DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 465: Picking up equipment is pulling hatred

The fifth person on the Scourge side returned to the wild area after a tower was attacked on the road. 【叶 * 子】 [悠 * 悠]

When Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan found him, this guy was facing the energy of a centaur chief, and did not even find the crisis in the first place. Unsurprisingly, the Legion unfortunately became the first object to be sacrificed after Zhao Dingguo's big move.

The two's offensive is still the first of Sand King's digging and piercing. Subsequently, Zhao Dingguo's light strike array, dragon breaking and cutting increased enlistment, destroying and cutting three connections. Although the Legion Commander is a power hero and his blood is not bad, the three companies that were not contrived by Zhao Dingguo were still spiked directly, and there was no chance of escape.

Because the rank of the legion is not low, and the sharing of killing experience, Yan Yuelan's sand king just rose to level 6.

The sand king with the same big move will undoubtedly make the two-person tour combination stronger. However, as a power hero, Sand King still lacks blue. And Zhao Dingguo did not make the secret shoes for the first time because he was worried about the problem of falling. Therefore, even with the restoration effect of the King's Ring, the Sand King still has the problem of lack of magic power.

After killing the legion, Sand King's blue is not enough to release the big move.

Without blue sand king, what can be done is actually limited. Yan Yuelan thought about it, instead of choosing to return to the spring water supply again, he transported two small purification potions with an animal messenger. Although this thing is a consumable, two bottles are one hundred gold coins, but compared to the scroll money used by TP, and the experience and benefits lost in the process, it is still very cost-effective.

After a brief confrontation with the soldiers' line, Sand King's purification potion was in his hands. Yan Yuelan immediately used a bottle and began to accelerate back to blue.

Just at this time, the mystery and Lao Li also came to the middle. After the mystery picked up a small mystery with a transformation, the four began to push forward in an attempt to take away a tower of the Scourge. There are two big team battles between Mystery and Sand King. If the other party comes, Zhao Dingguo will dare to lead his teammates to fight with them, let them understand why huāer is so popular!

Zhao Dingguo moved very fast, and their determination was strong enough. [] As soon as the four of them went up, they drove the King's Ring directly and began to attack the defense tower at full speed. Although the Murder Guard, White Tiger and Phoenix of the Scourge had arrived, the three of them did not dare to rush into war with Zhao Dingguo.

If you are right, the opponent should be waiting for reinforcements from teammates.

At this time, it is natural to dismantle as soon as possible. In the wild, the werewolf who had no brains to fight the wild has been paying attention to the situation in the middle of the road. Seeing that the hero of the Scourge did not fight back in the first time, he immediately started the wolf howl. This skill Werewolf only ordered one level in the early stage, but as a full map additional attack, and can also take effect on ordinary units of BUFF, the output improvement it brings to the entire team is still considerable.

With the wolverines taking effect, Zhao Dingguo's speed of destroying their defense towers almost suddenly accelerated.

Seeing that the durability of the defense tower was quickly reduced to one third, the Scourge hero couldn't handle it. It was at this time that their other teammates had also arrived. Seeing the support coming, Phoenix immediately fired the sunburning skill behind the defensive tower and burned it towards the densely packed heroes.

"Take a step back."

Phoenix's action is clearly a precursor to the counterattack. Zhao Dingguo did not want to fight under the enemy's defense tower either, so they took a few steps back while avoiding the scorching sun of the Phoenix.

At this time, the legion commander rushed down from the uphill into the disaster area. Seeing that the guard was about to withdraw, he immediately launched an overwhelming advantage. With the excellent output and acceleration provided by this skill, the legion commander directly caught up. The phantom lancer also joined the battle from the rear, throwing out the spear of the soul to the old lady from the distance.

The Scourge leg sounded the horn of counterattack.

Seeing opponents swarming up, Yan Yuelan's sand king thought about it, launched a digging piercing, and stunned the army commander who rushed up first. [Ye Zi] [Yu * You] Then, she immediately launched a dust storm and went into a stealth state in situ to reduce her hatred as much as possible. Of course, in the case of the other side being a mermaid guard, a legion commander, and Bai Hu, Yan Yuelan did not rush to launch a big move, but was waiting for an opportunity.

Otherwise, if the rush to launch a big move is interrupted, then the guard will need one less killer.

At this time, when he saw that the King of Sands took the lead to turn around, Lao Li also turned around and opened up. While launching the plasma field skills, he began to draw the attack of the legion commander with an electrostatic connection. The big eye of the storm has also taken shape, and has begun to emit lightning to strike the surrounding enemies.

Lao Li's actions are done in one go, it can be said that all skills are thrown out in the blink of an eye.

However, maybe it was the loss of Lao Li who had eaten when he was on the middle lane before. Bai Hu has been staring at Lao Li's flaws. When Lao Li turned around and struck back, he gave a moon arrow far away. Due to the tricky position, Lao Li was late to notice. Luna's arrow almost rubbed him and hit him into a stun.

Taking this opportunity, the Murloc Guard immediately followed and stepped on a Murloc crush.

This skill will not only stun Lao Li's electric soul again, but also make the sand king in the state of buried sand visible. Although Zhao Dingguo's light strike array and Long Po chop immediately followed, but in the end it was a step behind. The electric soul, whose blood was not high in the early stage, suffered a few skills in succession, and was injured by the stars of the White Tiger, which was directly spiked!

Putting it into the regular season, this is of course the time to chase and expand the drums. But the character of Lao Li is obviously not so good, he accidentally dropped his speed boots out.

Seeing this equipment that was absolutely "large", the heroes of both sides of the war immediately became jealous. The poor Phantom Lancer wanted to rush over first and pick up his shoes. He is now poor and white, as long as he can pick up the shoes, even if he is dead, it is enough-of course, the shoes are then dropped out again.

However, it was not only the natural disaster people who wanted it. Zhao Dingguo saw that their teammates' equipment had been lost, but they also resolutely wanted to help him pick it up. Three or four heroes leaned on instantly, but in the end it was the other fisherman's guard who took a step faster and snatched the shoes into their own hands.

Waiting for resurrection, the old Li's hatred value was immediately transferred to the mermaid guard.

However, although the drop of the first piece of equipment caused a brief commotion, the team battle had to continue. Although the Scourge's set fire made them successful, their dense movement also provided opportunities for the mystery behind. Quickly up and down, the mystery silently withered midnight shot. Seeing that the group's percentage damage reduction skills have taken effect, the mystery opened a **** hole in the place with the most people while taking advantage of the misplaced position of the natural disaster side.

This big move, control the Murloc Guard, Legion Commander and Phantom Lancer all!

Only a little further away, the white tiger leaning behind escaped.

Oh yes, seeing the cautious mystery suddenly came forward, Phoenix had realized his intention, and immediately launched the Phoenix shock. After the limit was out of the mystery's big move, he immediately started the big move nearby. I have to say that the position of the Phoenix turns eggs is very good, not only to ensure that they are in a relatively safe position, but also to enclose the mystery in their damage range!

At this time, there are two paths before Zhao Dingguo.

First, immediately rush past the eggs that attacked Phoenix. But he alone may not be able to break until the other party's big move ends.

The other way is to cooperate with Sand King and Mystery to kill three enemies that have been included in the big move. Even so, they must continue to suffer from the Phoenix's big move, and they may also be stunned, or they will be killed. But compared with the results of the team's destruction of the other three, this loss is acceptable.

After all, their werewolves are making money from start to finish, and haven't joined the battle yet!

Zhao Dingguo and Yan Yuelan chose the second one. When the other party's control was all pulled by the mystery's big move, Yan Yuelan's sand king was able to shake the big move wantonly.

With the green light on the sand king's tail and the sharp shaking of the scorpion tail, after two seconds of chanting, the king's big move started, causing a lot of earthquake waves in place. The fragile phantom lancer died directly under the big move. The legion commander was also killed at this moment because of the skills of the electric soul and the attack of Zhao Dingguo. Although the mermaid guard is a little better, it is just after the mystery's big move ends that it is too late to give Sand King a big move. Although he hanged up after hitting a normal attack, he finally did not hit the sauce thoroughly.

Perhaps the character is not very good, and each of them dropped a piece of equipment in the place where they died.

Although there are good and bad, but the three pieces of bright equipment put together, suddenly expanded that temptation. Although the Phantom Lancer only dropped a tree branch, the most valuable of which was only the shields dropped by the Legion, but the three guards stopped and glanced at each other, so they made up their minds ~ www ~ Zhao Dingguo, who has a lot of blood, considers himself safe and secure, throws away a useless tree branch, and grabs the buckler dropped by the legion commander.

The other branches are basically not worth the risk.

However, the final death of the Murloc Guard is not worthless.

Due to the delay caused by the killing of him, and the three of them taking a distracted look at the drop, the Phoenix turn egg that immediately launched the big move is nearing completion. Before Zhao Dingguo evacuated all of them from the scope of the big move, the Phoenix had slowly fallen and was reborn. While full of blood and magic, and his skills were refreshed, his wings hit the ground, giving Zhao Dingguo and Sand King 1.5 seconds of vertigo!

This time is not long, but it is enough for White Tiger and Phoenix to chase.

Because the tunneling puncture had not cooled, Yan Yuelan could only control the sand king to run backwards. However, the phoenix, whose skills have been refreshed, once again ignited the flames and began to chase him to burn. While Bai Hu was in position to avoid Zhao Dingguo's possible light strike array, he attacked the sand king who had been attacked by the merman with a common attack. (To be continued

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