DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 519: Counterattack of the Zinmei Squad

PS: I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival. 【叶 * 子】 [悠 * 悠]

The looting of the Immortal Shield hurt the morale of the Scourge.

They were busy for a long time and made various arrangements, and all of them were made into wedding dresses. The only gain was to force the panda's big move. Although very depressed, things have already happened, and it is no use to complain anymore. It is better to think about what to do next.

It stands to reason that Panda Jiuxian has no big move, it is a good time for them to advance. However, if the enemy's main force DPS has a shield, it is enough to make up for this, and in the past it will lose out if it rushes.

Keep it safe.

After all, Zhao Dingguo was severely restricted in this battle, and he couldn't die once. Therefore, his conservative decision is understandable.

After careful consideration, Zhao Dingguo finally made a decision.

Again, it is definitely not necessary to place an order to close the line, they still have to hold a group. If there is an opportunity, go ahead with a wave. If the guards are strict and ready to fight back, they will retreat in time. The idea is to drag the battle back!

Either wait for the Immortal Shield to pat the bear six minutes later, or force the Zinmei team to push back.

If you own a defensive tower and fight back, your opponent's advantage of the Immortal Shield can be offset a lot. As for the fighting rhythm, anyway, they have the powerful ghost group battle in the late stage, and the tramp swordsman and Zhao Dingguo's electric soul are not bad in the late stage, which can be said to be multi-core. Fighting back, the victory is even greater!

With the cooperation of Lao Li and Yan Yuelan, the trend of the war situation began to be staged according to the script written by Zhao Dingguo.

After updating the equipment and resupplying it. The natural disasters began to move forward in the clumps of the road. When Yan Yuelan cooled down in the big move, he went all alone and went to the wild area without a chance. [] Although the guards have immortal shields, they don't dare to come out and fight the natural disaster. Therefore, Zinmei's people once again fell into the embarrassing situation of not being able to care about the situation. Although there were two times, the guards almost caught the opportunity, but Zhao Dingguo retreated in time. In the end, it was still unsuccessful.

At this time, Yan Yuelan, who was alone, took the opportunity to come to the lower lane, and brought the soldiers to the second tower again.

Due to the durability of this tower has dropped a lot. Yan Yuelan had a wave of ideas to push it away. However, the two-way belt line is not really without solution. The guard was probably disgusted by Yan Yuelan's brainless line, and was determined to kill her once. then. After the Zinmei Squad repulsed Zhao Dingguo a little, while Yan Yuelan hadn't left immediately, the other three quickly retreated to their own high ground. The elf and Paiping Xiong came down with their guards!

Although there were no abnormalities, Yan Yuelan felt a dangerous breath at this time.

The key to the two-way belt line is that one of them keeps putting pressure on the enemy to keep them away. Now, due to the unwillingness to slap the bear with a shield, Zhao Dingguo backed up slightly, which gave the guard a chance. Although Yan Yuelan quickly launched the ghost blade. I want to rush into the woods on the edge of the lower lane, and then TP runs away, but the patted bear and the elf have arrived. The former even jumped close to the knife, opened all kinds of states, and gave her Huangquan trembling. Start crazy output!

In front of such a patted bear, the ghost is useless even if the blade is opened.

Yan Yuelan knew this very well, knowing that she was greedy for the second tower, and took a little later. In desperation, she can only start a big move, hoping to be instantly transmitted to other enemies who place orders. Take the opportunity to escape. However, after opening the big move to gain the vision of all enemy heroes, she discovered that the other three had already stood in front of the tower of the Highlands, obviously waiting. Even if passed, she is still dead!

The only thing that Yan Yuelan can do at this moment is to choose a method of death. (From the novel to Ye · Yu ~ Yu M)

The bear was patted to death, or was it killed by Lan Fat, Panda and Shadow Demon?

Yan Yuelan hesitated for a moment, and eventually teleported away-Patting the bear was the enemy's main force after all, so he took the head, and it was better to let it go to others. Moreover, if the killing experience is divided among three people, each person can share less. Of course, there is no lack of meaning in this picture.

In the end, she was killed by the thunder of Panda Brewmaster.

Although he died once in the middle, Yan Yuelan's development was not greatly affected. What's more, Zhao Dingguo's delay plan is progressing steadily. They still have the initiative to maintain the three-way front as much as possible, making it difficult for the guards to find opportunities to push back. Seeing that a few minutes had passed, the immortal shield that patted the bear was about to disappear. In desperation, the members of the Zinmei team really chose to push a wave.

After all, they were unwilling to let this immortal shield disappear in vain.

Facing the advancement of the guards, Zhao Dingguo of course they are still waiting. With the exception of Yan Yuelan, who was still in the line of one person, all four others concentrated under the road tower.

It can be seen that the strength of the menacing Zinc-American team has been greatly improved compared to the beginning of the death team battle. The main patted bear has one more core equipment, the Black King Bar; the Shadow Devil seems to have a big sword, and a hidden sword is added at this moment; Panda Brewmaster probably suspects that the team's first hand is inadequate, so he made one Jump the knife. For his jump, even the Shadow Devil had to give him a line after the hidden sword was in his hand.

Repeatedly immortal elves, relying on a little accumulation, also produced a Mekansm.

However, it is not just the guards who have strengthened their strength!

Except that the immortal shield being robbed makes the natural disaster a little passive, in fact, since the war began, Zhao Dingguo has a greater advantage. At the same time as the equipment of the Zinc Team was updated, Zhao Dingguo's strengths have also been strengthened. In addition to Yan Yuelan's efforts to save money for his own glory, other people have more or less large equipment updates.

Like Lao Li.

Before that, he had the Pioneer Shield in hand, and had another half of the challenge turban and the recovery turban, which naturally turned into a flute. With this equipment, the skills of heroes such as Blue Fat and Shadow Devil are greatly reduced.

Another example is Binghun.

As the biggest beneficiary of teamfights, his net worth is also the richest. Not only is there an extra push stick, but there is also an extra 2100 ultimate orb, which is a solid step away from the artifact sheep knife.

As for the homeless swordsman, he knows his position very well and is very team-oriented. He gave up the output equipment, and also dispelled the idea of ​​a crazy mask, but bought a plate armor and a chain mail, and wanted to attack!

When the enemy has a strong physical DPS like patting a bear, giving the team a strike armor bonus is more effective than any other equipment. What's more, this piece of equipment also takes into account the output. Although the combat effectiveness of the homeless swordsman could not be significantly improved before the actual synthesis, but at least strengthened his survival rate. Protected by damage reduction skills such as Battle Cry and Bristly Back, Wandering is now very flesh.

Not to mention Zhao Dingguo, the split axe succeeded.

Before he had the ultimate orb in his hand, it was not difficult to save money for a Yasha and a scroll during this time.

Both sides have almost added a large piece, and the level has also been improved. Before the team battle, Zhao Dingguo had the upper hand, but this time is not necessarily the case. At least in the face of the bear with the immortal shield, the victory of his own side is very big. Therefore, they took the initiative to push forward and appeared very strong.

But would n’t the heroes of the Scourge have no countermeasures?

Chapter 523 is completely disrupted.

Originally, the biggest advantage of the guard is to use the big tricks of having an elf and the double jump of patting the bear and the panda wine fairy. In the face of their instant outbreak and high mobility, the Zinmei Squad has the potential to kill anyone instantly. However, a first move by Yan Yuelan interrupted the guard's jumping knife and made the panda Jiuxian the equipment that had been scooped out for a long time!

Moreover, the counterattack of natural disasters is not so easy to bear.

Zhao Dingguo's own plasma field and the Eye of the Storm were launched together, and the static field was triggered one after the other, with continuous output. Immediately afterwards, he turned on the split axe and summoned two mirrors to help kill the enemy. He was electrostatically connected to the patted bear, and he deliberately controlled the distance between the two sides to prevent the patted bear from leaving the static connection range before the skill ended.

Electrostatic connection is a skill that ignores the magic-free extraction attack ~ ~ Even if the bear is turned black and yellow, it is the same in front of Zhao Dingguo. If the attack power is greatly reduced, even if his passive skills are very useful, the output will be limited.

However, Zhao Dingguo just made sure that the electrostatic connection was still in effect. During this time, not only did he not pat the bear, but he exported it to other nearby enemies.

This was a good decision before the war.

Since the bears wanted to sell shields in order to help their teammates take damage, their own side did not follow their plan. Zhao Dingguo all avoided the patting bear and gave priority to killing other enemies. As for patting the bear, there were still some outputs in the first few seconds, but as the attack was continuously extracted, his output became increasingly weak.

This maximum output was temporarily abolished, and the battle entered the control of natural disasters.

Panda Brewmaster has big tricks, not so easy to kill. Therefore, the natural disaster will mainly put the output on the blue fat, shadow magic, and then the elves who fled with their teammates many times. Without the help of his teammates, patting the bear will restore his attack power, even if he has an immortal shield, he can only be obediently flying a kite to death! (Welcome your support, it is my greatest motivation.)

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