DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 397: Impulse phantom

Ha 18mps: tweeted, start

Although he has successfully reached the 6th level, Zhao Dingguo's condition is really poor and helpless. He can only choose to return to the spring to replenish it, and then he will come out again and start the rhythm of the first battle.

The 6th-level Skywrath Mage, with a big move, is enough to kill any hero.

After inspecting the best killing object, Zhao Dingguo put the target down and was killed once by the poisonous dragon in the line. As a result, the clockwork was always suppressed in the face of the poisonous dragon. The situation was very bad, so Zhao Dingguo directly tp reached the bottom, killing the unconscious drug dragon

As the line of defense is closer to the tower of the guard, the alert of the poison dragon is not too high

Seeing that the opportunity was good, Zhao Dingguo said to the clockwork, and then slammed the shock shot from afar to find his teammates to help him. The clockwork also rushed up, taking advantage of the shock reduction effect of the shock, opened the energy gear and trapped the poison dragon. , While using the continuous damage and interruption of the barrage impact to continuously output

"Heaven is coming"

When I saw Tiananger's gank staring at himself for the first time, the poison dragon was shocked. However, he was framed by a clockwork and interrupted by a barrage impact. Even if it was a twilight-level **** to operate, it was unable to return at the moment. Heaven's Zhao Dingguo quickly caught up, and made a big move without pretending to kill the target directly.

Sky Wrath's big move is called Mysterious Flare, and it is a high damage skill with a small judgment range.

Its damage is 600 points at the first level, which is comparable to the demon wizard Ryan Kemei. The disadvantage is that this skill is not e, 600 points of damage is just like sky fire. If there are multiple units in the target area, Then the damage will be divided equally, and the effect will be very insignificant. In addition, its high blue consumption is also a serious limitation.

However, despite all these restrictions, if used well, this is still a horrible single-handed tactic.

After getting this kill, Zhao Dingguo's level jumped to 7th level. The suppressed clockwork finally found an opportunity. He was able to develop freely. After seeing the opportunity, the prophet immediately teleported it, summoned the Shuren, and cooperated with Zhao Dingguo. Clockwork starts to push the tower together

Unfortunately, the guards did not give them too many opportunities.

After noticing the intention of the natural disaster to take down the tower, the defender directly opened the defensive rune and the golden light dissipated. After the white tiger who was on the smooth road first tp came over after he landed, a star fell and began to clear. Although the soldier Zhao Dingguo gave silence, the prophet also gave him buds to trap him, but after three seconds of failure to kill the silence time passed, the white tiger immediately jumped away in the opposite direction.

Immediately afterwards, the resurrected Dragon also rushed over.

Because Zhao Dingguo did not have a big move, the state of the clockwork was also very general. After three rounds of push, the three finally did not dare to forcibly dismantle, but evacuated in time.

Just accept it when you see it ~

It's time to run again

When Zhao Dingguo walked to the tower next to his own side, he found that the runes were about to be brushed, so he turned into the river by the way, maybe it was bad luck. This time the puppy did not come to grab the runes with him, but the runes were brushed. Helplessly on the road, Zhao Dingguo could only cross from his own middle position and walked all the way up

However, due to the poor line, his movements were still seen by Carl.

As a direct match, Carl has a deep experience of Zhao Dingguo's strength. He is definitely not weaker than him or even has a faint feeling on him. Although he does not want to admit this, the fear is obvious. Going up in anger, Carl immediately started alerting his teammates on the voice channel

At the same time, Zhao Dingguo's happiness controlled an anxious rune

As the first rune haste since the beginning of the war, there is no doubt that after using up the number of supplies before the magic bottle, Zhao Dingguo loaded the rune and immediately used it, rushing up the road with the limit of movement.

Anxiety's Sky Wrath, matching the Warlock on the road hero's kill list is easy.

However, after receiving Carl ’s warning, the warlock withdrew from the tower in time. When Zhao Dingguo rushed to the road with a red light, only to see that the warlock had returned to the defense tower in advance. After giving him no chance, he hesitated. Decided on the effect of the haste, try the tower once

Arcane arrows, ancient seals, and concussive shots all hit out in an instant

However, due to the small number of use of Skywrath Mage, Zhao Dingguo also made a mistake. His estimate of a set of skills required less than three small skills. After the full opening of the three small skills, the remaining blues were a little worse than enough to support the big move Moreover, the phantom assassin behind failed to keep up.

Seeing that it was impossible to kill, Zhao Dingguo could only quickly withdraw from the scope of the defense tower by virtue of the emergency effect.

Before the secret shoes were made, the Skywrath Mage was still lacking in blue

The warlock was obviously startled by Zhao Dingguo, who was anxious. After being reduced and silenced, he immediately responded to the caller for help in the voice channel, and launched a teleport to support the result. Zhao Dingguo quit immediately after a mistake and failed. What a warlock, but recruited Carl in the middle

Warlock and Invoker facing Zhao Dingguo, Phantom and Fire Girl

Due to a trip in the middle and being suppressed during the alignment, the Fire Girl's level was only Level 5. At this time, with the experience of a wave of soldiers, the Warlock has successfully reached the sixth level and has the Hellfire strategy.

The warlock who has a big move, the threat index against natural disasters has increased by two levels.

After a short confrontation, the TP-cooled poisonous dragon also came to the top lane. He developed very well, and the level was not worse than the hero of the middle lane. After the same big poisonous dragon joined, the guard's spirit suddenly suffocated and they set aside In response to previous fears, he took the initiative to advance towards natural disasters.

This is a battle that may determine the ownership of a tower

Due to the existence of hellfire, the guards ’confidence in winning this battle is still sufficient, but just as they were about to advance to a tower of natural disaster, the clockwork goblins launched with a tricky angle beyond their expectations. I took the lead and provoked this war-after the poison dragon also joined the battle sequence on the road, the single clockwork also reached level 6, and began to come to the road to support

Although killed once, it does not mean that the power of the mainspring is weak

Seeing that the guard was pushing, he was very clever and did not reveal himself, but hid behind the woods that the guard did not see. While the warlock was in a slightly neutral position, he decisively started and used a big move to check the past. The precise claw hook directly caught the warlock, and caused him to stun temporarily. Then, the barrage impact of the mainspring and the energy gear were completed in one go.

He has a good abacus and plans to give priority to killing warlocks with big moves. If his hellfire is not released in the end, then the battle ’s chance of natural disaster will undoubtedly be increased by three points.

It should be said that the clockwork is impeccable

With the target in the mainspring, Zhao Dingguo immediately followed, silenced the warlock, and at the same time released the Arcane Arrow Fire Girl. He also gave a dragon break to help kill.

How much blood does a warlock with no strength attribute have at all?

After suffering a round of clockwork damage, he was attacked by two mages, Zhao Dingguo and Fire Girl, and the blood instantly reached the bottom of the valley. Even if his teammates Poison Dragon and Invoker could give power, he was dead at this moment, but at this moment, Phantom Impulsive, he made a very different move to see the warlock black blood, he rushed into the energy circle with a flashing assault, grabbed the warlock's final blow

As a late stage, this head gave him nothing to do. The key is that behind the energy gear, there is still a fire card

If there is only a clockwork, Carl may have to hesitate to throw his skills at him. Now he sees the assassin flickering in and is trapped in the energy gear with the clockwork. Carl is almost overjoyed and immediately throws out the chaos. Meteorites, followed by Skyfire

Although the mainspring does not have the main energy gear, the duration is limited, but even so, when the two rushed out of the energy gear, the crushed chaotic meteorite still caused a high amount of damage, and Skyfire also rushed in They were smashed before leaving, and the injuries were shared equally

Seeing two blood-scarred enemies, the poison dragon did not say a word, took the opportunity to rush up, and threw a big move against the assassin.

The phantom assassin's body of the agile attribute is also as brittle. He took a chaotic meteorite and endured half a day of fire. After the poisonous dragon gave him a big move, he just clicked it and took the assassin away. The clockwork state is not good. It was basically killed by the poisonous dragon and the invoker who turned on the orb.

In the chaos ~ ~ The fire girl released a vital light strike and tried to save her teammates.

It's a pity that he didn't predict the position of this light strike array, and was hidden by two enemies.

Zhao Dingguo suffers from insufficient magic power. After killing the warlock, he can only use ordinary attacks and shock shooting to help. There is no big trick to help his teammates to reverse the situation.

At this time, the Prophet teleported a little later to join the battle, trapped the poisonous dragon with the sprouts and cooperated with the attacks of Zhao Dingguo, Fire Girl, and the Prophet. The three quickly killed the trapped target. However, when they turned around , The invoker has successfully chased off the clockwork, and began to evacuate quickly. There is still a skill in the blue fire girl who wants to chase, but it can no longer catch up.

This short battle ends with two for two

Originally, a beautiful clockworker with a large clockwork was able to lay the foundation for victory in natural disasters. Even after the warlock was killed, the clockwork itself had to hang, but the prophet's assistance could turn the battle into a one-for-two assassin. If you take yourself in for two, you will lose the natural disaster.

Phantom spines are late in the Scourge. When they die, the guard's late puppies fly in the wild.

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