DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 503: Sudden appearance of the legendary captain

PS: Thanks to several book friends for their frequent rewards recently, Odin remembered it and asked for the first order support. []

What happened next was what Zhao Dingguo saw.

Because the random teleportation scroll just sent him the farthest distance, Zheng Fan immediately followed in stealth to escape, so the virtual spirit did not catch him for a while. However, after analyzing the high level of the virtual spirit, they guessed that the other party would likely join the Illuminati, so they set up a surveillance circle near the Pearl City early.

Although Zheng Fan fled here on a long journey, he was eventually found and hunted down by an ethereal person.

If it wasn't for Zhao Dingguo who just took the task and passed by here, and the support of the elf guard and the prophet was so timely, this guy would be killed on the spot. Entrusted by the Illuminati, he managed to escape the clutches of the Ethereal. Zheng Fan's entry allowed the Illuminati to take full initiative.

Without him, Zheng Fan's role is too great!

Isn't the Ethereal organization shouting to call out the murderer? I didn't have to pay it before, and others might not believe it if I justified it. But now it's different. With Zheng Fan in hand, the Illuminati wouldn't mind pulling him out, and let him reveal the truth in front of dozens of first-class and second-class organizations in China. Think about it, the dignified virtual spirits organized a self-directed and self-acting show, and staged an extremely bad planting frame. What a shock this news would have had if it spread!

Because of this, with the testimony of Zheng Fan, not only the virtual organizations and Tianshui organizations will lose their reputation, but also the Sanhua and the Bingyan in the three super organizations will be implicated!

Naturally, these days criticism and accusations against the Illuminati will also shift.

With this unexpected trump card, the Illuminati can calmly sweep away the previous passive. Knowing this, it is not difficult to understand that the chairman will call Zhao Dingguo's rescue a great achievement!

Due to the size of the event, the four organizations responded faster than expected by the Illuminati. After the news that Xu Zhiguo had returned without success, Tianshui and Bingyan immediately came to their door and began to discuss the countermeasures urgently. [Ye Zi] [Yu * You] Everyone knows that once the Illuminati plays the Zheng Fan card, things will evolve into an irreparable situation.

"Get started first. Let's destroy the Illuminati directly!"

Sanhua's high-level executives issued a tough declaration with no good intentions, hoping to solve this enemy with the help of Bingyan and Ethereal.

Of course, the other three organizations knew that Sanhua's bad relationship with the Illuminati would not be easily provoked. However, it must be said that the use of force to resolve opponents is also one of the options. In particular, Bingyan, one of the three super organizations, helps. As long as they are willing to use high-end combat power, solving the Illuminati is definitely not a problem!

After the First World War, the Illuminati became a historical noun, becoming the second soul transcendence.

That day. In addition to fighting, they also have the option to negotiate. After all, the four organizations have an advantage in force, and if they have to fight a lot at any cost, they can definitely threaten the top of the Illuminati and make them think twice. However, since the peace talks are going to take place, it is inevitable that some benefits will be paid.

Which one was chosen, the four organizations had serious differences.

The Sanhua organization did not say. Opinions are highly unified, that is war! But the other three organizations are more chaotic, and some high-level officials agree to tear up their faces. Others are jealous of their reputations and losses. It's better to pay some price, but also to wipe out Zheng Fan's affairs.

Xu Zhiguo, who was unable to complete the task, was embarrassed. Although the situation was severe at the moment, no one could blame him, but Xu Zhiguo thought he had lost face in this operation. In order to clean up his shame, he is also a member of the main battle faction, like Sanhua. As long as the Illuminati can be wiped out with a thunder, even if Zheng Fan escapes, what kind of storm can a person without a backer set off?

this world. After all, you have to talk by force!

During the urgent consultation, the four organizations argued for hours and failed to come up with a unified opinion. In the end, they put the decision in the hands of Bingyan. After hesitating for a moment, Bingyan's senior made a modest decision. [Ye Zi] [Yu] You go to the door to test the reaction of the Illuminati, and then make a decision based on their attitude.

Bingyan's movement was very fast. Only two hours after the decision was made, the meeting's representative boarded the gate of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati holding the trump card did not embarrass Bingyan. The reception became more and more enthusiastic. After a group of experts welcomed him into the conference hall, the two sides sat down again to start negotiations.

However, the results of the meeting were unexpected.

Although the people of the Illuminati were warmly entertained, their attitude was extremely tough. The director opened the door and told him that Zheng Fan was in the hands of the Illuminati and could come out to testify at any time. If Bingyan cannot follow the Illuminati's request in the next action, then Zheng Fan will throw out everything he knows.

Everything must follow what the Illuminati said?

Suddenly hearing this order-like clause, Bingyan's messenger could not help but be angry. After the three major organizations entered into a covenant, they can be described as famous and prestigious. No super-god organization has dared to speak to Bingyan like this. Seeing the other side's bad tone, the unhappy Bingyan messenger directly threw out the threat of war.

If the Illuminati continues to dominate the bull, Bingyan will fight the endless war with the Ethereal at all costs!

This threat changed the faces of many Illuminati masters who participated in the negotiations.

Although they don't think Bingyan will make such a worthless sale, the messenger of Bingyan is hard enough, and no one dares to despise it. But at this moment, Zhao Dingguo, who participated in the whole process, noticed that President Man Lou put down his tea cup, deliberately raised his hand and looked at the watch, and then glanced outside the conference hall.

He moved in his heart.

A few seconds later, the door of the conference room was pushed open and a person walked in from the outside.

It was a young man looking only in his twenties, wearing a white TA-themed casual shirt, with a spirited separation. Although the skin was a bit white, the angular lines of his face added a bit of bravery to him. Seeing this young man coming in, the many masters of the Illuminati stunned and stood up involuntarily ... I wonder who shouted first, the masters of the Illuminati were a little bit boiling.

The reason is without him, this newcomer is the super master of the Hui Yao organization, the perfect level VS **** 820. Because in the first Super God platform qualifying, he led the team to defeat the strongest in the world and won the first place in the world. The subsequent performance was also amazing, so it was also called the legendary captain 820.

This is the oldest group of twilight gods, and its influence is comparable to super powers such as clues.

Zhao Dingguo once met him during the night of the gods, but he only looked at it from afar. Now I can see for myself that Zhao Dingguo can't help but stand up with the others. In fact, not only him, but even the core senior members of the Illuminati, as well as those who belong to the three major organizations of Bingyan, had to stand up and show respect.

"Sit down, everyone."

820 is personable and simply nods in greeting. After the people at the venue calmed down again, he said his intentions: "I was commissioned by Bright to monitor the progress of the investigation on the killing of the Ethereal Member."

The legendary captain just fluttered a word, and then sat with his chest in the corner of the conference hall. It's like closing your eyes and keeping your eyes closed, and it's like preparing to listen to the talks between the two parties. It seemed to be remembering something. After a few seconds of pause, he added another sentence: "Oh yes, no matter what the end result is, the three super organizations will stick to the previous principles. They will never take the initiative except for mediation Any civil war among domestic supergods! "

His emphasis emphasized that the masters of the Illuminati were overjoyed immediately.

Although I don't understand why the brilliant master came this time, the words of the legendary battle are undoubtedly supporting the Illuminati. Before Glory's statement, the threat of war that Bingyan just said became instantly worthless!

Bingyan's messenger was a little sceptical.

The super-strong legendary captain was a bit of a coincidence when he came. Although he didn't think the Illuminati could ask Dong Huiyao to help, he always felt that there seemed to be something wrong. In any case, since 820 spoke on behalf of Huiyao, Bingyan must pay enough attention. He hesitated for a moment, tentatively inquiring: if negotiations, Bingyan would have to pay.

Man Lou gave 820 a glance, then immediately retracted his eyes, smiled, and said with a relaxed and pleasant tone: "Just cooperate with us to perform the show, and after we finish, we promise to remove Bingyan from this incident. For you, it is absolutely effortless. "

Just acting?


The messenger frowned deeply, and eventually found an empty room. After making sure no one was listening, he picked up the phone 97net and reported it to the headquarters in detail.

Ten minutes later, when the messenger came back, he had a decision in his mind: "Then cooperate, but the president has other arrangements for specific matters. Time, just tonight."


The chairman discussed with other senior executives ~ ~ and finally agreed with his proposal. As for this extra half-day, Bingyan was helpless and tried his best to give the virtual spirits a little time to deal with it, so as not to be caught off guard by accident. In this regard, the Illuminati did not persecute too much. After all, the other party is the three super organizations, and their strength is there. Even if the Illuminati holds the trump card, they can't protect the other party from tearing their faces and directly dispatching a large number of masters to forcefully kill Zheng Fan.

What's more, Zheng Fan's card is indeed hard enough. Even if they have more than half a day of Ethereal, Tianshui, and Sanhua, they can't turn the plate!

In fact, this is exactly the case.

Just when the group sent by Bingyan formally signed a contract with the Illuminati, the three organizations had already learned from Bingyan that the super-strong superpowers had expressed their opinions. Moreover, the Bingyan people also vaguely told them that Bingyan must quit. In order to get rid of myself, we will do some "improper" things.

In this regard, Bingyan organization deeply regrets. RS

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