DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 478: Beam of light

Seven people versus six people, have intentions or not!

In addition, the guard team approaching the fog, taking advantage of its unexpected advantages, took advantage of the opportunity of the six members of the natural disaster to be entangled by monsters in the outer region, hitting a heavy hand in one fell swoop. [WWw.YZUUdianm] One of them should have the bloodline of the demon wizard Lane, and directly puncture + big move before and after. The skills of others were not regretful, and they were successively thrown to the only healing of the Scourge.

After discussing the goal of gathering fire in advance, they instantly killed the nursing dad who had the healing ability!

Because the instantaneous outbreak was too fierce, even though the early-stage dusky dad had life-saving props, it was too late. When the vertigo is over, it is resolved neatly. His teammates didn't even have time to provide any support and could only watch the players die.

In an instant, the situation changed from six to seven to five to seven.

This change made the captain of the Scourge squad startled and furious.

Seeing that his side was quickly in danger under the entanglement of monsters and guards in the outer area, he was now even at a critical moment. After ordering his men to use the props one after another, he also turned on the phantom axe, and called out two identical avatars to help.

His order quickly had a sufficient effect to reverse the war situation. One of the men did not know what props were used, and the monsters in the outer area actually stunned, and then all gave up their attacks and turned to the newly arrived nearby. Wei member!

This kind of props that can transfer monster hatred should be very valuable, otherwise, they would not be reluctant to use it before.

The guard's seven SuperGod users apparently did not expect the enemy to have such a hand, because they did not take precautions. Suddenly, the monster in the outer area turned around and attacked, and suddenly suffered a big loss. The health of the two mages exposed to the monster's attack fell below half. Although the Scourge team lost one person due to a sneak attack, morale was not weak. While the monster in turn entangled the guard's opportunity, he fully counterattacked, and even quickly brought the situation back.

"The battle of the Scourge has begun!"

"That guy is dying. I should have used the instant recovery potion just now? I rub it. [WWw.YZUUdianm] This is the ashes of the maggot with Macon and the wind stick?

"The guy who leads the guard is very strong!"

Seeing the fierce battle between the two sides, Zhao Dingguo and three temporary team members shrank unscrupulously behind the battlefield. While making irresponsible comments, he looked at the natural disaster that should have been their prey. And cardinals trying to catch cicadas.

Originally, the seven masters of the guard had a good idea. They took advantage of the opportunity to be entangled in monsters from outside areas and attacked in one fell swoop. but. After the opponent suddenly came up with a prop that can reverse the monster's hatred, with the natural disaster that the monster helped, it gradually began to gain the upper hand. In this case, the seven guards began to be restrained everywhere. One of the members was almost killed by the Scourge's squadron. If it was not given by his teammates, the Scourge might have revenge at this moment.

However, although the situation is favorable for natural disasters, they are fighting very strongly and urgently.

It stands to reason that if you drag on like this, those monsters in the outer domain will only make the guards more uncomfortable. But they were so anxious to defeat the guards. The hope that the guards give up fighting early can only explain one reason, that is, the duration of this hate transfer prop is limited. Although the guards are also attacking them during this time, the hatred established may not be comparable to the natural disaster team that has been playing for a long time!

This also means that once the duration of the item is over. The situation will be reversed instantly.

After making this judgment, Zhao Dingguo took the initiative and quickly joined the battle with three teammates.

Of course, they are not down, but they are very polite to help the seven guards at a disadvantage to attack the disaster. Wait a few moments until the key items of the Scourge team are invalid. My own side would like to step in again. The seven people who rushed out in one step would definitely not agree. If not, the two sides will fight each other. But now, it was time for them to rush out to support. Even after sharing some benefits afterwards, the seven had nothing to say.

The opportunity seized by the four is quite good!

This moment was the time when the Scourge team had the biggest advantage since the raid. [Ye Zi] [Yu * You] But just when they were about to set fire again, looking for a chance to drop the second enemy, they saw four reinforcements rushing in.

The most powerful person in the Scourge team is undoubtedly their captain, a master of the soul guarding bloodline. After transforming and phantom axe, the output is not as fierce as usual. However, the newly joined four played very well. In particular, Zhao Dingguo pushed the supersonic wave plus chaotic meteorite directly. With the effect of the two major skills combined with the electrostatic field, the enemy's avatar was smashed in one fell swoop, so everyone quickly separated from the real avatar.

Next, the prophet's big move + red staff, and the brainless output of the vortex, the burning of Zhang Jun's Necromancer, the physical attack immunity of the magnetic field, and the hunger and thirst of war of that other member all brought to the Scourge Here comes great trouble.

Their joining instantly changed the situation on the court again!

The Scourge squad, which knows that its own props are limited, intends to use its last time to build strength in one stroke, to equalize the numbers on both sides. Then they can confront each other or evacuate, they can calmly deal with it. But the sudden presence of the Guards reinforcements broke his plan. Now, regardless of whether it is a battle or a withdrawal, it is not up to him.


Determined that nothing can be done, the captain of the natural disaster team made a decisive decision.

Under the siege of two teams of enemies, it is impossible to retreat all over. He can only let the players break up and run away, one by one. One of the five members had flashing skills and had no problem escaping. In addition, some people have the ability of ants to shrink, have four seconds of haste and stealth, and the success rate of trying to escape is also high. As for the rest, he can only say that he asks for blessing.

The Scourge team was very timely.

Almost at the same time as they separated and evacuated, the monsters in Outland who had been forced to transfer their hatred returned to normal. Moreover, the unknown props seem to have side effects. The remaining outland monsters ignored the attacks of other people at all, but chased after them, and most likely did not stop the members of the Scourge team.

If at this moment they haven't left yet, facing the attack from the monsters of the outer area and the guards, the squad will be dead that day!

"Where to go!"

Enemies want to run, Zhao Dingguo they naturally want to chase. After the hurricane left, Zhao Dingguo used the astral imprisonment to seal another. Subsequently, they were surrounded by four people, and they were maimed by a round of siege. Zhao Meng made a big move and launched a large-scale blow to kill the enemy.

Naturally, the keys of the real names dropped by the two men were also taken by Zhao Dingguo.

Perhaps because of their blackness today, the two real-name keys did not draw anything good, but one of them dropped a chaotic gray crystal, which made them quite satisfied. Although it is a little less, there is no vain.

In contrast, the other seven had left an enemy, but they found nothing.

When they saw Zhao Dingguo, they smiled. Although the seven were depressed, they had nothing to say. To blame, they can only blame them for their inferior strength, or the people left behind are wrong.

"Thank you for your help!"

The leader of the seven had to be disgraced in his heart, but he had to pretend to be grateful. Probably not good at acting, his face is very stiff, so that everyone can see it is unnatural.

At this time, they have actually discovered that the natural disaster team's props have side effects and time limits. As long as they can hold on for a while, even without assistance, people in natural disasters can run away. This discovery made them even more upset.

Taking advantage of others, Zhao Dingguo also knew himself. After a few simple polite words, he quickly evacuated with three teammates.

It is the last word to make a fortune in silence. If you continue to stay, you will only get more stimulation.

In the following hour, Zhao Dingguo and his temporary teammates attacked two members of the natural disaster. Relying on their extraordinary strength, although they were not able to take all of them, they once again hunted a chaotic gray crystal. However, it may be that the good luck has been used up by them. Although the next four people have been working hard, they have not been able to find a suitable phone conference.

For no other reason, they have gradually entered the central area of ​​the Outland Mystery.

The monsters here are more horizontal and denser. Of course, there are more Super God users gathered. With the strength of the four of them, although they still can eat, it is very difficult to find the order object that can be swallowed quickly. People here have basically found helpers temporarily. Occasionally there is a single lonely order, but also the kind of super powerful super master. When an attack failed and they were almost left behind by the other party, the four were cautious, and even the monsters dared not take it easy.

In the chaos, no one wants to give the enemy any opportunity.

Fortunately, three of them have pedigrees ~ ~ the only one who has good strength. Guarded by the lava elves and tree warriors, no one came to them easily.

With caution and caution, Zhao Dingguo steadily walked to the center of the outer domain. Here, they can clearly see the huge beam of light that crosses the sky a few kilometers away. At this moment, underneath this earthy beam of light is connected to a large floating island in the outer area, and the top is boundless and stretches to the depths of the universe. From their position, it can be seen vaguely that a large group of black spots fly from time to time in the middle of the beam of light, and finally land on the large floating island in the distance.

What's on it?

Not only Zhao Dingguo, the SuperGod users present were eager to know this issue. But the people who come here are all for the flying mount mission, which means that they do n’t have any, so naturally they ca n’t fly up to see what happened. What's more, there seems to be a strong magical enchantment around this floating island. Even if someone took out a scroll that could fly for a short time, or a combat unit with flying ability, they could not fly past, and could only spin in futility in front.

This strange scene, while blocking the progress of countless Super God users, also made them more and more curious. RQ

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