He noticed the special effects of the soul ring before the tide zoomed in, and he didn't hesitate to release the star restraint on Lao Li just before the large area of ​​thorns spreading from the foot of the tide to the outside!

The dark green beam of light was instantaneously formed, and before being punctured to Lao Li, he was temporarily sealed to the ectopic surface.

This sudden change makes the proud tide dumbfounded.

Although Zhao Dingguo himself suffered a big move, the destroyed spurs were thrown into the air, but his magic resistance is higher than that of Li, and he has the ability to reduce damage in the true state. This level of greatness for him Did n’t do too much damage-the tide's big move is not famous for its damage, especially the first-level big, only two hundred points, not even as good as Zeus!

The damage in his early 100s is not much to Zhao Dingguo now.

Because Lao Li was sealed, the four men who had intended to besiege him found that the target had disappeared, and they all stunned. By the time they realized that they were wrong and were about to turn around to attack Zhao Dingguo, the effect of the tidal wave had ended.

Lao Li, who broke the seal, continued to fight with the enemy together with Zhao Dingguo.

"Is the secret method still okay?" Seeing that the big move did not work, the tide became increasingly anxious.

The equipment out of him is a prosthetic leg, so it is easy to have a lack of blue. To make up for this, he made another soul ring. In the regular season, the soul ring with magic wand and other equipment is basically enough to meet the needs of World War I. But in the long-term pursuit of the real world, the skills provided by the soul ring alone can not meet his magical consumption. Moreover, the teammate's secret shoes just returned to blue just before use, and was immediately blown up by Zhao Dingguo's electromagnetic swirl.

The tide originally wanted to hit Lao Li before the big waves and then made a big move. In the case of insufficient blue ~ ~, it could only be a big one—the result has not received the expected results.

"It will be all right."

The mage, who would shake the shooting skills, answered, while avoiding the attack of lava elves.

"Kill him first!" At the same time that the muzzle mage used the secret shoes again to return to the blue, Lao Li also pointed out the first target for Zhao Dingguo. No doubt, this guy with secret shoes and slowing skills is the first goal. In order to eliminate the slowing effect, Lao Li's Matte Shield was almost left to him. Now his condition is not good, but he is more fragile, and he is the target of priority killing.

Seeing Lao Li pounce on him, Zhao Dingguo did not hesitate to throw out the flame missile.

The mage's position was quite coquettish. When Lao Li attacked him, he cleverly borrowed Lao Li's body to help cover Zhao Dingguo's attack. However, as Zhao Dingguo approached quickly, his evasion was getting smaller and smaller. After being hit by a fire missile, the slowing effect of Orb of Venom takes effect!

Now, it's easier for Li to chop it up.


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