DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 485: Ancient Fire Amulet

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However, the half-momented Mammoth just reached over the equipment, and the smile on his face was frozen.

Zhao Dingguo was the one who stopped the half-man mammoth from getting the equipment.

Seeing that so many people rushed forward in the state of avoidance, Zhao Dingguo had given up the idea of ​​scrambling. Because even if he also opened the magic-free potion and rushed over, it could not be faster than those who have the ability to flash, push and so on. But he did not expect that at the last moment, the two instruments reversed, and all of their most powerful competitors were instantly completed!

In this case, Zhao Dingguo, who fell behind, picked up a bargain.

The half-human Mammoth is actually immune to magic, just to avoid the volley of the Eye of Death, his magic has been released earlier. So when Liangyi reversed everyone in the middle and large schools and was preparing to pick up his equipment, his magic immunity time was over. Zhao Dingguo was ready to attack the hurricane immediately and blow him up!

Although it is limited to the level of the ice thunder element, the hurricane is not long, but Zhao Dingguo is also not far away from the Hellfire elite.

Suddenly seeing hope, and noticing that the third round of death eye salvo is about to come, Zhao Dingguo savagely used the magic potion on his way to the past. The next moment the magical brilliance rises, several individual stun skills from other Super God users are thrown over. Unfortunately, these skills are ordinary skills such as puncture and flame blast, which cannot take effect on magic immunity. While taking this time, Zhao Dingguo has rushed to the hellfire elite before reaching out!

The black amulet of the flame was captured by Zhao Dingguo directly.

Almost at the same time, another person appeared opposite him and reached out and grabbed it. He was as fast as Zhao Dingguo, and he took another scepter into his pocket!

This discovery made Zhao Dingguo feel sorry. It was just that the severe situation around him could not care about his sigh. [] He just grabbed one of the other props and materials on the ground, and immediately turned around and fled back. For no reason, a large number of **** dogs have been surrounded. One step further, he will be surrounded. In a critical moment, Zhao Dingguo even ignored the hidden strength and directly cut the four thunderballs.

The acceleration of phase shift, war drum and four thunderballs has made Zhao Dingguo's movement speed to the extreme!

Other Super God users who recovered from the vertigo were aware of the danger, and used their means to escape. Of course, there are also people who want money and die. Seeing there are still a few pieces of material under the corpse of Hellfire Elite, they rushed up to pick it up, and then turned around to escape.

Soon, hundreds of energy rays came again.

Compared with the second round, the energy rays of this round are more dense. Several super-god users who fell behind were in hiding and were killed in seconds. Finally, Zhao Dingguo ran ahead, and occasionally a few rays hit him through the gap of the crowd, and the damage caused was irrelevant. Relying on his super fast moving speed, he just rushed out of the crack before the **** dog completed the encirclement.

Other masters also had their own means and fled.

Immediately after rushing out of the encirclement of the **** dog, Zhao Dingguo continued to evacuate while looking back with his probe. It turned out that of the nearly a hundred people left, only thirty or forty successfully fled. More than ten of the remaining people were shot and killed by the eye of death, and the rest were mostly surrounded by **** dogs and trapped in the encirclement.

Some who see the opportunity to directly TP out of the outer domain, but also lucky to save their lives. Those who are not decisive and incompetent can only lose their lives here, and become the meal of hellhounds and flame demons!


Zhao Dingguo shook his head, praying for them in his heart, and at the same time took out the soul equipment he had just acquired. It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter. After reading its attributes, Zhao Dingguo was immediately rejoicing and remorseful.

[Ancient Chaos Flame Charm]

During a normal attack, there is a 50 chance to add 20 Fire damage. []

Specify any fire skill and increase its skill level LV1 (cannot exceed the maximum skill limit).

Incidental Skill: After casting Ancient Fire Shield on yourself or an ally, you can create a Fire Shield for 15 seconds. Fire Shield deals 20 bases / second base burn damage to nearby enemies (fixed range of 300 in regular season / death team fights), and additionally deals additional damage proportional to intelligence (each 30 points of intelligence increases the base Damage of 10, additional damage type is chaotic damage).

Skill cooldown is 30 seconds and consumes 75 mana.

If you have to describe this piece of equipment, one word is strong, and two words are called metamorphosis. In summary, it is very strong and perverted!

50 chance to add 20 fire damage to a normal attack, there is a probability limit, and the additional damage is not too high. The key is the second skill, which multiplies the value of this soul equipment. Because it is not like the soul equipment that Zhao Dingguo has contacted before, it is limited in skills. This piece of equipment is the one with wide limits, and can be specified to increase the fire skills of any fire.

Just this one, make it worth more!

Zhao Dingguo also has the Fire Elemental skill. Previously, under the Summoner's Fire Will, he had improved LV1. I didn't expect to get this ancient amulet of flames, and once again improve LV1. Zhao Dingguo was originally the main leader of the ice thunder stream, and his levels have all risen to LV3. If equipped with this soul equipment, the level of the fire element will be forcibly mentioned to LV3!

However, this ability is not enough compared with the accompanying active skills.

Seeing this skill attribute at the first glance, Zhao Dingguo thought of a divine costume-glorious!

That's right, although this flame shield has the word shield, it looks like it reduces injuries, but it is not. Its only attribute is Fire Damage to surrounding enemies. Although there is a limit on duration and cooldown, the base damage is up to 20 points-this is almost half a shining effect. What's more, as long as the intelligence is high enough, the damage of ancient fire shields can be added!

This makes it possible to further enhance the flame shield.

Judging from Zhao Dingguo's current intellectual attributes, the addition of bloodline and equipment has hovered around the 100-point mark. This means that he can add 30 base damage, which is an additional 6 points on top of 20. Moreover, this additional 6 points of damage are still chaotic, and go further than normal magic damage.

Think about it, in the future death team battle, Yan Yuelan's glory can cause 45 points / second damage to the enemy. If you cooperate with the ancient flame shield that Zhao Dingguo's range is small but the damage is as high as 26 points / second, just standing there and using the refraction counter-injury will be enough to make the enemy look intimidated!

Moreover, if he waits for the future, Zhao Dingguo can be sure that his intelligence can easily break through the 200-point mark, and may even be higher. By then, with the super high intelligence bonus, the increase of the ancient flame shield may reach 70!

This damage is really powerful.

Zhao Dingguo didn't expect that the Hellfire Elite could fall out of such strong soul equipment and couldn't help ecstatic. Even, he felt that even if he couldn't finish the flight mount this trip, the soul equipment alone also made a profit. However, after a brief surprise, the deep regret and remorse followed.

A fire amulet is so powerful, how strong should the other soul equipment dropped by the hellfire elite?

From the scepter-like appearance, Zhao Dingguo speculates that it may be equipment with limited skills, such as the big move to strengthen the warlock-although not necessarily correct, but it is conceivable that the equipment should be equally powerful. Although you ca n’t use it, you can sell or exchange it if you get it. Unfortunately, that piece of equipment was quickly taken away by others ...

Even if he knew the content of contentment, Zhao Dingguo would still have a hard time giving up.

However, this remorse soon disappeared after accidentally meeting Zhang Jun and Zhao Meng again. Compared with Zhao Dingguo's bumper harvest, these two talents have really paid a lot, but they have not gained anything at all. The grudge and grudge expression on their faces made Zhao Dingguo feel good.

In addition to this ancient chaotic flame amulet, Zhao Dingguo actually received two or three pieces of material. Unfortunately, these materials are not bad, but at best they are exchanged for some winning points. Compared to this soul equipment, it is not a level at all.

Zhao Dingguo only glanced and threw them back into the nameplate space.

"Damn, two pieces of equipment. I can see them clearly, definitely two!"

"Who said no? It was a pity that all of them were picked up. Although my copy rushed to death, it was unfortunately stunned. Although I robbed two pieces of material, it was not worth it, and it would add up to three or four. Yum! Damn! "

"Well, Dingguo, I remember that you rushed forward in the end? Did you grab anything?"

Zhao Dingguo was so secretive that when they heard the two dragging the topic onto themselves, they quickly waved their hands and said, "I really want to, but it is almost ~ ~ Although some people have passed, I grabbed the gear in front of me. I took a slow step and caught only a few pieces of material! "

"Really? That's a pity!"

"You're out of luck."

Seeing Zhao Dingguo's denial, the two did not ask much, after all, Zhao Dingguo's remorse on his face was not pretended. Furthermore, subconsciously, they also hoped that Zhao Dingguo would gain nothing like himself, so that they could balance their hearts, so they chose to believe.

Zhao Dingguo didn't want to be too tangled on this topic, so he looked back at the army of floating island monsters chasing this side and said, "Next, what are your plans?"

Zhao Meng thought for a while and said, "Hellfire Elite also killed. Although nothing was obtained, the crisis should be temporarily relieved. Although these floating island monsters are moving fast, they cannot threaten Super God users. .Next, I want to complete the mission of the flying mount while there is still time-it's so easy to come, can't I gain anything? "

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