DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 515: Retreat

In addition to the skill of energy gear, wandering swordsman, in fact, has also learned a first-level bristle back. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)

This is a passive ability from the back of the beast, which can reduce the damage of the enemy from the back and sides. With this passive, in conjunction with the increased defense of the battle roar, it is very difficult to pat the bear to kill the wandering swordsman. However, as the core figure of the Zinmei Squad, how can there be only these means to pat the bear?

After slapping the stunned shield of Lao Li with a slap, he patted Xiong Lengheng and launched his own skills.

Huang Quan from Necromancer is trembling!

This skill can extract the enemy's movement speed and attack speed, and in turn greatly bless itself. For a patted bear who is very dependent on the explosion and craves the output environment, Huang Quan's trembling is simply a magical skill. Even a level one is enough to put the homeless swordsman into danger again.

The elf is a timely time to use the skills of the wandering swordsman, the giant wave from the tide messenger!

The combination of deceleration, armor reduction and injury, is perfect for patting bears.

Although set on fire, the homeless swordsman was not particularly panicked, although he was nervous. Because he noticed that the dark animal husbandry summoned by Lao Li had not yet shot. Since one skill isn't learning shadow waves, it's mostly the undead skill of thin burial. Five seconds to die is enough to keep him safe. However, the cool-down time of the first-level thin burial is very long. In the end, Zhao Dingguo did not let Lao Li use this skill, but instead ejected the wandering swordsman with a cooled push rod!

The methods were used one after another, but they were all lifted, and the output time of the patted bear was wasted a little.

While saving his teammates again, Zhao Dingguo's plasma field and electrostatic connection were launched together, and the goal was naturally the main team DPS patting the bear. Although the damage caused by the short distance is average, don't forget another passive skill of Zhao Dingguo-static field!

When all skills with lightning elements are activated, they will trigger an electric shock from the electrostatic field.

Electric Soul's skills are all related to lightning, so whether it is the previous electrostatic connection or the current plasma field, the electrostatic field has been successfully triggered. [WWw.YZUU 点 m] The moment the plasma field was shot. A few light blue flashes appeared on the heads of several nearby enemies, receiving an electric shock of 4% of their current health, and then adding 30 points of moonlight damage!

The successive multiple injuries and the gorgeous and chaotic skill effects made the Zinc Beauty team feel a little more disturbed.

At this time, Binghun also began to work with Zhao Dingguo to solve the problem.

You know, Binghun's big move has a cooldown of just 45 seconds. After a big move from the beginning, it's about to cool down now. Once his ice crystals exploded again. Will have the effect of determining the situation. For the Zinmei team, the main player's output skills failed to kill anyone in one round. Zhao Dingguo's side was another five to four. He himself has an immortal shield, and his situation is very awkward.

Just when they were in a dilemma, Binghun's ice crystals exploded again.

Due to the mistake of the Zinmei team's position and the consciousness of the passerby Binghun was indeed good, his bombardment hit three people in one fell swoop. This is a perfect big move, completely defeated the determination of the Zinmei team.

The member who summoned the Shadow Demon started the windwalker's steps in a half-blood condition. Evacuate first.

After the ogre magician threw out another flame and exploded, he also fled under the acceleration effect of bloodthirsty.

On the contrary, the elf with the lightning chain and the patted bear were both left, and they were killed by the explosion of ice crystals when their blood was hit to a minimum.

The spirit of the extreme cold ghost was red. Counting one blood is equivalent to taking three kills!

At this time, the Mengmeng horns from the two major regiments had just sounded.

Because of the tussling battle caused by patting Bear Stealing Meat Mountain, the contact test ended with the Zinmei team hanging up three people and Zhao Dingguo's record of zero casualties. [Ye Zi] [Yu] You patted Xiong Zhi's immortal shield, which was not obtained, and it was a big mistake; then Panda Jiuxian wanted to steal the shield and be killed, which was the second mistake. In the end, it is not surprising to lose less and play more.

The start was not smooth, and the morale of the Zinc Beauty team dropped a lot.

On the other hand, the natural disaster side, taking advantage of the victory of the First World War. Zhao Dingguo gathered together in the middle and forced a tower of the guards forcibly.

Although everyone ’s average level is lower, but the equipment is not bad, so the speed of pushing the tower is also very fast. It was found that all the heroes could not reach all of them, and the Zinmei team did not even open the tower defense. This tower was conceded directly-this is also the most prone situation in the death team battle after the **** points are high.

Now everyone's pedigree rank is not high. It is only a few outer towers that can be lost at a time. If it is at the edge of the stronghold mode and the sacrifice points are at 2334, it is often the rhythm of the high ground that is lost in the first battle, and may even be directly broken by the opponent. Lay the victory!

After removing one of the enemy's towers, Zhao Dingguo gave them a small supply. Subsequently, the five people skipped the pre-match stage and went directly to the group tour.

This is also nothing to do.

The enemies have pixies and patted bears. As long as someone orders them and they see them, they will pass the pass, and the next round will be a spike. After all, they have taken a lot of advantage since the beginning of the war. After buying the flight messenger, Lao Li and the ice soul contributed a set of investigative guards and tricky fog, respectively. While doing field of vision, open the fog and catch people.

However, after walking down a circle, they really did not find the enemy's trace.

The people in the Zinmei Squad are not stupid. Although it has not been considered to be a field of vision for a while, there is no trace of Scourge heroes on the line. Where is it not clear that they are looking for themselves? At the command of the Zinmei team captain, they retracted under the tower one by one early. The five people in the Scourge did not pride themselves on rushing to the tower to fight with the enemy in the absence of a soldier line, so they could only return to the line and obediently hold the team to advance!

The goal this time is a tower in the lower lane.

Paying attention to the actions of the natural disaster, the five heroes of the guard naturally rushed over and defended with all their strength.

Since everyone has a good equipment foundation, even if they were hit by a small group before, the gap between the two sides is still small. What's more, the main force of Zhao Dingguo has an 11-level pedigree level but cannot use the Invoker skills. The Zinmei team is defended according to the tower, so the actual situation is that the Zinmei team is better to play!

Zhao Dingguo's progress was not smooth.

The outbreak of patting bears and elf is not covered, not to mention that they are masters of bloodlines and extraordinary strength. Especially the most important dark animal husbandry, if you pat the bear and the elf first to others, his thin burial may be able to save the other. But if you get your hands on first, it's dangerous. Therefore, Lao Li's dark animal station is quite behind, and is under the protection of Zhao Dingguo's star imprisonment.

Such a position, so that the people of the Zinc Team cannot catch too many opportunities.

The first wave of soldiers soon met.

On the side of Zinc America, Panda Brewmaster is still at the front. The stealth shield could not be killed before, so the panda Jiuxian gave a blood free, but his equipment is actually very good. This time, there were teammates following, and the panda's spirit was a lot. Stop there, there is a stance I don't want to pass by before I die. The ogre magician and the shadow monster are shrunk under the tower, waiting for opportunity.

After several waves of soldiers tentatively tried, Zhao Dingguo didn't have much confidence and didn't dare to rush forward.

What's even more cunning is that after cleaning up the first wave of soldiers, the patted bear that had a face on the line originally hid. No one knows whether he has shrunk behind the tower, is hiding in the bushes under the guard tower, or has any stealth skills. In short, the loss of this guy's vision made the members of the Scourge a little uneasy.

"It's not easy ..."

Although using the line of opportunity to enter the tower, the durability of the defense tower was slightly consumed. But in the absence of a summoned and detached unit, it would only take a while to grind it, and I do n’t know how long it will take to consume this tower, not to mention the defense runes of others. After a brief exchange of opinions, Zhao Dingguo chose to retreat while the other soldiers' line did not come up.

Of course, the five did not really leave, but took a few steps back and hid in the wild again.

This is Zhao Dingguo's retreat in the past, and he used it to pit other people more than once. If the members of the Zinmei team really think they have left, and rush out of the tower to make money and push the line, the five people squatting in the dark wild area will flock out, hit them by surprise, and take the tower!

However, the Zinmei team is still not fooled.

The reason for their judgement is very simple. The soldiers on the road are already rushing under the tower of the natural disaster. If the hero of the Scourge really evacuated, how could no one close the line? Under the tower of natural disasters, security is still guaranteed. Even if you pat the bear and the elf to teleport, other people on the Scourge can immediately TP rescue!

Since no one has passed, Binghun hasn't recruited a big recruit ~ ~, it proves that they probably still haven't left.

The trick of retreating is not advanced. Naturally, the people of the Zinc Team have also played. They were never fooled and quickly cleared when they returned. If the soldiers line out of the tower, five people will not come forward. In short, unless natural disasters appear on the front, they will not rush away!

This cautious and turtle-like defense made Zhao Dingguo blind.

Just when he had a headache, Yan Yuelan proposed an idea. Since retreating is not easy to use, how about a snake to get out of the hole?

After the brief communication, the five people in the natural disaster quickly determined the plan. Three seconds later, Yan Yuelan went to the road on his own and started to close the line. It's just that she was very careful, and has been hovering near the defense tower, and refused to stay away. She sometimes backed away from time to time, looking like she was alert to the elf and patting bear attacks.

Yan Yuelan's performance was in place, and the people in the Zinmei team had no doubts. RQ

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